ar98(5)(c) (c) The invitations to attend the event are sent before the special or extraordinary session is called.
[cr. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar99 Assembly Rule 99. Fiscal estimates.
ar99(1)(1) The speaker or presiding officer may request from the legislative fiscal bureau an original fiscal estimate on a bill if the speaker or presiding officer believes that a fiscal estimate on the bill will not be completed by the state agency assigned to prepare the fiscal estimate before the bill receives a public hearing, is voted on by an assembly standing committee, or is considered by the assembly.
ar99(2)(2) An original fiscal estimate prepared under sub. (1) shall be submitted to the legislative reference bureau for review by the requester under joint rule 48 and for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope. The fiscal estimate, however, may not be reproduced or inserted if the fiscal estimate prepared by the state agency is available for reproduction and insertion before the fiscal estimate prepared under sub. (1).
ar99(3) (3) Unless otherwise determined by the assembly, failure to receive a fiscal estimate requested under sub. (1) on a bill that already has one or more original fiscal estimates does not delay consideration of the bill. Unless otherwise determined by the assembly, failure to receive a fiscal estimate requested other than under sub. (1) on a bill that already has one or more original fiscal estimates requested under sub. (1) does not delay consideration of the bill.
[cr. 2003 A.Res. 3]
A S S E M B L Y R U L E S *
As last affected by 2009 Assembly Resolution 2
Adopted January 5, 2009
Chapter 1: Election and Duties of Officers
Assembly officers Rule 1
Party officers; election, duties Rule 2
Duties of the speaker; speaker pro tempore Rule 3
Presiding officer Rule 3m
Other presiding officers Rule 4
Chief clerk's duties Rule 5
Sergeant at arms' duties Rule 6
Employees; appointment and supervision Rule 7
Chapter 2: Committees of the Assembly
Committee of the whole Rule 8
Standing committees Rule 9
Special committees Rule 10
* Under Assembly Rule 94 (3) (a), a pamphlet of this type will be printed following the adoption of any resolution "significantly changing” the assembly rules.
  The assembly rules were last readopted by 1983 Assembly Resolution 12 on June 2, 1983. Subsequent changes, enacted by 1985 Assembly Resolution 2, 1987 Assembly Resolution 2, 1989 Assembly Resolutions 2, 11 and 27, 1991 Assembly Resolutions 2 and 3, 1993 Assembly Resolutions 2, 14, 16 and 24, 1995 Assembly Resolutions 2, 12, 14 and 31, 1997 Assembly Resolution 2, 1999 Assembly Resolutions 2 and 3, 2001 Assembly Resolutions 2, 3, and 8, 2003 Assembly Resolutions 2 and 3, 2005 Assembly Resolution 2, 2007 Assembly Resolutions 2 and 4, and 2009 Assembly Resolution 2 are recorded in notes following the affected rules.
Committee procedures Rule 11
Committees not to meet during daily session Rule 12
Business referred to committee Rule 13
Public hearings Rule 14
Withdrawing a proposal from committee Rule 15
Claims against the state when presented to a memberof the assembly Rule 17
Executive action Rule 17d
Committee reports; time limits Rule 17m
Committee report with recommendations Rule 18
Committee report without recommendation Rule 19
Committee reports concerning proposed rules Rule 20
Special committee on ethics and standards of conduct Rule 21
Committee on assembly organization Rule 23
Committee on rules Rule 24
Chapter 3: Daily Sessions
Admission to the floor of the assembly Rule 25
Conduct in the chamber Rule 26
Absences and leaves Rule 27
Hour for convening Rule 28
Assembly calendar Rule 29
Call of the roll; quorum Rule 30
Regular orders of business Rule 31
Variations in the regular order; special orders Rule 32
Resolutions for special orders of business Rule 33
Chapter 4: General Procedures on Proposals and Related Matters
Chief clerk receives matters addressed to the assembly Rule 34
Proposals, amendments, and reports to beprovided before debate Rule 35
Clerical corrections to proposals or amendments Rule 36
Petitions and other documents Rule 37
Assembly publications and printing Rule 38
Chapter 5: Offering, Introduction, and Disposition of Proposals
Introduction and offering of proposals Rule 39
Readings of bills Rule 40
Readings of resolutions Rule 41
First reading and reference of proposals Rule 42
Privileged resolutions Rule 43
Vetoes Rule 44
Subsequent reference of proposals Rule 45
Second reading and amendment of proposals Rule 46
Main question before assembly Rule 47
Third reading and decisions on proposals Rule 48
Adverse and final disposition Rule 49
Messaging to the senate Rule 50
Enrolling; further consideration Rule 51
Advice and consent of the assembly Rule 51m
Chapter 6: Amendments
Offering amendments Rule 52
Drafting of amendments Rule 53
Germaneness of assembly amendments Rule 54
Sequence of considering amendments Rule 55
Chapter 7: General Rules of Debate
Recognition Rule 56
Interruptions Rule 57
Calling a member to order Rule 58
Conduct during debate Rule 59
Debate on delayed calendars Rule 60
Questions of privilege Rule 61
Points of order and appeals Rule 62
Chapter 8: Motions and Other Actions During Debate
Putting a motion Rule 63
Seconding Rule 64
Privileged and subsidiary motions and requestsduring debate Rule 65