Child welfare provider rate regulation re treatment foster homes [Sec. 1274-1286, 3314, 3315, 9108 (2), 9308 (3), 9408 (5); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, emergency rules promulgation, JLC study, 1276g-m, 1278g; deletes 1275]  - AB75
Dyke, Don: public service commended and congratulations on his retirement from Legislative Council  - AJR114
Legal notices in the official state newspaper: requirement deleted; posting to Web site instead [A.Sub.Amdt.1; A.Amdts.: provision deleted, JLC study committee established; deleted by Senate] -  AB75
Legislative service agency employees' out-of-state travel prohibited without written approval of Senate Committee on Organization and Speaker of the Assembly [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9131 (3q)] -  AB75
Protective occupation participants: funding for actuarial study of impact on WRS re increase of normal form annuity [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9131 (2g)] -  AB75
Sklansky, Ron: public service commended and congratulations upon his retirement from LC -  SR13
Stolzenberg, John: public service commended and congratulations upon his retirement from Legislative Council  - SJR78
Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act created; LRB, LC, and JRCCP duties -  SB613
Whitesel, Russ: public service commended and congratulations upon his retirement from Legislative Council  - SJR74
judgeJudge, see also Supreme Court
CCAP Web page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public and a separate database for judges; certain court, state, and local government agency employees; law enforcement agencies; lawyers; accredited journalists; and licensed debt collectors; penalty for using CCAP information to deny a person employment, housing, or other public accommodation -  AB663
Crimes against animals expanded re intentional or reckless mistreatment, abandonment, and failure to provide food, water, or shelter; causing a minor to mistreat an animal made a felony; judge or circuit court commissioner may consider re restraining order or injunction in domestic or child abuse cases; JRCCP report -  AB747
Crimes against animals expanded re intentional or reckless mistreatment, abandonment, and failure to provide food, water, or shelter; causing a minor to mistreat an animal made a felony; judge or circuit court commissioner may consider re restraining order or injunction in domestic or child abuse cases; JRCCP report -  SB555
Electronic communication service and remote computing service: judge authorized to issue subpoena or warrant requiring provider to produce or disclose certain information; definition and civil liability immunity provisions  - AB741
Electronic communication service and remote computing service: judge authorized to issue subpoena or warrant requiring provider to produce or disclose certain information; definition and civil liability immunity provisions  - SB524
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for certain OWI offenses; penalty for tampering with device modified; payment and surcharge provisions; eliminates option to immobilize or seize vehicle -  AB283
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI and certain prohibited BAC offense; penalty for tampering with device modified; eliminates option to immobilize or seize vehicle -  AB17
John Doe proceedings: procedures revised; DA authority and judicial discretion over scope of examination; protections and benefits extended to state officer or employee  - AB78
John Doe proceedings: procedures revised; DA authority and judicial discretion over scope of examination; protections and benefits extended to state officer or employee [A.Amdt.2: reimbursing attorney fees and costs expanded, special prosecutor provisions] -  SB51
Municipal court administration, judges, and procedures revised [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, Milwaukee municipal court personnel provision added] -  SB383
judge _ appellate courtJudge — Appellate court
Sick leave eliminated for legislators, Supreme Court justices, appeals court and circuit court judges, and other state elected officials, including DAs -  AB917
State elected officials: JCOER must submit salary adjustments to Legislature in the form of a bill  - AB321
judge _ circuit courtJudge — Circuit court
Sick leave eliminated for legislators, Supreme Court justices, appeals court and circuit court judges, and other state elected officials, including DAs -  AB917
State elected officials: JCOER must submit salary adjustments to Legislature in the form of a bill  - AB321
Stephan, Edwin C.: life and public service as a circuit court judge commended -  AJR68
judgmentJudgment, see also Court — Procedure
Driver's license suspension for failure to pay traffic judgment: maximum period revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1; deleted by A.Amdts.] -  AB75
Family farm business: exemption from execution for payments created -  AB790
Family farm business: exemption from execution for payments created -  SB574
Judgments in municipal courts and traffic courts: payment in installments if defendant is unable to pay because of poverty; operating privilege suspension provisions  - AB60
Judgments in municipal courts and traffic courts: payment in installments if defendant is unable to pay because of poverty; operating privilege suspension provisions  - SB37
Municipal court judgments: permitting assignment of income, prizes, and earnings to pay; collection in circuit court allowed; procedure, notices, and penalty provisions  - AB182
Sale of personal property or real estate to satisfy a judgment: public notice to include county, town, or municipality Web site - SB541
judicial councilJudicial Council
OWI law revisions re ignition interlock device ordered by the court, penalties increased, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, and first offense penalties; Judicial Council to establish advisory sentencing guidelines; JRCCP report [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Judicial Council and JRCCP provisions removed, trial court may order probation, and court may not release a person after conviction but before sentencing in certain cases; A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] -  SB66
juneau countyJuneau County
Wisconsin River monitoring and study of point and nonpoint source pollution from City of Merrill to the Castle Rock Flowage dam [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 273s, 2574h]  - AB75
Motor vehicle salvage pool: purchase of junk vehicles and buyer identification card revisions; DOT duties and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  AB668
Bifurcated trial re interest on insurance not timely paid must be heard by same jury, discovery provision  - AB938
Bodily harm to a juror: felony crime expanded to include the juror's family and threats; judge may prohibit convicted person from contacting a juror; JRCCP report  - AB71
Contributory negligence revisions [Sec. 3223, 3270-3272, 9309 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; deleted by A.Amdts.] - AB75
``Juror Appreciation Month": September 2009 proclaimed as -  SJR46
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to a jury trial granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or juvenile correctional facility beyond the juvenile's 17th birthday  - AB223
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to a jury trial granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or juvenile correctional facility beyond the juvenile's 17th birthday  - SB689
justice, department ofJustice, Department of
Assistant DAs and assistant SPDs: compensation provisions [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 535s, 542m, 598m, 2252m, 2443m, 3400p-v, 9413 (1u), 9430 (2u), 9438 (1u)]  - AB75
Background checks for handgun purchasers: DOJ required to check for court order or finding rendering the person ineligible under federal law re mental health status; courts required to determine ineligibility and other duties; person may petition court to cancel the order -  AB70
Background checks for handgun purchasers: DOJ required to check for court order or finding rendering the person ineligible under federal law re mental health status; courts required to determine ineligibility and other duties; person may petition court to cancel the order [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, obsolete reference and redundant sections deleted]  - SB44
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony and juveniles in custody for certain sexual assault offenses; crime laboratories provisions, including expunging records; JRCCP report -  AB511
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: law enforcement agencies required to collect from every adult arrested for a felony and juveniles in custody for certain sexual assault offenses; crime laboratories provisions, including expunging records; JRCCP report -  SB336
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  AB893
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  SB631
Concealed weapons: DOJ appropriation account created for fees collected from retired law enforcement officers seeking certification card to carry; contingent upon passage of certain other legislation -  AB473
Concealed weapons: DOJ appropriation account created for fees collected from retired law enforcement officers seeking certification card to carry; contingent upon passage of certain other legislation -  SB376
Concealed weapons: statutory changes to account for federal law requiring states to permit active and retired federal, state, tribal, or local law enforcement officers to carry; certification cards and DOJ duties -  AB474
Concealed weapons: statutory changes to account for federal law requiring states to permit active and retired federal, state, tribal, or local law enforcement officers to carry; certification cards and DOJ duties -  SB377
County-tribal law enforcement programs: administration of aid clarified -  AB211
County-tribal law enforcement programs: administration of aid clarified -  SB147
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and FTE provisions  - AB785
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and FTE provisions [S.Amdt.1: FTE positions deleted, appropriation provision added]  - SB533
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee provisions - AB445
Crime alert network: DOJ may create to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and gifts and grants provisions [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 525m, 535m, 2447m] - AB75
Criminal history search fee increased [Sec. 2448; Enrolled AB-75: expenditure authority increased re upgrade of criminal history and fingerprint ID databases, 2448d, s, 9430 (1f)] - AB75
DNA sample for analysis by the state crime laboratory and inclusion in DOJ DNA database: sheriff to collect; sentencing court and juvenile delinquency adjudication provisions; DOJ duties - AB896
DNA sample for analysis by the state crime laboratory and inclusion in DOJ DNA database: sheriff to collect; sentencing court and juvenile delinquency adjudication provisions; DOJ duties - SB641
Firearm purchase: providing false information re transferring the firearm to a person who is prohibited from possessing one made a felony; DOJ authority to prosecute; JRCCP report  - AB373
Firearm purchase: providing false information re transferring the firearm to a person who is prohibited from possessing one made a felony; DOJ authorized to prosecute and prosecute receiving a stolen firearm; JRCCP report  - AB753
Firearm purchase: providing false information re transferring the firearm to a person who is prohibited from possessing one made a felony; DOJ authorized to prosecute and prosecute receiving a stolen firearm; JRCCP report  - SB611
Firearms restrictions record search appropriations [Sec. 526, 529; original bill only] -  AB75
Firearms restrictions record search fee increased [Sec. 2453] - AB75
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)]  - AB75
Legal Services, Division of, created in DOA; authorized to provide legal services to executive branch agencies, except DOJ and DPI; position of unclassified chief legal advisor created in certain agencies; classified attorney positions in specified agencies deleted [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Attorney"] -  AB75
Martial arts instruction to a minor for a fee without a license prohibited; DRL licensing duties; DOJ to conduct background checks on applicants [S.Amdt.1: disqualifying offense provision revised] -  AB47
Motor vehicle stop data collection requirements expanded (criteria includes gender and race); cultural diversity and sensitivity training for law enforcement; DOJ analysis of data re racial profiling; report required [Sec. 2449, 2450, 9430 (1); Enrolled AB-75: provisions deleted except for cultural diversity and sensitivity training, deletes 2449]  - AB75
Penalty surcharge appropriations [Sec. 241, 245, 309, 310, 527, 530-535, 540, 559, 573, 576, 600; original bill only]  - AB75
Photographs on motor vehicle operators license and ID cards: DOT to make available to DOJ in digital format; DOJ to provide electronic access to certain law enforcement agencies  - AB230
Surcharge for crime laboratories and drug law enforcement increased [Sec. 2446, 9330 (1)] - AB75