2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
November 10, 2009 - Introduced by Law Revision Committee. Referred to
Committee on Rules.
AB570,1,3 1An Act relating to: amending and revising various provisions of the statutes for
2the purpose of correcting errors and eliminating defects, anachronisms,
3conflicts, and ambiguities (Correction Bill).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This correction bill, prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau under s.
13.92 (1) (bm) 1. and (2) (L), stats., is explained in the Notes in the body of the bill.
In accordance with current drafting style, commas before the last item in a series are
added throughout this bill. "Which" is replaced by "that" where grammatically
correct. This bill is not intended to make any substantive changes.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB570, s. 1 4Section 1. 14.47 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,2,4 514.47 Cashier in secretary of state's office bonded. The cashier and
6assistant cashiers in the office of the secretary of state shall give bonds to the
7secretary of state in such sum and with such conditions as the secretary of state may
8prescribe, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties. Said Those bonds

1shall be furnished by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, and
2the cost thereof shall of those bonds may not exceed one-fourth of one per cent
3percent per year on the amount of said the bond or obligation by said the surety
4executed and shall be payable from the appropriation to the secretary of state.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent," specific references, and a necessary
AB570, s. 2 5Section 2. 18.05 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,2,76 18.05 (1) (a) Three-fourths of one per cent percent of the aggregate value of all
7taxable property in the state; or
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 3 8Section 3. 18.05 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,2,109 18.05 (1) (b) (intro.) Five per cent percent of the aggregate value of all taxable
10property in the state less the sum of:
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 4 11Section 4. 20.485 (1) (gd) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,2,1512 20.485 (1) (gd) Veterans home cemetery operations. All moneys received from
13the estate of the decedents under s. 45.61 (5) for the burial of veterans and
14non-veterans in a Wisconsin veterans cemetery under s. 45.61 (1), to be used for that
Note: Inserts missing "s." The change is printed in the 2007-08 statutes.
AB570, s. 5 16Section 5. 24.32 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,2,2017 24.32 (2) (a) 2. Depositing with the secretary of administration, for the use of
18the purchaser at the resale of the forfeited tract the amount paid by the the resale
19purchaser for the tract, together with 25% 25 percent of the amount of the taxes,
20interest, and costs, in addition to the purchase price.
Note: Deletes repeated word and replaces percent symbol consistent with current
style. The repeated "the" is not printed in the 2007-08 statutes.
AB570, s. 6
1Section 6. 24.37 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,3,7 224.37 Ejectment. If any person holds or continues in possession of any public
3lands without written permission from the board, or contrary to the conditions or
4covenants of any lease or written agreement, or after the lands have been forfeited
5to the state, that person shall be liable to an action by the state or any purchaser from
6the state for an unlawful detainer or other proper action to recover possession of the
7lands and for damages for the detention of the the lands.
Note: Deletes repeated word. The change is printed in the 2007-08 statutes.
AB570, s. 7 8Section 7. 26.12 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,3,149 26.12 (4) County cooperation. Each county included wholly or partially in a
10forest protection area may appoint a committee to cooperate with the department
11and to consider all matters relating to fire prevention, detection , and suppression in
12the county, including the payment of fire fighters, the purchase of fire-fighting fire
equipment, and all matters or details relating to or arising from the
14prevention, detection, and suppression of forest fires.
Note: Makes spelling consistent with other statutes.
AB570, s. 8 15Section 8. 35.84 (figure) line 78. (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,3,1616 35.84 (figure)
AB570,3,1717 78. (title) Each county highway commission commissioner
Note: Prior to the repeal and recreation of s. 35.84 table by 1985 Act 29, the s. 35.84
table contained a line for county highway commissioners. The table as repealed and
recreated contained a line for county highway commissions. There is no provision in the
statutes, nor was there one in 1985, for county highway commissions. It appears the
change from commissioners to commissions was unintended.
AB570, s. 9 18Section 9. 49.45 (6c) (a) 6m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,3,2019 49.45 (6c) (a) 6m. "Intermediate facility" has the meaning given in s. 46.279
20(1) (a) (b).

Note: Corrects cross-reference. "Intermediate facility" is defined in s. 46.279 (1)
AB570, s. 10 1Section 10. 62.071 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,4,52 62.071 (4) If the vote at the school district referendum is negative, the
3annexation proceedings on the original petition may continue in the same manner
4as if less than 20 per cent percent of the district had been involved in the original
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 11 6Section 11. 62.15 (1a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,4,167 62.15 (1a) Escalator clauses. Contracts may include escalator clauses
8providing for additional charges for labor and materials if as a result of general
9inflation the rates and prices of the same to the contractor increase during
10performance of the contract. Such escalator provision shall be applicable to all
11bidders and shall not exceed 15 per cent percent of the amount of the firm bid nor the
12amount of the increase paid by the contractor. Each bid on a contract which that is
13to include an escalator provision shall be accompanied by a schedule enumerating
14the estimated rates and prices of items of labor and materials used in arriving at the
15bid. Only as to such items as are enumerated shall an increased charge be allowed
16the contractor.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 12 17Section 12. 62.15 (1c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,4,2018 62.15 (1c) Increased quantity clauses. Contracts may include clauses
19providing for increasing the quantity of construction required in the original contract
20by an amount not to exceed 15 per cent percent of the original contract price.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 13 21Section 13. 62.15 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
162.15 (4m) Substantial compliance. If any certified check or bid bond is in
2substantial compliance with the minimum guaranty requirements of subs. (3) or (4),
3the letting authority may, in its discretion, accept such check or bid bond and allow
4such bidder 30 days to furnish such additional guaranty as may be required by said
5authority. Substantial compliance hereunder may be found if said check or bond is
6insufficient by not more than one-fourth of one per cent percent of the bid.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 14 7Section 14. 64.31 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,5,118 64.31 (4) The council may at any regular meeting increase or decrease the
9salary of the members of the council, including the mayor, by an amount not to exceed
1020 per cent percent of the salary established prior to the commencement of the term
11to which such increase or decrease is applicable.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 15 12Section 15. 65.90 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,5,2213 65.90 (5) (b) A county board may authorize its standing finance committee to
14transfer funds between budgeted items of an individual county office or department,
15if such budgeted items have been separately appropriated, and to supplement the
16appropriations for a particular office, department, or activity by transfers from the
17contingent fund. Such committee transfers shall not exceed the amount set up in the
18contingent fund as adopted in the annual budget, nor aggregate in the case of an
19individual office, department, or activity in excess of 10 per cent percent of the funds
20originally provided for such office, department, or activity in such annual budget.
21The publication provisions of par. (a) shall apply to all committee transfers from the
22contingent fund.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 16
1Section 16. 66.0309 (14) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,6,142 66.0309 (14) (a) For the purpose of providing funds to meet the expenses of a
3regional planning commission, the commission shall annually on or before October
41 prepare and approve a budget reflecting the cost of its operation and services to the
5local governmental units within the region. The amount of the budget charged to any
6local governmental unit shall be in the proportion of the equalized value for tax
7purposes of the land, buildings, and other improvements on the land of the local
8governmental unit, within the region, to the total equalized value within the region.
9The amount charged to a local governmental unit shall not exceed .003 per cent
10percent of equalized value under its jurisdiction and within the region, unless the
11governing body of the unit expressly approves the amount in excess of that
12percentage. All tax or other revenues raised for a regional planning commission shall
13be forwarded by the treasurer of the local unit to the treasurer of the commission on
14written order of the treasurer of the commission.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 17 15Section 17. 70.105 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,7,216 70.105 (3) (f) The land acquired by the owner and for which an assessment
17freeze is sought shall not be less than 30,000 square feet in area or in the alternative,
18the improvements or structures located on the land shall not be less than 200,000
19cubic feet in volume. The period of the assessment freeze shall not exceed 5 years
20from the year in which it is first granted. The maximum amount of the assessment
21freeze allowed shall not be greater than 50 per cent percent of the assessment of the
22property acquired and for which an assessment freeze is sought which that would
23have been made by the assessor or the commissioner of taxation, as the case may be,
24had no assessment freeze been granted. In no event shall the assessment under such

1assessment freeze be less than the amount of the assessment of the property
2conveyed under threat of condemnation or by condemnation.
Note: Inserts preferred spelling for "percent."
AB570, s. 18 3Section 18. 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,7,74 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. "Other," as it relates to par. (a) 7., means buildings and
5improvements; including any residence for the farm operator's spouse, children,
6parents, or grandparents; and the land necessary for the location and convenience
7of those building buildings and improvements.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB570, s. 19 8Section 19. 70.82 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB570,7,23 970.82 Review of claims; payment. The statements and vouchers mentioned
10in s. 70.81 shall be promptly transmitted by the supervisor of equalization to the
11department of revenue, which shall have authority to review the same statements
12and vouchers
and determine the number of days to be allowed. After such review and
13determination and after procuring any needed corrections therein said department
14shall endorse their approval of such statements and file the same and such vouchers
15in the office of the department of administration. Such claims shall thereupon be
16audited by the department of administration and paid out of the state treasury in like
17manner that other claims against the state are audited and paid. The amount so paid
18shall constitute an indebtedness of the district in which such reassessment was made
19to the state of Wisconsin, and such indebtedness with interest thereon at 6 per cent
20percent per year shall be a special charge upon such district to be certified to and
21collected from such district in the then next levy and certification of state taxes and
22special charges, in like manner that other indebtedness of cities, towns, and villages
23to the state are certified and collected.