2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
March 23, 2010 - Introduced by Senator Risser, cosponsored by Representative
Richards, by request of The Medical Examining Board. Referred to
Committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and
SB635,1,5 1An Act to renumber and amend 448.015 (4), 448.02 (4) and 448.13 (1); to
448.04 (1) (c), 448.13 (1m), 448.40 (1) and 448.40 (2) (e); and to create
3448.015 (4) (c), 448.115 and 448.13 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes; relating to: duties
4of physicians and of the Medical Examining Board and requiring the exercise
5of rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law authorizes the Medical Examining Board (board) in the
Department of Regulation and Licensing to issue licenses to practice medicine and
surgery, to practice perfusion, and to practice as a physician assistant, and to certify
respiratory care practitioners. This bill makes several changes to the laws
regulating persons licensed, permitted, or certified by the board.
Order of summary suspension
Currently, the board may summarily suspend a license, certificate, or other
limited permit (credential) granted by the board if the board has probable cause to
believe that the credential holder has violated the law and that suspending the
credential is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. The board may
suspend the credential for no more than 30 days pending hearing, but may extend
the suspension for an additional 30 days while the hearing is in progress and, if the
credential holder has caused a delay in the hearing process, from the time the
hearing is commenced until a final decision is issued. In addition, the board may

designate any of the officers of the board to suspend a credential for a period of up
to 72 hours.
This bill provides that the board chair and two board members designated by
the chair or, if the board chair is unavailable, the board vice-chair and two board
members designated by the vice-chair, may exercise the authority to summarily
suspend a credential. The bill requires an order of summary suspension to be served
on the credential holder in the manner established for service of process. The bill
eliminates both the 30-day and 72-hour limitations imposed under current law on
a summary suspension. Instead, under the bill, the order of summary suspension
remains in effect until the effective date of a final decision and order granted in a
disciplinary hearing against the credential holder or until the order of summary
suspension is discontinued by the board following a hearing to show cause.
The bill requires the board to issue a notice of hearing commencing a
disciplinary proceeding against the credential holder no more than ten days after the
order of summary suspension has been issued. The bill also requires the board to
notify the credential holder that he or she may request a hearing to show cause. If
a hearing to show cause is requested, the board must schedule the hearing on a date
within 20 days of the board's receipt of the request.
Duty to report
This bill requires a person licensed by the board as a physician to promptly
submit a written report to the board when the person has reason to believe any of the
following about another physician licensed by the board:
1. The other physician is engaged in acts that constitute a pattern of
unprofessional conduct.
2. The other physician is engaged in an act that creates an immediate or
continuing danger to one or more patients or to the public.
3. The other physician is or may be medically incompetent.
4. The other physician is or may be mentally or physically unable to engage in
the practice of medicine or surgery.
The bill provides that a physician who complies in good faith with the duty to
report may not be held civilly or criminally liable or be found guilty of unprofessional
Definition of "unprofessional conduct"
Current law governing persons regulated by the board defines "unprofessional
conduct" as those acts or attempted acts of commission or omission defined as
unprofessional conduct by the board by rule and any act by a physician or physician
assistant in violation of the law governing the prescriptive authority of the physician
or physician assistant. This bill modifies the definition of "unprofessional conduct"
to include failure on the part of a physician to comply with the duty to report as
required under the bill.
Biennial training requirement
Current law requires each person licensed or certified by the board to, by
November 1 of each odd-numbered year, register with the board. As a condition of
registration, each physician must submit proof of attendance at and completion
within the preceding two calendar years of continuing education programs or courses

of study approved by the board. The board may waive the requirement if it finds that
exceptional circumstances have prevented the physician from meeting the
This bill requires a physician to complete professional development and
maintenance of certification or performance improvement or continuing medical
education programs or courses of study required by the board by rule, and to include
proof of attendance at and completion of these additional programs or courses of
study in the biennial application for registration with the board. The board may
waive this new requirement if it finds that exceptional circumstances have
prevented the physician from meeting the requirement.
Temporary educational permit to practice medicine and surgery
Currently, the board may grant a temporary educational permit (TEP) to
practice medicine and surgery to a person who has graduated and possesses a
diploma from a medical or osteopathic college approved by the board and has
completed postgraduate training of 12 months in a facility approved by the board.
The board may also grant a TEP to a graduate of a foreign medical school which has
not been approved by the board if the graduate of a foreign medical school has had
postgraduate training in this country in a 12-month program approved by the board
or has had other professional experience suitable to the board, has passed the
examinations given by the educational council for foreign medical graduates or its
successors, and meets other conditions established by the board.
A person who holds a TEP may take postgraduate educational training in a
facility approved by the board, perform services under the direction of a person
licensed to practice medicine and surgery, and prescribe drugs other than narcotics.
This bill eliminates the prohibition on prescribing narcotics for a person holding a
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB635, s. 1 1Section 1. 448.015 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 448.015 (4) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
SB635,3,33 448.015 (4) (intro.) "Unprofessional conduct" means those all of the following:
SB635,3,6 4(a) Those acts or attempted acts of commission or omission defined as
5unprofessional conduct by the board under the authority delegated to the board by
6s. 15.08 (5) (b) and any.
1(b) Any act by a physician or physician assistant in violation of ch. 450 or 961.
SB635, s. 2 2Section 2. 448.015 (4) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB635,4,33 448.015 (4) (c) Failure by a physician to report as required under s. 448.115.
SB635, s. 3 4Section 3. 448.02 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 448.02 (4) (a) and amended
5to read:
SB635,4,176 448.02 (4) (a) The board may summarily suspend any license, certificate, or
7limited permit granted by the board for a period not to exceed 30 days pending
when the board has in its possession evidence establishing probable cause
9to believe that the holder of the license, certificate, or limited permit has violated the
10provisions of this subchapter and that it is necessary to suspend the license,
11certificate, or limited permit immediately to protect the public health, safety, or
12welfare. The holder of the license, certificate, or limited permit shall be granted an
13opportunity to be heard during the determination of probable cause. The board chair
14and 2 board members designated by the chair or, if the board chair is not available,
15the board vice-chair and 2 board members designated by the vice-chair, shall
16exercise the authority granted by this paragraph to suspend summarily a license,
17certificate, or limited permit in the manner provided under par. (b).
SB635,5,18 18(b) An order of summary suspension shall be served upon the holder of the
19license, certificate, or limited permit in the manner provided in s. 801.11 for service
20of summons. The order of summary suspension shall be effective upon service or
21upon actual notice of the summary suspension given to the holder of the license,
22certificate, or limited permit or to the attorney of the license, permit, or limited
23permit holder, whichever is sooner. A notice of hearing commencing a disciplinary
24proceeding shall be issued no more than 10 days following the issuance of the order
25of summary suspension.
The board may designate any of its officers to exercise the

1authority granted by this subsection to suspend summarily a license, certificate or
2limited permit, but such suspension shall be for a period of time not to exceed 72
3hours. If a license, certificate or limited permit has been summarily suspended by
4the board or any of its officers, the board may, while the hearing is in progress, extend
5the initial 30-day period of suspension for an additional 30 days. If the holder of the
6license, certificate or limited permit has caused a delay in the hearing process, the
7board may subsequently suspend the
license, certificate or limited permit from the
8time the hearing is commenced until a final decision is issued or may delegate such
9authority to the hearing examiner
order of summary suspension remains in effect
10until the effective date of a final decision and order in the disciplinary proceeding
11against the holder or until the order of summary suspension is discontinued by the
12board following a hearing to show cause. The holder of the license, certificate, or
13limited permit shall have the right to request a hearing to show cause why the order
14of summary suspension should not be continued and the order of summary
15suspension shall notify the holder of the license, certificate, or limited permit of that
16right. If a hearing to show cause is requested by the holder of the license, certificate,
17or limited permit, the hearing shall be scheduled on a date within 20 days of receipt
18by the board of the request for the hearing to show cause
SB635, s. 4 19Section 4. 448.04 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB635,6,1820 448.04 (1) (c) Temporary educational permit to practice medicine and surgery.
21Application for a temporary educational permit to practice medicine and surgery
22may be made to the board by a person who meets the requirements of s. 448.05 (2).
23Such permit may be issued for a period not to exceed one year and may be renewed
24annually for not more than 4 years. Such permit shall entitle the holder to take
25postgraduate educational training in a facility approved by the board. The holder

1of such permit may, under the direction of a person licensed to practice medicine and
2surgery in this state, perform services requisite to the training authorized by this
3section. Acting under such direction, the holder of such permit shall also have the
4right to prescribe drugs other than narcotics and to sign any certificates, reports, or
5other papers for the use of public authorities which are required of or permitted to
6persons licensed to practice medicine and surgery. The holder of such permit shall
7confine training and practice to the facility in which the holder is taking the training.
8The purpose of this paragraph is solely to provide opportunities in this state for the
9postgraduate education of certain persons having training in medicine and surgery
10satisfactory to the board, without compliance with the licensure requirements of this
11subchapter. Nothing in this paragraph changes in any respect the requirements for
12licensure to practice medicine and surgery in this state. The violation of this
13paragraph by the holder of such permit shall constitute cause for the revocation of
14the permit. All holders of such permits shall be subject to such provisions of this
15subchapter as the board, by rule, determines are appropriate and to any penalties
16applicable to those with a temporary or regular license to practice medicine and
17surgery. The board may require an applicant for licensure under this paragraph to
18appear before a member of the board for an interview and oral examination.
SB635, s. 5 19Section 5. 448.115 of the statutes is created to read:
SB635,6,22 20448.115 Duty to report. (1) A physician who has reason to believe any of the
21following about another physician shall promptly submit a written report to the
22board that shall include facts relating to the conduct of the other physician:
SB635,6,2423 (a) The other physician is engaging or has engaged in acts that constitute a
24pattern of unprofessional conduct.
1(b) The other physician is engaging or has engaged in an act that creates an
2immediate or continuing danger to one or more patients or to the public.
SB635,7,33 (c) The other physician is or may be medically incompetent.
SB635,7,54 (d) The other physician is or may be mentally or physically unable safely to
5engage in the practice of medicine or surgery.
SB635,7,8 6(2) No physician who reports to the board under sub. (1) may be held civilly or
7criminally liable or be found guilty of unprofessional conduct for reporting in good
SB635, s. 6 9Section 6. 448.13 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 448.13 (1) (a) (intro.) and
10amended to read:
SB635,7,1411 448.13 (1) (a) (intro.) Each Except as provided in par. (b), each physician shall,
12in each 2nd year at the time of application for a certificate of registration under s.
13448.07, submit proof of attendance at and completion of continuing all of the
SB635,7,17 151. Continuing education programs or courses of study approved for at least 30
16hours of credit by the board within the 2 calendar years preceding the calendar year
17for which the registration is effective.
SB635,7,21 18(b) The board may waive this requirement any of the requirements under par.
if it finds that exceptional circumstances such as prolonged illness, disability or
20other similar circumstances have prevented a physician from meeting the
21requirement requirements.
SB635, s. 7 22Section 7. 448.13 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB635,8,223 448.13 (1) (a) 2. Professional development and maintenance of certification or
24performance improvement or continuing medical education programs or courses of

1study required by the board by rule under s. 448.40 (1) and completed within the 2
2calendar years preceding the calendar year for which the registration is effective.
SB635, s. 8 3Section 8. 448.13 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read: