To committee on Ethics Reform and Government Operations.
Senate Bill 423
Relating to: library boards of public libraries established in a first class city.
Coggs and Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Colon, Fields, Zepnick, A. Williams, Toles, Richards and Cullen.
To committee on Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs.
Senate Bill 424
Relating to: regulating certain sport shooting ranges.
Kreitlow, Taylor, Plale, Lehman, Schultz, Harsdorf, Kedzie and Hansen; cosponsored by Representatives Hubler, Suder, Zigmunt and Ripp.
To committee on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and Housing.
Senate Bill 425
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for certain amounts relating to health savings accounts that may be deducted from, or are exempt from, federal income taxes.
Kreitlow, Sullivan, Vinehout, Holperin, Lehman, Plale, Taylor, Schultz and Hansen; cosponsored by Representatives Dexter, Zigmunt, Clark, Danou, Fields, Hilgenberg, Hraychuck, Hubler, Jorgensen, Molepske Jr., Pasch, Smith, Soletski, Staskunas, Turner, A. Williams and Ziegelbauer.
To committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
Senate Bill 426
Relating to: the format and fees for obtaining copies of public records.
Kreitlow, Taylor and Lehman; cosponsored by Representatives Dexter, Clark, Berceau, A. Williams and Petersen.
To committee on Ethics Reform and Government Operations.
Senate Bill 427
Relating to: expanding the types of governmental units that may participate in a joint local governmental self-insured health insurance plan.
Kreitlow, Coggs and Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Dexter, Hilgenberg, Ballweg and Petrowski.
To committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue.
Senate Bill 428
Relating to: seasonal weight limitations for certain vehicles transporting agricultural crops.
Kreitlow, Taylor, Erpenbach, Schultz, Harsdorf and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Petrowski, Smith, Clark, Gunderson, Suder, Ripp, Townsend, M. Williams, Tauchen and Ballweg.
To committee on Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources.
Senate Bill 429
Relating to: establishing a presumption for employment-connected communicable diseases for fire fighters, emergency medical service providers, law enforcement officers, and certain correctional employees.
Sullivan, Coggs, Wirch, Lehman, Robson, Hansen and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives Sinicki, Berceau, Vruwink, Danou, Milroy, Hraychuck, Bies, Mason, Pocan, Van Roy, A. Ott, Friske, Steinbrink, Bernard Schaber, Seidel, Young, Zepnick, Parisi, Sherman and Turner.
To joint survey committee on Retirement Systems.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
December 15
, 2009
The Honorable, the Legislature:
Bill Number Act Number
Publication Date
Senate Bill 204Act
December 28
, 2009
Senate Bill 41Act
December 28
, 2009
Senate Bill 278Act
December 28
, 2009
Secretary of State
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries dated Wednesday, December 16
, 2009.
Read and referred:
Senate Resolution 8
Relating to: urging and authorizing the attorney general to pursue every legal means available to prevent Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes.
Miller, Plale, Wirch, Cowles, Lehman, Robson, Olsen, Lazich, Carpenter and Hansen.
To committee on Senate Organization.
Read first time and referred:
Senate Bill 430
Relating to: collective bargaining over health care coverage for municipal employees, allowing municipal employers to change health care coverage plan providers, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Darling, Grothman, Lazich and A. Lasee; cosponsored by Representatives Vukmir, J. Ott, Kramer, LeMahieu, Strachota, Murtha, Bies, Zipperer, Vos, Townsend, Kaufert, Gunderson and Honadel.
To committee on Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs.
Senate Bill 431
Relating to: the use of the terms college, university, state, and Wisconsin in the name of a school; the issuing, manufacture, or use of a false academic credential; the false use of a legitimate academic credential; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty.
Risser, Vinehout and Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Hixson, Danou, Townsend, A. Williams, Benedict and Parisi.
To committee on Agriculture and Higher Education.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Hintz withdrawn as a cosponsor of
Senate Bill
The committee on Economic Development reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 409
Relating to: a postsecondary education tax credit for businesses; increasing annual limits on angel investment tax credits; awarding grants to the WiSys Technology Foundation, Inc.; business plan competitions and an emerging technology center in the University of Wisconsin System; rural outsourcing grants; requiring the Department of Commerce to award grants to a high-technology business development corporation and grants for converting manufacturing facilities; increasing funding for certain economic development programs; a pilot program providing microloans for the creation of new businesses; increasing funding for certain technical college training program grants; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
Introduction of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Lassa, Lehman, Vinehout, Kreitlow, Kanavas, Darling and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Lassa, Lehman, Vinehout, Kreitlow, Kanavas, Darling and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 7 - Senators
Lassa, Lehman, Vinehout, Kreitlow, Kanavas, Darling and Leibham.
Noes, 0 - None.
Julie Lassa
The committee on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and Housing reports and recommends:
Moessner, Jeffrey,
of Eau Claire, as a member of the Council on Domestic Abuse, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2011.
Ayes, 4 - Senators
Taylor, Sullivan, Erpenbach and Grothman.
Noes, 1 - Senator
Senate Bill 375
Relating to: the exchange of electronic records contained in the Consolidated Court Automation Program and in the Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System between the director of state courts and the Department of Children and Families and providing a penalty.
Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1.
Ayes, 4 - Senators
Taylor, Sullivan, Erpenbach and Hopper.
Noes, 1 - Senator
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators
Taylor, Sullivan, Erpenbach, Grothman and Hopper.
Noes, 0 - None.
Lena Taylor