2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
February 3, 2009 - Introduced by Senators Taylor, Lehman and Plale, cosponsored
by Representatives Grigsby, Kessler, Berceau, Colon, Fields, Mason, Roys,
Sinicki, Toles, Turner, A. Williams, Young
and A. Ott. Referred to Committee
on Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform, and
SB37,1,6 1An Act to amend 345.47 (1) (intro.), 345.47 (1) (b), 345.47 (1) (c), 345.47 (1) (d),
2800.09 (1) (a), 800.09 (1) (c), 800.095 (2) (a), 800.095 (4) (a), 800.095 (4) (b)
3(intro.), 800.095 (4) (b) 4. and 800.095 (4) (c); and to create 345.47 (4) and
4800.09 (3) of the statutes; relating to: payment of judgments in traffic courts
5and municipal courts by installments and the suspension of operating
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, if a person is found guilty of violating a traffic regulation,
the court may enter judgment against the defendant for the forfeiture and for any
applicable costs, fees, and surcharges. In addition, the court may suspend or revoke
the person's operating privilege for a period not exceeding one year. This bill requires
the court, when entering judgment, to tell the defendant, or to notify the defendant
if he or she is not present in court, that he or she should notify the court if he or she
is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty. The bill requires the court to
determine if the defendant is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty, and if
so, to give the defendant the opportunity to pay the judgment in installments, based
on the defendant's income, before suspending the defendant's operating privilege for
failure to pay the judgment.
Under current law, if a defendant is found guilty in municipal court of an
ordinance violation, the court orders the defendant to pay a forfeiture, restitution,

and applicable surcharges and informs the defendant of the date on which the
judgment must be paid and of the penalties of failure to pay the judgment, including
imprisonment and operating privilege suspension. The bill requires the municipal
court to also notify the defendant at the time the judgment is rendered that, if the
defendant cannot pay the judgment because of poverty, he or she should notify the
court. If a judgment is not paid, current law allows the municipal court to defer
payments, provide for installment payments of the judgment, allow the defendant
to perform community service in lieu of paying the judgment, suspend the
defendant's operating privilege, or imprison the defendant for up to 90 days. This
bill prohibits the judge from ordering the defendant imprisoned or the suspension of
the defendant's operating privilege if the defendant has notified the municipal court
of his or her poverty unless the defendant fails to comply with the court order to pay
the judgment in installments or to perform community service work.
Currently, a person found guilty of violating a traffic regulation or ordinance
who fails to pay the ordered judgment may be imprisoned for up to 90 days or may
have his or her operating privilege suspended for 30 days or until the judgment is
paid, but not to exceed two years. Under this bill, if a court has suspended a person's
operating privilege for failure to pay a judgment, the court may terminate the
ordered operating privilege suspension and substitute an installment plan for the
payment of the judgment. The bill requires the court to terminate the ordered
operating privilege suspension and substitute an installment plan for the payment
of the judgment if the defendant is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty
and the defendant has not previously failed to comply with a court-ordered
installment plan.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB37, s. 1 1Section 1. 345.47 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,3,22 345.47 (1) (intro.) If the defendant is found guilty, the court may enter
3judgment against the defendant for a monetary amount not to exceed the maximum
4forfeiture provided for the violation, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under
5ch. 814, and, in addition, may suspend or revoke his or her operating privilege under
6s. 343.30. Upon entering judgment, the court shall notify the defendant personally,
7if the defendant is present, and in writing that the defendant should notify the court
8if he or she is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty, as that term is used in

1s. 814.29 (1) (d).
If the judgment is not paid or if the defendant fails to make any
2ordered installment payment
, the court shall order:
SB37, s. 2 3Section 2. 345.47 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,3,164 345.47 (1) (b) In lieu of imprisonment and in addition to any other suspension
5or revocation, that the defendant's operating privilege be suspended. The operating
6privilege shall be suspended for 30 days or until the person pays the forfeiture, plus
7costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814, but not to exceed 2 years. If the
8court, using the criteria in s. 814.29 (1) (d), determines that the defendant is unable
9to pay the judgment because of poverty, the court may not suspend the defendant's
10operating privilege without first providing the defendant with an opportunity to pay
11the judgment in installments, taking into account the defendant's income.

12Suspension under this paragraph shall not affect the power of the court to suspend
13or revoke under s. 343.30 or the power of the secretary to suspend or revoke the
14operating privilege. This paragraph does not apply if the judgment was entered
15solely for violation of an ordinance unrelated to the violator's operation of a motor
SB37, s. 3 17Section 3. 345.47 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,4,418 345.47 (1) (c) If a court or judge suspends an operating privilege under this
19section, the court or judge shall immediately take possession of the suspended license
20and shall forward it to the department together with the notice of suspension, which
21shall clearly state that the suspension was for failure to pay a forfeiture, plus costs,
22fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814 or for failure to comply with an
23installment payment plan ordered by the court
. The notice of suspension and the
24suspended license, if it is available, shall be forwarded to the department within 48
25hours after the order of suspension. If the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges

1imposed under ch. 814, are paid during a period of suspension, or if the court orders
2an installment payment plan under sub. (4),
the court or judge shall immediately
3notify the department. Upon receipt of the notice and payment of the fees under s.
4343.21 (1) (j) and (n), the department shall return the surrendered license.
SB37, s. 4 5Section 4. 345.47 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,4,196 345.47 (1) (d) In addition to or in lieu of imprisonment or suspension under par.
7(a) or (b), the court may notify the department, in the form and manner prescribed
8by the department, that a judgment has been entered against the defendant and
9remains unpaid, or that the defendant has failed to comply with an installment
10payment plan ordered under this section
. The notice shall include the name and
11last-known address of the person against whom the judgment was entered, the date
12judgment was entered, the amount of the judgment, the license number of the vehicle
13involved, certification by the court that a warrant has been served on the person
14against whom the judgment was entered or, in the case of a judgment entered under
15s. 345.28, that the person has been notified of the entry of judgment and the judgment
16remains or installments remain unpaid and the place where the judgment or
may be paid. If the person subsequently pays the judgment or complies
18with the installment payment plan
the court shall immediately notify the
19department of the payment in the form and manner prescribed by the department.
SB37, s. 5 20Section 5. 345.47 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB37,4,2421 345.47 (4) (a) If the operating privilege of a defendant is suspended under this
22section, the court may terminate that suspension and substitute an installment
23payment plan for paying the amount of the judgment that takes into account the
24defendant's income.
1(b) If the operating privilege of a defendant is suspended under this section, the
2court shall terminate that suspension and substitute an installment payment plan
3for the payment of the amount of the judgment that takes into account the
4defendant's income if all of the following conditions apply:
SB37,5,65 1. The defendant is unable to pay the judgment in full because of poverty, as
6that term is used in s. 814.29 (1) (d).
SB37,5,97 2. The defendant has not previously failed to comply with an installment
8payment plan ordered under this section that takes into account the defendant's
SB37,5,1210 (c) If the defendant fails to comply with an installment payment plan ordered
11under this subsection, the court shall reinstate the suspension of the defendant's
12operating privilege.
SB37, s. 6 13Section 6. 800.09 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,6,214 800.09 (1) (a) The court may defer payment of any judgment or provide for
15installment payments. At the time that the judgment is rendered, the court shall
16inform the defendant, orally and in writing, of the date by which restitution and the
17payment of the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814,
18must be made, and of the possible consequences of failure to do so in timely fashion,
19including imprisonment, as provided in s. 800.095, or suspension of the defendant's
20motor vehicle operating privilege, as provided in par. (c), if applicable. In addition,
21the court shall inform the defendant, orally and in writing, that the defendant should
22notify the court if he or she is unable to pay the judgment because of poverty, as that
23term is used in s. 814.29 (1) (d).
If the defendant is not present, the court shall ensure
24that the information is sent to the defendant by mail. In 1st class cities, all of the

1written information required by this paragraph shall be printed in English and
2Spanish and provided to each defendant.
SB37, s. 7 3Section 7. 800.09 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,6,184 800.09 (1) (c) The court may suspend the defendant's operating privilege, as
5defined in s. 340.01 (40), until restitution is made and the forfeiture, assessments
6and costs are paid, if the defendant has not done so within 60 days after the date the
7restitution or payments or both are to be made under par. (a) and has not notified the
8court that he or she is unable to comply with the judgment, as provided under s.
9800.095 (4) (a)
, except that the suspension period may not exceed 2 years. If the
10court, using the criteria in s. 814.29 (1) (d), determines that the defendant is unable
11to pay the judgment because of his or her poverty, as that term is used in s. 814.29
12(1) (d), the court may not order the suspension of the defendant's operating privilege,
13except as provided in s. 800.095.
The court shall take possession of the suspended
14license and shall forward the license, along with a notice of the suspension clearly
15stating that the suspension is for failure to comply with a judgment of the court, to
16the department of transportation. This paragraph does not apply if the forfeiture is
17assessed for violation of an ordinance that is unrelated to the violator's operation of
18a motor vehicle.
SB37, s. 8 19Section 8. 800.09 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB37,6,2320 800.09 (3) Judgment regarding operating privilege. (a) If the operating
21privilege of a defendant is suspended under this section or s. 800.095, the court may
22terminate that suspension and substitute an installment payment plan for paying
23the amount of the judgment that takes into account the defendant's income.
SB37,7,224 (b) If the operating privilege of a defendant is suspended under this section or
25s. 800.095, the court shall terminate that suspension and substitute an installment

1payment plan for the payment of the amount of the judgment that takes into account
2the defendant's income if all of the following conditions apply:
SB37,7,43 1. The defendant is unable to pay the judgment in full because of poverty, as
4that term is used in s. 814.29 (1) (d).
SB37,7,75 2. The defendant has not previously failed to comply with an installment
6payment plan ordered under this section that takes into account the defendant's
SB37,7,108 (c) If the defendant fails to comply with an installment payment plan ordered
9under this subsection, the court shall reinstate the suspension of the defendant's
10operating privilege.
SB37, s. 9 11Section 9. 800.095 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,7,1312 800.095 (2) (a) The warrant shall be in the form specified under s. 800.02 (5).
13The summons shall be in substantially the following form:
SB37,7,1515 .... City/Village/Town
SB37,7,1616 State of Wisconsin
SB37,7,1717 vs.
SB37,7,1818 .... Defendant(s)
SB37,7,2320 A judgment, a copy of which is attached, has been entered against you for
21(restitution and) the payment of a civil forfeiture. You were ordered by the court on
22...., .... (year) to (make the following payments: ....) (perform the following community
23service work order: ....) (make the following restitution: ....).
SB37,7,2424 You have failed to comply with that order.
1YOU ARE THEREFORE ORDERED to appear before the Honorable .... in ....
2Courtroom, at the .... Courthouse, in the City/Town/Village of .... at .... a.m./p.m. TO
6FOR GOOD CAUSE). If (good cause or your indigence poverty has prevented you
7from paying the forfeiture or making restitution) (good cause has prevented you from
8complying with the community service work order), the court will modify the order.
SB37,8,1414 Dated: ...., .... (year)
SB37,8,1515 Signature:....
SB37,8,1616 (Municipal Court Judge)
SB37, s. 10 17Section 10. 800.095 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB37,8,2518 800.095 (4) (a) If the defendant appears before the court pursuant to a warrant
19or summons issued under sub. (1) or the defendant otherwise notifies the court that
20he or she is unable to comply with the judgment or community service work order,
21the court shall conduct a hearing. If the defendant failed to pay the forfeiture, make
22restitution, comply with an ordered installment payment plan, or comply with the
23work order, the court shall determine if the defendant is unable to comply with the
24judgment for good cause or because of the defendant's indigence poverty, as that term
25is used in s. 814.29 (1) (d),
or is unable to comply with the work order for good cause.