[(2) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr73m Senate Rule 73m. Missed roll calls.
sr73m(1)(1) A member who does not vote during a roll call on a proposal may request unanimous consent to have his or her vote included in that roll after the roll is closed, if all of the following apply:
sr73m(1)(a) (a) The request does not interrupt another roll call.
sr73m(1)(b) (b) The request is made no later than immediately following the close of the next occurring roll call.
sr73m(1)(c) (c) The member's vote, if included, will not change the result of the roll call.
sr73m(2)(2) If sub. (1) precludes a member from making a request or if the request is objected to, the member may request unanimous consent to have the journal reflect how the member would have voted had he or she been in his or her seat when the roll call was taken. A member may not interrupt a roll call to make a request under this subsection.
[cr. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr74 Senate Rule 74. Explanation of vote not allowed. Explanation by a member of his or her vote, at the time of the calling of the member's name, is not allowed.
sr75 Senate Rule 75. Recording position of absent member. Any member absent from all or part of a day's session by leave of the senate under rule 16 or 23 or pursuant to rule 13 may, within one week after returning, instruct the chief clerk in writing to have the journal show that had the member been present when a certain vote was taken the member would on that issue have voted aye or have voted no. If the member returns before the vote is taken, the statement of position is void and the member shall cast his or her vote as required under rule 73.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 21]
[am. 2009 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 7:
sr76 Senate Rule 76. Scheduling time limits for debate.
sr76(1)(1) Time limits and schedules for debate may be designated in the manner described in sub. (2). The time limits may be rejected or modified by majority vote of the members present, but this question is not debatable. The schedules and time limits shall be announced by the presiding officer immediately upon being presented. Promptly at the expiration of the time allotted, the presiding officer shall put the question.
sr76(2) (2) Time limits and schedules for debate may be designated under sub. (1) by any of the following means:
sr76(2)(a) (a) By the committee on senate organization.
sr76(2)(b) (b) Jointly by the majority leader and the minority leader, if the committee on senate organization does not object.
sr76(2)(c) (c) By the presiding officer, if the majority leader and the minority leader do not object.
[am. 1987 S.Res. 2, 1989 S.Res. 3, 1993 S.Res. 3]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(1) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(2) cr. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(1) am. 2009 S.Res. 2]
sr77 Senate Rule 77. Voting immediately; time limit on debate.
sr77(1)(1) When any matter is under consideration any member may move that the senate vote immediately on the current question. The motion is not debatable and if carried by a majority the subsidiary question then pending before the senate shall be put to a vote without debate. If a motion is made under this subsection the question is: "Shall the senate vote immediately on the current question?” If the motion carries, the effect is to end the debate on the current question then before the senate and bring the senate to a vote on the current question. A motion to table is not in order after a motion under this subsection has been made. A motion that carries under this subsection does not prevent the offering of amendments or substitute amendments to the main question after the vote is taken on the current question.
sr77(2) (2) A motion to establish the amount of time to be given a particular matter may be made in the same manner as provided in sub. (1), except that this motion is subject to amendment, which also is decided without debate.
sr77(3) (3) When a matter is under consideration a member may move that the senate vote immediately on the main question. The motion is not debatable and if carried by a majority the main question then pending before the senate shall be put to a vote without debate. If a motion is made under this subsection the question is: "Shall the senate vote immediately on the main question?” If the motion carries, the effect is to end the debate on the question then before the senate and bring the senate to a vote on the main question. Amendments or substitute amendments may be offered, but not debated, and shall be considered immediately. A motion to table the proposal to which the main question relates is not in order after a motion under this subsection has been made.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(title), (1) and (3) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr79 Senate Rule 79. But one motion to reconsider in order; main question may remain before the senate. After a motion under rule 77 (1) or (3) has carried, only one motion to reconsider is in order. If the motion to reconsider carries, the main question shall remain as the question before the senate, in the same stage of proceedings as before the motion under rule 77 (1) or (3) was made.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr80 Senate Rule 80. But one call of the senate in order. After a motion to vote immediately on the main question has carried but before the vote is taken, one call of the senate is in order; but after proceedings under the call have been once dispensed with, or after a majority lifts the call, a call is not in order before the vote on the main question.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 8:
sr81 Senate Rule 81. Call of the senate.
sr81(1)(1) Five senators may make a call of the senate and thereby require absent members to be sent for, but a call of the senate cannot be made after the voting has commenced.
sr81(2) (2) A call of the senate may be ordered on any motion or question before the senate, including a motion to adjourn, but a call of the senate on a motion to adjourn is not in order once the senate is under call on any other question.
[(2) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr82 Senate Rule 82. Putting question.
sr82(1)(1) On a call of the senate being moved, the presiding officer shall say: "It requiring 5 senators to make a call of the senate, those in favor of the call shall rise.” And, if a sufficient number rise, the call shall be thereby ordered without debate.
sr82(2) (2) When a motion for a call of the senate fails of the support of the necessary 5 members, and announcement of that fact is made, a 2nd motion for a call on the same question is not in order unless other business intervenes.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr83 Senate Rule 83. Doors to be closed. A call of the senate being ordered, the sergeant at arms shall close the doors, and members may not leave the chamber, but the public may come and go under such regulations as the sergeant at arms finds necessary.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr84 Senate Rule 84. Sergeant to bring in absentees. The chief clerk shall immediately call the roll of the members, and note the absentees, whose names shall be read, and entered upon the journal in such manner as to show who are absent with leave and who are absent without leave. The chief clerk shall furnish the sergeant at arms with a list of those who are absent without leave, and the sergeant at arms shall forthwith proceed to find and bring in such absentees.
sr85 Senate Rule 85. Transacting business while under call.
sr85(1)(1) General rule. While the senate is under call, business may not be transacted with reference to the matter on which the call is made except to receive and act upon the report of the sergeant at arms, to act on a motion to raise one or more calls, to adjourn, or to adjourn to a time certain. A roll call on a call of the senate must be completed before the senate may take up a special order fixed for that time. A joint resolution to dispose of all matters before the senate and to recess includes matters under call.
sr85(2) (2) Concurrent calls. While the senate is under call, a concurrent call may be ordered on any other business before the senate except on a motion for a leave of absence for a member or a motion to dispense with further proceedings under a call.
sr85(3) (3) Other business. Other business may be conducted by those present as if there were no call.
sr85(4) (4) Successive calls on same question; intervening business. Successive calls on the same question are in order if any other action on pending business has intervened between calls of the senate.
sr85(5) (5) Raising call. A motion to raise one or more calls takes precedence over every other motion, except a motion to adjourn. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present is required for adoption. Upon adoption of a motion to raise one or more calls, business shall be taken up at the point at which it was interrupted by the call, except that motions to recess or adjourn take precedence over the question on which the call was raised, and subsequent calls on motions unrelated to progress of a proposal are in order. The motion to raise a call is not amendable.
sr85(6) (6) Effect of adjournment upon call of senate. A majority of those present may adjourn, but upon reconvening, the senate is not under call, but the call of the senate may again be ordered in the same manner as provided in this rule.
sr85(7) (7) Granting leave under call. Absent members may be granted leave during a call of the senate by majority vote of members present. Leave cannot be canceled after a call of the senate has been ordered. Prior leave expires when the senator returns although it is before the time limit set.
[(1), (5) to (7) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(5) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(7) am. 2009 S.Res. 2]]
sr86 Senate Rule 86. Sergeant at arms may report. The sergeant at arms may make a report of the proceedings under the call at any time. The motion to accept the report is determined by ayes and noes. The call may not be raised unless a majority of those present vote in favor of the motion. If the report is not accepted, the sergeant at arms shall proceed to a completion of the duties under rule 84.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr87 Senate Rule 87. Call raised when absentees present and business disposed of. When the sergeant at arms reports that all who were absent without leave are present and names them, the report shall be entered on the journal. The call ends as soon as the business, pending when the call was made, is disposed of.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 9:
sr88 Senate Rule 88. Employment and supervision of senate employees.
sr88(1)(1) The committee on senate organization has general supervision and direction over all employees of the senate and may supervise or assign supervision over employees as it considers proper to the chief clerk, to the sergeant at arms, or to members.
sr88(2) (2) On recommendation of the respective appointing officers, the committee on senate organization shall allocate the number of employees of the senate within the limits established by the staffing pattern then in force and the duties and responsibilities assigned to each employee. The chief clerk shall assign each position to the proper pay range.
sr88(3) (3) Employees may not be allowed compensation except for such time as they are in attendance, except when absent with leave granted by their superior officers. Employees are not exempt from this provision on any day of the week. All employees shall perform such duties in connection with the work of the senate as are assigned to them by their superior officers, and shall be available at such hours as their superior officers direct.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(1) and (3) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(2) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr89 Senate Rule 89. Certification of payroll. The chief clerk shall certify to the department of administration the names of all persons employed in the senate and the amounts respectively due them.
[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 10:
sr90 Senate Rule 90. Creating, amending, or repealing rules. Senate rules may be created, amended, or repealed by resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of the senate membership presently serving. The vote is taken by ayes and noes. The resolution shall set forth the precise detail of the proposed creation, amendment, or repeal. After the senate rules have been established at the commencement of the biennial session, any resolution to change the senate rules must lay over one week.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr91 Senate Rule 91. Suspending rules. Senate rules may be suspended by the senate by vote of two-thirds of the members present. The vote is determined by ayes and noes unless unanimous consent is given.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr92 Senate Rule 92. Continuity of senate rules. Senate rules are effective until amended or repealed by the senate. Senate rules remain in force at the beginning of a succeeding biennial session until superseded by rules adopted by the senate in the succeeding biennial session of the legislature.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr93 Senate Rule 93. Special or extraordinary sessions. Unless otherwise provided by the senate for a specific special or extraordinary session, the rules of the senate adopted for the biennial session, with the following modifications, apply to each special session called by the governor and to each extraordinary session called by the senate and assembly organization committees or called by a joint resolution approved by both houses:
sr93(1)(1) Except as provided in sub. (1d), a proposal or amendment may not be considered unless it accomplishes the special purposes for which the special session was convened or the business specified in the action authorizing the extraordinary session. Notwithstanding rule 46 (6), any proposal that is adversely and finally disposed of for the biennial session may be revived by specific inclusion in the action authorizing an extraordinary session, provided that the proposal had not failed a vote of concurrence or passage in the senate. Any proposal revived under this subsection is considered to be at the same stage of the proceedings as it had attained upon being adversely and finally disposed of.
sr93(1d) (1d) Resolutions offering commendations, congratulations, or condolences, memorializing congress or an individual, or affecting senate or legislative rules or proceedings are declared not to be within the meaning of the term "business” under the constitutional provision limiting the matters to be considered during special sessions to those enumerated in the governor's call for a special session. All such matters may be considered during any extraordinary session.
sr93(1p) (1p) A senate proposal may not be considered unless it is recommended to be introduced, offered, or considered by the committee on senate organization, the senate committee on finance, the joint committee on finance, the joint committee on legislative organization, or by the joint committee on employment relations.
sr93(2) (2) A notice of a committee meeting is not required other than posting on the legislative bulletin board, and a bulletin of committee hearings may not be published.
sr93(3) (3) The daily calendar is in effect immediately upon posting on the legislative bulletin boards. The calendar need not be distributed.
sr93(4) (4) Any point of order shall be decided within one hour.
sr93(5) (5) A motion may not be entertained to postpone action to a day or time certain.
sr93(6) (6) Any motion to advance a proposal and any motion to message a proposal to the assembly may be adopted by a majority of those present and voting.
[cr. 1983 S.Res. 4]
[(intro.) am. 1989 S.Res. 3]
[(1) and (3) am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[(1) to (3) and (5) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(intro.), (1), (1p) and (6) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(1d) (from rule 33 (3)) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(intro.), (1), (1d), (1p) and (2) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
sr94 Senate Rule 94. Publishing of senate rules.
sr94(3)(a)(a) Within one week after the adoption of a resolution significantly changing the senate rules, the chief clerk shall direct the distribution of a new pamphlet incorporating the entire text of the senate rules as affected by the resolution unless, in the judgment of the chief clerk, additional rule changes may soon be agreed to by the senate. Each pamphlet edition shall contain a revised table of contents and index prepared by the legislative reference bureau.
sr94(3)(b) (b) As directed by the chief clerk, a resolution amending the senate rules may be engrossed and duplicated for distribution.
[rn. from S.Rule 93 by 1983 S.Res. 4]
[am. 1987 S.Res. 3]
[(3)(a) am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[(3) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
Chapter 11: