Third reading and decisions on proposals Rule 48
Adverse and final disposition Rule 49
Messaging to the senate Rule 50
Enrolling; further consideration Rule 51
Advice and consent of the assembly Rule 51m
Chapter 6: Amendments
Offering amendments Rule 52
Drafting of amendments Rule 53
Germaneness of assembly amendments Rule 54
Sequence of considering amendments Rule 55
Chapter 7: General Rules of Debate
Recognition Rule 56
Interruptions Rule 57
Calling a member to order Rule 58
Conduct during debate Rule 59
Debate on delayed calendars Rule 60
Questions of privilege Rule 61
Points of order and appeals Rule 62
Chapter 8: Motions and Other Actions During Debate
Putting a motion Rule 63
Seconding Rule 64
Privileged and subsidiary motions and requestsduring debate Rule 65
Incidental motions, requests and questions during debate Rule 66
Nondebatable motions Rule 67
Amendments to motions to be germane Rule 68
Dilatory motions Rule 69
Motion to recess Rule 69m
Adjourning Rule 70
Ending debate Rule 71
Postponing; rejecting; referring Rule 72
Reconsidering Rule 73
Tabling Rule 74
Chapter 9: Putting Questions and Voting
Stating the question Rule 75
Voting Rule 76
Voting mandatory; exceptions Rule 77
Presiding officer votes Rule 78
Pairs Rule 79
Division of the question Rule 80
Tie loses question Rule 81
Interruptions of clerk during roll call Rule 82
Chapter 10: Procedures Under Call
Call of the assembly Rule 83
Members to remain in chamber when under call Rule 84
Sergeant to bring in absentees Rule 85
Business under call Rule 86
Lifting a call Rule 87
Successive calls on same question Rule 88
Chapter 11: Change, Suspension, Authority of Rules
Changing assembly rules Rule 89
Suspension of the rules Rule 90
Authority and interpretation of the rules Rule 91
Continuity of assembly rules Rule 92
Special, extended, or extraordinary sessions Rule 93
Content, format, and style of rules and manual Rule 94
Chapter 12: Miscellaneous
Definitions Rule 95
Legislative citations Rule 96
Assembly citations Rule 97
Campaign committee activity Rule 98
Fiscal estimates Rule 99
Alphabetical Index
Revised by Legislative Reference Bureau
March 2009
  Assembly Rule
Absence of members from daily sessions:
call of assembly   83 (1)
journal lists those present or absent   30 (1)
leaves shall be obtained   27
must be in chair to be present   30 (1)
number smaller than a quorum (majority of current membership)
may compel attendance of   30 (3)
one member may request leave for another   27
request for leave proper during debate   66 (1)(e)
upon request member arriving late may be recorded as present   30 (1)
Act (definition)   95 (1)
Actions, motions, and questions in order during debate   57, 65, 66
Adjourn (definition)   95 (2)
Adjourn, motion to:
acted on without debate, exceptions   70
always in order except while voting or while assembly recessed for caucus   70 (1)
call of assembly may be moved   83 (2)
precedence does not authorize such motion
while another member has floor   70 (1)
privilege of motion or request   65 (1)(c), (d)
recess to next day: same as   69m
roll call required when assembly under call   86 (3)
simple motion not debatable or amendable   70 (3)
to fix time for convening, debatable and amendable   70 (4)
to fixed other time, debatable and amendable   70 (2)
two consecutive motions to adjourn not in order   69 (3)