The bill requires a local groundwater management council to be appointed after
an area is designated as a groundwater management area. If the groundwater
management area is entirely in one county, the county executive, or, if the county
does not have a county executive, the chairperson of the county board, appoints the
groundwater management council. If the groundwater management area includes
all of part of more than one county, the bill requires the appointment of a
groundwater management council according to an agreement negotiated by the
counties. If a groundwater management council is not appointed within six months
of the designation of a groundwater management area, the bill requires DNR to
appoint a groundwater management council for the groundwater management area.
The bill requires a groundwater management council to develop a groundwater
management plan for the groundwater management area. The plan must be

protective of surface water and groundwater and be designed to ensure that by the
target date the area no longer qualifies as a groundwater management area. The
plan must contain measurable goals, requirements for reporting to DNR, water
conservation measures, and other provisions specified by DNR by rule.
Once a groundwater management council completes a groundwater
management plan for a single-county groundwater management area, it submits
the plan to the county board for approval. For a multicounty groundwater
management area, the council submits the plan to all of the county boards for
approval. After a plan is approved by the county board or, for a multicounty
groundwater management area, all of the county boards, the groundwater
management council submits the plan to DNR for approval.
The bill requires DNR to review and approve or disapprove a groundwater
management plan for a groundwater management area. DNR may approve a plan
only if it complies with the requirements described above. If, 36 months after the
groundwater management area was designated, a groundwater management plan
has not been approved by DNR, the bill requires DNR to develop a groundwater
management plan for the groundwater management area.
Effect of groundwater management plan
Under current law, a person may not construct a high capacity well without an
approval from DNR. A high capacity well is a well that, together with all other wells
on the same property, has the capacity to withdraw more than 100,000 gallons of
water per day.
Under this bill, after DNR approves or develops a groundwater management
plan for a groundwater management area, DNR may not approve a high capacity
well in the groundwater management area unless the high capacity well is consistent
with the groundwater management plan. Also see the description below concerning
the review of existing high capacity well approvals.
Under current law, which implements the Great Lakes Water Resources
Compact, beginning on December 8, 2011, a person may not withdraw groundwater
or surface water in the Great Lakes basin in an amount that averages 100,000
gallons per day or more in any 30-day period unless the withdrawal is covered under
a water use permit issued by DNR. The law requires DNR to include requirements
for water conservation in water use permits. This bill requires DNR to make the
conservation measures for withdrawals in a groundwater management area
consistent with the area's groundwater management plan.
This bill also requires DNR to include water conservation requirements in the
approvals, required under current law, for certain surface water withdrawals in a
groundwater management area that is outside of the Great Lakes basin. The bill
requires DNR to make the conservation requirements for these withdrawals
consistent with the groundwater management plan for the groundwater
management area.
Current law requires DNR to administer a water supply planning process for
public water supply systems in this state. A water supply plan specifies the area for
which the public water supply system will provide water and how the system will
provide the water. The law requires a public water supply system that serves a

population of 10,000 or more to be covered by a water supply plan approved by DNR
no later than December 31, 2025, but systems may obtain approval of plans before
that date.
This bill requires the operator of a public water supply system that serves a
population of 10,000 or more and that is located in a groundwater management area
to be covered by a water supply plan approved by DNR no later than four years after
DNR designates the groundwater management area and requires the water supply
plan to be consistent with the groundwater management plan for the area.
Rescinding designation
After the target date established by DNR for a groundwater management area,
the bill requires the council subcommittee to consider whether the area still qualifies
as a groundwater management area. If the council subcommittee concludes that the
area no longer qualifies as a groundwater management area, it must forward that
conclusion to the GCC. If the GCC agrees that the area no longer qualifies as a
groundwater management area, the GCC must recommend that DNR rescind the
designation. If the GCC makes that recommendation, DNR may rescind the
designation by repealing the rule designating the area as a groundwater
management area.
Groundwater attention areas
This bill establishes a standard and a process for designating areas in this state
as groundwater attention areas. An area qualifies for designation as a groundwater
attention area if, based on water use trends, the area is likely to qualify for
designation as a groundwater management area within 20 years.
The process for designation of a groundwater attention area is similar to the
process for designating a groundwater management area. First the council
subcommittee determines whether an area qualifies for designation and forwards
that determination to the GCC. The GCC reviews the council subcommittee's
determination that an area qualifies for designation as a groundwater attention
area. If the GCC agrees with the determination, the GCC must recommend to DNR
that the area be designated as a groundwater attention area. If DNR receives such
a recommendation from the GCC, DNR may designate the area as a groundwater
attention area. Unlike for a groundwater management area, the bill does not require
that the designation of a groundwater attention area be made by rule. The bill
requires DNR to publish a notice of the designation of a groundwater attention area
in a newspaper likely to give notice in the area.
The bill does not require groundwater planning for a groundwater attention
area. The bill gives the county or counties in which the area is located the option to
appoint a groundwater management council (in the same manner as in a
groundwater management area). If a groundwater management council is
appointed, it may develop a groundwater management plan. If a groundwater
management council for a groundwater attention area develops a plan, it must
submit the plan to the county board or county boards for the county or counties in

which the area is located. The plan must be protective of surface water and
groundwater and be designed to ensure that by the target date the area no longer
qualifies as a groundwater attention area.
A groundwater management council that develops a groundwater
management plan for a groundwater attention area may recommend to the county
board or county boards that DNR be requested to approve the plan and to apply the
plan to approvals of high capacity wells. If the county board agrees, or all of the
county boards for a multicounty groundwater attention area agree, the plan is
submitted to DNR and DNR must review and approve or disapprove the
groundwater management plan. DNR may approve a plan only if it complies with
the requirements described above.
Effect of groundwater management plan
Under this bill, after DNR approves a groundwater management plan for a
groundwater attention area (upon the request of the county or counties in which the
area is located), DNR may not approve a high capacity well in the groundwater
attention area unless the well is consistent with the groundwater management plan.
Also see the description below concerning the review of existing high capacity well
Rescinding designation
After the target date established by DNR for a groundwater attention area, the
bill requires the council subcommittee to consider whether the area qualifies for
designation as a groundwater management area and, if not, whether the area still
qualifies as a groundwater attention area. If the council subcommittee concludes
that the area qualifies as a groundwater management area, it must forward that
conclusion to the GCC and the process for designating an area as a groundwater
management area proceeds as described above. If the council subcommittee
concludes that the area no longer qualifies as a groundwater attention area, it must
forward that conclusion to the GCC. If the GCC agrees that the area no longer
qualifies as a groundwater attention area, the GCC must recommend that DNR
rescind the designation. If the GCC makes that recommendation, DNR may rescind
the designation of the groundwater attention area.
High capacity wells
Environmental review of proposed high capacity wells
As explained above, under current law, a person may not construct a high
capacity well without an approval from DNR. Current law requires DNR to conduct
an environmental review of applications for approval of all the following:
1. A high capacity well that is located in a groundwater protection area, that
is, an area within 1,200 feet of a trout stream or waters designated by DNR as
outstanding or exceptional resource waters.
2. A high capacity well with a high water loss, which means that less than 5
percent of the water withdrawn is returned after use to the basin from which it is
3. A high capacity well that may have a significant adverse impact on a
qualifying spring.

Under current law, if DNR determines that an environmental impact report
must be conducted for a proposed well that meets one of these criteria, DNR must
generally include conditions in the approval of the well to ensure that the well does
not cause significant adverse environmental impact or, if it is not possible to ensure
that, must deny the application. If a proposed well will be used to provide a public
water supply and DNR determines that there is no reasonable alternative location
for the well, DNR must include in the approval conditions to ensure that the
environmental impact of the well is balanced by the public benefit of the well.
This bill changes the criteria for determining which springs are qualifying
springs under the high capacity well law. Under current law, to be a qualifying
spring, a spring must result in a flow of at least one cubic foot per second at least 80
percent of the time. The bill requires DNR to conduct an inventory of large springs
in this state and to report the results of the study to the legislature. Once DNR
reports to the legislature, a spring that results in a flow of at least 0.25 cubic foot per
second and that is perennial, as defined by DNR by rule, is a qualifying spring.
This bill expands the environmental review provisions of current law so that
they apply to a proposed high capacity well in a groundwater management area
before DNR approves or develops a groundwater management plan for the area.
(After DNR approves the groundwater management plan, as explained above, DNR
may not approve a high capacity well in the groundwater management area unless
the high capacity well is consistent with the groundwater management plan.) The
bill also provides that the environmental review provisions apply to any proposed
high capacity well for a water bottling facility.
Under this bill, any person may file a petition with DNR requesting
environmental review of a proposed high capacity well that does not meet any of the
criteria for which environmental review is specifically required, on the grounds that
the well is reasonably probable to result in significant adverse environmental impact
to surface waters. A person filing a petition must provide information showing that
the well is reasonably probable to result in significant adverse environmental impact
to surface waters. If DNR determines that the information is adequate, the current
environmental review provisions apply to the well.
Review of existing high capacity well approvals in designated areas
Under current law, the approval of a high capacity well generally remains in
effect indefinitely.
This bill requires DNR to review existing approvals for high capacity wells in
a groundwater management area after the groundwater management plan for the
area takes effect. The bill authorizes DNR to modify the approval of a high capacity
well in a groundwater management area to ensure that the well is consistent with
the groundwater management plan.
This bill also requires DNR to review existing approvals for high capacity wells
in a groundwater attention area if the county or counties in which the area is located
requested DNR to approve the plan and to apply the plan to approvals of high
capacity wells and DNR approved the plan. The bill authorizes DNR to modify the
approval of a high capacity well in such a groundwater attention area to ensure that
the well is consistent with the groundwater management plan.

Other provisions
Graywater and rainwater systems
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to promulgate rules that
establish standards for graywater and rainwater systems and that authorize the use
of graywater and rainwater within the building, or on the property surrounding the
building, from which the graywater was generated or from which the rainwater was
collected. Graywater is wastewater generated from the use of a clothes washer, sink,
shower, or bathtub.
Public Service Commission order on water conservation
This bill requires the Public Service Commission (PSC) to issue an order for
encouraging water conservation by water utilities and their customers. The PSC
may impose different deadlines for compliance with the order on different classes of
water utilities, but the PSC must impose the highest priority for compliance on water
utilities located in groundwater management areas.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB844, s. 1 1Section 1. 16.968 of the statutes is repealed.
AB844, s. 2 2Section 2. 20.370 (6) (eg) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB844,7,63 20.370 (6) (eg) Groundwater mitigation and local assistance. All moneys
4received under s. 281.34 not appropriated under sub. (4) (cg) or (ch) for mitigation
5under s. 281.34 (8) (d) and (9) (d) and funding to local governmental units under s.
6281.34 (9) (b)
AB844, s. 3 7Section 3. 20.865 (2) (em) of the statutes is renumbered 20.285 (1) (et) and
8amended to read:
AB844,7,119 20.285 (1) (et) Groundwater survey and analysis. The amounts in the schedule
10for the survey and analysis of groundwater conditions and problems under ss. s.
1116.968, 36.25 (6) and 280.13 and subch. II of ch. 281.
AB844, s. 4 12Section 4. 36.25 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
136.25 (6) (f) No funds may be expended from the appropriation account under
2s. 20.285 (2) (em) in a fiscal year before the state geologist and the department of
3natural resources agree on a plan for the use of the funds during that fiscal year.
AB844, s. 5 4Section 5. 145.133 of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,8,5 5145.133 Graywater systems. (1) In this section:
AB844,8,76 (a) "Graywater" means wastewater generated from the use of a clothes washer,
7sink, shower, or bathtub.
AB844,8,98 (b) "Graywater system" means a system for the collection and reuse of
AB844,8,1110 (c) "Rainwater system" means a system for the use of rainwater collected from
11building roofs.
AB844,8,16 12(2) The department shall promulgate rules that establish standards for the
13installation of graywater and rainwater systems. The standards shall authorize the
14use of graywater and rainwater within the building, or on the property surrounding
15the building, from which the graywater was generated or from which the rainwater
16was collected.
AB844, s. 6 17Section 6. 160.50 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 160.50 (2) (a).
AB844, s. 7 18Section 7. 160.50 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,8,2219 160.50 (2) (b) The groundwater coordinating council shall create a
20subcommittee on groundwater area review. The subcommittee shall be composed of
21individuals with technical expertise in the area of groundwater science and
AB844, s. 8 23Section 8. 196.03 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 196.03 (3) (ar) and
24amended to read:
1196.03 (3) (ar) In the case of a public water utility furnishing water, the
2commission shall include, in the determination of water rates, the cost of fluoridating
3the water in the area served by the public water utility furnishing water if the
4governing body of the city, village or town which owns or is served by the public water
5utility furnishing water authorizes the fluoridation of water by the public water
6utility furnishing water.
AB844, s. 9 7Section 9. 196.03 (3) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,9,88 196.03 (3) (ag) "Water utility" means a public utility that furnishes water.
AB844, s. 10 9Section 10. 196.03 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB844,9,1110 196.03 (3) (b) 1. A public water utility shall include the charges in the water
11utility bill of each customer of the public water utility in the city, village, or town.
AB844, s. 11 12Section 11. 196.03 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,9,2113 196.03 (3) (c) 1. The commission shall commence a proceeding to issue an order
14for encouraging water conservation by all water utilities and their customers. The
15order may encourage water conservation through rates, incentives, rebates, or other
16methods determined by the commission. The commission may impose different
17deadlines for compliance with the order on different classes, as determined by the
18commission, of water utilities, except that the commission shall impose the highest
19priority for compliance on water utilities located in areas designated as groundwater
20management areas under rules promulgated by the department of natural resources
21under s. 281.341 (2) (a).
AB844,9,2322 2. The commission shall issue the order required under subd. 1. no later than
23one year after the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
AB844, s. 12 24Section 12. 281.34 (1) (eg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,9,2525 281.34 (1) (eg) "Qualifying spring" means the following:
11. Before the department submits the report under sub. (11) (b), a spring that
2results in a flow of at least one cubic foot per second at least 80 percent of the time.
AB844,10,53 2. Beginning on the day that the department submits the report under sub. (11)
4(b), a spring that results in a flow of at least 0.25 cubic foot per second and that is
5perennial, as defined under sub. (11) (c).
AB844, s. 13 6Section 13. 281.34 (1) (er) of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,10,127 281.34 (1) (er) "Significant adverse environmental impact" means alteration
8of groundwater levels, groundwater discharge, surface water levels, surface water
9discharge, groundwater temperature, surface water temperature, groundwater
10chemistry, surface water chemistry, or other factors to the extent that those
11alterations cause significant degradation of environmental quality, including
12biological and ecological aspects of the affected water resource.
AB844, s. 14 13Section 14. 281.34 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB844,10,1614 281.34 (1) (f) "Spring" means an area of concentrated groundwater discharge
15occurring at the surface of the land that results in a flow of at least one cubic foot per
16second at least 80 percent of the time
AB844, s. 15 17Section 15. 281.34 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB844,10,1918 281.34 (4) (a) 2. A high capacity well with a water loss of more than 95 percent
19of the amount of water withdrawn or a high capacity well for a water bottling facility.
AB844, s. 16 20Section 16. 281.34 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB844,10,2221 281.34 (4) (a) 3. A high capacity well that may have a significant adverse
22environmental impact on a qualifying spring.
AB844, s. 17 23Section 17. 281.34 (4) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,11,224 281.34 (4) (a) 4. A high capacity well that is located in a groundwater
25management area, designated under s. 281.341 (2), for which a groundwater

1management plan under s. 281.341 (3) (e) or (f) is not yet in effect when the
2application for the high capacity well is submitted.
AB844, s. 18 3Section 18. 281.34 (4) (a) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB844,11,84 281.34 (4) (a) 5. A high capacity well not described in subds. 1. to 4. if the
5department receives a petition under par. (am) 2. requesting environmental review
6of the application and the information in the petition shows that construction and
7operation of the well as proposed is reasonably probable to result in significant
8adverse environmental impact to surface waters.
AB844, s. 19 9Section 19. 281.34 (4) (am) of the statutes is created to read: