[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr44m Senate Rule 44m. Presentation to the governor. The chief clerk shall present all correctly enrolled bills to the governor as provided in the session schedule unless any of the following occur:
sr44m(1) (1) Upon motion of the senate, the chief clerk shall present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor as provided in the motion.
sr44m(2) (2) Upon directive of the majority leader, unless otherwise provided by the session schedule or motion of the senate, the chief clerk shall present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor as provided in the directive.
sr44m(3) (3) Upon the call of the governor, unless otherwise provided by the session schedule, motion of the senate, or directive of the president, the chief clerk shall immediately present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor.
[cr. 2009 S.Res. 2]
sr45 Senate Rule 45. Offering of privileged resolution. A resolution privileged by rule 69 shall, when sent to the clerk's desk, be read at length by the chief clerk, but may be read by its relating clause if copies of the text have been distributed to the members. When so read, the privileged resolution is before the senate.
[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr46 Senate Rule 46. Presentation of proposals and other matters.
sr46(1)(a)(a) Proposals, amendments, petitions, reports, communications, or other documents that may properly come before the senate shall be presented by a member thereof to the chief clerk, or a staff member designated by the chief clerk, at anytime, except as otherwise provided in senate rule 93 (1p) and joint rule 83 (2). A brief statement of the contents thereof must appear thereon, together with the name of the members introducing or offering the same. The chief clerk shall number all proposals, amendments, and petitions.
sr46(1)(b) (b) The chief clerk shall promptly record each document or proposal introduced or offered under par. (a) in the journal.
sr46(2) (2)
sr46(2)(a)(a) The chief clerk shall advise the president of documents that must be referred under the rules and the president shall promptly refer the document to the appropriate committee.
sr46(2)(am) (am) The president shall refer every notice and report concerning a proposed administrative rule received by the presiding officer under section 227.19 of the statutes to the appropriate standing committee of the senate within 7 working days following receipt and provide notice to that committee whenever the president is informed that a proposed rule is being withdrawn. The president shall refer any report received from a standing committee that objects to a proposed rule to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
sr46(2)(b) (b) Within 3 working days after the time of initial referral by the president under par. (am), a proposed rule may, with consent of the chairperson of the standing committee, be withdrawn from the standing committee to which it is referred and rereferred to another standing committee. Such action does not extend the standing committee review period. Rereferral may be made at any time.
sr46(2)(c)(c) After the time of initial referral by the president under rule 36 (2), the president may, with the consent of the chairperson of the standing committee and the chairperson of the committee on senate organization, withdraw a proposal or appointment from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee, except that such a withdrawal may not take effect during the 7 days preceding any scheduled committee hearing or the 7 days following the date on which a committee hearing is held. Rereferral under this rule may be made at any time, but may not be used to satisfy section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.
sr46(4) (4) Unless otherwise ordered, petitions shall be read by title only and referred to the appropriate committee.
sr46(5) (5) A proposed amendment that is offered must have a heading stating the number of the proposal that it is proposed to amend and the name of the member proposing the amendment. The chief clerk shall read the number of the amendment. The amendment shall be reproduced. The jacket copy of the amendment shall be placed in the jacket and copies shall be distributed as provided by the rules.
sr46(6)(6) Unless reconsidered under rule 67, a proposal, or an amendment as it affects a proposal, is adversely and finally disposed of for the biennial session of the legislature by any of the following results:
sr46(6)(a) (a) Indefinite postponement (senate bills).
sr46(6)(b) (b) Rejection (senate amendments, senate resolutions, and senate joint resolutions).
sr46(6)(c) (c) Nonconcurrence (assembly bills and assembly joint resolutions).
sr46(6)(d) (d) Failure to be ordered to a 3rd reading (senate bills and assembly bills).
sr46(6)(e) (e) Failure of passage (senate bills).
sr46(6)(f) (f) Failure of concurrence (assembly bills and assembly joint resolutions).
sr46(6)(g) (g) Failure to pass notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
[(2)(b) cr. 1981 S.Res. 2]
[(2)(c) cr. 1989 S.Res. 3]
[(1) and (5) am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[(title), (1), (2) and (5) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(1), (2)(a) and (b) and (5) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(1)(b) and (2)(d) cr. 2003 S.Res. 3
[(1)(a) and (b), (2)(b), (c) and (d) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
[(2)(am), (6) cr. 2005 S.Res. 2]
[(2)(c) am. 2007 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 5:
sr47 Senate Rule 47. When amendments may be considered.
sr47(1)(1) Consideration of simple amendments or of substitute amendments is in order only upon the second reading of the proposal and if in compliance with rule 34.
sr47(4) (4) During consideration of amendments when both simple amendments and substitute amendments to a proposal are pending, the question, in ascending numerical order, is first upon amendments to the substitute amendment of the lowest number, and then upon that substitute amendment, unless the senate by majority vote of members present otherwise orders.
sr47(5) (5) Amendments are not in order upon consideration of an executive veto.
[(1) and (5) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(4) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(4)am. 2009 S.Res. 2]
sr48 Senate Rule 48. Reading of amendments. The chief clerk shall read the full text of each amendment to the members, and the presiding officer shall state the number of each amendment, but amendments that have been distributed to the members may not be read at length.
[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr49 Senate Rule 49. Offering amendments. Amendments shall be numbered in the order received, and shall bear the name of the member or the committee offering the same. Amendments shall be prepared in proper form by the legislative reference bureau, and must be offered in compliance with rule 29; except that when the proposal is debated on 2nd reading amendments may be offered from the floor. The chief clerk shall have amendments offered from the floor drawn in proper form as soon as possible and before the proposal is subsequently engrossed and delivered to a committee or to the assembly. This provision does not delay action upon an amendment offered from the floor.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr50 Senate Rule 50. Substitute amendments and amendments must be germane.
sr50(1)(1) Every substitute amendment and amendment to a proposal must be germane to that proposal.
sr50(1m) (1m) A standing committee may not report any substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal originating in either house, and the senate may not consider any substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal, that is not germane to that proposal.
sr50(2) (2) A substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal may not be considered if the presiding officer rules that the substitute amendment or amendment is not germane to that proposal.
sr50(3) (3) The presiding officer may rule only on the germaneness of a senate substitute amendment or amendment and only when the substitute amendment or amendment is before the senate.
sr50(4) (4) An amendment to an amendment to a proposal must be germane to the amendment as well as to that proposal.
sr50(6) (6) The following substitute amendments or amendments are not germane:
sr50(6)(a) (a) A substitute amendment or amendment that is identical in effect to one previously offered to the same proposal and disposed of.
sr50(6)(b) (b) A substitute amendment or amendment to a proposal that is any of the following:
1. Irrelevant to the subject matter of the proposal.
2. Inappropriate to the subject matter of the proposal.
3. Not in a natural and logical sequence to the subject matter of the proposal.
4. Substantially expands the scope of the proposal.
sr50(6)(c) (c) A substitute amendment or amendment that negates the original proposal entirely, or that substitutes another proposal pending before the senate.
sr50(8) (8) The following substitute amendments and amendments are germane:
sr50(8)(a) (a) A substitute amendment or amendment proposing a method of raising revenues for an appropriation bill or proposing an appropriation for a revenue bill.
sr50(8)(b) (b) A substitute amendment or amendment adding an appropriation necessary to fulfill the original intent of a proposal.
[(1) am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 1997 S.Res. 2]
[(1) to (3), (8) and (10) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(6)(a) and (b) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
[(6)(b) 1. to 4. and (c) cr. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr51 Senate Rule 51. Amendment in the 3rd degree prohibited. Amendments beyond the degree of an amendment to an amendment to the main proposition are prohibited. For the purposes of this rule a substitute amendment, and an assembly amendment to a senate proposal or amendment, are considered a main proposition.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr53 Senate Rule 53. Committee amendments; speaking on amendment. Amendments reported by committees shall be acted upon by the senate in the same manner as though offered from the floor. On an amendment being offered, a member who has spoken on the main question may speak again on the amendment.
sr55 Senate Rule 55. Order of action. If adverse action is recommended by a committee, that question is put first. However, the senate may direct the consideration of amendments, but adoption of amendments does not change the question.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 6:
sr56 Senate Rule 56. Recognition; debate. Members who are about to speak in debate or deliver any matter to the senate shall rise in their places and respectfully address the presiding officer, and, upon being recognized, shall proceed, confining themselves to the question under debate and avoiding personalities. Members may not question the motives of another member. Members may read briefly from printed material unless there is objection.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr57 Senate Rule 57. Presiding officer to name first speaker. When any 2 or more members rise at the same time, the presiding officer shall name the person who is to speak first.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr58 Senate Rule 58. Member out of order. A member called to order shall sit down, and may not speak, except in explanation, until it is determined whether or not the member was in order. When a member is called to order for words spoken, the exceptional words shall be taken down in writing to better enable the presiding officer to judge whether they are in violation of the rules.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr59 Senate Rule 59. How members may speak. Members may not speak except from their assigned places, and not more than twice on a question, except on leave of the senate.   If a question pending is lost by adjournment and revived on the succeeding roll call day, a member who spoke twice on the preceding roll call day may not again speak without leave of the senate.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr60 Senate Rule 60. Personal privilege. Members may rise to explain matters personal to themselves by leave of the presiding officer, but may not discuss pending questions in the explanations. Questions of personal privilege are limited to questions affecting the rights, reputation, and conduct of the members in their representative capacities. A member's right to speak on a point of personal privilege has precedence over all other questions except a motion to adjourn or a motion to raise a call.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr61 Senate Rule 61. Special privilege. Any member desiring to make a personal explanation on a matter other than one of personal privilege may rise and, by leave of the presiding officer, and within such limitation of time as the presiding officer or senate may determine, discuss any subject relative to state or local government, public welfare, conduct of public officials in relation to their official duties, and matters pertaining to the rights of the senate collectively, and its safety and dignity, and the integrity of its proceedings. A member may not be granted the right to speak on a point of special privilege while any matter is pending or under discussion before the senate.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr62 Senate Rule 62. Stating motions. When a motion is made, the presiding officer shall state it or the chief clerk shall read it prior to debate. If a member requires it, all motions, except to adjourn, postpone, or refer, shall be reduced to writing. Except as provided in rule 67, any motion may be withdrawn by consent of the majority of those present.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr63 Senate Rule 63. Motions in order during debate.
sr63(1)(1) When a question is under debate, a motion may not be received except:
sr63(1)(a) (a) To adjourn (not debatable or amendable, member must have floor to make motion, see rules 64 and 68).
sr63(1)(b) (b) To adjourn to a fixed time (not debatable; amendable only as to time, see rules 64 and 68).
sr63(1)(c) (c) To raise a call (not debatable or amendable, carried by majority vote of the members present, see rules 68 and 85 (5)).
sr63(1)(d) (d) Personal privilege (not debatable, subject to time limit imposed by the presiding officer, see rule 60).
sr63(1)(e) (e) To recess (debatable only as to length of recess, see rules 64 and 68).
sr63(1)(f) (f) To lay on table (not debatable, returns matter to committee on senate organization, see rules 18, 65 and 68).
sr63(1)(g) (g) For the previous question (not debatable but amendable to establish time limit for debate, see rules 68 and 77).
sr63(1)(h) (h) For the current question (not debatable but amendable to establish time limit for debate, see rules 68 and 77).
sr63(1)(i) (i) To postpone to a day certain (debatable, may not be renewed on same day unless matter has advanced to subsequent stage or has been changed by amendment, see rule 66).