SB211,5,1510 48.983 (4) (a) 4m. Other than in a county with a population of 500,000 or more,
To reimburse a case management provider under s. 49.45 (25) (b) for the amount
12of the allowable charges under the medical assistance program that is not provided
13by the federal government for case management services provided to a medical
14assistance beneficiary described in s. 49.45 (25) (am) 9. who is a child and who is a
15member of a family that receives home visitation program services under par. (b) 1.
Note: Deletes a reference to Milwaukee County.
SB211, s. 8 16Section 8. 48.983 (4) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,6,517 48.983 (4) (am) Grants; start-up costs and capacity building. In the first year
18in which a grant under this section is awarded to a county, private agency, or Indian

1tribe, the county, private agency, or Indian tribe may use a portion of the grant to pay
2for start-up costs and capacity building related to the program under this section.
3The department shall determine the maximum amount of a grant that a county,
4private agency,
or Indian tribe may use to pay for those start-up costs and that
5capacity building.
Note: Adds references to private agencies.
SB211, s. 9 6Section 9. 48.983 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,7,97 48.983 (4) (b) 1. A county, other than a county with a population of 500,000 or
private agency, or an Indian tribe that is selected to participate in the program
9under this section shall select persons who are first-time parents and who are
10eligible for medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49 and shall offer each of those
11persons an opportunity to undergo an assessment through use of a risk assessment
12instrument to determine whether the parent presents risk factors for perpetrating
13child abuse or neglect. Persons who are selected and who agree to be assessed shall
14be assessed during the prenatal period, if possible, or as close to the time of the child's
15birth as possible. The risk assessment instrument shall be developed by the
16department and shall be based on risk assessment instruments developed by the
17department for similar programs that are in operation. The department need not
18promulgate as rules under ch. 227 the risk assessment instrument developed under
19this subdivision. A person who is assessed to be at risk of abusing or neglecting his
20or her child shall be offered home visitation program services. Home visitation
21program services may be provided to a family with a child identified as being at risk
22of child abuse or neglect until the identified child reaches 3 years of age. If a family
23has been receiving home visitation program services continuously for not less than
2412 months, those services may continue to be provided to the family until the

1identified child reaches 3 years of age, regardless of whether the child continues to
2be eligible for medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49.
If risk factors for child
3abuse or neglect with respect to the identified child continue to be present when the
4child reaches 3 years of age, home visitation program services may be provided until
5the identified child reaches 5 years of age. Home visitation program services may
6not be provided to a person unless the person gives his or her written informed
7consent to receiving those services or, if the person is a child, unless the child's
8parent, guardian, or legal custodian gives his or her written informed consent for the
9child to receive those services.
Note: Deletes a reference to Milwaukee County. Adds a reference to private
agencies. Also, specifies that if a family with a child identified as being at risk of child
abuse or neglect has been continuously receiving home visitation program services for not
less than 12 months, those services may continue to be provided until the identified child
reaches three years of age, regardless of whether the child continues to be eligible for MA.
SB211, s. 10 10Section 10. 48.983 (4) (b) 2. and 3. of the statutes are amended to read:
SB211,7,1911 48.983 (4) (b) 2. The counties, private agencies, and Indian tribes that are
12selected to participate in the program under this section may permit a person who
13is not a first-time parent or who is not eligible for medical assistance under subch.
14IV of ch. 49 to undergo the risk assessment and to participate in the home visitation
15program if that person presents risk factors for perpetrating child abuse or neglect.
16No payments from the fund under sub. (6) (b) 1. may be made to a person described
17in this subdivision. No reimbursement to a case management provider under s. 49.45
18(25) (b) for services provided to a person described in this subdivision may be made
19from grant moneys received under this section.
SB211,8,220 3. A county, private agency, or Indian tribe that is providing home visitation
21program services under subd. 1. or 2. shall provide to a person receiving those

1services the information relating to shaken baby syndrome and impacted babies
2required under s. 253.15 (6).
Note: Adds references to private agencies.
SB211, s. 11 3Section 11. 48.983 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,8,244 48.983 (5) Selection of counties, private agencies, and Indian tribes. The
5department shall provide competitive application procedures for selecting counties,
6private agencies,
and Indian tribes for participation in the program under this
7section. The department shall establish a method for ranking applicants for
8selection based on the quality of their applications. In ranking the applications
9submitted by counties, the department shall give favorable consideration to a county,
10private agency, or Indian tribe that submits a joint application under sub. (3) and
11a county that has indicated under sub. (6) (d) 2. that it is willing to use a portion of
12any moneys distributed to the county under s. 48.565 (2) (a) to provide case
13management services to a medical assistance beneficiary under s. 49.45 (25) (am) 9.
14who is a case or who is a member of a family that is a case and that has explained
15under sub. (6) (d) 2. how the county plans to use that portion of those moneys to
16promote the provision of those services for the case by using a wraparound process
17so as to provide those services in a flexible, comprehensive and individualized
18manner in order to reduce the necessity for court-ordered services. The department
19shall also provide application requirements and procedures for the renewal of a grant
20awarded under this section. The application procedures and the renewal application
21requirements and procedures shall be clear and understandable to the applicants.
22The department need not promulgate as rules under ch. 227 the application
23procedures, the renewal application requirements or procedures or the method for
24ranking applicants established under this subsection.

Note: Requires that DCF give favorable consideration in the application process
to a county, private agency, or Indian tribe that submits a joint application.
SB211, s. 12 1Section 12. 48.983 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,9,52 48.983 (6) Criteria for awarding grants. (intro.) In addition to any other
3criteria developed by the department, a county, private agency, or Indian tribe shall
4meet all of the following criteria in order to be selected for participation in the
5program under this section:
Note: Adds a reference to private agencies.
SB211, s. 13 6Section 13. 48.983 (6) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,9,107 48.983 (6) (a) (intro.) The part of an application, other than a renewal
8application, submitted by a county, other than a county with a population of 500,000
9or more
private agency, or an Indian tribe that relates to home visitation programs
10shall include all of the following:
Note: Deletes a reference to Milwaukee County. Adds a reference to private
SB211, s. 14 11Section 14. 48.983 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,9,1612 48.983 (6) (a) 1. Information on how the applicant's home visitation program
13is comprehensive and incorporates practice standards and critical elements that
14have been developed for successful home visitation programs by entities concerned
15with the prevention of child abuse and neglect
a nationally recognized home
16visitation program model
and that are acceptable to the department.
Note: Modifies current law relating to information that must be provided about
an applicant's home visitation program.
SB211, s. 15 17Section 15. 48.983 (6) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,9,2018 48.983 (6) (a) 3. An identification of existing child abuse and neglect prevention
19services that are available to residents of the county, the area in which the private
20agency is providing services,
or the reservation of the Indian tribe and a description

1of how those services and any additional needed services will support a
2comprehensive home visitation program.
Note: Adds a reference to the area served by a private agency.
SB211, s. 16 3Section 16. 48.983 (6) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,10,84 48.983 (6) (a) 6. An identification of how the home visitation program is
5comprehensive and incorporates the practice standards for and critical elements for
home visitation programs referred to in subd. 1., including how services
7will vary in intensity levels depending on the needs and strengths of the
8participating family.
Note: Modifies current law relating to information that must be provided about
an applicant's home visitation program.
SB211, s. 17 9Section 17. 48.983 (6) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,10,1410 48.983 (6) (b) 4. `Nonentitlement.' No individual is entitled to any payment
11from a fund established under subd. 1. or 2. Nothing in this section shall be construed
12as requiring a county, private agency, or Indian tribe to make a determination
13described in sub. (1) (b) 2. A determination described in sub. (1) (b) 2. may not be
14construed to be a determination described in s. 48.981 (3) (c) 4.
Note: Adds a reference to private agencies.
SB211, s. 18 15Section 18. 48.983 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,10,2116 48.983 (6) (c) Case management benefit. The applicant, other than a county
17with a population of 500,000 or more,
states in the grant application that it has
18elected, or, if selected, that it will elect, under s. 49.45 (25) (b), to make the case
19management benefit under s. 49.45 (25) available to the category of beneficiaries
20under s. 49.45 (25) (am) 9. who are children and who are members of families
21receiving home visitation program services under sub. (4) (b) 1.
Note: Deletes a reference to Milwaukee County.
SB211, s. 19
1Section 19. 48.983 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB211,11,52 48.983 (6) (f) Private agency applicant. If the applicant is a private agency, the
3applicant submits documentation with the grant application that demonstrates that
4the application is supported by a county and that a county will collaborate with the
5private agency in providing services.
Note: Requires a private agency that applies for participation in Family
Foundations to submit documentation with the grant application that demonstrates that
the application is supported by a county and that a county will collaborate with the
private agency in providing services.
SB211, s. 20 6Section 20. 48.983 (6g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,11,127 48.983 (6g) (b) A county, private agency, or Indian tribe that is selected to
8participate in the program under this section shall provide or shall designate an
9individual or entity to provide an explanation of the confidentiality requirements
10under par. (a) to each individual who is offered an assessment under sub. (4) (b) or
11who is offered services under the home visitation program of the county , private
or Indian tribe.
Note: Adds a reference to private agencies.
SB211, s. 21 13Section 21. 48.983 (7) (ag) and (ar) of the statutes are created to read:
SB211,11,1814 48.983 (7) (ag) The department shall evaluate the availability of home
15visitation programs in the state and determine whether there are gaps in home
16visitation services in the state. The department shall cooperate with counties,
17private agencies, and Indian tribes providing home visitation programs to address
18any gaps in services identified.
SB211,12,219 (ar) Each county, private agency, and Indian tribe providing a home visitation
20program shall collect and report data to the department, as required by the
21department. The department shall require each county, private agency, and Indian

1tribe providing a home visitation program to collect data using forms prescribed by
2the department.
Note: Requires DCF to evaluate the availability of home visitation programs in
the state and determine whether there are gaps in home visitation services. Requires
DCF to cooperate with counties, private agencies, and Indian tribes providing home
visitation programs to address any gaps identified.
Also requires each county, private agency, and Indian tribe providing a home
visitation program to collect and report data as required by DCF, using forms prescribed
by DCF.
SB211, s. 22 3Section 22. 48.983 (7) (c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB211,12,124 48.983 (7) (c) Each county, private agency, and Indian tribe providing a home
5visitation program shall develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of its
6program for approval by the department. The plan shall demonstrate how the
7county, private agency, or Indian tribe will use the evaluation of its program to
8improve the quality and outcomes of the program and to ensure continued
9compliance with the home visitation program criteria under sub. (6) (a). The plan
10shall demonstrate how the outcomes will be tracked and measured. Under the plan,
11the extent to which all of the following outcomes are achieved shall be tracked and
SB211,12,1513 1. Parents receiving home visitation services acquiring knowledge of early
14learning and child development and interacting with their children in ways that
15enhance the children's development and early learning.
SB211,12,1616 2. Children receiving home visitation services being healthy.
SB211,12,1717 3. Children receiving home visitation services living in a safe environment.
SB211,12,1918 4. Families receiving home visitation services accessing formal and informal
19support networks.
SB211,12,2120 5. Children receiving home visitation services achieving milestones in
21development and early learning.
16. Children receiving home visitation services who have developmental delays
2receiving appropriate intervention services.
Note: Repeals language requiring DCF to determine the most appropriate way to
evaluate strengthened family functioning, enhanced child development, and positive
parenting practices and to evaluate those criteria as part of its evaluation of home
visitation programs. Instead, under the bill, each county, private agency, and Indian tribe
providing a home visitation program must develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness
of its program for approval by DCF. The plan must demonstrate how the county, private
agency, or Indian tribe will use the evaluation to improve the quality and outcomes of the
program and to ensure continued compliance with the home visitation program criteria
required to be demonstrated when applying for a grant. The plan must also demonstrate
how the outcomes will be tracked and measured. The outcomes to be measured are set
forth in the Section.
SB211, s. 23 3Section 23. 48.983 (8) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB211,13,44 48.983 (8) (title) Technical assistance and training; competency training.
SB211, s. 24 5Section 24. 48.983 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 48.983 (8) (a) and
6amended to read:
SB211,13,147 48.983 (8) (a) Technical assistance and training. The department shall provide
8technical assistance and training to counties, private agencies, and Indian tribes
9that are selected to participate in the program under this section. The training may
10not be limited to a particular home visitation model. The training shall include
11training in best practices regarding basic skills, uniform administration of screening
12and assessment tools, the issues and challenges that families face, and supervision
13and personnel skills for program managers. The training may also include training
14on data collection and reporting.
Note: Specifies that training for counties, private agencies, and Indian tribes
selected to receive home visitation grants may not be limited to a particular home
visitation model. Requires that the training include training in best practices regarding
basic skills, uniform administration of screening and assessment tools, the issues and
challenges that families face, and supervision and personnel skills for program
managers. The training may also include training on data collection and reporting.
SB211, s. 25 15Section 25. 48.983 (8) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
148.983 (8) (b) Competency training. The department shall cooperate with the
2child abuse and neglect prevention board to ensure that employees and managers of
3home visitation programs receive training and other services to develop and
4maintain competencies in providing home visitation services to families.
Note: Requires DCF to cooperate with the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
Board to ensure that employees and directors of home visitation programs receive
training and other services to develop and maintain competencies in providing home
visitation services to families.
SB211,14,55 (End)