Note: The stricken "255.35" was inserted by 2007 Wis. Act 130 but was rendered
surplusage by the treatment by 2007 Wis. Act 109.
AB573, s. 137 13Section 137. 251.20 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB573,53,1714 251.20 (3) Additional required services for Level II and Level III local health
15departments under s. 251.05 (2) (b) and (c), including services that DHFS the
16department of health services
determines appropriately address objectives or
17services specified in the most recent public health agenda t under s. 250.07 (1) (a).
Note: A letter was inadvertently not stricken by 2005 Wis. Act 198. The "t" is not
printed in the 2007-08 Statutes. Consistent with current style, a department
abbreviation is replaced with the current department name.
AB573, s. 138 18Section 138. The treatment of 253.15 (8) of the statutes by 2007 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2007 Wisconsin Act 96. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, effective 7-1-08, s. 253.15 (8) reads:
(8) Identification of shaken or impacted babies. The department of health
services shall identify all infants and young children who have shaken baby syndrome

or who are impacted babies and all infants and young children who have died as a result
of being shaken or thrown by using the statewide automated child welfare information
system established under s. 48.47 (7g) and child fatality information compiled by the
department of justice. For each infant or young child so identified, the department of
health services shall document the age, sex, and other characteristics of the infant or
young child that are relevant to the prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted
babies and, if known, the age, sex, employment status, and residence of the person who
shook or threw the infant or young child, the relationship of that person to the infant or
young child, and any other characteristics of that person that are relevant to the
prevention of shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies.
AB573, s. 139 1Section 139. 254.47 (6) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act 104,
2is amended to read:
AB573,54,93 254.47 (6) Before serving as a lifeguard at a public swimming pool or a
4recreational and educational camp or as an on-site health services staff member at
5a recreational and educational camp, an individual shall have proficiency in the use
6of an automated external defibrillator, as defined in s. 146.50 256.15 (1) (cr), achieved
7through instruction provided by an individual, organization, or institution of higher
8education achieved through instruction approved under s. 46.03 (38) to provide such
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 146.50 (1) (cr) was renumbered s. 256.15
(1) (cr) by 2007 Wis. Act 130.
AB573, s. 140 10Section 140. 254.59 (7) (title) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.
Note: No other subsections in s. 254.59 have titles.
AB573, s. 141 12Section 141. 281.344 (1) (wp) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin
13Act 227
, is amended to read:
AB573,54,1614 281.344 (1) (wp) 2. For a system for providing a public water supply, the
15equipment from the point of intake of the water to the first point at which the water
16is distributed.
Note: Inserts "the" consistent with s. 281.344 (1) (wp) 1.
AB573, s. 142
1Section 142. 281.346 (1) (wp) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin
2Act 227
, is amended to read:
AB573,55,53 281.346 (1) (wp) 2. For a system for providing a public water supply, the
4equipment from the point of intake of the water to the first point at which the water
5is distributed.
Note: Inserts "the" consistent with s. 281.346 (1) (wp) 1.
AB573, s. 143 6Section 143. 281.346 (5e) (c) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin
7Act 28
, is amended to read:
AB573,55,188 281.346 (5e) (c) 2. Beginning on December 8, 2011, except as provided in subd.
93., the department may not approve a water supply service area plan under s.
10281.348 that provides for increasing, before December 8, 2021, the amount of a
11withdrawal that is covered under an individual permit issued under s. sub. (5) if after
12the increase the withdrawal would equal 10,000,000 or more gallons per day for any
1330 consecutive days over the baseline, or, if the department issued a modified permit
14for the withdrawal and the modification was subject to the compact decision-making
15standard under sub. (6), the withdrawal would equal 10,000,000 gallons per day for
16any 30 consecutive days over the withdrawal amount as of the date that the
17department issued that modified permit, unless the increased withdrawal meets the
18compact decision-making standard under sub. (6).
Note: Deletes unnecessary "s." The change was printed in the 2007-08 Statutes
and is confirmed here.
AB573, s. 144 19Section 144. 281.346 (9) (d) 1. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin
20Act 227
, is amended to read:
AB573,56,821 281.346 (9) (d) 1. The department shall provide an opportunity for any
22interested person or group of persons, any affected local governmental unit, or any
23state agency to request a public hearing with respect to a proposal for which the

1department receives an application under to which par. (b) 1. applies or on a proposed
2general permit under sub. (4s) (a). A request for a public hearing shall be filed with
3the department within 30 days after the department gives notice under par. (b). The
4party filing a request for a public hearing shall indicate the interest of the party and
5the reasons why a hearing is warranted. The department shall hold a public hearing
6on a proposal for which the department receives an application to which par. (b) 1.
7applies or on a proposed general permit under sub. (4s) (a) if the department
8determines that there is a significant public interest in holding a hearing.
Note: Deletes unnecessary word.
AB573, s. 145 9Section 145. 281.346 (11) (a) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin
10Act 227
, is amended to read:
AB573,56,1311 281.346 (11) (a) 2. The department shall create the water resources inventory
12under subd. 1. no later than June 1, 2014, or the first day of the 60th month beginning
13after the compact's effective date, whichever is later.
Note: Inserts missing comma.
AB573, s. 146 14Section 146. 281.35 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB573,56,1615 281.35 (1) (d) "Great Lakes basin" means the watershed of the Great Lakes and
16the St. Lawrence River upstream from Trois Rivieres Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB573, s. 147 17Section 147. 281.35 (4) (a) 4. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB573,56,2119 281.35 (4) (a) 4. A person to whom a permit under s. 281.244 281.344 (5) or
20281.346 (5) has been issued or who is required to obtain a permit under one of those
21provisions before beginning or increasing a withdrawal.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. There is no s. 281.244.
AB573, s. 148 22Section 148. 281.35 (5) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1281.35 (5) (d) 2. That the proposed withdrawal does not conflict with any
2applicable plan for future uses of the waters of the state, including plans developed
3under ss. 281.12 (1) and 283.83 and any water quantity resources plan prepared
4under sub. (8)
Note: Section 281.35 (8) was repealed by 2007 Wis. Act 227.
AB573, s. 149 5Section 149. 281.48 (5p) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB573,57,66 281.48 (5p) (title) Limit on local regulation.
Note: The remaining subsections in s. 281.48 have titles.
AB573, s. 150 7Section 150. 281.49 (10) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB573,57,88 281.49 (10) (title) Septage disposal fees.
Note: The remaining subsections in s. 281.49 have titles.
AB573, s. 151 9Section 151. 281.69 (1b) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB573,57,1010 281.69 (1b) (ag) In this section, "lake" "Lake" includes a flowage.
Note: Deletes language repeated from s. 281.69 (1b) (intro.).
AB573, s. 152 11Section 152. 285.48 (4) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB573,57,1513 285.48 (4) (b) The implementation of low-income weatherization and energy
14conservation measures, including programs established under s. 16.957 (2) (a) or (b)
15or programs under s. 196.374.
Note: Section 16.957 (2) (b) was repealed eff. 7-1-07 by 2005 Wis. Act 141.
AB573, s. 153 16Section 153. The treatment of 301.45 (1d) (b) of the statutes by 2007 Wisconsin
17Act 80
is not repealed by 2007 Wisconsin Act 116. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau s. 301.45 (1d) (b) reads:
(b) "Sex offense" means a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to
commit a violation, of s. 940.22 (2), 940.225 (1), (2) or (3), 944.06, 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025,
948.05, 948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.07 (1) to (4), 948.075, 948.08, 948.085, 948.095,
948.11 (2) (a) or (am), 948.12, 948.13, or 948.30, of s. 940.302 (2) if s. 940.302 (2) (a) 1. b.
applies, or of s. 940.30 or 940.31 if the victim was a minor and the person who committed
the violation was not the victim's parent.
AB573, s. 154
1Section 154. 301.46 (4) (a) 10m. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin
2Act 20
, is amended to read:
AB573,58,33 301.46 (4) (a) 10m. The department of children and families.
Note: Inserts missing word.
AB573, s. 155 4Section 155. 301.48 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Acts
and 96, is amended to read:
AB573,58,86 301.48 (2) (b) 2. A court discharges the person under s. 980.10, 2003 stats. or
7s. 980.09 (4). This subdivision does not apply if the person was on supervised release
8immediately before being discharged.
Note: 2007 Wis. Act 20 deleted the cross-reference to s. 980.10 from this provision.
2007 Wis. Act 96, a correction bill, changed the location of the cross-reference within the
provision to conform to current style and allow for proper electronic linking but without
taking the treatment of Act 20 into account and without intending to recreate a deleted
AB573, s. 156 9Section 156. The treatment of 301.48 (3) (c) of the statutes by 2007 Wisconsin
10Act 20
is not repealed by 2007 Wisconsin Act 96. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, s. 301.48 (3) (c) reads:
(c) For each person who is subject to global positioning system tracking under this
section, the department shall create individualized exclusion and inclusion zones for the
person, if necessary to protect public safety. In creating exclusion zones, the department
shall focus on areas where children congregate, with perimeters of 100 to 250 feet, and
on areas where the person has been prohibited from going as a condition of probation,
extended supervision, parole, conditional release, supervised release, or lifetime
supervision. In creating inclusion zones for a person on supervised release, the
department shall consider s. 980.08 (9).
AB573, s. 157 11Section 157. 321.40 (5) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB573,59,213 321.40 (5) (b) If the U.S. congress establishes an active draft after July 1, 1977,
14no new tuition grants may be authorized under this section. The department shall
15determine if an active draft has been established. Any termination of the tuition
16grant program under this paragraph shall allow persons receiving grants prior to the

1establishment of an active draft to receive full benefits subject to sub. (4) (3) (d) and
2par. (a).
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 321.40 (4) (d). 2007 Wis. Act 200
renumbered s. 21.49 (3) to s. 321.40 (3), and renumbered s. 21.49 (4) to s. 321.40 (5) but
changed the cross-reference to "sub. (3) (d)" in s. 21.49 (4) (b) to "sub. (4) (d)" in s. 321.40
(5) (b).
AB573, s. 158 3Section 158. 321.40 (6) (d) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is renumbered 321.40 (5) (d).
Note: There are no other paragraphs in s. 321.40 (6). Section 321.40 (5) lists
limitations on tuition grants and s. 321.40 (6) (d) is also a limitation on tuition grants.
AB573, s. 159 5Section 159. 322.0587 (4) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB573,59,117 322.0587 (4) If the sentence of a member who forfeits pay and allowances under
8sub. (1) is set aside or disapproved or, as finally approved, does not provide for a
9punishment referred to in sub. (1) (b) (2), the member shall be paid the pay and
10allowances that the member would have been paid, except for the forfeiture, for the
11period during which the forfeiture was in effect.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 322.0587 (1) (b). Punishments are
under s. 322.0587 (2).
AB573, s. 160 12Section 160. 322.0767 (1) (c) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB573,60,314 322.0767 (1) (c) Upon receiving a report under s. 971.17 971.14 (5) (b), the
15court-martial shall make a determination as to whether the person has become
16competent. If the court-martial determines that the defendant has become
17competent, the court-martial shall terminate the commitment to the department of
18health services and resume the general court-martial. If the court-martial
19determines that the person is making sufficient progress toward becoming
20competent, the commitment shall continue. If the court-martial determines that the

1person is not likely to become competent to proceed in the time period specified under
2s. 971.14 (5) (a), the court-martial shall suspend or terminate the commitment order
3under this subsection.
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 971.17 (5) (b). Section 971.14 (5)
(b) provides for reexamination and reports regarding a person initially determined to be
incompetent to stand trial.
AB573, s. 161 4Section 161. 341.47 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 175,
5is amended to read:
AB573,60,146 341.47 (3) A vehicle which that is being transported in tow on its own wheels
7or under its own power from a distributor, a dealer, the manufacturer, or a branch
8of the manufacturer to the purchaser, or from any location to a distributor, a dealer,
9the manufacturer, or a branch of the manufacturer, by a transporter of vehicles who
10is a 3rd party with no ownership interest in the vehicle, need not be registered if such
11vehicle has displayed upon it valid registration plates issued to the transporter
12pursuant to s. 341.51. The requirement under this subsection that the vehicle be
13transported in tow on its own wheels or under its own power does not apply to
14trailers, semitrailers, or truck tractors.
Note: "The" was deleted by 2007 Wis. Act 175 without being shown as stricken.
No change was intended.
AB573, s. 162 15Section 162. 342.16 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB573,61,1716 342.16 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), if a dealer acquires a new or used
17vehicle that is not a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale, or acquires a salvage
18vehicle that is currently titled as a salvage vehicle and holds it for resale or accepts
19a vehicle for sale on consignment, the dealer may not submit to the department the
20certificate of title or application for certificate of title naming the dealer as owner of
21the vehicle. Upon transferring the vehicle to another person, the dealer shall
22immediately give the transferee on a form prescribed by the department a receipt for

1all title, registration, security interest and sales tax moneys paid to the dealer for
2transmittal to the department when required. The dealer shall promptly execute the
3assignment and warranty of title, showing the name and address of the transferee
4and of any secured party holding a security interest created or reserved at the time
5of the resale or sale on consignment, in the spaces provided therefor on the certificate
6or as the department prescribes. Within 7 business days following the sale or
7transfer, the dealer shall process the application for certificate of title, and within the
8next business day after processing the application, the dealer shall mail or deliver
9the original application for certificate and all associated materials required by the
10department to the department. A nonresident who purchases a motor vehicle from
11a dealer in this state may not, unless otherwise authorized by rule of the department,
12apply for a certificate of title issued for the vehicle in this state unless the dealer
13determines that a title is necessary to protect the interests of a secured party. The
14dealer is responsible for determining whether a title and perfection of security
15interest is required. The dealer is liable for any damages incurred by the department
16or any secured party for the dealer's failure to perfect a security interest which the
17dealer had knowledge of at the time of sale.
Note: The underscored period was inadvertently deleted by 2005 Wis. Act 25. The
period is printed in the 2007-08 Statutes.
AB573, s. 163 18Section 163. 343.14 (2) (br) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, sections 3243 and 3244b, is repealed and recreated to read:
AB573,62,220 343.14 (2) (br) If the applicant does not have a social security number, a
21statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation that the applicant does not
22have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the
23department of children and families. A license that is issued or renewed under s.

1343.17 in reliance on a statement submitted under this paragraph is invalid if the
2statement is false.
Note: 2007 Wis. Act 20, section 3244b, amended s. 343.14 (2) (br), as affected by
2007 Wis. Act 20, section 3243. Section 3244b changed a reference to the department of
workforce development to be a reference to the department of children and families, while
section 3243 made various changes related to implementing the federal REAL ID act.
Section 3244b took effect on 7-1-08; however, section 3243 has not taken effect, because
its effective date is contingent upon an event that has not yet occurred. (See section 9448
(1) of Act 20 for the effective date.) This Section repeals and recreates the provision so
that it reflects the changes made by section 3244b, but not the changes made by section
3243, effective immediately. The following Section amends the provision, as affected by
this Section, so that it reflects the changes made by section 3243, effective on the date
that section 3243 takes effect or on the day after publication of this bill, whichever is later.
AB573, s. 164 3Section 164. 343.14 (2) (br) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
4.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB573,62,145 343.14 (2) (br) If the applicant does not have a social security number, a
6statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation that the applicant does not
7have a social security number and is not eligible for a social security number. The
8statement shall provide the basis or reason that the applicant is not eligible for a
9social security number, as well as any information requested by the department that
10may be needed by the department for purposes of verification under s. 343.165 (1)
. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department, with the
12assistance of the department
of children and families. A license that is issued or
13renewed under s. 343.17 in reliance on a statement submitted under this paragraph
14is invalid if the statement is false.
Note: See the note following the preceding Section.
AB573, s. 165 15Section 165. The treatment of 343.235 (3) (a) of the statutes by 2007 Wisconsin
16Act 20
is not repealed by 2007 Wisconsin Act 27. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, effective as of the date stated in the notice provided by the secretary of
transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 85.515
(2) (b), s. 343.235 (3) (a) reads:

(a) A law enforcement agency, a state authority, a district attorney, a driver
licensing agency of another jurisdiction, a federal governmental agency, or the
commission to perform a legally authorized function.
AB573, s. 166 1Section 166. The treatment of 343.50 (3) of the statutes by 2007 Wisconsin Act
is not repealed by 2007 Wisconsin Act 106. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau, effective as of the date stated in the notice provided by the secretary of
transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under s. 85.515
(2) (b), of 2007 Wis. Act 20, section 3378, s. 343.50 (3) reads:
(3) Design and contents of card. The card shall be the same size as an operator's
license but shall be of a design which is readily distinguishable from the design of an
operator's license and bear upon it the words "IDENTIFICATION CARD ONLY." The
information on the card shall be the same as specified under s. 343.17 (3). If the issuance
of the card requires the applicant to present any documentary proof specified in s. 343.14
(2) (es) 4. to 7., the card shall display, on the front side of the card, a legend identifying
the card as temporary. The card shall contain physical security features consistent with
any requirement under federal law. The card may serve as a record of gift under s. 157.06
(2) (t) and the holder may affix a sticker thereto as provided in s. 343.175 (3). The card
may also serve as a record of refusal under s. 157.06 (2) (u). The card shall contain the
holder's photograph and, if applicable, shall be of the design specified under s. 343.17 (3)
(a) 12.