SB450,56,2120 3. The preservation of farmland through a farmland preservation agreement
21or farmland preservation zoning.
SB450,56,2222 4. Providing soil and water conservation or wildlife preservation benefits.
SB450,56,2523 (c) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall consult
24with the department of natural resources in the preparation of any rules that affect
25the natural resources of this state.
1(9) Program outcomes and reports. The department of agriculture, trade and
2consumer protection shall, no later than July 1 of each odd year, submit to the
3departments of administration and natural resources a report containing all of the
4following information about the program under this section:
SB450,57,55 (a) The number of acres of land enrolled in the program.
SB450,57,76 (b) The number of tons and the energy content of each energy crop harvested
7under the program.
SB450,57,88 (c) Costs of the program.
SB450,57,109 (d) The extent to which the program under this section complements and is
10coordinated with the biomass crop assistance program under 7 USC 8111.
SB450,57,1211 (e) Any recommendations for legislation to improve the program under this
SB450, s. 40 13Section 40. 93.475 of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,57,15 1493.475 Bioenergy feedstock production incentive study. (1) In this
SB450,57,1716 (a) "Bioenergy feedstock" means biomass used to produce energy, including
17heat or electricity, or to produce a fuel, including transportation fuel.
SB450,57,1818 (b) "Biomass" has the meaning given in s. 196.374 (1) (am).
SB450,57,1919 (c) "Cap and trade program" has the meaning given in s. 299.04 (1) (a).
SB450,58,4 20(2) (a) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall, in
21consultation with the department of natural resources, study whether current and
22projected markets for bioenergy feedstocks and state and federal programs in effect
23on the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], provide adequate
24financial incentives to prompt producers of bioenergy feedstocks to sustainably
25produce a supply of biomass that, as a result of the use of that biomass as bioenergy

1feedstocks, will significantly contribute to the achievement of the state greenhouse
2gas emission reduction goals established under s. 299.03 (2). The department of
3agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the department of natural resources
4shall prepare a report on the study.
SB450,58,125 (b) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the
6department of natural resources shall prepare the study required under this
7subsection in consultation with the office of energy independence in the department
8of administration, the public service commission, the University of Wisconsin
9System, the administrator of the statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource
10programs under s. 196.374 (2) (a) 1., representatives of natural resources and
11environmental organizations, and representatives of sectors of the economy in this
12state that are affected by the programs.
SB450,59,2 13(3) (a) If, after conducting the study under sub. (2), the department of
14agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the department of natural resources
15determine that the financial incentives under state and federal law are inadequate
16to prompt producers of bioenergy feedstocks to sustainably produce a supply of
17biomass that will significantly contribute to the achievement of the state greenhouse
18gas emission reduction goals established under s. 299.03 (2), and that additional
19financial incentives are warranted, the department of agriculture, trade and
20consumer protection and the department of natural resources shall recommend
21changes to improve the effectiveness of financial incentives under existing state
22programs and propose new legislation offering additional financial incentives to
23prompt bioenergy feedstock producers to sustainably produce additional biomass in
24order to help achieve the state greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. The
25department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the department of

1natural resources shall consider all of the following when making the
2recommendations required under this paragraph:
SB450,59,43 1. Methods to reduce financial risks of bioenergy feedstock producers, such as
4loan guarantees and insurance.
SB450,59,85 2. Expansion of a cap and trade program or a voluntary greenhouse gas
6emission reduction offset program to create credits for producers of bioenergy
7feedstocks who reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the production of bioenergy
8feedstocks by adopting appropriate management practices.
SB450,59,119 3. Expansion of the renewable resource credits created under s. 196.378 (3) (a)
101. to authorize the creation of credits from the production or generation of nonelectric
11energy, as defined in s. 196.378 (1r) (dm), that is produced or generated from biomass.
SB450,59,1612 (b) No later than July 1, 2013, the department of agriculture, trade and
13consumer protection and the department of natural resources shall submit a report
14on the study required under sub. (2) together with any recommended changes to
15current law or recommended new legislation proposed under par. (a) to the climate
16change coordinating council.
SB450, s. 41 17Section 41. 100.215 of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,59,19 18100.215 Energy efficiency; consumer audio and video equipment. (1)
19Definitions. In this section:
SB450,59,2420 (b) "Compact audio device" means an integrated audio system that is encased
21in a single housing; that includes an amplifier, radio tuner, and attached or separable
22speakers; and that can reproduce audio from magnetic tape, compact disc, digital
23versatile disc, or flash memory, except that "compact audio device" does not include
24any of the following:
SB450,59,2525 1. A device that can only be powered by internal batteries.
12. A device that has a powered external satellite antenna.
SB450,60,22 3. A device that can produce a video output signal.
SB450,60,43 (c) "Digital versatile disc" means a laser-encoded plastic medium capable of
4storing a large amount of digital audio, video, or computer data.
SB450,60,85 (d) "Digital versatile disc player" means a commercially available electronic
6device encased in a single housing that includes an integral power supply and whose
7primary purpose is the decoding of digitized audio and video signals on a digital
8versatile disc.
SB450,60,139 (e) "Digital versatile disc recorder" means a commercially available electronic
10device encased in a single housing that includes an integral power supply and for
11which the primary purpose is the production or recording of digitized audio and video
12signals on a digital versatile disc, except that "digital versatile disc recorder" does not
13include a device that has an electronic programming guide.
SB450,60,1714 (f) "Digital video recorder" means a device that can record audio and video
15signals on a hard disk drive or other device that can store the signals digitally, except
16that "digital video recorder" does not include a device that has an electronic
17programming guide.
SB450,60,2018 (g) "Electronic programming guide" means an application that provides an
19interactive on-screen menu of television listings and that downloads program
20information from the vertical blanking interval of a television signal.
SB450,60,2321 (h) "Standby mode" means the condition in which a device is connected to a
22power source and does not produce video or audio output signals, but can be switched
23into another mode with a remote control unit or an internal signal.
SB450,61,324 (i) "Television" means a commercially available electronic device consisting of
25a monitor, with or without a tuner or receiver, encased in a single housing, which is

1designed to receive and display an analog or digital video signal received from a
2terrestrial, satellite, cable, or broadband source, except that "television" does not
3include any of the following:
SB450,61,64 1. A multifunction device that can perform functions performed by a video
5cassette recorder, digital versatile disc player or recorder, digital video recorder, or
6electronic programming guide or that has a point-of-deployment card slot.
SB450,61,77 2. A computer monitor.
SB450,61,108 (j) "Video cassette recorder" means a commercially available analog recording
9device that includes an integral power supply and that records audio and video
10signals onto a tape medium for subsequent viewing.
SB450,61,12 11(2) Prohibition; penalty. (a) No person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this
12state any of the following:
SB450,61,1413 1. A compact audio device without a permanently illuminated clock that uses
14more than 2 watts in standby mode.
SB450,61,1615 2. A compact audio device with a permanently illuminated clock that uses more
16than 4 watts in standby mode.
SB450,61,1717 3. A television that uses more than 3 watts in standby mode.
SB450,61,1918 4. A digital versatile disc player or digital versatile disc recorder that uses more
19than 3 watts in standby mode.
SB450,61,2220 (b) A person who violates this subsection is subject to a forfeiture of not more
21than $100. Each device sold or offered for sale in violation of this subsection
22constitutes a separate violation.
SB450, s. 42 23Section 42. 101.02 (23) of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,62,224 101.02 (23) No later than July 1, 2013, and at least every 4 years thereafter,
25the department shall prepare and provide to the department of natural resources an

1assessment of progress toward meeting the new building energy use goal in s. 299.03
SB450, s. 43 3Section 43. 101.027 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 101.027 (1m) and
4amended to read:
SB450,62,105 101.027 (1m) In this section, "energy conservation code" means the The
6department shall, by rule, promulgate an
energy conservation code promulgated by
7the department
that sets minimum design requirements standards for construction
8and equipment for the purpose of energy conservation in public buildings and places
9of employment. Except as provided in sub. (1r), the rules shall conform to the energy
10design standards contained in a generally accepted code.
SB450, s. 44 11Section 44. 101.027 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,62,1712 101.027 (1g) In this section, "generally accepted code" means the International
13Energy Conservation Code or an energy efficiency code that provides at least as great
14an energy conservation benefit as the energy design standards contained in the
15International Energy Conservation Code and that is generally accepted and used by
16architects, engineers, and the construction industry in the construction of public
17buildings and places of employment.
SB450, s. 45 18Section 45. 101.027 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,62,2219 101.027 (1r) (a) The department may set particular design standards that are
20less strict than those contained in the generally accepted code used by the
21department to promulgate the energy conservation code under sub. (1m) if all of the
22following apply:
SB450,62,2423 1. Application of the generally accepted code is unreasonably burdensome
24because of specific conditions existing in this state.
12. The less strict standards provide the greatest energy conservation benefits
2that are consistent with the specific conditions.
SB450,63,93 (b) The department may set particular design standards that are stricter than
4those contained in the generally accepted code used by the department to promulgate
5the energy conservation code under sub. (1m) if the department takes into account
6the cost of complying with the stricter standards in relationship to the benefits
7derived from complying with the stricter standards, including the reasonably
8foreseeable economic and environmental benefits to this state from any reduction in
9the use of fossil fuel and in emissions of greenhouse gasses.
SB450, s. 46 10Section 46. 101.027 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB450,64,211 101.027 (2) The department shall review the energy conservation code
12promulgated under sub. (1m), and shall, subject to the requirements of sub. (1r),
13promulgate rules that change the requirements of the energy conservation code to
14improve energy conservation. No rule may be promulgated that has not taken into
15account the cost of the energy conservation code requirement, as changed by the rule,
16in relationship to the benefits derived from that requirement, including the
17reasonably foreseeable economic and environmental benefits to the state from any
18reduction in the use of imported fossil fuel. The proposed rules changing the energy
19conservation code shall be submitted to the legislature in the manner provided under
20s. 227.19. In conducting a review under this subsection, the department shall
21consider incorporating, into the energy conservation code, design requirements from
22the most current national energy efficiency design standards, including the
23International Energy Conservation Code or an energy efficiency code other than the
24International Energy Conservation Code if that energy efficiency code is used to

1prescribe design requirements for the purpose of conserving energy in buildings and
2is generally accepted and used by engineers and the construction industry.
SB450, s. 47 3Section 47. 101.027 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB450,64,64 101.027 (3) (a) 1. A revision of the International Energy Conservation Code
5generally accepted code used by the department to promulgate the energy efficiency
6code under sub. (1m)
is published.
SB450, s. 48 7Section 48. 101.027 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB450,64,158 101.027 (3) (b) 1. If the department begins a review under sub. (2) because a
9revision of the International Energy Conservation Code generally accepted code
10used by the department to promulgate the energy efficiency code under sub. (1m)
11published, the department shall complete its review of the energy conservation code,
12as defined in sub. (1),
and submit to the legislature proposed rules changing the
13energy conservation code, as defined in sub. (1), no later than 18 months after the
14date on which the revision of the International Energy Conservation Code generally
15accepted code
is published.
SB450, s. 49 16Section 49. 101.027 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,65,617 101.027 (4) The department shall promulgate rules that set voluntary design
18standards for the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of constructing,
19maintaining, and using public buildings and places of employment. The department
20shall base the design standards on standards jointly established by the American
21National Standards Institute, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
22Air Conditioning Engineers, the U.S. Green Building Council, and the Illuminating
23Engineering Society of North America or on similar standards that are generally
24accepted and used by architects, engineers, and the construction industry in the
25construction of public buildings and places of employment if the similar standards

1provide benefits in reducing the environmental impact of constructing, maintaining,
2and using public buildings and places of employment that are at least as great as the
3benefits provided in the jointly established standards. The department shall
4promulgate rules under this subsection that set design standards that provide
5significantly greater energy conservation benefits than those provided by the design
6standards contained in the energy conservation code under sub. (1m).
SB450, s. 50 7Section 50. 101.028 of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,65,13 8101.028 Agricultural building code. The department shall, by rule,
9promulgate an energy conservation code that sets minimum design standards for
10agricultural facilities. The department shall define, for purposes of that code,
11"agricultural facility," which shall include a barn and a milking parlor. The
12department shall consult with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
13protection before promulgating rules under this section.
SB450, s. 51 14Section 51. 101.173 of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,65,15 15101.173 Industrial boilers; energy efficiency. (1) In this section:
SB450,65,1616 (a) "Cooperative association" has the meaning given in s. 196.491 (1) (bm).
SB450,65,1817 (b) "Industrial boiler" means a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is
18heated and that produces hot water or steam for an industrial process.
SB450,65,1919 (c) "Public utility" has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (5).
SB450,65,2420 (d) "Self-generator" means a person that uses equipment and facilities to
21generate electricity and that consumes, on each day that the equipment and facilities
22are in use, no less than 70 percent of the aggregate kilowatt hours output from the
23equipment and facilities in manufacturing processes at the site where the equipment
24and facilities are located.
SB450,65,2525 (e) "Wholesale merchant plant" has the meaning given in s. 196.491 (1) (w).
1(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person who owns an industrial boiler
2shall cause the boiler to be inspected on an annual basis to assess the boiler's energy
3efficiency. The owner of the industrial boiler shall take such action based upon the
4results of each annual inspection as necessary to maximize the energy efficiency of,
5and to minimize the emission of greenhouse gasses from, the industrial boiler.
SB450,66,76 (b) The requirements under par. (a) do not apply with respect to any of the
SB450,66,98 1. An industrial boiler that is used by a cooperative association to generate
SB450,66,1010 2. An industrial boiler that is used by a public utility to generate electricity.
SB450,66,1211 3. An industrial boiler that is used by the operator of a wholesale merchant
12plant to generate electricity unless the wholesale merchant plant is a self-generator.
SB450,66,14 13(3) The department may promulgate rules to implement and enforce the
14requirements under sub. (2).
SB450, s. 52 15Section 52. 101.62 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB450,67,5 16101.62 Dwelling code council; power. The dwelling code council shall
17review the standards and rules for one- and 2-family dwelling construction and
18recommend a uniform dwelling code for adoption by the department which shall
19include rules providing for the conservation of energy in the construction and
20maintenance of dwellings, consistent with the requirements of s. 101.63 (1m), and
21for costs of specific code provisions to home buyers to be related to the benefits
22derived from such provisions. The council shall study the need for and availability
23of one-family and 2-family dwellings that are accessible to persons with disabilities,
24as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (g), and shall make recommendations to the department
25for any changes to the uniform dwelling code that may be needed to ensure an

1adequate supply of one-family and 2-family dwellings. Upon its own initiative or
2at the request of the department, the council shall consider and make
3recommendations to the department pertaining to rules and any other matters
4related to this subchapter. The council shall recommend variances for different
5climate and soil conditions throughout the state.
SB450, s. 53 6Section 53. 101.63 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB450,67,167 101.63 (1) (intro.) Adopt rules which establish standards for the construction
8and inspection of one- and 2-family dwellings and components thereof. Where
9feasible, the standards used shall be those nationally recognized and shall apply to
10the dwelling and to its electrical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning and other
11systems, including plumbing, as defined in s. 145.01 (10). No set of rules may be
12adopted which has not taken into account the conservation of energy in construction
13and maintenance of dwellings and the costs of specific code provisions to home buyers
14in relationship to the benefits derived from the provisions.
Rules promulgated under
15this subsection do not apply to a bed and breakfast establishment, as defined under
16s. 254.61 (1), except that the rules apply to all of the following:
SB450, s. 54 17Section 54. 101.63 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB450,67,2318 101.63 (1m) (a) In this subsection, "generally accepted code" means the
19International Energy Conservation Code or an energy efficiency code that provides
20at least as great an energy conservation benefit as the energy design standards
21contained in the International Energy Conservation Code and that is generally
22accepted and used by architects, engineers, and the construction industry in the
23construction of one- and 2-family dwellings.
SB450,68,324 (b) The department shall, by rule, promulgate an energy conservation code that
25sets minimum design standards for construction and equipment for the purpose of

1energy conservation in one- and 2-family dwellings. Except as provided in pars. (c)
2and (d), the rules shall conform to the energy design standards contained in a
3generally accepted code.
SB450,68,64 (c) The department may set particular design standards that are less strict
5than those contained in the generally accepted code used by the department to
6promulgate the energy conservation code under par. (b) if all of the following apply:
SB450,68,87 1. Application of the generally accepted code is unreasonably burdensome
8because of specific conditions existing in this state.
SB450,68,109 2. The less strict standards provide the greatest energy conservation benefits
10that are consistent with the specific conditions.
SB450,68,1711 (d) The department may set particular design standards that are stricter than
12those contained in the generally accepted code used by the department to promulgate
13the energy conservation code under par. (b) if the department takes into account the
14cost of complying with the stricter standards in relationship to the benefits derived
15from complying with the stricter standards, including the reasonably foreseeable
16economic and environmental benefits to this state from any reduction in the use of
17fossil fuel and in emissions of greenhouse gasses.
SB450,68,2118 (e) The department shall review the energy conservation code promulgated
19under par. (b), and shall, subject to the requirements of pars. (c) and (d), promulgate
20rules that change the requirements of the energy conservation code to improve
21energy conservation.