1(5) Waiver not allowed. Any waiver by a foreclosed homeowner of this section
2or of a foreclosed homeowner's rights under this section is void and unenforceable as
3contrary to public policy. Any attempt by a foreclosure consultant to induce a
4foreclosed homeowner to waive the foreclosed homeowner's rights is a violation of
5this section.
SB62,366,8 6(6) Penalties and remedies. (a) The department of agriculture, trade and
7consumer protection may investigate violations of this section under ss. 93.14 and
SB62,366,149 (b) Any person suffering a pecuniary loss because of a violation of this section
10may commence an action against the violator. If the court determines that the person
11suffered a pecuniary loss because of the violation, the court shall award the person
12twice the amount of the pecuniary loss or $200, whichever is greater, for each
13violation, together with costs and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), reasonable attorney
SB62,366,1915 (c) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may
16commence an action to restrain a violation of this section. In addition to providing
17any equitable relief, the court may award any person who suffered a pecuniary loss
18because of the violation twice the amount of the pecuniary loss or $200, whichever
19is greater, for each violation.
SB62,366,2220 (d) The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection or the
21district attorney may commence an action to recover a forfeiture of not less than $100
22nor more than $10,000 for a violation of this section.
SB62,366,2423 (e) Whoever violates this section may be fined not less than $25 nor more than
24$10,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail, or both.
1(7) Contract provision for arbitration voidable. Any provision in a contract
2entered into on or after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date],
3that attempts or purports to require arbitration of any dispute arising under this
4section is voidable at the option of the foreclosed homeowner.
SB62,367,9 5(8) Statutory conflicts related to adjustment service companies. To the
6extent that any provision of this section is inconsistent with s. 218.02 with respect
7to a foreclosure consultant that is licensed under s. 218.02 and engages in
8adjustment service company business related to real estate, the provisions of this
9section shall supersede any conflicting provision of s. 218.02.
SB62, s. 853 10Section 853. 943.62 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB62,367,1311 943.62 (2m) This section does not apply to a savings and loan association,
12credit union, bank, savings bank, or a mortgage banker, mortgage loan originator,
13or mortgage broker registered licensed under s. 224.72 or 224.725.
SB62, s. 9110 14Section 9110. Nonstatutory provisions; Commerce.
SB62,367,19 15(1) Tenant resource center grant. In fiscal year 2008-09, the department of
16commerce shall award to the Tenant Resource Center in Madison from the
17appropriation under section 20.143 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by this act, a
18grant not to exceed $200,000, for providing foreclosure education and assistance to
19tenants throughout the state.
SB62,368,6 20(2) Wisconsin regional training partnership/building industry group skilled
21trades employment program.
In fiscal year 2008-09, from the appropriation account
22under section 20.143 (1) (c) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
23commerce shall award $1,000,000 in grant moneys to expand the Wisconsin Regional
24Training Partnership/Building Industry Group Skilled Trades Employment
25Program if, as a condition of receiving the award, the Wisconsin Regional Training

1Partnership/Building Industry Group Skilled Trades Employment Program enters
2into a contract with the department that specifies permissible uses of the grant
3moneys and that requires the Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership/Building
4Industry Group Skilled Trades Employment Program to comply with the reporting
5and accountability measures established by the department by rule under section
6560.01 (2) (ae) 3., 6., and 7. of the statutes.
SB62,368,8 7(3) Grants to organizations in specific building trades for green job training
8and retraining.
SB62,368,119 (a) Grants. Subject to paragraph (b), in fiscal year 2008-09, from the
10appropriation account under section 20.143 (1) (c) of the statutes, as affected by this
11act, the department of commerce shall distribute all of the following grants:
SB62,368,17 121. Painters and Allied Trades, District Council 7; Leadership in Energy and
13Efficiency Design certification. A grant of $150,000 to Painters and Allied Trades,
14District Council 7, to train workers in the construction industry on the Leadership
15in Energy and Efficiency Design certification process so that the workers will
16understand green building practices, principles, and certification requirements and
17be qualified to bid on green building projects.
SB62,368,24 182. Painters and Allied Trades, District Council 7; National Association of
19Corrosion Engineers, International, and the Society for Protective Coatings
20certification. A grant of $175,000 to Painters and Allied Trades, District Council 7,
21to certify individuals to provide instruction to workers in the construction industry
22on standards established by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers,
23International, and by the Society for Protective Coatings so that workers are trained
24for remediation services such as lead paint abatement on bridges and overpasses.
13. Wisconsin State Council of Carpenters; alternative energy systems
2installation. A grant of $175,000 to the Wisconsin State Council of Carpenters to
3train carpenters in the installation of windmills and other alternative energy
SB62,369,7 54. Wisconsin State Council of Carpenters; sustainable green building practices.
6A grant of $72,000 to the Wisconsin State Council of Carpenters to train carpenters
7in sustainable green building practices.
SB62,369,13 85. Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, Local 75; mobile worker training facility.
9A grant of $248,000 to the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association, Local 75, to build,
10using green building practices, a mobile training facility to be used in connection
11with training programs for workers in the pipe trades. Training programs shall be
12provided across the state and on new building codes, environmentally sound
13construction practices, and new initiatives for green construction.
SB62,369,16 146. Wisconsin Laborers' District Council. A grant of $265,000 to the Wisconsin
15Laborers' District Council. The grant moneys awarded under this subdivision shall
16be used as follows:
SB62,369,20 17a. A grant of $132,000 to provide safety instruction under guidelines
18established by the occupational safety and health administration in the federal
19department of labor to new workers hired to meet labor demand for incoming federal
20stimulus or other projects.
SB62,369,22 21b. A grant of $80,000 to provide training to workers on proper handling of
22hazardous wastes while conducting site reclamation on brownfields.
SB62,369,25 23c. A grant of $53,000 to provide training on proper methods for removing
24asbestos to workers hired to meet labor demands for incoming federal stimulus or
25other projects.
17. Wisconsin Operating Engineers; geothermal energy and wind energy
2technologies. A grant of $275,000 to the Wisconsin Operating Engineers to train
3workers in the construction of geothermal energy and wind energy systems.
SB62,370,7 48. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; solar electricity
5installation. A grant of $210,000 to the International Brotherhood of Electrical
6Workers to purchase equipment for three laboratories to be established in the state
7for training workers in the installation of solar electricity systems.
SB62,370,11 89. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; solar electricity
9installation. A grant of $60,000 to the International Brotherhood of Electrical
10Workers for instructor training and start-up costs in connection with the
11laboratories described in subdivision 8 .
SB62,370,1712 (b) Conditions for receiving a grant. The department of commerce may not
13award a grant to an organization under this subsection unless the organization, as
14a condition of receiving the grant moneys, enters into a contract with the department
15that specifies permissible uses of the grant moneys and that requires the
16organization to comply with the reporting and accountability measures established
17by the department by rule under section 560.01 (2) (ae) 3., 6., and 7. of the statutes.
SB62,371,3 18(4) Development zone tax benefit consolidation; emergency rules. The
19department of commerce may use the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes
20to promulgate rules under section 560.706 (2) of the statutes, as created by this act.
21Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, emergency rules
22promulgated under this subsection remain in effect until July 1, 2010, or the date on
23which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding section
24227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not required to provide
25evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is

1necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
2not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
SB62,371,114 (5) Development zone tax benefit consolidation; economic impact report.
5Notwithstanding sections 227.137 (2) and 227.138 (2) of the statutes, if the secretary
6of administration requires the department of commerce to prepare an economic
7impact report for the rules required under section 560.706 (2) of the statutes, as
8created by this act, the department may submit the proposed rules to the legislature
9for review under section 227.19 (2) of the statutes before the department completes
10the economic impact report and before the department receives a copy of the report
11and approval under section 227.138 (2) of the statutes.
SB62, s. 9117 12Section 9117. Nonstatutory provisions; Financial Institutions.
SB62,371,1313 (1) Mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers.
SB62,371,1514 (a) In this subsection, "division" means the division of banking in the
15department of financial institutions.
SB62,372,1016 (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of subchapter III of chapter 224 of the
17statutes, as affected by this act, the division shall, by rule, institute any system of
18initial license issuance or license renewal that it deems advisable for the purpose of
19implementing an orderly and efficient transition from the registration system under
20subchapter III of chapter 224, 2007 stats., to the license system under subchapter III
21of chapter 224 of the statutes, as affected by this act. A transition system adopted
22under this paragraph may include the requirement that registrants under section
23224.72, 2007 stats., apply for a license under section 224.72 of the statutes, as
24affected by this act, or under section 224.725 of the statutes, as created by this act,
25and pay any applicable fees, before the scheduled expiration of the registration

1period under section 224.72, 2007 stats. A transition system adopted under this
2paragraph may also provide for the initial issuance of licenses under section 224.72
3of the statutes, as affected by this act, and under section 224.725 of the statutes, as
4created by this act, that are valid for an initial period that is greater or less than the
5ordinary valid period of such licenses. If a transition system adopted under this
6paragraph results in a shorter registration or license period than that which would
7ordinarily be applicable, the division shall prorate or rebate fees corresponding to the
8unused or unexpired portion of the ordinarily applicable registration or license
9period. For previously registered or licensed individuals the division may establish
10under the transition system expedited review and licensing procedures.
SB62,372,1311 (c) The division shall submit in proposed form the rules required under
12paragraph (b) to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes
13no later than 60 days after the effective date of this paragraph.
SB62,372,2414 (d) Using the emergency rules procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes,
15the division shall promulgate the rules required under paragraph (b) for the period
16before the effective date of the rules submitted under paragraph (c). The division
17shall promulgate these emergency rules no later than 60 days after the effective date
18of this paragraph. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes,
19these emergency rules may remain in effect until July 1, 2011, or the date on which
20permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding section 227.24
21(1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the division is not required to provide evidence that
22promulgating a rule under this paragraph as an emergency rule is necessary for the
23preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
24provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this paragraph.
SB62, s. 9122 25Section 9122. Nonstatutory provisions; Health Services.
1(1) Hospital Assessment.
SB62,373,122 (a) Assessment payment deadlines. Notwithstanding section 50.38 (4) of the
3statutes, as created by this act, hospitals shall pay the assessment for state fiscal
4year 2008-09 that is required under section 50.38 (2) of the statutes, as created by
5this act, in 2 equal amounts. Hospitals shall make the first payment by March 31,
62009, or 10 days after the effective date of this paragraph, whichever is later.
7Hospitals shall make the 2nd payment by June 30, 2009. At the discretion of the
8department of health services, a hospital that is unable timely to make a payment
9by a date specified under this paragraph may be allowed to make a delayed payment.
10A determination by the department that a hospital may not make a delayed payment
11under this paragraph is final and is not subject to review under chapter 227 of the
SB62,373,2213 (b) Medical Assistance fee-for-service schedule used as basis for managed care
The department of health services shall present the inpatient and
15outpatient hospital diagnosis related groupings rate schedule established by the
16department for state fiscal year 2007-08 to health maintenance organizations and
17hospitals as the applicable schedule for reimbursement rates under agreements
18between health maintenance organizations and hospitals that reference the
19fee-for-service schedule to establish the rates that health maintenance
20organizations shall reimburse hospitals for services provided to recipients of the
21Medical Assistance Program under subchapter IV of chapter 49 of the statutes in
22state fiscal year 2008-09.
SB62,373,2323 (c) Reconciliation of 2008-09 expenses.
11. Notwithstanding the deadline under section 50.38 (6) (b) of the statutes, as
2created by this act, for state fiscal year 2008-09, the department shall make the
3refunds required under section 50.38 (6) (b), by December 31, 2009.
SB62,374,10 42. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (a) of the statutes, the unencumbered
5balance in the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (xc) of the statutes does not
6revert to the hospital assessment fund at the end of state fiscal year 2008-09; and
7the department of health services may expend in state fiscal year 2009-10 this
8amount in addition to the amounts in the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
9statutes for the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (xc) of the statutes for state
10fiscal year 2009-10.
SB62,374,1511 (d) Independent rural hospital supplement. In state fiscal year 2008-09, from
12the appropriation account under section 20.435 (4) (b) and (o) of the statutes, the
13department of health services shall pay independent, rural, hospitals that are in
14counties that border another state and that are not critical access hospitals one of the
15following amounts:
SB62,374,18 161. If the percentage of the hospital's gross patient revenue that is attributable
17to the Medical Assistance Program under subchapter IV of chapter 49 of the statutes
18is less than 7 percent, $250,000.
SB62,374,21 192. If the percentage of the hospital's gross patient revenue that is attributable
20to the Medical Assistance Program under subchapter IV of chapter 49 of the statutes
21is equal to or greater than 7 percent, $500,000.
SB62,375,222 (e) Budgeting practices. This act does not affect any requirements under
23section 16.46 of the statutes. The departments of administration and health services
24shall review, reestimate, and request general purpose revenue for hospital payments

1under the Medical Assistance Program under subchapter IV of chapter 49 of the
2statutes as needed.
SB62, s. 9131 3Section 9131. Nonstatutory provisions; Legislature.
SB62,375,4 4(1) Legislative oversight of federal economic stimulus funds.
SB62,375,85 (a) Definition. In this subsection, "federal economic stimulus funds" means
6federal moneys received by the state beginning on the effective date of this subsection
7and ending on June 30, 2011, pursuant to federal legislation enacted during the
8111th Congress for the purpose of reviving the economy of the United States.
SB62,375,219 (b) Expenditure of federal economic stimulus funds for purposes other than
As soon as practical after the receipt of any federal economic
11stimulus funds, the governor shall submit to the joint committee on finance a plan
12or plans for the expenditure of the federal economic stimulus funds for all purposes,
13other than transportation purposes. After receiving the plan or plans, the
14cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance may direct the governor to
15implement the plan or plans. In lieu of directing the governor to implement the plan
16or plans, the cochairpersons shall convene a meeting of the joint committee on
17finance within 14 days after the plan or plans are submitted to either approve or
18modify and approve the plan or plans. The governor shall then implement the plan
19or plans as approved by the committee. This paragraph shall not apply to federal
20economic stimulus funds the expenditure of which is contained in any bill introduced
21in either house of the legislature at the request of the governor.
SB62,376,1022 (c) Expenditure of federal economic stimulus funds for transportation purposes.
23As soon as practical after the receipt of any federal economic stimulus funds, the
24governor shall submit to the joint committee on finance a plan or plans for the
25expenditure of the federal economic stimulus funds for transportation purposes.

1After receiving the plan or plans, the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
2finance may direct the governor to implement the plan or plans. In lieu of directing
3the governor to implement the plan or plans, the cochairpersons shall convene a
4meeting of the joint committee on finance within 14 days after the plan or plans are
5submitted to either approve or modify and approve the plan or plans. The governor
6shall then implement the plan or plans as approved by the committee. This
7paragraph shall not apply to federal economic stimulus funds the expenditure of
8which is contained in any bill introduced in either house of the legislature at the
9request of the governor, including federal economic stimulus funds specified in
10Section 9150 (1 ) (b) 1 .
SB62,376,1611 (d) Revised plan. If for any reason a project specified in a plan under paragraph
12(b) or (c) cannot be completed on a timely basis, or if federal economic stimulus funds
13cannot be expended as proposed in the plan, the governor shall submit a revised plan
14to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance. The revised plan may only
15be implemented if approved by the joint committee on finance using the procedure
16under paragraph (b) or (c), whichever is applicable.
SB62,376,2417 (e) State building program enumeration. If any state building, structure, or
18facility is proposed to be designed or constructed, if any existing state building,
19structure, or facility is proposed to be repaired, remodeled, or improved, or if land is
20proposed to be acquired by the state for any such construction, repair, remodeling,
21or improvement, and the design, construction, repair, remodeling, improvement, or
22acquisition is proposed to be financed entirely with federal economic stimulus funds,
23the project, if approved as part of a plan under paragraph (b), is not subject to
24enumeration as required by section 20.924 of the statutes.
1(2) Required general fund structural balance. Section 20.003 (4) (fv) and
2(4m) of the statutes shall not apply to the 2008-09 fiscal year.
SB62, s. 9150 3Section 9150. Nonstatutory provisions; Transportation.
SB62,377,44 (1) Projects advanced by certain federal economic stimulus funds.
SB62,377,95 (a) Definition. In this subsection, "federal economic stimulus funds" means
6federal moneys received by the state beginning on the effective date of this paragraph
7and ending on June 30, 2011, pursuant to federal legislation enacted during the
8111th Congress for the purpose of reviving the economy of the United States, which
9moneys are intended to be used for transportation purposes.
SB62,377,1010 (b) Projects advanced by federal economic stimulus funds.
SB62,377,13 111. Except as provided in subdivision 2 ., the department of transportation may
12encumber or expend the first $300,000,000 of federal economic stimulus funds only
13for one or more of the projects identified in paragraph (c).
SB62,377,17 142. If the department encumbered state funds or federal funds other than
15federal economic stimulus funds for any project identified in paragraph (c) before
16receiving the first $300,000,000 of federal economic stimulus funds, the department
17may substitute a different project for that project in the list under paragraph (c).
SB62,377,1918 (c) List of projects. The department of transportation may encumber or expend
19the first $300,000,000 of federal economic stimulus funds for the following projects:
SB62,377,20 201. The Sun Prairie bypass project on USH 151 in Dane County.
SB62,377,21 212. The Madison-Milwaukee Road project on I 94 in Dane County.
SB62,377,22 223. The Madison-Janesville Road project on I 39 in Dane County.
SB62,377,23 234. The Madison-Janesville Road project on I 90 in Dane County.
SB62,377,24 245. The Maple Street village of Palmyra project on STH 59 in Jefferson County.
SB62,377,25 256. The Whitewater-Palmyra Road project on STH 59 in Jefferson County.
17. The LaCrosse-West Salem/Monegan project on STH 16 in La Crosse County.
SB62,378,2 28. The Footville-Janesville bypass project on STH 11 in Rock County.
SB62,378,3 39. The Lake Delton-I 90 Road project on USH 12 in Sauk County.
SB62,378,4 410. The Viroqua-LaFarge project on STH 82 in Vernon County.
SB62,378,5 511. The USH 12 project on USH 12 in Walworth County.
SB62,378,6 612. The Rock Freeway project on I 43 in Walworth County.
SB62,378,7 713. The Kewaskum-Eden project on USH 45 in Washington County.
SB62,378,9 814. The Meadow Lane Bridge and approach project on a town road in
9Manitowoc County.
SB62,378,10 1015. The Suamico-Abrams project on USH 41 in Oconto County.
SB62,378,11 1116. The Kewaskum-Eden project on USH 45 in Fond du Lac County.
SB62,378,12 1217. The Mishicot-I 43 project on STH 147 in Manitowoc County.
SB62,378,13 1318. The Lily-Forest County line project on STH 52 in Langlade County.
SB62,378,14 1419. The Merrill-Tomahawk project on USH 51 in Lincoln County.
SB62,378,15 1520. The Mosinee-USH 45 project on STH 153 in Marathon County.
SB62,378,16 1621. The Eagle River-Land O' Lakes project on USH 45 in Vilas County.
SB62,378,18 1722. The Fulton Street and Hillcrest Drive intersection project on STH 49 in
18Waupaca County.
SB62,378,19 1923. The Winchester-New London project on USH 45 in Waupaca County.
SB62,378,20 2024. The Pittsville-Marshfield project on STH 13 in Wood County.
SB62,378,21 2125. The Pittsville-Neillsville project on STH 73 in Wood County.
SB62,378,22 2226. The Odanah-Saxon project on USH 2 in Ashland County.
SB62,378,23 2327. The Siren-Spooner project on STH 70 in Burnett County.