lie detectorLie detector
Employment discrimination: action in circuit court to recover damages permitted, surcharge provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, unfair honesty testing and unfair genetic testing added, surcharge changed to fee and distribution modified; S.Amdt.6: fee provision removed] - SB20
lieap _low_income energy assistance program_LIEAP (Low-income energy assistance program), see Public assistance
lienLien, see also Mortgage
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens - AB821
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens - SB587
Commission lien by real estate broker revisions -  AB873
Homeowner Eviction and Lien Protection program created in WHEDA; reports to JCF required; Comm.Dept appendix report [Sec. 7, 15, 762, 779] -  SB62
Regional (Dane County, Southeast, and Fox Cities) transit authorities created; administration, limited liability, and insurance provisions; procedure for municipalities to join; Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee RTA terminated, rental car fee modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Regional planning"] -  AB75
Regional (Dane County, Southeast, and Fox Valley) transit authorities created; administration, limited liability, and insurance provisions; procedure for municipalities to join; Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee RTA terminated, rental care fee modified; report required [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  - AB75
Release of vehicle liens: DOT duties and fee revisions; creditors required to file electronically [Sec. 669, 1927, 2852, 2900, 2906-2913, 9450 (11)] -  AB75
Towing and storage lien revisions - AB711
Towing and storage lien revisions - SB506
Underground petroleum storage tank: Comm.Dept authority to contract for removal; lien provision [Sec. 219, 680, 2155; Enrolled AB-75: further revisions; action of backfilling the excavation specified, 216s, 219e] - AB75
Wage claim lien takes precedence over a lien of a commercial lending institution and the rights of any purchaser of any property of the employer; collective bargaining representative provisions re filing a wage claim - AB40
Wage claim lien takes precedence over a lien of a commercial lending institution and the rights of any purchaser of any property of the employer; collective bargaining representative provisions re filing a wage claim - SB2
lieutenant governorLieutenant Governor
Lawton, Lieutenant Governor Barbara: years of public service honored -  SJR80
Lieutenant Governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the Assembly. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR27
Olson, Russell A.: life and public service -  SJR83
Political contributions accepted by certain elective state officials, governor, lieutenant governor, and campaign committees prohibited during specified period re biennial budget; exceptions and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB42
State elected officials: JCOER must submit salary adjustments to Legislature in the form of a bill  - AB321
limitation of actionLimitation of action
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  AB514
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations and limits on recovery against state and local political subdivisions removed - AB839
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - AB453
Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed - SB319
Wrongful death claims arising out of medical malpractice: statute of limitations revised -  SB563
limited liability company _llc_Limited liability company (LLC), see Corporation
lincoln countyLincoln County
Household Abuse Victims Emergency Network (HAVEN) shelter serving certain counties: WHEDA grant to City of Merrill for renovation [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9125 (1f)]  - AB75
Wisconsin River monitoring and study of point and nonpoint source pollution from City of Merrill to the Castle Rock Flowage dam [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 273s, 2574h]  - AB75
liquefied petroleum gasLiquefied petroleum gas, see Fuel
Adult literacy grants: maximum amount eliminated [Sec. 2256; Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 2255m; deletes 2256]  - AB75
Cops-n-Kids Reading Program in the City of Racine: OJA grant provided [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9101 (6f)]  - AB75
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restricted; providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision  - AB745
Credit card marketing on campuses of institutions of higher education restricted; providing financial literacy information to students required; rules on extending credit to individuals under 21 years old established; forfeiture provision  - SB525
Dyslexia screenings required annually for pupils in grades K-2 and selectively in grades 3-5; DPI duties specified  - AB584
Personal financial literacy model academic standards: State Superintendent to incorporate a review of types and risks associated with mortgages and home foreclosures  - AB459
Personal financial literacy model academic standards: State Superintendent to incorporate a review of types and risks associated with mortgages and home foreclosures  - SB326
Reading specialist and special education teacher: supplementary examination in reading development, language methods, and phonemic awareness required for license issuance or renewal; DPI duties set -  AB583
School district of a 1st class city: election of board of school directors and filling vacancies, selection of superintendent, and school district budget revisions; partnership for success committee and parent involvement committees established; other provisions re principal tenure, master plan for school buildings, finance reports, transition campuses, promise neighborhoods, public transit, unsecured bonding authority, parent survey, ACT test, reduced class size, and minimum standards for literacy and math -  AB669
School district of a 1st class city: election of board of school directors and filling vacancies, selection of superintendent, and school district budget revisions; partnership for success committee and parent involvement committees established; other provisions re principal tenure, master plan for school buildings, finance reports, transition campuses, promise neighborhoods, public transit, unsecured bonding authority, parent survey, ACT test, reduced class size, and minimum standards for literacy and math -  SB462
livestock and meatLivestock and meat, see also Animal — Disease; Horses
Animal slaughter assessment fee created; to fund meat safety inspections and animal health programs [Sec. 177, 180, 2037; Enrolled AB-75: fee may not be on per-head basis, funding for animal health inspection, testing and enforcement to be from agricultural chemical cleanup fund; meat and poultry inspection provisions, 180f, 2037r; deletes 180, 2037]  - AB75
Beginning farmer who leases established farmer's agricultural assets (except land): refundable individual income tax credit created [Sec. 627, 1540, 1584, 1589, 1593, 1598, 1625, 1667, 1677, 1686, 1688, 1733, 1741, 1873, 1974; Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 1540d, 1589b, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1677b, 1702d, 1741b, 1873d; deletes 1540, 1589, 1593, 1598, 1625, 1627, 1741, 1873] -  AB75
Capital gains tax exclusion for long-term gains reduced; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1543, 9343 (13); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, provision re farm assets, 1543b]  - AB75
Concentrated animal feeding operations: WPDES application fee revisions; report requirements [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 275fn, 2628t, 2665m, 9137 (2i)] - AB75
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended and amount claimed increased -  AB756
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended and amount claimed increased -  SB559
Dog damage claim re injured or killed farm animal, dog, or cat: deadline for filing revised; dog damage reimbursement fund required -  AB161
Equine animals: slaughter for human consumption prohibited - SB142
Food animal veterinarian loan assistance program: U.W. Board of Regents to repay up to set amount in educational loans and veterinarian agrees to practice in this state and devote certain percentage of hours to food animals, sunset provision  - AB708
Food animal veterinarian loan assistance program: U.W. Board of Regents to repay up to set amount in educational loans and veterinarian agrees to practice in this state and devote certain percentage of hours to food animals, sunset provision  - SB497
Livestock operation nonpoint program: notice of discharge project funding [Sec. 2607-2609, 2620-2622, 9437 (1)]  - AB75
Livestock premises registration program made voluntary -  AB279
Meat of game animal lawfully killed and donated to charitable organization: individual income tax deduction for processing costs created; income and franchise tax exemption for income derived from processing fees; JSCTE appendix report  - AB714
Meat processing facility investment credit created -  AB12
Meat processing facility investment credit created [Sec. 17, 85, 100, 109, 113, 114, 132, 147, 165, 169, 177, 191, 207, 541, 800] - SB62
Meat processing operation modernization or expansion: income and franchise tax credit created [Sec. 621, 1570, 1655, 1721, 3074; original bill only] -  AB75
Partition fence: applicability of law re building and maintaining narrowed -  SB136
living willLiving will, see Death
llc _limited liability company_LLC (Limited liability company), see Corporation
Capital access program grants re lending to small and medium-sized businesses and local nonprofit organizations: Comm. Dept to award to Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corporation; appropriation and emergency rule provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, participation of banks clarified, definition provisions, reports required, emergency rules provision removed] -  AB532
Energy efficiency improvement loans and water efficiency improvement loans: political subdivision authority and special charges provisions revised -  AB876
Energy efficiency improvement loans and water efficiency improvement loans: political subdivision authority and special charges provisions revised -  SB624
Energy efficient improvement or renewable resource application to residential property: municipality or county authorized to make a loan to owner and collect repayment as a special charge which may be collected in installments, property tax provision -  AB255
Energy efficient improvement or renewable resource application to residential property: municipality or county authorized to make a loan to owner and collect repayment as a special charge which may be collected in installments, property tax provision -  SB189
Land Recycling Loan Program: funding cap eliminated [Sec. 2588, 2589] -  AB75
WHEDA authorized to issue bonds for and make loans for the refinancing of qualified subprime loans; definition and DOA provisions; Comm.Dept appendix report [Sec. 763, 765, 770-775, 777, 778, 9325 (1)] -  SB62
Biennial budget bill preparation and consideration revisions re state agency request for earmark or nonfiscal policy item prohibited, state agency budget modification report by DOA Secretary, earmark transparency report by LFB, JCF executive sessions and documents on legislature's Web site, committee of conference report may not contain earmarks or nonfiscal policy items; lobbyist principal's semiannual report to GAB modified - AB168
Biennial budget bill preparation and consideration revisions re state agency request for earmark or nonfiscal policy item prohibited, state agency budget modification report by DOA Secretary, earmark transparency report by LFB, JCF meetings and documents on legislature's Web site, committee of conference report may not contain earmarks or nonfiscal policy items; lobbyist principal's semiannual report to GAB modified  - SB92
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and filing reports, disbursement limitations, independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, and penalty provisions; free time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels repealed; Public Integrity Endowment income tax credit; public financing of campaigns for justice; JRCCP report -  AB388
Campaign finance law revisions re registration and filing reports, disbursement limitations, independent disbursements, contribution limitations and restrictions, legislative campaign committees, disposition of residual or excess funds, WECF, and penalty provisions; free time on public broadcasting television stations and public access channels repealed; Public Integrity Endowment income tax credit; public financing of campaigns for justice; JRCCP report -  SB221
Convicted felon ineligible for licensure as a lobbyist; GAB duties specified -  AB304
Convicted felon ineligible for licensure as a lobbyist; GAB duties specified -  SB217
Ethics, elections, and lobbying regulation laws: prosecution and venue for trial of civil and criminal violations modified; disclosure of certain information provision  - AB62
GAB federal aid moneys: use expanded re lobbying regulation and ethics laws [Sec. 591, 592] - AB75