AB75,1516,23 23(1) "Board" means the economic policy board created under s. 15.155 (2).
1(2) "Business" means a company located in this state, a company that has made
2a firm commitment to locate a facility in this state, or a group of companies at least
380 percent of which are located in this state.
AB75,1517,7 4(3) "Cluster" means a geographic, categorical, horizontal, or vertical
5concentration of interconnected, interdependent, or synergistic businesses,
6industries, research centers, or venues for the performance, creation, or display of
7the arts.
AB75,1517,9 8(4) "Community-based organization" means an organization that is involved
9in economic development and helps businesses that are likely to employ persons.
AB75,1517,11 10(5) "Economically distressed area" means an area designated by the
11department using the methodology established by rule under s. 560.301 (2).
AB75,1517,12 12(6) "Eligible activity" means any of the following:
AB75,1517,1313 (a) The start-up, expansion, or retention of minority businesses.
AB75,1517,1514 (b) The start-up, expansion, or retention of businesses in economically
15distressed areas.
AB75,1517,1616 (c) Innovative proposals to strengthen inner cities.
AB75,1517,1717 (d) Innovative proposals to strengthen communities in rural municipalities.
AB75,1517,1818 (e) Innovative programs to strengthen clusters.
AB75,1517,1919 (f) Innovative proposals to strengthen entrepreneurship.
AB75,1517,20 20(7) "Eligible recipient" means any of the following:
AB75,1517,2121 (a) A business or small business.
AB75,1517,2222 (b) The governing body of a municipality.
AB75,1517,2323 (c) A community-based organization.
AB75,1517,2524 (d) A cooperative or association incorporated under ch. 185 or organized under
25ch. 193.
1(e) A local development corporation.
AB75,1518,32 (f) A nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is to promote the economic
3development of or community development in a particular area or region in the state.
AB75,1518,5 4(8) "Governing body" means a county board, city council, village board, or town
AB75,1518,6 6(9) "Local development corporation" means any of the following:
AB75,1518,87 (a) The elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe
8or band in this state or any business created by the elected governing body.
AB75,1518,119 (b) A corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as
10defined in s. 181.0103 (17), that is at least 51 percent controlled and actively
11managed by minority group members, and that does all of the following:
AB75,1518,1212 1. Operates primarily within specific geographic boundaries.
AB75,1518,1413 2. Promotes economic development and employment opportunities for minority
14group members or minority businesses within the specific geographic area.
AB75,1518,1715 3. Demonstrates a commitment to or experience in promoting economic
16development and employment opportunities for minority group members or
17minority businesses.
AB75,1518,18 18(10) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (e).
AB75,1518,19 19(11) "Minority group member" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (f).
AB75,1518,20 20(12) "Municipality" means a county, city, village, or town.
AB75,1518,21 21(13) "Rural municipality" means any of the following:
AB75,1518,2322 (a) A municipality that is located in a county with a population density of less
23than 150 persons per square mile.
AB75,1518,2424 (b) A municipality with a population of 6,000 or less.
1(14) "Small business" means a business with fewer than 100 employees,
2including employees of any subsidiary or affiliated organization.
AB75, s. 3078 3Section 3078. 560.301 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1519,8 4560.301 Rules, policies, and standards for awarding grants and
5making loans.
The department, in consultation with the board, shall promulgate
6rules that establish procedures, policies, and standards for implementing this
7subchapter and awarding grants and making loans under this subchapter. The rules
8shall include all of the following:
AB75,1519,11 9(1) A statement of the department's economic development objectives for the
10program under this subchapter, together with the goals and accountability measures
11required under s. 560.01 (2) (ae).
AB75,1519,14 12(2) The methodology for designating an area as economically distressed. The
13methodology under this subsection shall require the department to consider the most
14current data available for the area and for the state on the following indicators:
AB75,1519,1515 (a) Unemployment rate.
AB75,1519,1716 (b) Percentage of families with incomes below the poverty line established
17under 42 USC 9902 (2).
AB75,1519,1818 (c) Median family income.
AB75,1519,1919 (d) Median per capita income.
AB75,1519,2020 (e) Average annual wage.
AB75,1519,2121 (f) Real property values.
AB75,1519,2322 (g) Other significant or irregular indicators of economic distress, such as a
23natural disaster.
AB75,1520,3 24(3) Provisions for the development of a biennial plan for awarding grants and
25making loans under this subchapter, before the commencement of each

1odd-numbered fiscal year, and for the submission of the biennial plan to the governor
2and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate
3standing committees under s. 13.172 (3).
AB75,1520,5 4(4) Procedures related to grants and loans under s. 560.304 for all of the
AB75,1520,66 (a) Submitting applications for grants and loans.
AB75,1520,77 (b) Evaluating applications.
AB75,1520,88 (c) Monitoring project performance.
AB75,1520,99 (d) Auditing the grants and loans.
AB75,1520,10 10(5) Conditions applicable to a grant awarded or loan made under s. 560.304.
AB75,1520,14 11(6) Procedures for monitoring the use of grants awarded and loans made under
12this subchapter, including procedures for verification of economic growth, job
13creation, and the number and percentage of newly created jobs for which state
14residents are hired.
AB75, s. 3079 15Section 3079. 560.302 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1520,18 16560.302 Grant and loan criteria. Upon receipt of an application by an
17eligible recipient, the department may consider any of the following in determining
18whether to award a grant or make a loan under s. 560.304:
AB75,1520,20 19(1) Whether the eligible activity proposed to be conducted by the eligible
20recipient serves a public purpose.
AB75,1520,22 21(2) Whether the eligible activity proposed to be conducted by the eligible
22recipient will retain or increase employment in this state.
AB75,1520,24 23(3) Whether the eligible activity proposed to be conducted by the eligible
24recipient is likely to occur without the grant or loan.
1(4) Whether and the extent to which the eligible activity proposed to be
2conducted by the eligible recipient will contribute to the economic growth of this state
3and the well-being of residents of this state.
AB75,1521,5 4(5) Whether the eligible activity proposed to be conducted by the eligible
5recipient will be located in an economically distressed area.
AB75,1521,7 6(6) The economic condition of the community in which the eligible activity
7proposed to be conducted by the eligible recipient is proposed to occur.
AB75,1521,9 8(7) The potential of the eligible activity proposed to be conducted by the eligible
9recipient to promote the employment of minority group members.
AB75,1521,12 10(8) Any other criteria established by the department by rule, including the
11types of projects that are eligible for funding and the types of eligible projects that
12will receive priority.
AB75, s. 3080 13Section 3080. 560.303 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1521,17 14560.303 Miscellaneous and administrative expenditures. In each
15biennium, the department may expend or encumber up to a total of 1 percent of the
16moneys appropriated under s. 20.143 (1) (fi) for that biennium for any of the
AB75,1521,18 18(1) Evaluations of proposed technical research projects.
AB75,1521,21 19(3) Evaluation costs, collection costs, foreclosure costs, and other costs
20associated with administering the loan portfolio under this subchapter, excluding
21staff salaries.
AB75, s. 3081 22Section 3081. 560.304 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1522,2 23560.304 Forward innovation fund. The department may award a grant or
24make a loan to an eligible recipient from the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (fi)

1(gm), and (io). The department shall consult with the board prior to awarding a grant
2or making a loan under this section.
AB75, s. 3082 3Section 3082. 560.305 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1522,8 4560.305 Administration. (1) The department, in cooperation with the board,
5shall encourage small businesses to apply for grants and loans under this subchapter
6by ensuring that there are no undue impediments to their participation and by
7actively encouraging small businesses to apply for grants and loans. The department
8shall do all of the following:
AB75,1522,119 (a) Publish and disseminate information about projects that may be funded by
10a grant or loan under s. 560.304 and about procedures for applying for grants and
11loans under s. 560.304.
AB75,1522,1312 (b) Simplify the application and review procedures for small businesses so that
13they will not impose unnecessary administrative burdens on small businesses.
AB75,1522,1414 (c) Assist small businesses in preparing applications for grants and loans.
AB75,1522,18 15(2) The department may charge a grant or loan recipient an origination fee of
16not more than 2 percent of the grant or loan amount if the grant or loan equals or
17exceeds $100,000. The department shall deposit all origination fees collected under
18this subsection into the appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (gm).
AB75,1522,23 19(3) The board shall develop a policy relating to obtaining reimbursement of
20grants and loans provided under this subchapter. The policy may provide that
21reimbursement shall be obtained through full repayment of the principal amount of
22the grant or loan plus interest, through receipt of a share of future profits from or an
23interest in a product or process, or through any other appropriate means.
1(4) The board shall require, as a condition of a grant or loan, that a recipient
2contribute to a project an amount that is not less than 25 percent of the amount of
3the grant or loan.
AB75, s. 3083 4Section 3083. 560.60 (1s) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1523,65 560.60 (1s) "Board" means the development finance economic policy board
6created under s. 15.155 (1) (2).
AB75, s. 3084 7Section 3084. 560.605 (2m) (g) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 3085 8Section 3085. 560.605 (7) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
AB75, s. 3086 9Section 3086. 560.68 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75,1523,1310 560.68 (3) The department may charge a grant or loan recipient an origination
11fee of not more than 2% of the grant or loan amount if the grant or loan equals or
12exceeds $200,000 $100,000. The department shall deposit all origination fees
13collected under this subsection in the appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (gm).
AB75, s. 3087 14Section 3087. Subchapter VI (title) of chapter 560 [precedes 560.70] of the
15statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB75,1523,1616 CHAPTER 560
AB75,1523,1917 SUBCHAPTER VI
18 Tax incentives for business
19 development in Wisconsin
AB75, s. 3088 20Section 3088. 560.70 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75,1523,2121 560.70 (2g) "Eligible activity" means an activity described under s. 560.702.
AB75, s. 3089 22Section 3089. 560.70 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 560.70 (2m) (a) and
23amended to read:
AB75,1524,524 560.70 (2m) (a) "Full Except as provided in par. (b), "full-time job" means a
25regular, nonseasonal full-time position in which an individual, as a condition of

1employment, is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year, including paid leave
2and holidays, and for which the individual receives pay that is equal to at least 150%
3of the federal minimum wage and benefits that are not required by federal or state
4law. "Full-time job" does not include initial training before an employment position