(1) (b) The court shall hear any objections by the juvenile
and, the
13juvenile's parents, guardian, or legal custodian
, or the juvenile's foster parent,
14treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 938.357 (2r) (b) 15to the request under par. (a) for an examination or assessment before ordering the
16examination or assessment.
AB722, s. 47
47. 938.295 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act
18.... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
(1) (b) The court shall hear any objections by the juvenile, the juvenile's
20parents, guardian, or legal custodian, or the juvenile's foster parent or other physical
21custodian described in s. 938.357 (2r) (b) to the request under par. (a) for an
22examination or assessment before ordering the examination or assessment.
AB722, s. 48
48. 938.295 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Objection to a particular professional. If the juvenile
or, a
, or the juvenile's foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical
1custodian described in s. 938.357 (2r) (b) objects to a particular physician,
2psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, or other expert, the court shall appoint a different
3physician, psychiatrist, psychologist
, or other expert.
AB722, s. 49
49. 938.295 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act ....
5(this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
(3) Objection to a particular professional. If the juvenile, a parent,
7or the juvenile's foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 938.357 (2r)
8(b) objects to a particular physician, psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, or other
9expert, the court shall appoint a different physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or
10other expert.
AB722, s. 50
50. 938.33 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Identity of foster parent or treatment foster parent;
13confidentiality. If the report recommends placement in a foster home or a treatment
14foster home
, and the name of the foster parent or treatment foster parent is not
15available at the time the report is filed, the agency shall provide the court
and the
16juvenile's parent or guardian with the name and address of the foster parent or
17treatment foster parent within 21 days after the dispositional order is entered
. If the
18foster parent or treatment foster parent has consented under s. 48.62 (3m) to the
19disclosure of that information to the juvenile's parent or guardian or to any other
20adult relative of the juvenile, the agency shall also provide that information to that
21parent, guardian, or adult relative within those 21 days, except that the court may
22order the information withheld from
the juvenile's
that parent
or, guardian
, or adult
23relative if the court finds that disclosure would result in imminent danger to the
24juvenile or to the foster parent or treatment foster parent. After notifying the
1juvenile's that parent
or, guardian
, or adult relative, the court shall hold a hearing
2prior to ordering the information withheld.
(5) Identity of foster parent; confidentiality. If the report
6recommends placement in a foster home and the name of the foster parent is not
7available at the time the report is filed, the agency shall provide the court with the
8name and address of the foster parent within 21 days after the dispositional order
9is entered. If the foster parent has consented under s. 48.62 (3m) to the disclosure
10of that information to the juvenile's parent or guardian or to any other adult relative
11of the juvenile, the agency shall also provide that information to that parent,
12guardian, or adult relative within those 21 days, except that the court may order the
13information withheld from that parent, guardian, or adult relative if the court finds
14that disclosure would result in imminent danger to the juvenile or to the foster
15parent. After notifying that parent, guardian, or adult relative, the court shall hold
16a hearing prior to ordering the information withheld.
AB722, s. 52
52. 938.355 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) 2. If the juvenile is placed outside the home, the name of the
19place or facility, including transitional placements, where the juvenile
shall will be
20cared for or treated, except that if the placement is a foster home or treatment foster
21home and the name and address of the foster parent or treatment foster parent is not
22available at the time of the order, the name and address of the foster parent or
23treatment foster parent shall be furnished to the court
and the parent within 21 days
24of the order.
If the foster parent or treatment foster parent has consented under s.
2548.62 (3m) to the disclosure of that information to the juvenile's parent or guardian
1or to any other adult relative of the juvenile, the agency shall also provide that
2information to that parent, guardian, or adult relative within those 21 days, except
3that the judge may order that information to be withheld from that parent, guardian,
4or adult relative as provided in this subdivision. If, after a hearing on the issue with
5due notice to the parent
or, guardian
, or adult relative, the court finds that disclosure
6of the identity of the foster parent or treatment foster parent would result in
7imminent danger to the juvenile, the foster parent
, or the treatment foster parent,
8the court may order the name and address of the prospective foster parents or
9treatment foster parents withheld from the parent
or, guardian
, or adult relative.
(2) (b) 2. If the juvenile is placed outside the home, the name of the
13place or facility, including transitional placements, where the juvenile will be cared
14for or treated, except that if the placement is a foster home and the name and address
15of the foster parent is not available at the time of the order, the name and address
16of the foster parent shall be furnished to the court within 21 days of the order. If the
17foster parent has consented under s. 48.62 (3m) to the disclosure of that information
18to the juvenile's parent or guardian or to any other adult relative of the juvenile, the
19agency shall also provide that information to that parent, guardian, or adult relative
20within those 21 days, except that the judge may order that information to be withheld
21from that parent, guardian, or adult relative as provided in this subdivision. If, after
22a hearing on the issue with due notice to the parent, guardian, or adult relative, the
23court finds that disclosure of the identity of the foster parent would result in
24imminent danger to the juvenile or the foster parent, the court may order the name
1and address of the prospective foster parents withheld from the parent, guardian, or
2adult relative.
(1) (am) 1. If the proposed change in placement involves any change
6in placement other than a change in placement under par. (c), the person or agency
7primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order or the district
8attorney shall cause written notice of the proposed change in placement to be sent
9to the juvenile, the parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the juvenile, and any
10foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s.
1148.62 (2) of the juvenile. If the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who has been removed
12from the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m),
13or (7), written notice shall also be sent to the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and
14tribe. The notice shall contain the name and address of the new placement, the
15reasons for the change in placement, a statement describing why the new placement
16is preferable to the present placement would be in the best interests of the juvenile,
17and a statement of how the new placement satisfies objectives of the treatment plan
18ordered by the court.
AB722, s. 55
55. 938.357 (1) (am) 1. of the statutes, as affected by
2009 Wisconsin
20Act 94, section
347, and 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated
21to read:
(1) (am) 1. If the proposed change in placement involves any change
23in placement other than a change in placement under par. (c), the person or agency
24primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order or the district
25attorney shall cause written notice of the proposed change in placement to be sent
1to the juvenile, the parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the juvenile, and any
2foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile. If
3the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who has been removed from the home of his or her
4parent or Indian custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), written notice shall
5also be sent to the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe. The notice shall
6contain the name and address of the new placement, the reasons for the change in
7placement, a statement describing why the new placement would be in the best
8interests of the juvenile, and a statement of how the new placement satisfies
9objectives of the treatment plan ordered by the court.
(1) (am) 2. Any person receiving the notice under subd. 1. or notice of
13a specific foster or treatment foster placement under s. 938.355 (2) (b) 2. may obtain
14a hearing on the matter by filing an objection with the court within 10 days after
15receipt of the notice. Placements may not be changed until 10 days after that notice
16is sent to the court unless the parent, guardian, legal custodian, or Indian custodian,
17the juvenile, if 12 or more years of age, and the juvenile's tribe, if the juvenile is an
18Indian juvenile who has been removed from the home of his or her parent or Indian
19custodian under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), sign written waivers of objection,
20except that changes in placement that were authorized in the dispositional order
21may be made immediately if notice is given as required under subd. 1. In addition,
22a hearing is not required for placement changes authorized in the dispositional order
23except when an objection filed by a person who received notice alleges that
new 24information is available that affects the advisability of the court's dispositional order.
AB722, s. 57
57. 938.357 (1) (am) 2. of the statutes, as affected by
2009 Wisconsin
2Act 94, section
350, and 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated
3to read:
(1) (am) 2. Any person receiving the notice under subd. 1. or notice of
5a specific foster placement under s. 938.355 (2) (b) 2. may obtain a hearing on the
6matter by filing an objection with the court within 10 days after receipt of the notice.
7Placements may not be changed until 10 days after that notice is sent to the court
8unless the parent, guardian, legal custodian, or Indian custodian, the juvenile, if 12
9or more years of age, and the juvenile's tribe, if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who
10has been removed from the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian under s.
11938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), sign written waivers of objection, except that changes in
12placement that were authorized in the dispositional order may be made immediately
13if notice is given as required under subd. 1. In addition, a hearing is not required for
14placement changes authorized in the dispositional order except when an objection
15filed by a person who received notice alleges that information is available that affects
16the advisability of the court's dispositional order.
AB722, s. 58
58. 938.357 (1) (am) 2r. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (am) 2r. In the case of a juvenile who has been placed in the home
19of a foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian for 6 months
20or more, if a hearing is held on a proposed change in placement of such a juvenile to
21another placement outside the home, the court shall consider as paramount the best
22interests of the juvenile in determining whether to continue placement of the
23juvenile in his or her current placement or to change the juvenile's placement to the
24proposed change in placement.
AB722, s. 59
59. 938.357 (1) (am) 2r. of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin
2Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
(1) (am) 2r. In the case of a juvenile who has been placed in the home
4of a foster parent
, treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian for 6 months
5or more, if a hearing is held on a proposed change in placement of such a juvenile to
6another placement outside the home, the court shall consider as paramount the best
7interests of the juvenile in determining whether to continue placement of the
8juvenile in his or her current placement or to change the juvenile's placement to the
9proposed change in placement.
AB722, s. 60
60. 938.357 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) 1. If the proposed change in placement would change the
12placement of a juvenile placed in the home to a placement outside the home, the
13person or agency primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order or
14the district attorney shall submit a request for the change in placement to the court.
15The request shall contain the name and address of the new placement, the reasons
16for the change in placement, a statement describing why the new placement
17preferable to the present placement would be in the best interests of the juvenile, and
18a statement of how the new placement satisfies objectives of the treatment plan
19ordered by the court. The request shall also contain specific information showing
20that continued placement of the juvenile in his or her home would be contrary to the
21welfare of the juvenile and, unless any of the circumstances under s. 938.355 (2d) (b)
221. to 4. applies, specific information showing that the agency primarily responsible
23for implementing the dispositional order has made reasonable efforts to prevent the
24removal of the juvenile from the home, while assuring that the juvenile's health and
25safety are the paramount concerns.
(2m) (a)
Request; information required. The juvenile, the parent,
4guardian, or legal custodian of the juvenile, any person or agency primarily bound
5by the dispositional order, other than the person or agency responsible for
6implementing the order, or, if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is in need of
7protection or services under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian
8custodian may request a change in placement under this paragraph. The request
9shall contain the name and address of the new placement requested and shall state
new information is available that affects the advisability of the current
and why the new placement would be in the best interests of the juvenile.
12If the proposed change in placement would change the placement of a juvenile placed
13in the juvenile's home to a placement outside the home, the request shall also contain
14specific information showing that continued placement of the juvenile in the
15juvenile's home would be contrary to the welfare of the juvenile and, unless any of
16the circumstances under s. 938.355 (2d) (b) 1. to 4. applies, specific information
17showing that the agency primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional
18order has made reasonable efforts to prevent the removal of the juvenile from the
19home, while assuring that the juvenile's health and safety are the paramount
20concerns. The request shall be submitted to the court. The court may also propose
21a change in placement on its own motion.
(2m) (b)
Hearing; when required. The court shall hold a hearing prior
25to ordering any change in placement requested or proposed under par. (a) if the
1request states that
new information is available that affects the advisability of the
2current placement
and why the new placement would be in the best interests of the
3child. A hearing is not required if the requested or proposed change in placement
4does not involve a change in placement of a juvenile placed in the juvenile's home to
5a placement outside the juvenile's home, written waivers of objection to the proposed
6change in placement are signed by all parties entitled to receive notice under this
7paragraph, and the court approves. If a hearing is scheduled, not less than 3 days
8before the hearing the court shall notify the juvenile, the parent, guardian, and legal
9custodian of the juvenile, any foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other
10physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile, all parties who are bound
11by the dispositional order, and, if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is in need of
12protection or services under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian
13custodian and tribe. A copy of the request or proposal for the change in placement
14shall be attached to the notice. Subject to par.
(br), if all of the parties consent,
15the court may proceed immediately with the hearing.
AB722, s. 63
63. 938.357 (2m) (b) of the statutes, as affected by
2009 Wisconsin Act
1794, section
359, and 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to
(2m) (b)
Hearing; when required. The court shall hold a hearing prior
20to ordering any change in placement requested or proposed under par. (a) if the
21request states that information is available that affects the advisability of the
22current placement and why the new placement would be in the best interests of the
23child. A hearing is not required if the requested or proposed change in placement
24does not involve a change in placement of a juvenile placed in the juvenile's home to
25a placement outside the juvenile's home, written waivers of objection to the proposed
1change in placement are signed by all parties entitled to receive notice under this
2paragraph, and the court approves. If a hearing is scheduled, not less than 3 days
3before the hearing the court shall notify the juvenile, the parent, guardian, and legal
4custodian of the juvenile, any foster parent or other physical custodian described in
5s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile, all parties who are bound by the dispositional order, and,
6if the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is in need of protection or services under s.
7938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe. A copy
8of the request or proposal for the change in placement shall be attached to the notice.
9Subject to par. (br), if all of the parties consent, the court may proceed immediately
10with the hearing.
AB722, s. 64
64. 938.357 (2m) (bp) of the statutes is created to read:
(2m) (bp)
Placement preference. In the case of a juvenile who has been
13placed in the home of a foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical
14custodian for 6 months or more, if a hearing is held on a proposed change in
15placement of such a juvenile to another placement outside the home, the court shall
16consider as paramount the best interests of the juvenile in determining whether to
17continue placement of the juvenile in his or her current placement or to change the
18juvenile's placement to the proposed change in placement.
AB722, s. 65
65. 938.357 (2m) (bp) of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin Act
20.... (this act), is amended to read:
(2m) (bp)
Placement preference. In the case of a juvenile who has been
22placed in the home of a foster parent
, treatment foster parent, or other physical
23custodian for 6 months or more, if a hearing is held on a proposed change in
24placement of such a juvenile to another placement outside the home, the court shall
25consider as paramount the best interests of the juvenile in determining whether to
1continue placement of the juvenile in his or her current placement or to change the
2juvenile's placement to the proposed change in placement.
(2r) (a) If a hearing is held under sub. (1) (am) 2. or (2m) (b) and the
6change in placement would remove a juvenile from a foster home, treatment foster
7home, or other placement with a physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2)
in which
8the juvenile has been placed for less than 6 months, the court shall give the foster
9parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian a right to be heard at the
10hearing by permitting the foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical
11custodian to make a written or oral statement during the hearing or to submit a
12written statement prior to the hearing relating to the juvenile and the requested
13change in placement. A foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other physical
14custodian who receives notice of a hearing under sub. (1) (am) 1. or (2m) (b) and a
15right to be heard under this
subsection paragraph does not become a party to the
16proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice
17and right to be heard.
AB722, s. 67
67. 938.357 (2r) of the statutes, as affected by
2009 Wisconsin Act 79,
132, and 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
(2r) (a) If a hearing is held under sub. (1) (am) 2. or (2m) (b) and the
21change in placement would remove a juvenile from a foster home or other placement
22with a physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) in which the juvenile has been
23placed for less than 6 months, the court shall give the foster parent or other physical
24custodian a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster parent or other
25physical custodian to make a written or oral statement during the hearing or to
1submit a written statement prior to the hearing relating to the juvenile and the
2requested change in placement. A foster parent or other physical custodian who
3receives notice of a hearing under sub. (1) (am) 1. or (2m) (b) and a right to be heard
4under this paragraph does not become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing
5is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
(b) If a hearing is held under sub. (1) (am) 2. or (2m) (b) and the change in
7placement would remove a juvenile from a foster home or other placement with a
8physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) in which the juvenile has been placed for
96 months or more, the foster parent or other physical custodian shall become a party
10to the proceeding and, as a party, shall have the right to be heard as described in par.
11(a), to be represented by counsel, to request an examination or assessment of the
12juvenile under s. 938.295 by an expert of the foster parent's or other physical
13custodian's own choosing, to present evidence relative to the issue of placement,
14including expert testimony, to confront and cross-examine witnesses, and to make
15alternative placement recommendations. In addition, counsel for the foster parent
16or other physical custodian may, notwithstanding s. 938.78 (2) (a), inspect and obtain
17copies of all records relating to the juvenile as provided under s. 938.293. If counsel
18for the foster parent or other physical custodian discloses a record to the foster parent
19or other physical custodian, counsel shall advise that person that the information
20contained in the record is confidential and may be disclosed only for the purpose of
21participating in the change-in-placement proceeding.
AB722, s. 68
68. 938.357 (2r) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
(2r) (b) If a hearing is held under sub. (1) (am) 2. or (2m) (b) and the
24change in placement would remove a juvenile from a foster home, treatment foster
25home, or other placement with a physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) in which
1the juvenile has been placed for 6 months or more, the foster parent, treatment foster
2parent, or other physical custodian shall become a party to the proceeding and, as
3a party, shall have the right to be heard as described in par. (a), to be represented by
4counsel, to request an examination or assessment of the juvenile under s. 938.295 by
5an expert of the foster parent's, treatment foster parent's, or other physical
6custodian's own choosing, to present evidence relative to the issue of placement,
7including expert testimony, to confront and cross-examine witnesses, and to make
8alternative placement recommendations. In addition, counsel for the foster parent,
9treatment foster parent, or other physical custodian may, notwithstanding s. 938.78
10(2) (a), inspect and obtain copies of all records relating to the juvenile as provided
11under s. 938.293. If counsel for the foster parent, treatment foster parent, or other
12physical custodian discloses a record to the foster parent, treatment foster parent,
13or other physical custodian, counsel shall advise that person that the information
14contained in the record is confidential and may be disclosed only for the purpose of
15participating in the change-in-placement proceeding.
AB722, s. 69
69. 938.38 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (c) The location and type of facility in which the juvenile is currently
18held or placed, and the location and type of facility in which the juvenile will be
If the juvenile is or will be placed in a foster home or treatment foster home,
20the information specified in this paragraph may not be disclosed to the juvenile's
21parent or guardian or to any other adult relative of the juvenile without the consent
22of the foster parent or treatment foster parent under s. 48.62 (3m).
AB722, s. 70
70. 938.38 (4) (c) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act ....
24(this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
(4) (c) The location and type of facility in which the juvenile is currently
2held or placed, and the location and type of facility in which the juvenile will be
3placed. If the juvenile is or will be placed in a foster home, the information specified
4in this paragraph may not be disclosed to the juvenile's parent or guardian or to any
5other adult relative of the juvenile without the consent of the foster parent under s.
648.62 (3m).
AB722, s. 71
71. 938.78 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) No agency may make available for inspection or disclose the
9contents of any record kept or information received about an individual who is or was
10in its care or legal custody, except as provided under sub. (3) or s.
938.357 (2r) (b), 11938.371, 938.38 (5) (b) or (d) or (5m) (d), 938.51, or 938.57 (2m) or by order of the court.
AB722, s. 72
72. 938.78 (2) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (ag) Paragraph (a) does not prohibit an agency from making
14available for inspection or disclosing the contents of a record, upon the request of the
15parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the juvenile who is the subject of the record
16or upon the request of the juvenile, if 14 years of age or older, to the parent, guardian,
17legal custodian, or juvenile, unless
the record discloses information that is
18confidential under s. 48.62 (3m) or the agency finds that inspection of the record by
19the juvenile, parent, guardian, or legal custodian would result in imminent danger
20to anyone.
AB722, s. 73
73. 938.78 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) Paragraph (a) does not prohibit an agency from making
23available for inspection or disclosing the contents of a record, upon the written
24permission of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the juvenile who is the
25subject of the record or upon the written permission of the juvenile, if 14 years of age
1or older, to the person named in the permission if the parent, guardian, legal
2custodian, or juvenile specifically identifies the record in the written permission,
the record discloses information that is confidential under s. 48.62 (3m) or the
4agency determines that inspection of the record by the person named in the
5permission would result in imminent danger to anyone.
Changes in placement. The amendment of sections 48.293 (2), 48.295 (1)
8and (3), 48.357 (1) (am) 1. and 2m. and (c) 1. and (2m) (a) and (b), 48.78 (2) (a), 938.293
9(2), 938.295 (1) (b) and (3), 938.357 (1) (am) 1. and 2. and (c) 1. and (2m) (a) and (b),
10and 938.78 (2) (a) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of sections 48.357
11(2r) and 938.357 (2r) of the statutes, and the creation of sections 48.357 (1) (am) 2r.,
12(2m) (bp), and (2r) (b) and 938.357 (1) (am) 2r., (2m) (bp), and (2r) (b) of the statutes
13first apply to a change of placement requested on the effective date of this subsection.
Foster parent confidentiality. The amendment of sections 48.33 (5),
1548.355 (2) (b) 2., 48.38 (4) (c), 48.78 (2) (ag), (aj), (am), and (ap), 938.33 (5), 938.355
16(2) (b) 2., 938.38 (4) (c), and 938.78 (2) (ag) and (am) of the statutes and the creation
17of section 48.62 (3m) of the statutes first apply to a person that is issued a license to
18operate a foster home or treatment foster home on the effective date of this
Decisions affecting out-of-home placements. The renumbering and
21amendment of section 48.64 (4) (a) and (c) of the statutes and the creation of section
2248.64 (4) (a) 2. and (c) 3. of the statutes first apply to a decision or order of an agency
23involving the placement and care of a child issued on the effective date of this
Placement of child with physical custodian for adoption. The treatment
2of section 48.834 (title) and (1) of the statutes and the creation of section 48.834 (1m)
3of the statutes first apply to a child who is placed for adoption under section 48.833
4of the statutes on the effective date of this subsection.
AB722, s. 75
Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
6except as follows:
Treatment foster homes. The amendment of sections 48.357 (1) (am) 2r.,
8(2m) (bp), 48.62 (3m), 48.834 (1m), and 938.357 (1) (am) 2r. and (2m) (bp) of the
9statutes and the repeal and recreation of sections 48.293 (2), 48.295 (1) and (3), 48.33
10(5), 48.355 (2) (b) 2., 48.357 (1) (am) 1., (2m) (b), and (2r), 48.38 (4) (c), 48.64 (4) (a)
11and (c), 938.293 (2), 938.295 (1) (b) and (3), 938.33 (5), 938.355 (2) (b) 2., 938.357 (1)
12(am) 1. and 2., (2m) (b), and (2r), and 938.38 (4) (c) of the statutes take effect on the
13date stated in the notice provided by the secretary of children and families and
14published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under section 48.62 (9) of the