2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
March 9, 2010 - Introduced by Joint Legislative Council. Referred to Committee
on Children and Families.
AB825,1,8 1An Act to renumber 48.982 (2) (a) and 48.982 (3); to amend 20.433 (intro.) and
2(1) (g), 46.001, 46.23 (3) (am) 1., 48.67 (intro.), 48.982 (title), 48.982 (1) (b),
348.982 (2) (f), 48.982 (2m) (b), 48.982 (4) (a), 48.982 (6) (a), 48.982 (6) (am),
449.155 (1d) (a) and 253.15 (1) (a); to repeal and recreate 15.205 (4) and 48.67
5(intro.); and to create 15.07 (2) (o), 15.07 (3) (bm) 7., 46.215 (1) (t), 46.22 (1) (b)
66., 48.79 (11), 48.982 (2) (ad), (ag), (aj), (am) and (ar) and 48.982 (3) (b) of the
7statutes; relating to: creating a family policy board and requiring counties to
8provide prevention resources.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill is explained in the Notes provided by the Joint Legislative Council in
the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:

Joint Legislative Council prefatory note: This bill renames the child abuse and
neglect prevention board as the family policy board and expands its membership and
duties. Under the bill, the board is chaired by the governor or lieutenant governor.
The board is required to promote the coordination of resources for families in order
to achieve several goals, including children who are healthy and ready for school and
families that are economically self-sufficient and in which children are safe. The board
must also establish a policy for the state agencies with membership on the board that
highest priority should be given to promoting thriving families and healthy children
through the provision of comprehensive, integrated resources based on community and
family needs. The board is also required to make recommendations to the governor and
the legislature relating to changes needed in state programs, policies, and funding levels
to improve the coordination of programs that affect families; to set priorities for state
agencies based on community and family needs; to consolidate funding; and to encourage
communities to form local collaborative entities consisting of public and private providers
to coordinate the provision of resources. The board is required to submit a report of its
recommendations to the appropriate legislative standing committees and the governor
by September 1 of each even-numbered year. Finally, the board must establish a system
of communication between the board and local collaborative entities in order to more
effectively provide resources for families, and identify requirements for counties to report
to state agencies with membership on the board and instances in which those reporting
requirements could be consolidated or eliminated.
The bill also requires the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to assist
counties in developing programs, policies, and resources that prevent delinquency, child
abuse and neglect, mental illness, alcohol or other drug dependency, developmental
disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of mental or social maladjustment
(prevention resources). In addition, the bill requires counties to provide, either directly
or through community agencies and within limits of available funding, prevention
AB825, s. 1 1Section 1 . 15.07 (2) (o) of the statutes is created to read:
AB825,2,32 15.07 (2) (o) The governor or, if designated as a member under s. 15.205 (4) (a),
3the lieutenant governor shall serve as chairperson of the family policy board.
Note: Section 1 requires the governor or the lieutenant governor to serve as
chairperson of the family policy board.
AB825, s. 2 4Section 2 . 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
AB825,2,75 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. The family policy board shall meet at least 4 times each year
6and may meet at other times on the call of the chairperson or a majority of the board's
Note: Section 2 requires the family policy board to meet at least quarterly.
AB825, s. 3 8Section 3 . 15.205 (4) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
115.205 (4) Family policy board. There is created a family policy board attached
2to the department of children and families under s. 15.03. The board shall consist
3of the following members:
AB825,3,44 (a) The governor or, if designated by the governor, the lieutenant governor.
AB825,3,85 (b) The state superintendent of public instruction, the deputy state
6superintendent of public instruction, if designated by the state superintendent of
7public instruction, or an assistant state superintendent of public instruction
8designated by the state superintendent of public instruction.
AB825,3,119 (c) The secretary of administration, the deputy secretary of administration, if
10designated by the secretary of administration, or a division administrator in the
11department of administration designated by the secretary of administration.
AB825,3,1512 (d) The secretary of children and families, the deputy secretary of children and
13families, if designated by the secretary of children and families, or a division
14administrator in the department of children and families designated by the secretary
15of children and families.
AB825,3,1816 (e) The secretary of health services, the deputy secretary of health services, if
17designated by the secretary of health of services, or a division administrator in the
18department of health services designated by the secretary of health services.
AB825,3,2219 (f) The secretary of workforce development, the deputy secretary of workforce
20development, if designated by the secretary of workforce development, or a division
21administrator in the department of workforce development designated by the
22secretary of workforce development.
AB825,3,2523 (g) The secretary of corrections, the deputy secretary of corrections, if
24designated by the secretary of corrections, or a division administrator in the
25department of corrections designated by the secretary of corrections.
1(h) The attorney general, the deputy attorney general, if designated by the
2attorney general, or a division administrator in the department of justice designated
3by the attorney general.
AB825,4,44 (i) The executive director of the office of justice assistance.
AB825,4,65 (j) The dean of the Cooperative Extension of the University of
AB825,4,87 (k) One majority party representative of the assembly appointed as are the
8members of assembly standing committees.
AB825,4,109 (L) One minority party representative of the assembly appointed as are the
10members of assembly standing committees.
AB825,4,1211 (m) One majority party senator appointed as are the members of senate
12standing committees.
AB825,4,1413 (n) One minority party senator appointed as are the members of senate
14standing committees.
AB825,4,1615 (o) Thirteen public members appointed by the governor for 3-year terms as
AB825,4,1717 1. One member who represents county government.
AB825,4,1818 2. One member with experience and expertise in public health.
AB825,4,1919 3. One member with experience in special education.
AB825,4,2020 4. One member with experience in child care.
AB825,4,2121 5. One member who represents private business.
AB825,4,2222 6. One member who represents organized labor.
AB825,4,2323 7. One member who represents intergenerational aging groups.
AB825,4,2424 8. One member who represents youth.
AB825,4,2525 9. One member who represents nonprofit service organizations.
110. One member with experience and expertise in child and family mental
AB825,5,33 11. One member who represents human services.
AB825,5,44 12. One member who represents consumers of family services.
AB825,5,55 13. One member who represents juvenile or family court judges.
Note: Section 3 replaces the child abuse and neglect prevention board with the
family policy board and specifies the membership of the board.
AB825, s. 4 6Section 4 . 20.433 (intro.) and (1) (g) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB825,5,9 720.433 Child abuse and neglect prevention Family policy board. (intro.)
8There is appropriated to the child abuse and neglect prevention family policy board
9for the following program:
AB825,5,15 10(1) (g) General program operations. From all moneys received under s. 69.22
11(1m), the amounts in the schedule to be used for the expenses of the child abuse and
12neglect prevention
family policy board under s. 48.982 (2) and (3) (a), for statewide
13projects under s. 48.982 (5), for the general program operations of the family resource
14center grant program under s. 48.982 (6), and for technical assistance to
15organizations under s. 48.982 (4) and (6).
Note: Section 4 changes references to the child abuse and neglect prevention
board to instead reference the family policy board.
AB825, s. 5 16Section 5 . 46.001 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB825,6,3 1746.001 Purposes of chapter. The purposes of this chapter are to conserve
18human resources in Wisconsin; to prevent delinquency, child abuse and neglect,
19dependency, mental illness, alcoholism or other drug dependency, developmental
20disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of mental or social maladjustment by a
21continuous attack on causes; to provide effective aid and services to all persons in
22need of that aid and those services and to assist those persons to achieve or regain

1self-dependence at the earliest possible date; to avoid duplication and waste of effort
2and money on the part of public and private agencies; and to coordinate and integrate
3a social welfare program.
Note: Section 5 amends the current statutory section setting forth the purposes
of ch. 46, stats., relating to social services. This statutory section provides that one of the
purposes of the chapter is to prevent dependency, mental illness, developmental
disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of social maladjustment by a continuous
attack on causes. The bill adds as a purpose of that chapter the prevention of delinquency,
child abuse and neglect, alcoholism or other drug dependency, and other forms of mental
AB825, s. 6 4Section 6 . 46.215 (1) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
AB825,6,115 46.215 (1) (t) Within the limits of available state and federal funds and of
6county funds appropriated to match state funds, to provide, either directly or
7through community agencies, programs and resources designed to prevent
8delinquency, child abuse and neglect, mental illness, alcoholism or other drug
9dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of mental
10or social maladjustment and to promote mental health, positive youth development,
11and effective parenting skills.
AB825, s. 7 12Section 7 . 46.22 (1) (b) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
AB825,6,1913 46.22 (1) (b) 6. Within the limits of available state and federal funds and of
14county funds appropriated to match state funds, a county department of social
15services shall provide, either directly or through community agencies, programs and
16resources designed to prevent delinquency, child abuse and neglect, mental illness,
17alcoholism or other drug dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity,
18and other forms of mental or social maladjustment and to promote mental health,
19positive youth development, and effective parenting skills.
Note: Sections 6 and 7 require county departments of social services to provide,
within the limits of available funding, programs and resources designed to prevent
delinquency, child abuse and neglect, mental illness, alcoholism or other drug
dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of mental or

social maladjustment, and to promote mental health, positive youth development, and
effective parenting skills.
AB825, s. 8 1Section 8 . 46.23 (3) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB825,7,142 46.23 (3) (am) 1. The county department of human services shall prepare a local
3plan for the delivery of human services which includes an inventory of all existing
4resources,; identifies needed new resources and services; and contains a plan for
5meeting the health, mental health, and social needs of individuals and families. The
6plan shall be based on an annual need survey of the prevalence and incidence of the
7various disabilities within the geographic boundaries of the county department of
8human services. The plan shall also include the establishment of long-range goals
9and intermediate-range plans, detailing for preventing mental illness, alcoholism
10or other drug dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity, child abuse
11and neglect, delinquency, and other forms of mental or social maladjustment by
12addressing the causes of these maladjustments. The plan shall detail
priorities and
13estimated costs and providing provide for coordination and availability of local
14services and continuity of care resources.
Note: Current law requires each county department of human services to prepare
a local plan for the delivery of human services which includes an inventory of all existing
resources, identifies needed new resources and services, and contains a plan for meeting
the health, mental health, and social needs of individuals and families. The plan must
provide for coordination and availability of local resources. Section 8 also requires the
plan to establish goals for preventing mental illness, alcoholism or other drug
dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity, child abuse and neglect,
delinquency, and other forms of mental or social maladjustment by addressing the causes
of these mental or social maladjustments.
AB825, s. 9 15Section 9 . 48.67 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB825,8,7 1648.67 Rules governing child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster
17homes, treatment foster homes, group homes, shelter care facilities, and
18county departments.
(intro.) The department shall promulgate rules establishing
19minimum requirements for the issuance of licenses to, and establishing standards

1for the operation of, child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster homes, treatment
2foster homes, group homes, shelter care facilities, and county departments. Those
3rules shall be designed to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the
4children in the care of all licensees. The department shall consult with the
5department of commerce, the department of public instruction, and the child abuse
6and neglect prevention
family policy board before promulgating those rules. Those
7rules shall include rules that require all of the following:
Note: Section 9 requires DCF to consult with the family policy board, instead of
the child abuse and neglect prevention board, before promulgating rules relating to
licensing and establishing standards for child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster
homes, treatment foster homes, group homes, shelter care facilities, and county
departments of human services or social services.
AB825, s. 10 8Section 10. 48.67 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act 28
9and .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB825,8,20 1048.67 Rules governing child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster
11homes, group homes, shelter care facilities, and county departments.

12(intro.) The department shall promulgate rules establishing minimum
13requirements for the issuance of licenses to, and establishing standards for the
14operation of, child welfare agencies, day care centers, foster homes, group homes,
15shelter care facilities, and county departments. Those rules shall be designed to
16protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the children in the care of all
17licensees. The department shall consult with the department of commerce, the
18department of public instruction, and the family policy board before promulgating
19those rules. For foster homes, those rules shall include the rules promulgated under
20s. 48.62 (8). Those rules shall include rules that require all of the following:
AB825, s. 11 21Section 11 . 48.79 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
148.79 (11) (a) To maintain prevention programs that it considers to be proper
2and that enable children and families to develop competencies and skills, confront
3stressful life conditions, and increase their self-reliance before the onset of problems
4in order to reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect, delinquency, mental
5illness, alcoholism or other drug dependency, developmental disability, mental
6infirmity, and other forms of mental or social maladjustment.
AB825,9,107 (b) To assist counties in developing programs, policies, and resources that
8prevent delinquency, child abuse and neglect, mental illness, alcoholism or other
9drug dependency, developmental disability, mental infirmity, and other forms of
10mental or social maladjustment.
Note: Current s. 48.79, stats., sets forth the powers and authority of DCF relating
to community services. Section 11 creates requirements that DCF maintain prevention
programs that it considers to be proper and assist counties in developing prevention
programs, policies, and resources.
AB825, s. 12 11Section 12 . 48.982 (title) of the statutes is amended to read: