2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
March 9, 2010 - Introduced by Representatives Steinbrink, Soletski, Black and
Berceau, cosponsored by Senator Wirch. Referred to Committee on
AB827,1,10 1An Act to amend 165.755 (1) (b), 302.46 (1) (a), 341.08 (4m), 341.10 (7m), 345.20
2(1) (b), 345.20 (2) (d), 345.26 (1) (a), 345.28 (title), 345.28 (2) (a) and (b), 345.28
3(3), 345.28 (4) (a) 1., 345.28 (4) (e) 1., 345.28 (4) (i), 345.28 (5) (a), 345.28 (5) (b)
42. (intro.) and a., 345.28 (5) (c) 1. and 2., 345.28 (7), 345.30, 345.31, 345.315 (1),
5345.36 (3), 345.37 (1) (b), 345.47 (1) (b), 752.31 (2) (c), 757.05 (1) (a), 778.103,
6785.05, 800.09 (1) (c), 800.095 (4) (b) 4. and 938.17 (1) (intro.); and to create
7345.28 (1) (d) and 349.107 of the statutes; relating to: the use of traffic control
8photographic systems to monitor intersections, imposing liability on the
9owners of vehicles involved in traffic control signal violations, and providing a
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the governing body of a city, village, or town (municipality)
may not enact a traffic ordinance unless the ordinance strictly conforms to current
state traffic law or the ordinance is expressly authorized by law. State law imposes
liability on the owner of a vehicle that is observed violating certain laws or local
ordinances, including laws or local ordinances that prohibit fleeing a traffic officer,

failing to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle or funeral procession,
passing a fire truck or school bus, and parking in a parking space designated for
vehicles with special registration plates.
This bill authorizes the governing body of a county or municipality to enact an
ordinance that permits the use of a traffic control photographic system (TCPS) on
highways under the jurisdiction of the county or municipality to detect and identify
motor vehicles that fail to stop at red traffic signals at intersections and to wait for
a green signal (red light violations). A TCPS is defined as an electronic system that
consists of a photographic, video, or electronic camera and a vehicle sensor that work
in conjunction with a traffic control signal to automatically produce photographs,
stamped with the time and date, of motor vehicles traveling through an intersection.
With exceptions, the vehicle owner is subject to a forfeiture for the red light violation
detected by a TCPS, but if the vehicle owner successfully asserts certain defenses,
the lessee or operator of the vehicle is subject to a forfeiture for the violation. The
bill requires the ordinance to include a provision that allows a traffic officer employed
by the county or municipality to issue a citation to the owner of a vehicle for a red light
violation that is detected by a TCPS or, in limited circumstances, to the operator of
such a vehicle. The ordinance must require the local authority to provide to the
owner, or in limited circumstances the lessee or operator, of the vehicle, by personal
service or certified mail, the traffic citation and a duplicate of the photograph, video,
or digital image of the vehicle failing to stop at a red traffic signal. The ordinance
also must require that any photograph or other image produced by the TCPS be
focused on the rear license plate of the vehicles moving through an intersection. The
governing body of a county or municipality that uses a TCPS is required to place
signs near the limits of the county or municipality on all county trunk highways and
connecting highways under its jurisdiction informing motorists that intersections in
the county or municipality may be monitored by traffic control photographic
If an owner is issued a traffic citation for a violation of the local ordinance, it
is not a defense that the owner was not in control of the vehicle at the time of the
violation, except that the owner may assert the following defenses:
1. The vehicle was reported stolen before the violation occurred or within five
business days after the violation occurred.
2. If the vehicle is owned by, and registered in the name of, a lessor, a lessee who
is identified by the lessor had possession of the vehicle at the time of the traffic signal
violation. The lessee may be issued a citation for the red light violation.
3. If the vehicle is owned by a motor vehicle dealer, the vehicle was being
operated by another person on a trial run and the dealer provided a traffic officer
with the person's name, address, and operator's license number. The vehicle
operator may be issued a citation for the red light violation.
4. Any other defense established by the county or municipality that is specified
in the ordinance.
Except for the service requirements described above, the procedure applicable
to citations for red light violations detected by a TCPS is the same as that applicable
to citations for nonmoving traffic violations (parking tickets), including potential

vehicle registration suspension for unpaid citations. A person convicted of a red light
violation detected by a TCPS is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $50 but is not
subject to additional surcharges, costs, or fees. The person's operating privilege may
not be suspended or revoked and the person may not be assessed any demerit points
on his or her driving record.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB827, s. 1 1Section 1. 165.755 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,3,92 165.755 (1) (b) A court may not impose the crime laboratories and drug law
3enforcement surcharge under par. (a) for a violation of s. 101.123 (2) (a), (am) 1., (ar),
4(bm), (br), or (bv) or (5) (b), for a first violation of s. 23.33 (4c) (a) 2., 30.681 (1) (b) 1.,
5346.63 (1) (b), or 350.101 (1) (b), if the person who committed the violation had a blood
6alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more but less than 0.1 at the time of the violation,
7or for a violation of a state law or municipal or county ordinance involving a
8nonmoving traffic violation, a violation of an ordinance enacted under s. 349.107, a
9violation under s. 343.51 (1m) (b), or a safety belt use violation under s. 347.48 (2m).
AB827, s. 2 10Section 2. 302.46 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,4,511 302.46 (1) (a) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of state law
12or for a violation of a municipal or county ordinance except for a violation of s. 101.123
13(2) (a), (am) 1., (ar), (bm), (br), or (bv) or (5), or for a first violation of s. 23.33 (4c) (a)
142., 30.681 (1) (b) 1., 346.63 (1) (b), or 350.101 (1) (b), if the person who committed the
15violation had a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more but less than 0.1 at the
16time of the violation, or for a violation of state laws or municipal or county ordinances
17involving nonmoving traffic violations, a violation of an ordinance enacted under s.
violations under s. 343.51 (1m) (b), or safety belt use violations under s.

1347.48 (2m), the court, in addition, shall impose a jail surcharge under ch. 814 in an
2amount of 1 percent of the fine or forfeiture imposed or $10, whichever is greater.
3If multiple offenses are involved, the court shall determine the jail surcharge on the
4basis of each fine or forfeiture. If a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part,
5the court shall reduce the jail surcharge in proportion to the suspension.
AB827, s. 3 6Section 3. 341.08 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,5,47 341.08 (4m) At least 30 days prior to the expiration of a vehicle's registration,
8the department shall mail to the last-known address of the registrant a notice of the
9date upon which the registration must be renewed and an application form for
10renewal of registration. The application form or an accompanying document shall
11include a list of any unpaid citations for nonmoving traffic violations or violations of
12ordinances enacted under s. 349.107
or any judgments for violation of ch. 110, 194,
13or 341 to 350, an administrative rule of the department, or an ordinance enacted in
14accordance with s. 349.06, including parking violations and violations of ordinances
15enacted under s. 349.107
, and of any unpaid towing and storage charges associated
16with nonmoving traffic violations entered against the registrant that remain unpaid.
17The list of unpaid citations for nonmoving traffic violations and violations of
18ordinances enacted under s. 349.107,
and of unpaid towing and storage charges
19associated with nonmoving traffic violations, shall be based on information obtained
20under s. 345.28 (4). The list of unpaid judgments shall be based on information
21obtained under s. 345.47 (1) (d). If there is a citation for any nonmoving traffic
22violation or violation of an ordinance enacted under s. 349.107 entered against the
23registrant that is unpaid, he or she shall be notified that the vehicle may not be
24registered until the citation is paid or the registrant appears in court to respond to
25the citation. If there are any towing and storage charges entered against the

1registrant that are unpaid, he or she shall be notified that the vehicle may not be
2registered until such towing and storage charges are paid. If there is a judgment
3entered against the registrant which is unpaid, he or she shall be notified that the
4vehicle may not be registered until the judgment is paid.
AB827, s. 4 5Section 4. 341.10 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,5,116 341.10 (7m) An authority has notified the department under s. 345.28 (4) that
7a citation for a nonmoving traffic violation or violation of an ordinance enacted under
8s. 349.107
has been issued against the applicant and the applicant has not paid the
9citation or appeared in court to respond to the citation or that the applicant has not
10paid towing and storage charges associated with a citation for a nonmoving traffic
11violation issued against the applicant.
AB827, s. 5 12Section 5. 345.20 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,5,1713 345.20 (1) (b) "Traffic regulation" means a provision of chs. 194 or 341 to 349
14for which the penalty for violation is a forfeiture or an ordinance enacted in
15accordance with s. 349.06. Except as otherwise specifically provided, "traffic
16regulation" does not include a nonmoving traffic violation as defined in s. 345.28 (1)
17or a violation of an ordinance enacted under s. 349.107.
AB827, s. 6 18Section 6. 345.20 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,5,2419 345.20 (2) (d) A nonmoving Nonmoving traffic violation is violations and
20violations of ordinances enacted under s. 349.107 are
governed by s. 345.28. The trial
21of forfeiture actions for nonmoving traffic violations and violations of ordinances
22enacted under s. 349.107
is governed by ss. 345.28 and 345.34 to 345.47. Where no
23specific procedure is provided in ss. 345.28 or 345.34 to 345.47, ch. 799 applies to
24actions in circuit court and ch. 800 applies to actions in municipal court.
AB827, s. 7 25Section 7. 345.26 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1345.26 (1) (a) A person arrested under s. 345.22 or 345.28 (5) for the violation
2of a traffic regulation, or under s. 345.28 (5) for a nonmoving traffic violation or
3violation of an ordinance enacted under s. 349.107,
who is allowed to make a deposit
4under s. 345.23 (2) (a) or 345.28 (5) shall deposit the money as the arresting officer
5directs by either mailing the deposit at a nearby mailbox to the office of the sheriff,
6headquarters of the county traffic patrol, district headquarters or station of the state
7traffic patrol, city, village or town police headquarters or a precinct station, the office
8of the municipal judge, the office of the clerk of court, or by going, in the custody of
9the arresting officer, to any of those places to make the deposit.
AB827, s. 8 10Section 8. 345.28 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,6,11 11345.28 (title) Nonmoving violations and certain red light violations.
AB827, s. 9 12Section 9. 345.28 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB827,6,1413 345.28 (1) (d) "Red light violation" means a violation of an ordinance enacted
14under s. 349.107.
AB827, s. 10 15Section 10. 345.28 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB827,6,2016 345.28 (2) (a) A person charged with a nonmoving traffic violation or red light
may mail the amount of the forfeiture to any of the places specified in s.
18345.26 (1) or to a violations bureau, or to the city, town or county clerk or treasurer
19if the traffic citation so provides. In that case, the citation shall not be filed with or
20transmitted to court.
AB827,6,2321 (b) If the person appears in response to a citation for a nonmoving traffic
22violation or red light violation, the procedures under ss. 345.34 to 345.47 apply,
23except as provided in par. (c).
AB827, s. 11 24Section 11. 345.28 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1345.28 (3) (a) If the person does not pay the forfeiture or appear in court in
2response to the citation for a nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation on the
3date specified in the citation or, if no date is specified in the citation, within 28 days
4after the citation is issued, the authority that issued the citation may issue a
5summons under s. 968.04 (3) (b) to the person and, in lieu of or in addition to issuing
6the summons, may proceed under sub. (4) or (5) but, except as provided in this
7section, no warrant may be issued for the person. If the person does not pay towing
8and storage charges associated with a citation for a nonmoving traffic violation, the
9authority that issued the citation may proceed under sub. (4).
AB827,7,1110 (b) If the person appears in response to a summons for a nonmoving traffic
11violation or red light violation, the procedures under ss. 345.34 to 345.47 apply.
AB827, s. 12 12Section 12. 345.28 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,7,1813 345.28 (4) (a) 1. If the person does not pay the forfeiture or appear in court in
14response to the citation for a nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation on the
15date specified in the citation or, if no date is specified in the citation, within 28 days
16after the citation is issued, the authority may notify the department in the form and
17manner prescribed by the department that a citation has been issued to the person
18and the citation remains unpaid.
AB827, s. 13 19Section 13. 345.28 (4) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,8,320 345.28 (4) (e) 1. If the person subsequently pays the amount of the forfeiture
21and the costs, if any, under par. (d) or appears in court in response to the citation or
22a notice by the authority who issued the citation or the department, the department
23shall be immediately notified in the form and manner prescribed by the department.
24If the vehicle involved in the a nonmoving traffic violation is owned by a person
25engaged in the business of renting or leasing motor vehicles and the owner pays the

1costs, if any, under par. (d) and the forfeiture or, if applicable, the amount required
2under sub. (5w) (b), the authority shall immediately notify the department in the
3form and manner prescribed by the department.
AB827, s. 14 4Section 14. 345.28 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,8,135 345.28 (4) (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection or ss.
6341.10 (7m) and 341.63 (1) (c), the department may permit an authority to send a
7single notice to the department under par. (a) 1. with respect to 2 or more nonmoving
8traffic violation citations, or 2 or more red light violation
citations, that have been
9issued to a person and remain unpaid and, if an authority sends a notice specified
10in this paragraph to the department, the authority and department shall treat any
11such notice for purposes of any other provision of this section or ss. 341.10 (7m) and
12341.63 (1) (c) in the same manner as a notice to the department under par. (a) 1. with
13respect to a single citation.
AB827, s. 15 14Section 15. 345.28 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,8,2015 345.28 (5) (a) In lieu of the procedure under sub. (4), if the person does not pay
16the forfeiture or appear in court in response to the citation for a nonmoving traffic
17violation or red light violation on the date specified in the citation or, if no date is
18specified in the citation, within 28 days after the citation was issued, the authority,
19after sending 2 notices which meet the requirements under sub. (4) (c) 1., may issue
20a warrant under par. (b) for the person.
AB827, s. 16 21Section 16. 345.28 (5) (b) 2. (intro.) and a. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB827,8,2322 345.28 (5) (b) 2. (intro.) If an officer contacts a person for whom a warrant for
23a nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation has been issued under subd. 1.:
AB827,9,1424 a. The officer shall accept a deposit of money or a deposit of the person's valid
25Wisconsin operator's license in lieu of serving the warrant and arresting the person.

1If the license is deposited with the officer, the officer shall issue to the licensee a
2receipt, on a form provided by the department, which is valid as an operator's license
3through a date specified on the receipt, not to exceed 30 days from the date of contact,
4which shall be the same as the court appearance date and the officer shall at the
5earliest possible time prior to the court appearance date deposit the license with the
6court. If a deposit of money is made, s. 345.26 (1) (a) and (2) to (5) applies. The officer
7shall notify the person who deposits money or his or her license, in writing, of the
8specific actions which the authority and the courts are authorized to take under this
9section if the person fails to appear in court at the time specified by the officer, not
10to exceed 30 days from the date of contact, or at any subsequent court appearance
11for the nonmoving traffic violation citation or red light violation. If the person makes
12a deposit of money or deposits his or her valid Wisconsin operator's license, the officer
13shall return the warrant to the court or judge who issued the warrant and the court
14or judge shall vacate the warrant.
AB827, s. 17 15Section 17. 345.28 (5) (c) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB827,9,2416 345.28 (5) (c) 1. If the person who was contacted under par. (b) 2. and who has
17made a deposit of money fails to appear in court at the date specified by the officer
18under par. (b) 2. a. or set under s. 345.32, 345.34 or 345.36 or at any subsequent court
19appearance for the nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation, the person shall
20be deemed to have entered a plea of no contest. The court shall accept the plea of no
21contest, find the defendant guilty and proceed under s. 345.47, except that the
22deposit shall be forfeited and serve as payment of the judgment. The court shall give
23notice of the entry of judgment to the defendant by mailing a copy of the judgment
24to the defendant's last-known address.
12. If the person who was contacted under par. (b) 2. and who has deposited his
2or her operator's license fails to appear in court at the date specified by the officer
3under par. (b) 2. a. or set under s. 345.32, 345.34 or 345.36 or at any subsequent court
4appearance for the nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation, the person may
5be deemed to have entered a plea of no contest. The court may accept the plea of no
6contest, find the defendant guilty and, except as limited by sub. (6), proceed under
7s. 345.47. If the court enters judgment under s. 345.47 (1), the court shall give notice
8of the entry of judgment to the defendant by mailing a copy of the judgment to the
9defendant's last-known address. The court shall also mail to the defendant's
10last-known address a statement setting forth the actions the court may take under
11s. 345.47 if the judgment is not paid. In lieu of accepting the plea of no contest, the
12court may issue a warrant commanding that the person be arrested and brought
13before the court. Unless the case is tried immediately with the person's consent, any
14person who is arrested on a warrant issued under this subdivision may be released
15on his or her own recognizance or on posting bond or may be released without bail
16and shall be released if the person posts cash bail for his or her appearance. The court
17may retain the person's license, but the person's operating privilege may not be
18suspended until after judgment is entered under s. 345.47 and the judgment is not
AB827, s. 18 20Section 18. 345.28 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,11,521 345.28 (7) Nothing in this section prevents a court from issuing a warrant
22under s. 345.36 or 345.37 if the person appears in court in response to a citation for
23a nonmoving traffic violation or red light violation or after notice by the authority
24who issued the citation or the department under sub. (4) with respect to the citation
25or on the date specified by the officer or the court under sub. (5) and then fails to

1appear in court at any time fixed by subsequent postponement. Unless the case is
2tried immediately with the person's consent, any person who is arrested on a warrant
3issued under this subsection may be released on his or her own recognizance or on
4posting bond or may be released without bail and shall be released if the person posts
5cash bail for his or her appearance.
AB827, s. 19 6Section 19. 345.30 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,11,13 7345.30 Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over actions for violation of traffic
8regulations and, nonmoving traffic violations, and violations of ordinances enacted
9under s. 349.107
is conferred upon circuit courts. Municipal courts shall have
10jurisdiction over traffic regulations enacted in accordance with s. 349.06 and, over
11actions for violations of nonmoving traffic ordinances enacted in accordance with s.
12349.06 or 349.13, and over actions for violations of ordinances enacted under s.
AB827, s. 20 14Section 20. 345.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,11,21 15345.31 Venue in traffic regulation actions. Section 971.19 on place of trial
16in criminal actions applies to actions for the violation of traffic regulations and,
17nonmoving traffic violations, and violations of ordinances enacted under s. 349.107
18except that, in the case of a violation of an ordinance of a municipality which is
19located in more than one county, the action may be brought in any court sitting in that
20municipality even though in another county. As an alternative, the plaintiff may
21bring the action in the county where the defendant resides.
AB827, s. 21 22Section 21. 345.315 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,12,1223 345.315 (1) In traffic regulation and nonmoving traffic violation cases, and in
24cases involving violations of ordinances enacted under s. 349.107,
a person charged
25with a violation may file a written request for a substitution of a different judge for

1the judge originally assigned to the trial of that case. The written request shall be
2filed not later than 7 days after the initial appearance in person or by an attorney.
3If a new judge is assigned to the trial of a case and the defendant has not exercised
4the right to substitute an assigned judge, a written request for the substitution of the
5new judge may be filed within 10 days of the giving of actual notice or sending of the
6notice of assignment to the defendant or the defendant's attorney. If the notification
7occurs within 10 days of the date set for trial, the request shall be filed within 48
8hours of the giving of actual notice or sending of the notice of assignment to the
9defendant or the defendant's attorney. If the notification occurs within 48 hours of
10the trial or if there has been no notification, the defendant may make an oral or
11written request for substitution prior to the commencement of the proceedings. The
12judge against whom a request has been filed may set initial bail and accept a plea.
AB827, s. 22 13Section 22. 345.36 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB827,12,1614 345.36 (3) If the offense involved is a nonmoving traffic violation or violation
15of an ordinance enacted under s. 349.107
and the defendant is subject to s. 345.28
16(5) (c), a default judgment may be entered and opened as provided in s. 345.28 (5) (c).