2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
September 25, 2009 - Introduced by Representatives Jorgensen, Fields, Zepnick,
Colon, Pope-Roberts, Schneider, Benedict
and Berceau, cosponsored by
Senator Lehman. Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions.
AB447,1,3 1An Act to create 138.09 (8) (f) and 138.14 of the statutes; relating to: payday
2loan providers, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures,
3granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, a lender other than a bank, savings bank, savings and loan
association, or credit union generally must obtain a license from the Division of
Banking in the Department of Financial Institutions (division) to assess a finance
charge greater than 18 percent per year. This type of lender is generally referred to
as a "licensed lender."
This bill creates certain requirements applicable to payday loan transactions.
Under the bill, a "payday loan provider" is a licensed lender that makes payday loans.
A "payday loan" is a transaction between an individual with an account at a financial
establishment and the payday loan provider in which the provider agrees to either:
1) accept from the individual a check, hold the check for at least three days before
negotiating it, and before negotiating the check pay the individual an agreed
amount; or 2) accept the individual's authorization to initiate an electronic fund
transfer (EFT) from the individual's account, wait for at least three days before
initiating the EFT, and before initiating the EFT pay the individual an agreed
amount. The bill requires a payday loan provider, at least 15 minutes before entering
into a payday loan with an applicant, to: 1) disclose to the applicant the total amount
of all fees and costs, in dollars, and the annual percentage rate (APR), to be paid by
the applicant assuming that the loan is paid in full at the end of the loan term; 2)

provide to the applicant a copy of certain written informational materials, described
below, developed by the division; and 3) disclose to the applicant that he or she has
the right to rescind the payday loan transaction by the end of the business day after
the loan is made. The payday loan provider must retain, for at least three years after
the origination date of the payday loan, a record of compliance with these
The bill also imposes certain restrictions on payday loans. A payday loan may
not accrue interest after the loan maturity date and may not include any penalty
arising from the customer's default or late payment except that a payday loan
provider may charge a fee not to exceed $15 if the customer's payment method is
dishonored for insufficient funds. A payday loan provider may present a customer's
check for payment, or initiate an EFT from the customer's account, only two times
and the second time only if certain conditions are satisfied. A payday loan provider
may not accept from a customer a check or authorization to initiate an EFT if the
amount of the check or authorization exceeds the principal amount of the payday
loan plus the finance charge on the payday loan. A payday loan provider may not
rollover a payday loan unless the customer enters into a new payday loan
transaction, including issuing a new check or executing a new authorization to
initiate an electronic fund transfer. In addition, a customer has a right to rescind a
payday loan, without incurring any fee, by returning the payday loan proceeds to the
payday loan provider by the close of business on the next business day after the
payday loan is made.
The bill requires the division to develop written informational materials,
designed to educate, on payday loans and the payday loan industry. These
informational materials must include: 1) a clear and conspicuous notice to payday
loan applicants containing specified information; 2) certain aggregated information
from reports submitted to the division by payday loan providers; and 3) a summary
of actions that the payday loan provider may take against a payday loan customer
if the customer defaults on the loan or the customer's payment method is dishonored
for insufficient funds.
The bill also requires each payday loan provider to report annually to the
division and pay a report filing fee. The report covers the payday loan provider's
business in the preceding calendar year and must include information required by
the division. The report must also contain specified information, aggregated for all
customers, including: 1) the number of payday loans originated, the number of
payday loans rolled over, and the average number of times a rolled-over payday loan
was rolled over; 2) the average total fees and costs, and average APR, for all payday
loans of the payday loan provider, categorized by loans that were not rolled over and
loans that were rolled over; 3) the number of payday loans resulting in the customer's
default; and 4) the number of payday loans on which the customer's payment method
was dishonored for insufficient funds. The bill defines "rollover" or "rolled over" as
the refinancing, renewal, amendment, or extension of a payday loan beyond its
original maturity date, including the consolidation of payday loans and any
transaction in which a payday loan is repaid with the proceeds of another payday
loan made by the same payday loan provider.

Under the bill, a payday loan provider that violates these disclosure or
reporting requirements may be required to forfeit not more than $200. The bill also
requires the division to promulgate rules and prescribe forms related to the
provisions of the bill.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB447, s. 1 1Section 1. 138.09 (8) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB447,3,32 138.09 (8) (f) When making a payday loan, as defined in s. 138.14 (1) (g), comply
3with s. 138.14 (2), (3), (5), and (6) and rules promulgated under s. 138.14 (8).
AB447, s. 2 4Section 2. 138.14 of the statutes is created to read:
AB447,3,5 5138.14 Payday loan providers. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB447,3,66 (a) "Applicant" means an individual who seeks to obtain a payday loan.
AB447,3,77 (b) "Check" has the meaning given in s. 403.104 (6).
AB447,3,98 (c) "Customer" means an individual who enters into a payday loan with a
9payday loan provider.
AB447,3,1110 (d) "Division" means the division of banking in the department of financial
AB447,3,1412 (e) "Financial establishment" means any organization that is authorized to do
13business under state or federal law and that holds a demand deposit, savings deposit,
14or other asset account belonging to an individual.
AB447,3,1515 (f) "Organization" has the meaning given in s. 19.42 (11).
AB447,3,1616 (g) "Payday loan" means any of the following:
AB447,4,317 1. A transaction between an individual with an account at a financial
18establishment and another person, in which the person agrees to accept from the
19individual a check, to hold the check for at least 3 days before negotiating or

1presenting the check for payment, and to pay to the individual, at any time before
2negotiating or presenting the check for payment, an amount that is agreed to by the
AB447,4,94 2. A transaction between an individual with an account at a financial
5establishment and another person, in which the person agrees to accept the
6individual's authorization to initiate an electronic fund transfer from the account, to
7wait for at least 3 days before initiating the electronic fund transfer, and to pay to
8the individual, at any time before initiating the electronic fund transfer, an amount
9that is agreed to by the individual.
AB447,4,1110 (h) "Payday loan provider" means a person who is required to be licensed under
11s. 138.09 and who makes payday loans.
AB447,4,1612 (i) "Rollover" or "rolled over" means the refinancing, renewal, amendment, or
13extension of a payday loan beyond its original date of maturity. "Rollover" or "rolled
14over" includes the consolidation of payday loans and any transaction in which a
15payday loan is repaid with the proceeds of another payday loan made by the same
16payday loan provider.
AB447,4,19 17(2) Disclosure requirements. (a) Not less than 15 minutes before any payday
18loan provider enters into a payday loan with an applicant, the payday loan provider
19shall do all of the following:
AB447,4,2220 1. Disclose to the applicant the total amount of all fees and costs, in dollars, to
21be paid by the applicant for the loan assuming that the loan is paid in full at the end
22of the loan term.
AB447,4,2423 2. Disclose to the applicant the annual percentage rate to be paid by the
24applicant on the loan assuming that the loan is paid in full at the end of the loan term.
13. Provide to the applicant a copy of the written informational materials
2specified in sub. (4).
AB447,5,43 4. Disclose to the applicant that he or she has the right to rescind the loan
4transaction as provided in sub. (6).
AB447,5,65 (b) A payday loan provider shall retain, for at least 3 years after the origination
6date of any payday loan, a record of compliance with par. (a) with respect to the loan.
AB447,5,9 7(3) Loan restrictions. (a) No payday loan provider may require the payment
8of any interest on a payday loan that accrues after the maturity date of the payday
AB447,5,1210 (b) Except as provided in pars. (e) and (f), no payday loan provider may impose
11any penalty on a customer arising from the customer's default or late payment on a
12payday loan.
AB447,5,1613 (c) No payday loan provider may accept from a customer a check or
14authorization to initiate an electronic fund transfer if the amount of the check or
15authorization exceeds the principal amount of the payday loan plus the finance
16charge on the payday loan.
AB447,5,2017 (d) A payday loan provider may not rollover a payday loan unless the customer
18enters into a new payday loan transaction with the payday loan provider, including
19issuing a new check or executing a new authorization to initiate an electronic fund
AB447,6,221 (e) A payday loan provider may present a customer's check for payment no more
22than 2 times. The payday loan provider may make a second presentment of the check
23only if at least 3 business days have elapsed since the first presentment and the
24payday loan provider has made a good faith effort to contact the customer since the

1first presentment. The only charge the payday loan provider may impose for
2dishonor of the customer's check is that specified in s. 422.202 (1) (d).
AB447,6,113 (f) For each customer authorization to initiate an electronic fund transfer from
4the customer's account, a payday loan provider may initiate an electronic fund
5transfer no more than 2 times. The payday loan provider may initiate an electronic
6fund transfer a second time only if at least 3 business days have elapsed since the
7payday loan provider initiated an electronic fund transfer the first time and the
8payday loan provider has made a good faith effort to contact the customer since the
9payday loan provider initiated an electronic fund transfer the first time. The only
10charge the payday loan provider may impose if its instruction to execute an electronic
11fund transfer is denied is a charge equivalent to that specified in s. 422.202 (1) (d).
AB447,6,16 12(4) Informational materials. (a) The division shall develop written
13informational materials on payday loans and the payday loan industry. These
14informational materials shall be designed to educate individuals regarding the
15operation and potential costs of payday loans and of other options for borrowing
16funds that may be available.
AB447,6,1817 (b) The informational materials under par. (a) shall include a clear and
18conspicuous notice containing all of the following:
AB447,6,1919 1. A payday loan is not intended to meet long-term financial needs.
AB447,6,2120 2. A payday loan applicant should use a payday loan only to provide funds in
21a financial emergency.
AB447,6,2322 3. A payday loan applicant will be required to pay additional interest if a
23payday loan is refinanced rather than paid in full when due.
AB447,6,2524 4. Refinancing a payday loan or entering into consecutive payday loans to pay
25an existing payday loan may cause financial hardship for the applicant.
15. An example of the cost to the applicant if the applicant pays the payday loan
2in full at the end of the loan term in comparison to the cost to the applicant if the
3applicant pays the payday loan in full after financing the amount of the payday loan
4at the end of the loan term 3 consecutive times.
AB447,7,75 (c) The informational materials under par. (a) shall include all of the following
6information, based upon aggregated information from reports submitted under sub.
7(5) for the most recent reporting period:
AB447,7,98 1. The average annual percentage rate for payday loans, not including any
9rollover of the loans.
AB447,7,1110 2. The average annual percentage rate for payday loans, including loan
AB447,7,1312 3. The percentage of customers originating payday loans who defaulted on the
13original loan or a rollover loan.
AB447,7,1514 4. The percentage of customers originating payday loans whose payment
15method was dishonored or denied for insufficient funds.
AB447,7,2016 (d) The informational materials under par. (a) shall include a summary of all
17actions that the payday loan provider may take against a payday loan customer,
18including all fees and costs that may be assessed, if the customer defaults on the
19payday loan or if the customer's check or electronic fund transfer is dishonored or
20denied for insufficient funds.
AB447,7,2221 (e) The division shall annually update the informational materials under par.
22(a), based upon the division's analysis of reports received under sub. (5).
AB447,8,323 (f) The division shall make copies of the informational materials under par. (a)
24available, upon request, to payday loan providers and to the public, including
25making these informational materials available on the Internet Web site of the

1department of financial institutions. The division may charge payday loan providers
2a reasonable fee for printed copies of informational materials supplied under this
AB447,8,16 4(5) Reporting and record keeping. (a) On or before March 15 of each year,
5every payday loan provider shall make an annual report to the division and shall pay
6any reasonable filing fee imposed by the division. The report shall cover business
7relating to payday loans made by the payday loan provider during the preceding
8calendar year and shall include any relevant information required by the division.
9The report shall be made upon forms prescribed by the division and shall be signed
10and verified by the oath or affirmation of the payday loan provider if an individual,
11one of the partners if a partnership, a member or manager if a limited liability
12company, or an officer of the corporation or association if a corporation or association.
13A payday loan provider may include the information required to be reported under
14this subsection in the payday loan provider's report under s. 138.09 (3) (f), if the
15information required under this subsection is stated separately in the report from
16information relating to the payday loan provider's other business.
AB447,8,1817 (b) The division shall require that the report under par. (a) include, for the
18applicable reporting period, all of the following aggregated information:
AB447,8,1919 1. The number of payday loans originated by the payday loan provider.
AB447,8,2220 2. The average of the total amount of all fees and costs, in dollars, and the
21average loan term, for all payday loans of the payday loan provider, not including any
22rollover of the loans.
AB447,8,2523 3. Based upon the information specified in subd. 2., the average annual
24percentage rate for all payday loans of the payday loan provider, not including any
25rollover of the loans.
14. The number of payday loans originated by the payday loan provider that
2were rolled over and, of those payday loans rolled over, the average number of times
3these payday loans were rolled over.
AB447,9,64 5. The average of the total amount of all fees and costs, in dollars, and the
5average loan term, for all payday loans of the payday loan provider, including any
6rollover of the loans.
AB447,9,97 6. Based upon the information specified in subd. 5., the average annual
8percentage rate for all payday loans of the payday loan provider, including any
9rollover of the loans.
AB447,9,1110 7. The number of payday loans originated by the payday loan provider that
11resulted in default on the loan by the customer.
AB447,9,1712 8. The number of payday loans originated by the payday loan provider on which
13the customer's payment method was dishonored or denied because the customer's
14check was drawn on, or the customer's authorization to initiate an electronic fund
15transfer was from, an account at a financial establishment containing insufficient
16funds when the check was presented for payment or the electronic fund transfer was
AB447,9,22 18(6) Rescission. A customer may rescind a payday loan, before the close of
19business on the next day of business after the loan is made, by returning to the
20payday loan provider the proceeds of the payday loan. The payday loan provider may
21not charge the customer any fee for rescinding the payday loan as provided in this
AB447,9,24 23(7) Penalty. Notwithstanding s. 138.09 (8) (f) and (10), any person who violates
24sub. (2), (3), (5), or (6) may be required to forfeit not more than $200.
1(8) Rules. The division shall promulgate rules necessary to implement,
2administer, and enforce this section, including prescribing the form and content of
3any report required under sub. (5) and the method of, and fee for, filing such a report.
AB447, s. 3 4Section 3 . Nonstatutory provisions.
AB447,10,65 (1) In this Section, "division" means the division of banking in the department
6of financial institutions.
AB447,10,107 (2) The division shall submit in proposed form the rules required under section
8138.14 (8) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under
9section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 6th month
10beginning after the effective date of this subsection.