Low carbon fuel standard consistent with certain Midwestern Governors Association advisory group recommendations: DNR to promulgate rules -  AB649
Low carbon fuel standard consistent with certain Midwestern Governors Association advisory group recommendations: DNR to promulgate rules -  SB450
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; sign and forfeiture provisions; enforcement transferred to DAs  - AB285
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; sign and forfeiture provisions; enforcement transferred to DAs  - SB679
Oil company profits tax re biodiesel or ethanol blended with gasoline; revenue deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 604, 676, 1829, 1892, 9143 (1), 9343 (6); original bill only]  - AB75
gasoline _ taxationGasoline — Taxation
Motor vehicle fuel tax rate annual adjustment restored: advisory referendum call -  SJR9
Oil company profits tax re biodiesel or ethanol blended with gasoline; revenue deposited in transportation fund [Sec. 604, 676, 1829, 1892, 9143 (1), 9343 (6); original bill only]  - AB75
Personal renewable fuel production and use: certain tax, fee, and license exemptions -  AB408
Personal renewable fuel production and use: certain tax, fee, and license exemptions -  SB279
Snowmobile regulation changes re public-use registration, trail use sticker, absolute sobriety, OWI or BAC violation penalties, speed limit at night, gas tax formula, and funding for alcohol education programs and state trails  - AB598
Snowmobile regulation changes re public-use registration, trail use sticker, absolute sobriety, OWI or BAC violation penalties, speed limit at night, gas tax formula, and funding for alcohol education programs and state trails  - SB406
Tribal tax refund and sharing agreements expanded [Sec. 1815, 1841, 1848, 2338, 2401, 9443 (8); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, use tax credit for purchases made on Native American lands, 1841b, 9443 (14q)] -  AB75
general fundGeneral fund, see Appropriation
general purpose revenue _gpr_General purpose revenue (GPR), see specific subject
genetics and genetic testingGenetics and genetic testing
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: failure to provide penalty revised; JRCCP report -  SB639
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony and juveniles in custody for certain sexual assault offenses; crime laboratories provisions, including expunging records; JRCCP report -  AB511
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony and juveniles in custody for certain sexual assault offenses; crime laboratories provisions, including expunging records; JRCCP report -  SB336
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  AB893
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  SB631
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  AB514
DNA sample for analysis by the state crime laboratory and inclusion in DOJ DNA database: sheriff to collect; sentencing court and juvenile delinquency adjudication provisions; DOJ duties - AB896
DNA sample for analysis by the state crime laboratory and inclusion in DOJ DNA database: sheriff to collect; sentencing court and juvenile delinquency adjudication provisions; DOJ duties - SB641
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, surcharge provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, unfair honesty testing and unfair genetic testing added, surcharge changed to fee and distribution modified; S.Amdt.6: fee provision removed] - SB20
Genetic counselor licensing requirements and Genetic Counselors Affiliated Credentialing Board created  - SB634
geoffrion, blakeGeoffrion, Blake
U.W. Madison men's hockey player commended for his achievements on and off the ice and as the 2010 Hobey Baker Memorial Award recipient -  AJR130
U.W. Madison men's hockey player commended for his achievements on and off the ice and as the 2010 Hobey Baker Memorial Award recipient -  SJR76
gift cardGift card, see Credit
gifts and grantsGifts and grants, see specific subject
golfGolf, see Recreation
good samaritanGood Samaritan
HIV testing consent provisions and disclosure of results revised; penalty and DHS duties -  AB659
goodman, robert dGoodman, Robert D.
Contributions to the Madison community commended upon his death -  SJR72
government accountability boardGovernment Accountability Board
Biennial budget bill preparation and consideration revisions re state agency request for earmark or nonfiscal policy item prohibited, state agency budget modification report by DOA Secretary, earmark transparency report by LFB, JCF executive sessions and documents on legislature's Web site, committee of conference report may not contain earmarks or nonfiscal policy items; lobbyist principal's semiannual report to GAB modified - AB168
Biennial budget bill preparation and consideration revisions re state agency request for earmark or nonfiscal policy item prohibited, state agency budget modification report by DOA Secretary, earmark transparency report by LFB, JCF meetings and documents on legislature's Web site, committee of conference report may not contain earmarks or nonfiscal policy items; lobbyist principal's semiannual report to GAB modified  - SB92
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and filing reports, disbursement limitations, independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, and penalty provisions; free time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels repealed; Public Integrity Endowment income tax credit; public financing of campaigns for justice; JRCCP report -  AB388
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and filing reports, disbursement limitations, independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, and penalty provisions; free time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels repealed; Public Integrity Endowment income tax credit; public financing of campaigns for justice; JRCCP report -  SB221
Campaign finance reports may be filed electronically or on paper  - SB236
Citizenship qualification for voting: GAB directed to prescribe procedures to ensure the requirement is observed  - AB630
Convicted felon ineligible for licensure as a lobbyist; GAB duties specified -  AB304
Convicted felon ineligible for licensure as a lobbyist; GAB duties specified -  SB217
Election and voting law changes re deceptive election practices and voter intimidation, suppression, and protection; voter's bill of rights, GAB duties, report, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  AB249
Election and voting law changes re deceptive election practices and voter intimidation, suppression, and protection; voter's bill of rights, GAB duties, report, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  SB179
Election and voting laws revised; JRCCP report -  AB895
Election and voting laws revised; JRCCP report -  SB640
Electronic filing of campaign finance reports: GAB directed to provide an Internet-based system and to permit registrants to file online or using certain software  - AB494
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or state ID card, maintenance of voter registration forms provision; DOT and GAB duties -  AB892
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or state ID card, maintenance of voter registration forms provision; DOT and GAB duties -  SB645
Electronic voting system: retention period of certain election materials in state and local elections, recount provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, retention provision removed, exception to data transfer requirement for tabulating equipment approved by GAB before certain date and not used in a federal election] -  SB435
Ethics, elections, and lobbying regulation laws: prosecution and venue for trial of civil and criminal violations modified; disclosure of certain information provision  - AB62
GAB federal aid moneys: use expanded re lobbying regulation and ethics laws [Sec. 591, 592] - AB75
GAB legal counsel or division administrator: restriction re being a candidate for partisan or local office removed [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1k] -  AB75
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, provisional and absentee ballot provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee waived, obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons, and issuing an identification certificate; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign  - AB947
Lobbying database and website upgrade: funding provided; license fees increased; JCF contract review [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 20e-n, 9419 (1q)] -  AB75
Local election-related inquiries re statewide elections and recounts: GAB required to allocate sufficient staff [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2q] -  AB75
Local elections board, local regulation of campaign contributions, enforcement, and registration and reporting: county, city, town, and village authorized to create and enact ordinances; GAB provision -  AB619
Municipal election reimbursement program changes; GPR sum sufficient appropriation converted to biennial appropriation [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 589b] -  AB75
Political disbursements by corporations and cooperatives prohibition deleted, registration statement must be filed; registration and reporting requirements imposed on individuals or organizations making a communication through the media about a candidate within 60 days of an election  - AB812
Political disbursements by corporations and cooperatives prohibition deleted, registration statement must be filed; registration and reporting requirements imposed on individuals or organizations making a communication through the media about a candidate within 60 days of an election  - SB540
Polling costs reimbursement and GAB general program operations: appropriation revision [Sec. 1, 2, 589, 9319 (1); original bill only] -  AB75
Presidential electors: agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote ratified  - AB751
Presidential electors: agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote ratified  - SB549
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration revisions; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts duties specified  - AB353
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration revisions; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts duties specified  - SB240
Statements of economic interest filed with GAB: repealing requirement that individuals wishing to examine provide certain identifying information -  AB322
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - SB249
WECF: individual income tax checkoff increased; Public Integrity Endowment and individual income tax credit for contributions to created; grant eligibility requirements and amounts revised -  AB388
WECF: individual income tax checkoff increased; Public Integrity Endowment and individual income tax credit for contributions to created; grant eligibility requirements and amounts revised -  SB221
governorGovernor, see also name of specific individual
Budget process: withholding pay and expenses from legislators and certain state elected officials if not passed by August 1 of odd-numbered year; acceptance of political contributions by partisan elective state officials prohibited between certain dates, penalty provision; deadlines for budget message from the Governor, Building Commission's long-range state building program budget, and state agencies' biennial budget requests revised; legislative consideration of biennial budget bill and identification of nonfiscal policy items, JCF and LRB duties; if not passed by certain date, any non-budget legislation may not be considered or requested until budget passes; JRCCP report - AB117
DETF positions created or funded by revenues deposited in public employee trust fund: process created; provision re approval by Governor and JCF [Sec. 83, 89; original bill only]  - AB75
Emergency management: chap.166, Wis.Stats, recodified [A.Amdts.1, 2, and 3: further revisions]  - AB316
Emergency management: chap.166, Wis.Stats, recodified -  SB226
Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion and local levy limit increase above set percentage exception for unreimbursed expenses re emergency declared by Governor  - AB320
Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion and local levy limit increase above set percentage exception for unreimbursed expenses re emergency declared by Governor  - SB230
Expenditures exceeding revenues requiring Governor to submit bill making recommendations for correcting imbalance: threshold increased [Sec. 85, 86; original bill only]  - AB75
Federal economic stimulus funds: Governor to submit plan to JCF; transportation and exception provisions; new procedure created re state building projects [Sec. 9131 (1); S.Amdt.1: further revisions, materials prepared by DOA and LFB to be posted to LFB's Web site] -  SB62
Federal economic stimulus funds: JCF oversight provisions; Governor's duties specified -  SB50