Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent -
Expedited partner therapy: physician, physician assistant, and certain nurses may prescribe or dispense antimicrobial drug to a patient to be used by a sexual partner for the treatment of specific STDs, pharmacist and civil liability exemption provisions; DHS duties -
Expedited partner therapy: physician, physician assistant, and certain nurses may prescribe or dispense antimicrobial drug to a patient to be used by a sexual partner for the treatment of specific STDs, pharmacist and civil liability exemption provisions; DHS duties -
Federal mandate requiring suspension or revocation of driver's license in all drug or controlled substance violation convictions: the state exercises its option to opt out
Federal mandate requiring suspension or revocation of driver's license in all drug or controlled substance violation convictions: the state exercises its option to opt out
Injuries based on the use of alcohol or controlled substance: health insurance policies and governmental self-insured health plans prohibited from excluding or denying coverage
Injuries based on the use of alcohol or controlled substance: health insurance policies and governmental self-insured health plans prohibited from excluding or denying coverage
Marijuana: medical necessity defense and immunity from arrest and prosecution; DHS to establish a registry for medical users of marijuana and license and regulate compassion centers, fee provision; does not affect federal law; JRCCP report
Marijuana: medical necessity defense and immunity from arrest and prosecution; DHS to establish a registry for medical users of marijuana and license and regulate compassion centers, fee provision; does not affect federal law; JRCCP report
Methamphetamine production on property: disclosure on real estate condition report and landlord to disclose to prospective tenant -
Methamphetamine production on property: disclosure on real estate condition report and landlord to disclose to prospective tenant -
Nonprescription drugs: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -
Nonprescription drugs: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -
OWI second or third offense penalty: court may order a therapeutically indicated dose of naltrexone as condition of probation, fines revised; JRCCP report -
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records -
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records [S.Amdt.1: effective date changed re paying support or maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients] -
Pharmacist duty to dispense contraceptive drugs or devices: requirements created, does not abrogate pharmacist's legal and ethical obligations re Wisconsin law; DHS duty re hospital pharmacy complaint [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1419c, 2995nd]
Pharmacy benefits purchasing program transferred from GIB to DHS [Sec. 344, 347, 357, 359, 803, 2427, 9215 (1), 9422 (3)] -
Postsecondary student convicted of manufacturing, distributing, or delivering a controlled substance or analog is ineligible for state financial assistance from HEAB or U.W. Board of Regents -
Prescription drug advertising prohibited; exceptions provided -
Prescription drug assistance for the elderly: changes re program payment rate and DHS report on pharmacy compliance and participation in MA [Sec. 1364, 1366, 1367]
Prescription drug monitoring program: Pharmacy Examining Board directed to create; DORL to apply for federal grants [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, confidentiality and civil or criminal liability immunity added]
Prescription drugs exempt from the Unfair Sales Act -
Prescription drugs or devices for incarcerated persons: Corr.Dept and sheriffs required to charge for
Prescriptive authority: Psychology Examining Board authorized to issue certificates to licensed psychologists; definition, conditions, and nursing provisions -
Program revisions re benefits for low-income residents: BadgerCare Plus, food stamps, Wisconsin Shares, drug testing for public assistance, MPCP, energy assistance, WHEDA and Comm.Dept housing assistance, HEAB, and EITC; Comm.Dept and JSCTE appendix reports
``Proper Drug Disposal Day" proclaimed June 6, 2009 -
Psychotropic medication: nursing home required to have written informed consent before administering to a resident with a degenerative brain disorder -
Psychotropic medication: nursing home required to have written informed consent before administering to a resident with a degenerative brain disorder [S.Amdt.1: health care agent provision and nursing home also required to orally inform the resident, or person acting on resident's behalf, of right to withdraw consent] -
Salvinorin A (from the plant Salvia divinorum): manufacture, distribution, or delivery intended for human consumption prohibited; fine and exception provisions
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure; additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils re DPI training and sealed packages from parent or guardian -
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure; additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils re DPI training and sealed packages from parent or guardian [S.Amdt.1: rule-making authority added and sealed package provision removed] -
Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients -
Substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants: amounts increased [Sec. 889] -
Urine collection for drug testing purposes: restrictions created [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 156n] -
W-2 benefits reduced based on positive drug test: reduction percentage increased; dependent children provision
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities [S.Amdt.1: ``Cancer and chronic diseases drug repository" changed to ``Drug repository"] -
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided
Drunken driving penalties: registration plates surrendered for second and third offense, vehicle is seized and sold for fourth and subsequent offense; JRCCP report
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for certain OWI offenses; penalty for tampering with device modified; payment and surcharge provisions; eliminates option to immobilize or seize vehicle -
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI and certain prohibited BAC offense; penalty for tampering with device modified; eliminates option to immobilize or seize vehicle -
Intoxicated use of an ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat: laws revised; snowmobile trail use sticker fee increased; JRCCP report -
Intoxication test prior to arrest: law enforcement officer may request of a person involved in an accident causing injury, death, or great bodily harm -
Intoxication test prior to arrest: law enforcement officer may request of a person involved in an accident causing injury, death, or great bodily harm [S.Amdt.1: injury changed to substantial bodily harm] -
Intoxication testing: person convicted of OWI-related offense is assessed administrative costs; law enforcement officer required to inform person before obtaining test sample
Occupational license eligibility revised when operating privilege is suspended or revoked in certain cases
Operating privilege suspension or revocation for OWI or prohibited BAC violations: person prohibited from purchasing or leasing a motor vehicle for the duration; occupational license and felony penalty provisions; JRCCP report
OWI conviction for second or third offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
OWI conviction for second or third offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
OWI first offense penalties for certain BAC and presence of restricted controlled substance in the blood revised
OWI first offense penalties for certain BAC revised re fees, surcharges, and AODA program compliance; DOT to keep record permanently -
OWI first offense penalties for certain BAC revised re fees, surcharges, and AODA program compliance; DOT to keep record permanently -
OWI law revisions re ignition interlock device ordered by the court, penalties increased, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, and first offense penalties; Judicial Council to establish advisory sentencing guidelines; JRCCP report [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Judicial Council and JRCCP provisions removed, trial court may order probation, and court may not release a person after conviction but before sentencing in certain cases; A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] -
OWI law revisions: technical changes to 2009 WisAct 100 -
OWI law revisions: technical changes to 2009 WisAct 100 -
OWI monetary and imprisonment penalties changed; counting number of convictions by the court revised; county can ask DOT not to reinstate operating privileges until person has reimbursed county for jail costs -
OWI penalties for fourth and subsequent offense revised -
OWI penalties for fourth and subsequent offense revised -
OWI penalties for third offense and higher revised; no release after third OWI conviction and pretrial release may be denied; law enforcement provision; JRCCP report
OWI penalty revisions re occupational license, ignition interlock device, driver safety plan, certain DOT statistics, monetary and imprisonment penalties; DOT to publish OWI conviction notices in official newspaper where the conviction occurred or where the person resides -
OWI-related offenses revisions; JRCCP report -
OWI: second or subsequent offense and causing injury made a felony; fine provision -
OWI second or third offense penalty: court may order a therapeutically indicated dose of naltrexone as condition of probation, fines revised; JRCCP report -
OWI violation: DOT required to purge record of conviction, suspension, or revocation after 10 years unless a person has a CDL or was operating a commercial motor vehicle at time of offense -
OWI violation: first offense changed to misdemeanor, LESB to establish rules for a sobriety checkpoint program, counties required to seek reimbursement from persons confined in jail, wine and liquor tax deposited into the intoxicated and drugged driver fund, definition of prohibited BAC, court may not release person after conviction but before sentencing, reinstatement of driving privileges and surcharges and fees for first offense, DOT to keep permanent record of first offense; JRCCP report -
Period of revocation of operating privileges for certain OWI-related offenses revised; person with revoked privileges required to contact DOT when released from jail or prison
Period of revocation of operating privileges for certain OWI-related offenses revised; person with revoked privileges required to contact DOT when released from jail or prison
Probation after certain OWI convictions: trial court may allow; mandatory minimum sentence provision
Probation after certain OWI convictions: trial court may allow; mandatory minimum sentence provision
Safe-ride grant program: permissible amount increased -
Safe-ride grant program: permissible amount increased -
Snowmobile regulation changes re public-use registration, trail use sticker, absolute sobriety, OWI or BAC violation penalties, speed limit at night, gas tax formula, and funding for alcohol education programs and state trails
Snowmobile regulation changes re public-use registration, trail use sticker, absolute sobriety, OWI or BAC violation penalties, speed limit at night, gas tax formula, and funding for alcohol education programs and state trails
Hassett, Paul E.: public service on behalf of the people of northwest Wisconsin honored and condolences on his death
Region One development manager: Comm.Dept to fill vacancy by certain date [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9110 (18f)]
Public service commended and congratulations on his retirement from Legislative Council -