2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
November 12, 2009 - Introduced by Representatives Mason, Black, Berceau,
Clark, Parisi, Pope-Roberts, Zepnick
and Grigsby, cosponsored by Senators
Miller and Risser. Referred to Committee on Natural Resources.
AB578,1,4 1An Act to create 15.197 (5) and 254.565 of the statutes; relating to: healthy and
2environmentally sensitive cleaning in certain buildings, providing an
3exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires the Department of Health Services (DHS) to promulgate rules
requiring cleaning that minimizes adverse effects on human health and the
environment (healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning) in school buildings,
buildings on University of Wisconsin campuses, other buildings owned by this state,
buildings owned by a technical college district board, and buildings owned by a city,
village, town, or county (political subdivision). DHS must consult with the Council
on Healthy and Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning, created by the bill, in
promulgating the rules. Under the bill, DHS may grant a one-year exemption from
a requirement in the rules if a person responsible for complying with the requirement
demonstrates that compliance would increase its cleaning costs.
The bill requires DHS to include, in the initial rules for healthy and
environmentally sensitive cleaning, requirements to use certain products that are
approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under its voluntary Design
for the Environment Program or by one or more of three specified private groups.
The products include restroom cleaners, general purpose cleaners, hand soap, toilet
paper and paper towels, vacuum cleaners, and carpet extractors. The initial
requirements for using approved products take effect one year after the bill is

enacted. DHS may later modify the requirements for approvals for those products.
The bill authorizes DHS to adopt, by rule, an approval requirement for an additional
type of product for janitorial or sanitation use if EPA, Green Seal, Inc., or TerraChoice
Environmental Marketing (which operates the EcoLogo program) approves the type
of product. DHS may require approval by a group other than one of the specified
groups, if DHS determines that the other group bases its approval on a standard that
is practical and promotes healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning.
The bill also requires DHS to include in its initial rules the requirement to use
a cleaning system approved by the Greenguard Environmental Institute (GEI), a
private nonprofit group, under its Children and Schools standard for any cleaning
use for which the GEI has approved a cleaning system. A cleaning system consists
of specific cleaning products, materials for applying the cleaning products,
equipment, and instructions for a specified cleaning use that a manufacturer
submits to GEI for certification. The requirement to use an approved cleaning
system takes effect two years after the bill is enacted, except that for buildings owned
by this state, other than buildings on a University of Wisconsin campus, and for
buildings owned by a political subdivision the requirement takes effect three years
after the bill is enacted.
The bill authorizes DHS to require approval of cleaning systems by a different
group than GEI or to authorize the use of a cleaning system approved by either GEI
or another specified group if the department determines that the other group's
standard is practical and addresses other health or environmental concerns in
addition to indoor air quality. Under the bill, the requirement to use an approved
cleaning system overrides the requirement to use a type of cleaning product
approved by a specified group if there is an approved cleaning system that includes
the type of cleaning product.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB578, s. 1 1Section 1. 15.197 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB578,2,32 15.197 (5) Council on healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning. (a)
3In this subsection, "school" has the meaning given in s. 254.565 (1) (i).
AB578,2,54 (b) There is created in the department of health services a council on healthy
5and environmentally sensitive cleaning consisting of the following members:
AB578,2,66 1. The superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee.
AB578,2,77 2. The secretary of natural resources or the secretary's designee.
13. A representative of a producer of cleaning products in this state.
AB578,3,32 4. A representative of a labor union that represents workers who use cleaning
AB578,3,54 5. A representative of the organization Wisconsin Association of School Nurses
5or a similar organization.
AB578,3,66 6. Two parents of school students.
AB578,3,77 7. One school student.
AB578,3,88 8. One school principal.
AB578,3,99 9. One school teacher.
AB578,3,1010 10. One school district administrator, as defined in s. 115.001 (8).
AB578,3,1111 11. One health professional with expertise in public health.
AB578,3,1312 (c) The secretary of health services shall appoint the members under par. (b)
133. to 11. for 3-year terms.
AB578, s. 2 14Section 2. 254.565 of the statutes is created to read:
AB578,3,16 15254.565 Healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning in certain
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB578,3,1717 (a) "Approved" includes certified and recognized.
AB578,3,1818 (am) "Campus" has the meaning given in s. 36.05 (3).
AB578,3,1919 (b) "Charter school" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (1).
AB578,3,2120 (bm) "Cleaning system" means cleaning products, materials for applying
21cleaning products, equipment, and instructions for a specified cleaning use.
AB578,3,2322 (c) "Council" means the council on healthy and environmentally sensitive
AB578,3,2524 (d) "Healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning" means cleaning that
25minimizes adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
1(e) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
AB578,4,22 (f) "Private school" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (3r).
AB578,4,33 (g) "Public school" means a school described in s. 115.01 (1).
AB578,4,44 (h) "Responsible person" means one of the following:
AB578,4,55 1. For a public school, other than a charter school, the school board.
AB578,4,66 2. For a charter school, the governing body of the charter school.
AB578,4,87 3. For a private school with 50 or more students, the governing body of the
8private school.
AB578,4,99 4. For a building owned by a political subdivision, the political subdivision.
AB578,4,1110 5. For a building owned by a technical college district board, the technical
11college district board.
AB578,4,1312 6. For a building on a campus, the Board of Regents of the University of
13Wisconsin System.
AB578,4,1514 7. For a building owned by this state, other than a building on a campus, the
15department of administration.
AB578,4,1616 (i) "School" means any of the following:
AB578,4,1717 1. A public school, including a charter school.
AB578,4,1818 2. A private school with 50 or more students.
AB578,4,1919 (j) "School board" has the meaning given in s. 115.001 (7).
AB578,4,22 20(2) Rules. (a) General. The department, in consultation with the council, shall
21promulgate rules requiring healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning in all of
22the following:
AB578,4,2323 1. School buildings.
AB578,4,2424 2. Buildings owned by political subdivisions.
AB578,4,2525 3. Buildings owned by technical college district boards.
14. Buildings on a campus.
AB578,5,22 5. Buildings owned by this state, other than buildings on a campus.
AB578,5,43 (b) Initial rules for products for janitorial or sanitation use. In the initial rules
4under this subsection, the department shall include all of the following:
AB578,5,65 1. A requirement to use hand cleaners and hand soap approved by Green Seal,
AB578,5,107 2. A requirement to use general purpose cleaners, restroom cleaners, glass
8cleaners, and carpet cleaners that are approved by Green Seal, Inc.; by TerraChoice
9Environmental Marketing, Inc., under its EcoLogo standard; or by the federal
10environmental protection agency under its Design for the Environment Program.
AB578,5,1411 3. A requirement to use laundry care products that are approved by
12TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc., under its EcoLogo standard, or by the
13federal environmental protection agency under its Design for the Environment
AB578,5,1615 4. A requirement to use toilet paper that is approved by Green Seal, Inc., or by
16TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc., under its EcoLogo standard.
AB578,5,1917 5. A requirement to use paper towels and paper napkins that are approved by
18Green Seal, Inc., or by TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc., under its
19EcoLogo standard.
AB578,5,2220 6. A requirement to use vacuum cleaners that are approved by the Carpet and
21Rug Institute under its Green Label Program or its Seal of Approval/Green Label
AB578,5,2423 7. A requirement to use carpet extractors that are approved by the Carpet and
24Rug Institute under its Seal of Approval Program.
1(c) Selecting approving entity. In promulgating the rules under par. (b) for the
2products identified in par. (b) 2. to 5., the department may require the use of products
3approved by one of the entities or may specify more than one entity whose approval
4is acceptable, giving a preference to entities whose standards are most protective of
5human health and preventive of the spread of infection and disease.
AB578,6,106 (d) Initial rules for cleaning systems. In the initial rules under this subsection,
7the department shall include a requirement to use a cleaning system approved by the
8Greenguard Environmental Institute under its Children and Schools standard for
9any cleaning use for which the Greenguard Environmental Institute has approved
10a cleaning system.
AB578,7,211 (e) Additional rules for products for janitorial or sanitation use. After
12promulgating the rules under par. (b), the department, in consultation with the
13council, may promulgate rules requiring approval by a specified entity or may specify
14more than one entity whose approval is acceptable for a type of product for janitorial
15or sanitation use, in addition to the types of products covered in par. (b), if Green Seal,
16Inc., or TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc., has adopted a standard for the
17type of product or if the federal environmental protection agency has adopted a
18voluntary standard for the type of product. The department is not required to select
19Green Seal, Inc., TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, Inc., or the federal
20environmental protection agency as an entity whose approval is required for a type
21of product, but may select any entity if the department determines that the entity's
22standard is practical and promotes healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning.
23The department may request Green Seal, Inc., TerraChoice Environmental
24Marketing, Inc., or the federal environmental protection agency to adopt a standard

1for a type of product for janitorial or sanitation use for which a standard has not been
AB578,7,43 (f) Modifying rules. 1. The department, in consultation with the council, may
4promulgate rules that modify the rules promulgated under par. (b) or (e).
AB578,7,115 2. Whenever an entity whose approval is required under a rule promulgated
6under par. (b) or (e) modifies the standard on which its approval is based, the
7department, in consultation with the council, shall review the modified standard and
8determine whether to continue to require approval by that entity. Under this
9subdivision, the department may require approval by a different entity if the
10department determines that the other entity's standard is practical and more
11protective of human health and preventive of the spread of infection and disease.
AB578,7,2212 3. Whenever Greenguard Environmental Institute modifies its Children and
13Schools standard, the department, in consultation with the council, shall review the
14modified standard and determine whether to continue to require approval by
15Greenguard Environmental Institute under its Children and Schools standard. The
16department, in consultation with the council, may modify the initial rules
17promulgated under par. (d) to specify another entity whose approval of cleaning
18systems is also acceptable or to require approval of cleaning systems by an entity
19other than Greenguard Environmental Institute if the department determines that
20the other entity's standard addresses other health or environmental concerns in
21addition to indoor air quality, is practical, and is protective of human health and
22preventive of the spread of infection and disease.