speaker of the assembly, sergeant at arms subordinate to   6 (1)(j)
term of office, see also s. 13.18, stats.   1
Session, regular (definition)   95 (66)
Simple amendment, see Amendment
Simple resolution, see Assembly resolution
Sine die adjournment (definition)   95 (79)
Smoking, not permitted on floor or in galleries   26 (5)
Social security records kept by chief clerk   5 (1)(s)
Speaker, see also Presiding officer:
administrative rules review: referral to committee;
notice of withdrawal   3 (1)(r), 13 (2)
administrative rules review: rereferral to committee   13 (2)(b)
agent for assembly, designated as   3 (1)(k)
arrest of witness: when subpoena is disobeyed, issues summary
process for   3 (1)(o)
appoints majority party members to each   3 (1)(j), 9 (2)(b)
appoints minority party members to each   9 (2)(c)
determines number of members and party division for   9 (2)(a)
meeting times and places assigned by speaker   9 (9), 11 (3), (11)
meeting times and places assigned by speaker and
minority leader   11 (11)(b), (c)
nonvoting member of every committee   9 (8)
refers proposals to   13 (1)(am), 24 (3)(a), 39 (4)(c), 42 (1)(b), (3)(a), 45 (4), (5)
special committee, appoints   10
temporary special committee, creates   10 (2)
communication, may order reproduced in journal   37 (2)
custom, rule, directive of assembly, or law:
performs duties assigned to office by   3 (1)(s)
definition of "speaker”   95 (80)
discharge of duties subject to commands of assembly   3 (1)(k)
duties   3 (1)
election, see also s. 13.13 (1), stats., and art IV-30, Wis. Con.
(roll call required)   1
employees of, appointment and removal   7 (1)
enrolled bill, may direct immediate messaging to governor   23 (4)
fiscal estimate, order legislative fiscal bureau to prepare   99
floral pieces or similar memorials, authorizes,
see also
s. 13.14 (2), stats.   3 (1)(n)
joint survey committee, refers proposals to   24 (3)(a), 42 (1)(b), 45 (4)
journal, may order communication reproduced in   37 (2)
manual of assembly, directs preparation of   94 (1)
member of:
all standing committees (nonvoting)   9 (8)
committee on assembly organization   9 (3)
committee on rules   24 (1)
members, certifies mileage reimbursement for   3 (1)(m)
midterm vacancy, speaker pro tempore calls election   1, 3 (2)
oath of office, may administer to members and officers   3 (1)(p)
office assignment   3 (1)(q)
petition to withdraw proposal from committee, receives copy   15 (4)(a)
presides over joint convention when senate president absent   32 (2)
proposals, refers to standing committee,
special committee, next calendar, or
committee on rules   13 (1)(am), 29 (1), 39 (4)(c), 42, 45, 89 (2)
removal, resignation   1
represents assembly and declares its will   3 (1)(k)
rereferral to committee   13 (1)(am), 45
rooms in Capitol, assigns to members   3 (1)(q)
seats in chamber, divides in consultation with caucuses   2 (4)
assembly bills which have passed both houses   5 (1)(o)
authenticates acts, orders, proceedings of assembly   3 (1)(i)
citations issued on behalf of assembly   97 (4)
subpoenas, issues for witnesses required by assembly or committee   3 (1)(o)
supervisory capacity over all other officers of the assembly   3 (1)(L)
temporary special committees   10 (2), (3)
term of office, see also s. 13.13 (1), stats.   1
withdrawal from committee   13 (2)(b), 42 (3)(c)
Speaker pro tempore, see also Speaker and Presiding officer:
carries out duties of speaker in temporary absence of speaker   3 (2)
definition of "speaker pro tempore”   95 (81)
election, see also s. 13.13 (2), stats. and art. IV-30, Wis. Con.
(roll call required)   1
employees of, appointment and removal   7 (1)
member of:
committee on assembly organization   9 (3)
committee on rules   24 (1)
removal, resignation   1
signs citations issued on behalf of the assembly   97 (4)
term of office, see also s. 13.13 (2), stats.   1
Speaking, see Debate
Special committee:
appointment   10
ceases when final report made, objective accomplished,
or termination date arrives   10 (1m)
creation of by speaker, only if no additional legislative employee hired   10 (3)
creation of, not impaired by motion for reconsideration   73 (10)
ethics and standards of conduct, special committee on   21, 43 (3)
definition of "special committee”   95 (82)
not to meet during daily session (except committee of conference and rules)   12
precedence of motion to refer to   65 (2)(e)
refer to, motion not permitted twice on same
day, at same stage   72
rereferral to   13 (1)(am), 45 (1)
temporary special committees   10 (2), (3)
Special order of business:
call for may interrupt member while speaking   57 (1)(g)
considered in order of time for which scheduled   32 (3)(a)
continuing   33 (5)