AB75,1349,222 252.17 (2) Subsidy program. The department shall establish and administer
23a program to subsidize, from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (am), as provided
24in s. 252.16 (2), the premium costs for coverage under a group health plan that are
25paid by an individual who has HIV infection and who is on unpaid medical leave from

1his or her employment because of an illness or medical condition arising from or
2related to HIV infection.
AB75, s. 2536 3Section 2536. 252.17 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1349,74 252.17 (3) (d) Is covered under a group health plan through his or her
5employment and pays part or all of the premium for that coverage, including any
6premium for coverage of the individual's spouse or domestic partner under ch. 770
7and dependents.
AB75, s. 2537 8Section 2537. 252.17 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1349,209 252.17 (4) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b), (c) , and (d), if an individual
10satisfies sub. (3), the department shall pay the amount of each premium payment for
11coverage under the group health plan under sub. (3) (d) that is due from the
12individual on or after the date on which the individual becomes eligible for a subsidy
13under sub. (3). The department may not refuse to pay the full amount of the
14individual's contribution to each premium payment because the coverage that is
15provided to the individual who satisfies sub. (3) includes coverage of the individual's
16spouse or domestic partner under ch. 770 and dependents. Except as provided in par.
17(b), the department shall terminate the payments under this section when the
18individual's unpaid medical leave ends, when the individual no longer satisfies sub.
19(3) or upon the expiration of 29 months after the unpaid medical leave began,
20whichever occurs first.
AB75, s. 2538 21Section 2538. 252.17 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1349,2422 252.17 (4) (b) The obligation of the department to make payments under this
23section is subject to the availability of funds in the appropriation account under s.
2420.435 (5) (1) (am).
AB75, s. 2539 25Section 2539. 252.17 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
1252.17 (4) (d) For an individual who satisfies sub. (3) and who has a family
2income, as defined by rule under sub. (6) (a), that exceeds 200% but does not exceed
3300% of the federal poverty line, as defined under 42 USC 9902 (2), for a family the
4size of the individual's family, the department shall pay a portion of the amount of
5each premium payment for the individual's coverage under the group health plan
6under sub. (3) (d). The portion that the department pays shall be determined
7according to a schedule established by the department by rule under sub. (6) (c). The
8department shall pay the portion of the premium determined according to the
9schedule regardless of whether the individual's coverage under the group health
10plan under sub. (3) (d) includes coverage of the individual's spouse or domestic
11partner under ch. 770
and dependents.
AB75, s. 2540 12Section 2540. 253.07 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1350,1513 253.07 (4) Family planning services. (intro.) From the appropriation account
14under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (f), the department shall allocate distribute funds in the
15following amounts, for the following services:
AB75, s. 2541 16Section 2541. 253.08 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1350,22 17253.08 Pregnancy counseling services. The department shall make award
18grants from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (eg) to individuals and
19organizations to provide pregnancy counseling services. For a program to be eligible
20under this section, an applicant must demonstrate that moneys provided in a grant
21under s. 20.435 (5) (eg) this section will not be used to engage in any activity specified
22in s. 20.9275 (2) (a) 1. to 3.
AB75, s. 2542 23Section 2542. 253.085 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1351,224 253.085 (2) In addition to the amounts appropriated under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ev),
25the department shall allocate distribute $250,000 for each fiscal year from moneys

1received under the maternal and child health services block grant program, 42 USC
to 709, for the outreach program under this section.
AB75, s. 2543 3Section 2543. 253.10 (3) (c) 2. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1351,94 253.10 (3) (c) 2. c. That the woman has a legal right to continue her pregnancy
5and to keep the child; to place the child in a foster home or treatment foster home for
66 months or to petition a court for placement of the child in a foster home, treatment
7foster home
or group home or with a relative; or to place the child for adoption under
8a process that involves court approval both of the voluntary termination of parental
9rights and of the adoption.
AB75, s. 2544 10Section 2544. 253.115 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 2545 11Section 2545. 253.12 (4) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 2546 12Section 2546. 253.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1352,213 253.13 (2) Tests; diagnostic, dietary and follow-up counseling program;
The department shall contract with the state laboratory of hygiene to perform
15the tests specified under this section and to furnish materials for use in the tests.
16The department shall provide necessary diagnostic services, special dietary
17treatment as prescribed by a physician for a patient with a congenital disorder as
18identified by tests under sub. (1) or (1m) and follow-up counseling for the patient and
19his or her family. The state laboratory of hygiene board, on behalf of the department,
20shall impose a fee for tests performed under this section sufficient to pay for services
21provided under the contract. The state laboratory of hygiene board shall include as
22part of this fee amounts the department determines are sufficient to fund the
23provision of diagnostic and counseling services, special dietary treatment, and
24periodic evaluation of infant screening programs, the costs of consulting with experts
25under sub. (5), and the costs of administering the congenital disorder program under

1this section and shall credit these amounts to the appropriations appropriation
under s. 20.435 (1) (ja) and (jb) and (5) (ja).
AB75, s. 2547 3Section 2547. 253.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1353,24 253.15 (2) Informational materials. The board shall purchase or prepare or
5arrange with a nonprofit organization to prepare printed and audiovisual materials
6relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies. The materials shall include
7information regarding the identification and prevention of shaken baby syndrome
8and impacted babies, the grave effects of shaking or throwing on an infant or young
9child, appropriate ways to manage crying, fussing, or other causes that can lead a
10person to shake or throw an infant or young child, and a discussion of ways to reduce
11the risks that can lead a person to shake or throw an infant or young child. The
12materials shall be prepared in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a
13significant number of state residents, as determined by the board. The board shall
14make those written and audiovisual materials available to all hospitals, maternity
15homes, and nurse-midwives licensed under s. 441.15 that are required to provide or
16make available materials to parents under sub. (3) (a) 1., to the department and to
17all county departments and nonprofit organizations that are required to provide the
18materials to day care providers under sub. (4), and to all school boards and nonprofit
19organizations that are permitted to provide the materials to pupils in one of grades
205 to 8 and in one of grades 10 to 12 under sub. (5). The board shall also make those
21written materials available to all county departments and Indian tribes that are
22providing home visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. or 2. and to all providers
23of prenatal, postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45
24(44). The board may make available the materials required under this subsection

1to be made available by making those materials available at no charge on the board's
2Internet site.
AB75, s. 2548 3Section 2548. 253.15 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1354,24 253.15 (4) Training for day care providers. Before an individual may obtain
5a license to operate a day care center under s. 48.65 for the care and supervision of
6children under 5 years of age or enter into a contract to provide a day care program
7under s. 120.13 (14) for the care and supervision of children under 5 years of age, the
8individual shall receive training relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted
9babies that is approved or provided by the department or that is provided by a
10nonprofit organization arranged by the department to provide that training. Before
11an individual may be certified under s. 48.651 as a day care provider of children
12under 5 years of age, the individual shall receive training relating to shaken baby
13syndrome and impacted babies that is approved or provided by the certifying county
14department or agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) or that is provided by a
15nonprofit organization arranged by that county department or contracted agency to
16provide that training. Before an employee or volunteer of a day care center licensed
17under s. 48.65, a day care provider certified under s. 48.651, or a day care program
18established under s. 120.13 (14) may provide care and supervision for children under
195 years of age, the employee or volunteer shall receive training relating to shaken
20baby syndrome and impacted babies that is approved or provided by the department
21or the certifying county department or agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) or
22that is provided by a nonprofit organization arranged by the department or that
23county department or contracted agency to provide that training. The person
24conducting the training shall provide to the individual receiving the training,
25without cost to the individual, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared

1under sub. (2), a presentation of the audiovisual materials purchased or prepared
2under sub. (2), and an oral explanation of those written and audiovisual materials.
AB75, s. 2549 3Section 2549. 253.15 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1354,94 253.15 (6) Information to home visitation or care coordination services
A county department or Indian tribe that is providing home visitation
6services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. or 2. and a provider of prenatal, postpartum, and
7young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44) shall provide to a recipient
8of those services, without cost, a copy of the written materials purchased or prepared
9under sub. (2) and an oral explanation of those materials.
AB75, s. 2550 10Section 2550. 253.15 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1354,1611 253.15 (7) (e) A county department or Indian tribe that is providing home
12visitation services under s. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. or 2. and a provider of prenatal,
13postpartum, and young child care coordination services under s. 49.45 (44) is
14immune from liability for any damages resulting from any good faith act or omission
15in providing or failing to provide the written materials and oral explanation specified
16in sub. (6).
AB75, s. 2551 17Section 2551. 254.151 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1354,21 18254.151 Lead poisoning or lead exposure prevention grants. (intro.)
19From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ef), the department shall
20award the following grants under criteria that the department shall establish in
21rules promulgated under this section:
AB75, s. 2552 22Section 2552. 254.34 (1) (h) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1355,223 254.34 (1) (h) 5. Develop standards of performance for the regional radon
24centers and, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ed), allocate

1distribute funds based on compliance with the standards to provide radon protection
2information dissemination from the regional radon centers.
AB75, s. 2553 3Section 2553. 255.01 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1355,64 255.01 (2m) "Research" means a systematic investigation through scientific
5inquiry, including development, testing, and evaluation, that is designed to develop
6or contribute to generalizable knowledge.
AB75, s. 2554 7Section 2554. 255.01 (2n) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1355,88 255.01 (2n) "Researcher" means a person who performs research.
AB75, s. 2555 9Section 2555. 255.04 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1355,1110 255.04 (3) (c) A researcher who proposes to conduct research, if all of the
11following conditions are met:
AB75,1355,1512 1. The researcher applies in writing to the department for approval of access
13to individually identifiable information under sub. (1) or (5) that is necessary for
14performance of the proposed research, and the department approves the application.
15An application under this subdivision shall include all of the following:
AB75,1355,1616 a. A written protocol to perform research.
AB75,1355,1817 b. The researcher's professional qualifications to perform the proposed
AB75,1355,2219 c. Documentation of approval of the research protocol by an institutional
20review board of a domestic institution that has a federalwide assurance approved by
21the office for human research protections of the federal department of health and
22human services.
AB75,1355,2323 d. Any other information requested by the department.
AB75,1355,2524 2. The proposed research is for the purpose of studying cancer, cancer
25prevention, or cancer control.
AB75, s. 2556
1Section 2556. 255.04 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1356,32 255.04 (6) The department may charge a reasonable fee for disclosing
3information to a researcher under sub. (3) (c).
AB75, s. 2557 4Section 2557. 255.04 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1356,75 255.04 (7) Information obtained by the department under sub. (1) or (5) or
6obtained by a person under sub. (3) (c) is not subject to inspection, copying, or receipt
7under s. 19.35 (1).
AB75, s. 2558 8Section 2558. 255.04 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1356,109 255.04 (8) No person to whom information is disclosed under sub. (3) (c) may
10do any of the following:
AB75,1356,1311 (a) Use the information for a purpose other than for the performance of
12research as specified in the application under sub. (3) (c) 1., as approved by the
AB75,1356,1514 (b) Disclose the information to a person who is not connected with performance
15of the research.
AB75,1356,1716 (c) Reveal in the final research product information that may identify an
17individual whose information is disclosed under sub. (3) (c).
AB75, s. 2559 18Section 2559. 255.04 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1356,2119 255.04 (9) Whoever violates sub. (8) (a), (b), or (c) is liable to the subject of the
20information for actual damages and costs, plus exemplary damages of up to $1,000
21for a negligent violation and up to $5,000 for an intentional violation.
AB75, s. 2560 22Section 2560. 255.04 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1356,2523 255.04 (10) (a) Whoever intentionally violates sub. (8) (a), (b), or (c) may be
24fined not more than $15,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county
25jail or both.
1(b) Any person who violates sub. (8) (a), (b), or (c) may be required to forfeit not
2more than $100 for each violation. Each day of continued violation constitutes a
3separate offense, except that no day in the period between the date on which a
4request for a hearing is filed under s. 227.44 and the date of the conclusion of all
5administrative and judicial proceedings arising out of a decision under this
6paragraph constitutes a violation.
AB75,1357,127 (c) The department may directly assess forfeitures under par. (b). If the
8department determines that a forfeiture should be assessed for a particular violation
9or for failure to correct the violation, the department shall send a notice of
10assessment to the alleged violator. The notice shall specify the alleged violation of
11the statute and the amount of the forfeiture assessed and shall inform the alleged
12violator of the right to contest the assessment under s. 227.44.
AB75, s. 2561 13Section 2561. 255.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1357,1914 255.05 (2) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (cc), the
15department shall allocate award up to $400,000 in each fiscal year to provide as
16grants to applying individuals, institutions or organizations for the conduct of
17projects on cancer control and prevention. Funds shall be awarded on a matching
18basis, under which, for each grant awarded, the department shall provide 50%, and
19the grantee 50%, of the total grant funding.
AB75, s. 2562 20Section 2562. 255.06 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1358,521 255.06 (2) (intro.) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (cb),
22the department shall administer a well-woman program to provide reimbursement
23for health care screenings, referrals, follow-ups, case management, and patient
24education provided to low-income, underinsured, and uninsured women.
25Reimbursement to service providers under this section shall be at the rate of

1reimbursement for identical services provided under medicare, except that, if
2projected costs under this section exceed the amounts appropriated under s. 20.435
3(5) (1) (cb), the department shall modify services or reimbursement accordingly.
4Within this limitation, the department shall implement the well-woman program to
5do all of the following:
AB75, s. 2563 6Section 2563. 255.15 (3) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1358,87 255.15 (3) (b) (intro.) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1)
8(fm), the department may distribute award grants for any of the following:
AB75, s. 2564 9Section 2564. 255.15 (3) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1358,1210 255.15 (3) (bm) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (fm), the
11department shall distribute $96,000 annually for programs to discourage use of
12smokeless tobacco.
AB75, s. 2565 13Section 2565. 255.15 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 2566 14Section 2566. 255.15 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1358,2015 255.15 (5) Funds. The department may accept for any of the purposes under
16this section any donations and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials and
17services from any person. The department shall include in the report under sub. (4)
18any donation or grant accepted by the department under this subsection, including
19the nature, amount and conditions, if any, of the donation or grant and the identity
20of the donor.
AB75, s. 2567 21Section 2567. 255.35 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1359,522 255.35 (3) (a) The department shall implement a statewide poison control
23system, which shall provide poison control services that are available statewide, on
24a 24-hour per day and 365-day per year basis and shall provide poison information
25and education to health care professionals and the public. From the appropriation

1account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ds), the department shall, if the requirement under
2par. (b) is met, distribute total funding of not more than $425,000 in each fiscal year
3to supplement the operation of the system and to provide for the statewide collection
4and reporting of poison control data. The department may, but need not, distribute
5all of the funds in each fiscal year to a single poison control center.
AB75, s. 2568 6Section 2568. 256.04 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1359,87 256.04 (8) Review the annual budget prepared by the department for the
8expenditures under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ch).
AB75, s. 2569 9Section 2569. 256.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 2570 10Section 2570. 256.12 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1359,1511 256.12 (2m) (a) The department shall contract with a physician to direct the
12state emergency medical services program. The department may expend from the
13funding under the federal preventive health services project grant program under
1442 USC 2476 under the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (mc), $25,000 in
15each fiscal year for this purpose.
AB75, s. 2571 16Section 2571. 256.12 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1359,2417 256.12 (4) (a) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ch), the
18department shall annually distribute funds for ambulance service vehicles or vehicle
19equipment, emergency medical services supplies or equipment or emergency
20medical training for personnel to an ambulance service provider that is a public
21agency, a volunteer fire department or a nonprofit corporation, under a funding
22formula consisting of an identical base amount for each ambulance service provider
23plus a supplemental amount based on the population of the ambulance service
24provider's primary service or contract area, as established under s. 256.15 (5).
AB75, s. 2572 25Section 2572. 256.12 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1256.12 (5) (a) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ch), the
2department shall annually distribute funds to ambulance service providers that are
3public agencies, volunteer fire departments, or nonprofit corporations to purchase
4the training required for licensure and renewal of licensure as an emergency medical
5technician - basic under s. 256.15 (6), and to pay for administration of the
6examination required for licensure or renewal of licensure as an emergency medical
7technician - basic under s. 256.15 (6) (a) 3. and (b) 1.
AB75, s. 2573 8Section 2573. 256.35 (3m) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1360,109 256.35 (3m) (em) Fund limitation. Except for grants under par. (d) or (e), the
10commission may not make any distribution from the wireless 911 fund to any person.
AB75, s. 2574 11Section 2574. 281.12 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1360,1512 281.12 (6) The department shall, in consultation with the coastal management
13council created under executive order 62, dated August 2, 1984, administer this
14state's coastal zone management program submitted to the U.S. secretary of
15commerce under 16 USC 1455.
AB75, s. 2575 16Section 2575. 281.16 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1361,717 281.16 (3) (e) An owner or operator of an agricultural facility or practice that
18is in existence before October 14, 1997, may not be required by this state or a
19municipality to comply with the performance standards, prohibitions, conservation
20practices or technical standards under this subsection unless cost-sharing is
21available, under s. 92.14 or 281.65 or from any other source, to the owner or operator.
22For the purposes of this paragraph, sub. (4) and ss. 92.07 (2), 92.105 (1), 92.15 (4) and
23823.08 (3) (c) 2., the department of natural resources shall promulgate rules that
24specify criteria for determining whether cost-sharing is available under s. 281.65
25and the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall promulgate

1rules that specify criteria for determining whether cost-sharing is available under
2s. 92.14 or from any other source. The rules may not allow a determination that
3cost-sharing is available to meet local regulations under s. 92.07 (2), 92.105 (1) or
492.15 that are consistent with or that exceed the performance standards,
5prohibitions, conservation practices or technical standards under this subsection
6unless the cost-sharing is at least 70% of the cost of compliance or is from 70% to 90%
7of the cost of compliance in cases of economic hardship, as defined in the rules.
AB75, s. 2576 8Section 2576. 281.20 (5) of the statutes is repealed.