Note: Adds missing "s."
AB720, s. 65 13Section 65. 253.16 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28,
14section 3410, is amended to read:
AB720,29,1615 253.16 (1) In this subsection section, "infant" means a child from birth to 12
16months of age.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference.
AB720, s. 66 17Section 66. 281.346 (2) (e) 1r. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB720,29,2019 281.346 (2) (e) 1r. The baseline for a withdrawal not covered by subd. 1. or 1g.
20or 1m. is zero.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 281.346 (2) (e) 1. was repealed by
2009 Wis. Act 28. Drafting records indicate subd. 1m. was to be included in the
cross-reference. Section 281.346 (2) (e) 1g. provides for the determination of the baseline
for a preexisting withdrawal if s. 281.346 (2) (e) 1m. does not apply. If subd. 1r. does not
reference subd. 1m., subds. 1m. and 1r. conflict.
AB720, s. 67
1Section 67. 281.346 (5e) (c) 1m. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin
2Act 28
, is amended to read:
AB720,30,133 281.346 (5e) (c) 1m. Beginning on the December 8, 2011, the department may
4not approve a water supply service area plan under s. 281.348 that provides for
5increasing, after December 7, 2021, the amount of a withdrawal that is covered under
6an individual permit issued under sub. (5) and after the increase the withdrawal
7would equal 1,000,000 or more gallons per day for any 30 consecutive days over the
8withdrawal amount as of the beginning of the current permit term or the date that
9the department issued a modified permit for the withdrawal if the modification was
10subject to the state decision-making standard under sub. (5m) or the compact
11decision-making standard under sub. (6), whichever is later, and if subd. 2m. does
12not apply, unless the increased withdrawal meets the state decision-making
13standard under sub. (5m).
Note: Deletes unnecessary word.
AB720, s. 68 14Section 68. 285.69 (2m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
, section 2642, is renumbered 285.69 (2m) (bm).
Note: Confirms renumbering by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92
(1) (bm) 2. 2009 Wis. Act 28, s. 2643, also created a provision numbered s. 285.69 (2m)
AB720, s. 69 16Section 69. 302.113 (9) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB720,31,518 302.113 (9) (c) A person who is subsequently released to extended supervision
19after service of the period of time specified by the order under par. (am) is subject to
20all conditions and rules under subs. sub. (7) and, if applicable, sub. (7m) until the
21expiration of the remaining extended supervision portion of the bifurcated sentence
22or until the department discharges the person under s. 973.01 (4m), whichever is

1appropriate. The remaining extended supervision portion of the bifurcated sentence
2is the total length of the bifurcated sentence, less the time served by the person in
3confinement under the bifurcated sentence before release to extended supervision
4under sub. (2) and less all time served in confinement for previous revocations of
5extended supervision under the bifurcated sentence.
Note: Corrects citation form.
AB720, s. 70 6Section 70. 304.06 (1) (bg) 2. h. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin
7Act 28
, is amended to read:
AB720,31,98 304.06 (1) (bg) 2. h. A person who is serving a sentence related to school safety,
9as defined in s. 939.22 (20s).
Note: Inserts missing word.
AB720, s. 71 10Section 71. 322.0767 (1) (a) of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB720,31,2012 322.0767 (1) (a) If a person subject to a general court-martial is found to lack
13substantial mental capacity to understand the proceedings or assist in his or own
14defense and the military judge determined that the person is likely to become
15competent within the period specified under s. 971.14 (5) (a), the court-martial
16convening authority for the person shall commit the person to the custody of the
17department of health and family services under s. 971.14 (5). If the military judge
18determines that the defendant is not likely to become competent in the time period
19specified under s. 971.14 (5), the military judge shall suspend or terminate the
20general court-martial.
Note: 2007 Wis. Act 20, section 9121 (6) (a) directed that wherever "health and
family services" appeared in the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007, it be replaced
with "health services."
AB720, s. 72 21Section 72. 343.05 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
1343.05 (4) (b) 3. Any nonresident of the United States who holds an
2international driving permit or a valid operator's license issued by West Germany,
3Mexico, or Switzerland or by any other nation having a reciprocal agreement with
4the United States concerning driving privileges.
Note: Updates name.
AB720, s. 73 5Section 73. 343.307 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,32,86 343.307 (1) (intro.) The court shall count the following to determine the length
7of a revocation under s. 343.30 (1q) (b) and to determine the penalty under s. ss.
8114.09 (2) and 346.65 (2):
Note: Corrects citation form.
AB720, s. 74 9Section 74. 346.58 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,32,1210 346.58 (2) In addition to complying with other speed restrictions imposed by
11law, no person may drive any vehicle equipped with metal tires or solid rubber tires
12at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
Note: Inserts missing word.
AB720, s. 75 13Section 75. 346.70 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,32,1814 346.70 (3m) (a) The department may require any operator, occupant or owner
15of a vehicle involved in an accident of which report must be made as provided in s.
this section to file supplemental reports whenever the original report is
17insufficient in the opinion of the department and may require witnesses of accidents
18to render reports to the department.
Note: Corrects citation form.
AB720, s. 76 19Section 76. 440.03 (9) (a) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB720,33,1121 440.03 (9) (a) 2. Not later than January 31 of each odd-numbered year,
22adjusting for the succeeding fiscal biennium each fee for an initial credential for

1which an examination is not required, for a reciprocal credential, and, subject to s.
2440.08 (2) (a), for a credential renewal, if e an adjustment is necessary to reflect the
3approximate administrative and enforcement costs of the department that are
4attributable to the regulation of the particular occupation or business during the
5period in which the initial or reciprocal credential or credential renewal is in effect
6and, for purposes of each fee for a credential renewal, to reflect an estimate of any
7additional moneys available for the department's general program operations as a
8result of appropriation transfers that have been or are estimated to be made under
9s. 20.165 (1) (i) during the fiscal biennium in progress at the time of the deadline for
10an adjustment under this subdivision or during the fiscal biennium beginning on the
11July 1 immediately following the deadline for an adjustment under this subdivision.
Note: Deletes a letter that was inadvertently not stricken by 2007 Act 20.
AB720, s. 77 12Section 77. 447.04 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2007 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB720,33,2014 447.04 (1) (b) 2. Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that the
15person has current proficiency in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including the use
16of an automated external defibrillator achieved through instruction provided by an
17individual, organization, or institution of higher education qualified to provide such
18instruction. The examining board shall consult with the department of health and
services to determine whether an individual, organization, or institution of
20higher education is qualified to provide instruction under this subdivision.
Note: 2007 Wis. Act 20, section 9121 (6) (a) directed that wherever "health and
family services" appeared in the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2007, it be replaced
with "health services."
AB720, s. 78 21Section 78. 448.65 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20,
22is amended to read:
1448.65 (2) (a) The renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03
2(9) (a).
Note: Inserts missing "s."
AB720, s. 79 3Section 79. 450.095 (2) 1., 2. and 3. of the statutes, as created by 2009
4Wisconsin Act 28
, are renumbered 450.095 (2) (a), (b) and (c).
Note: Conforms numbering to current style.
AB720, s. 80 5Section 80. 560.139 (4) of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28,
6is amended to read:
AB720,34,117 560.139 (4) Origination fee. The department may charge the recipient of a
8grant or loan under sub. (1) (a), (2), or (3) an origination fee of not more than 2 percent
9of the grant or loan amount if the grant or loan equals or exceeds $100,000. The
10department shall deposit all origination fees collected under this subsection into the
11appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (gm).
Note: Section 560.139 (2) and (3) were repealed by 2009 Wis. Act 28.
AB720, s. 81 12Section 81. 560.205 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 2,
13is amended to read:
AB720,35,514 560.205 (2) Early stage seed investment tax credits. The department shall
15implement a program to certify investment fund managers for purposes of ss. 71.07
16(5b), 71.28 (5b),, 71.47 (5b), and 76.638. An investment fund manager desiring
17certification shall submit an application to the department. The investment fund
18manager shall specify in the application the investment amount that the manager
19wishes to raise and the department may certify the manager and determine the
20amount that qualifies for purposes of ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), and 76.638.
21In determining whether to certify an investment fund manager, the department
22shall consider the investment fund manager's experience in managing venture

1capital funds, the past performance of investment funds managed by the applicant,
2the expected level of investment in the investment fund to be managed by the
3applicant, and any other relevant factors. The department may certify only
4investment fund managers that commit to consider placing investments in
5businesses certified under sub. (1).
Note: Deletes unnecessary comma.
AB720, s. 82 6Section 82. 560.205 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,35,107 560.205 (3) (a) List of certified businesses and investment fund managers. The
8department shall maintain a list of businesses certified under sub. (1) and
9investment fund managers certified under sub. (2) and shall permit public access to
10the lists through the department's Internet website Web site.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 83 11Section 83. 560.208 of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, is
12renumbered 560.2085.
Note: Confirms renumbering by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92
(1) (bm) 2. 2009 Wis. Act 2 also created a provision numbered s. 560.208.
AB720, s. 84 13Section 84. 560.304 of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, is
14amended to read:
AB720,35,18 15560.304 Forward innovation fund. The department may award a grant or
16make a loan to an eligible recipient from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (fi),
17(gm), and (io). The department shall consult with the board prior to awarding a grant
18or making a loan under this section.
Note: Inserts missing comma.
AB720, s. 85 19Section 85. 632.835 (2) (bg) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,36,720 632.835 (2) (bg) 2. The insurer includes on its explanation of benefits form a
21statement that the insured may have a right to an independent review after the

1internal grievance process and that an insured may be entitled to expedited
2independent review with respect to an urgent matter. The statement shall also
3include a reference to the section of the policy or certificate that contains the
4description of the independent review procedure as required under subd. 1. The
5statement shall provide a toll-free telephone number and website Web site, if
6appropriate, where consumers may obtain additional information regarding
7internal grievance and independent review processes.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 86 8Section 86. 632.835 (2) (bg) 3. of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin
9Act 28
, is amended to read:
AB720,36,1910 632.835 (2) (bg) 3. For any coverage denial determination for which an
11explanation of benefits is not provided to the insured, the insurer provides a notice
12that the insured may have a right to an independent review after the internal
13grievance process and that an insured may be entitled to expedited, independent
14review with respect to an urgent matter. The notice shall also include a reference to
15the section of the policy or certificate that contains the description of the independent
16review procedure as required under subd. 1. The notice shall provide a toll-free
17telephone number and website Web site, if appropriate, where consumers may obtain
18additional information regarding internal grievance and independent review
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 87 20Section 87. The treatment of 757.05 (1) (a) of the statutes by 2009 Wisconsin
21Act 12
is not repealed by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance. As merged by the legislative reference
bureau under s. 13.92 (2) (i), effective 7-5-10, s. 757.05 (1) (a) reads:
(a) Whenever a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of state law or for
a violation of a municipal or county ordinance except for a violation of s. 101.123 (2) or

(2m), for a financial responsibility violation under s. 344.62 (2), or for a first violation of
s. 23.33 (4c) (a) 2., 30.681 (1) (b) 1., 346.63 (1) (b), or 350.101 (1) (b), if the person who
committed the violation had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more but less than
0.1 at the time of the violation, or for a violation of state laws or municipal or county
ordinances involving nonmoving traffic violations, violations under s. 343.51 (1m) (b), or
safety belt use violations under s. 347.48 (2m), there shall be imposed in addition a
penalty surcharge under ch. 814 in an amount of 26 percent of the fine or forfeiture
imposed. If multiple offenses are involved, the penalty surcharge shall be based upon the
total fine or forfeiture for all offenses. When a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or
in part, the penalty surcharge shall be reduced in proportion to the suspension.
AB720, s. 88 1Section 88. 801.17 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,37,72 801.17 (3) (c) Users shall register through the electronic filing system website
3Web site by executing a user agreement governing the terms of use of the electronic
4filing system. To register, users must have the capability to produce, file, and receive
5electronic documents meeting the technical requirements of the electronic filing
6system. By registering, users agree to electronically file all documents to the extent
7the electronic filing system can accept them.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 89 8Section 89. 801.17 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,37,139 801.17 (5) (a) If the clerk of court accepts an initiating document for filing, the
10clerk of court shall assign a case number and authenticate the document as provided
11in sub. (10). The electronic filing system shall send a notice to the filer that the filing
12has been accepted and is available through the electronic filing system website Web
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 90 14Section 90. 801.17 (11) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,38,615 801.17 (11) (b) Notaries public who hold valid appointments under ch. 137 may
16register with the electronic filing system for authorization to notarize electronically
17filed documents. To register, notaries must be able to meet the technical
18requirements of the electronic filing system. Upon receipt of a properly executed

1notary agreement, the electronic filing system shall assign to the notary a
2confidential electronic signature and seal. The notary signature and seal shall be
3used only by the notary to whom it is assigned. Upon learning that the
4confidentiality of the signature and seal have been inadvertently or improperly
5disclosed, the notary shall immediately report that fact through the electronic filing
6system website Web site.
Note: Corrects spelling.
AB720, s. 91 7Section 91. 803.01 (3) (b) 2. and 3. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB720,38,178 803.01 (3) (b) 2. When the plaintiff is a minor 14 years of age or over, the
9guardian ad litem shall be appointed
upon the plaintiff's application or upon the
10state's application under s. 767.407 (1) (c); or if the plaintiff is under that age or is
11adjudicated incompetent or alleged to be incompetent, upon application of the
12plaintiff's guardian or of a relative or friend or upon application of the state under
13s. 767.407 (1) (c). If the application is made by a relative, a friend, or the state, notice
14thereof must first be given to the guardian if the plaintiff has one in this state; if the
15plaintiff has none, then to the person with whom the minor or individual adjudicated
16incompetent resides or who has the minor or individual adjudicated incompetent in
AB720,38,2418 3. When the defendant is a minor 14 years of age or over, the guardian ad litem
19shall be appointed
upon the defendant's application made within 20 days after the
20service of the summons or other original process; if the defendant is under that age
21or neglects to so apply or is adjudicated incompetent or alleged to be incompetent,
22then upon the court's own motion or upon the application of any other party or any
23relative or friend or the defendant's guardian upon such notice of the application as
24the court directs or approves.

Note: Prior to the repeal and recreation of s. 803.01 by Supreme Court Order, 67
Wis. 2d 585, 638 (1975), an introductory provision supplied a verb for what became s.
803.01 (3) (b) 2. and 3. after the repeal and recreation. The repeal and recreation left
subds. 2. and 3. without a verb, which is restored by this bill. This change is made at the
request of the Supreme Court.
AB720, s. 92 1Section 92. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 809 [precedes 809.30] of the
2statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 26, is amended to read:
AB720,39,33 chapter 809
8 55,, 938, AND 980 CASES
Note: Deletes unnecessary comma.
AB720, s. 93 9Section 93. 809.30 (title) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 26,
10is amended to read:
AB720,39,12 11809.30 (title) Rule (Appeals in s. 971.17 proceedings and in criminal, ch.
1248, 51, 55,
, 938, and 980 cases).
Note: Deletes unnecessary comma.
AB720, s. 94 13Section 94. 809.30 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 26,
14is amended to read:
AB720,39,1815 809.30 (1) (a) "Final adjudication" means the entry of a final judgment or order
16by the circuit court in a s. 971.17 proceeding, in a criminal case, or in a ch. 48, 51, 55,,
17938, or 980 case, other than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43 or
18a parental consent to abortion case under s. 48.375 (7).