Energy conservation standards for the construction of certain buildings, LEED certification for public building projects, graywater and rainwater systems; DOA, Building Commission, and Comm.Dept duties; report and lease provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, voluntary standards for 1- and 2-family dwellings] -  SB616
Federal economic stimulus funds: Governor to submit plan to JCF; transportation and exception provisions; new procedure created re state building projects [Sec. 9131 (1); S.Amdt.1: further revisions, materials prepared by DOA and LFB to be posted to LFB's Web site] -  SB62
Healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning requirements for certain publicly owned buildings: DHS duties set, Council on Healthy and Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning created - AB578
Prevailing wage law not applicable to construction projects contracted to private owner or developer and completed project is acquired or leased by state agency or local government  - AB167
Sale of certain state-owned property: provisions re 2005 WisAct 25 and 2007 WisAct 20 modified; sunset provided [Sec. 3406] - AB75
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, a few exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in sports arenas, private clubs, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required [Sec. 1840, 2076-2150, 2445, 2447, 2741, 2996, 3204, 3233, 9310 (2), 9410 (1); original bill only] -  AB75
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, a few exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in sports arenas, private clubs, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required  - AB253
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, a few exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in sports arenas, private clubs, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required [for revisions, see entry under ``Tobacco"]  - SB181
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, a few exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in sports arenas, private clubs, and public conveyances specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required - AB252
State building construction procedures revised [Sec. 14, 15, 18, 19, 113, 115-118, 121, 657, 9301 (1), 9306 (1); original bill only] -  AB75
State building contracting and construction procedure revisions re bids, contractors, and ``construction-manager-at-risk contracting" -  AB427
State building contracting and construction procedure revisions re bids, contractors, and ``construction-manager-at-risk contracting" -  SB298
public debtPublic debt, see Debt, Public
public defenderPublic defender
Assistant DAs and assistant SPDs: compensation provisions [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 535s, 542m, 598m, 2252m, 2443m, 3400p-v, 9413 (1u), 9430 (2u), 9438 (1u)]  - AB75
Contractual services during a hiring freeze or furloughed period: restrictions created; exception re SPD use of private attorneys [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 104L] -  AB75
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)]  - AB75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; FTE positions increased [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 598k, 2741e, 3392b, 3398r, t, 3400g-n, 9338 (1j), 9438 (1j)] - AB75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  AB395
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  SB263
Maximum fees for copies: Public Defender Board to set by rule [Sec. 3376, 3399, 3401] -  AB75
Private attorneys appointed by SPD: reimbursement rate increased -  AB224
public documentPublic document
English as state's official language; written expression by state and local governments required to be in English, some exceptions; preservation of ethnic, cultural, religious, and linguistic heritage encouraged; precludes units of state and local governments from prohibiting or restricting proficiency or use of any language for nongovernmental purposes  - AB46
Legal notices in counties over 500,000: revision re compensation for printing [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 3405ay, b]  - AB75
Legal notices in the official state newspaper: requirement deleted; posting to Web site instead [A.Sub.Amdt.1; A.Amdts.: provision deleted, JLC study committee established; deleted by Senate] -  AB75
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -  AB542
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -  SB477
Age at which a person is alleged to have violated a criminal or civil law or municipal ordinance and is subject to Criminal Procedure Code or circuit or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 years and older; community youth and family aids surcharge created; Corr.Dept to set youth aids assessments annually and must submit implementation plan to JCF; FTE positions for circuit court -  AB732
Arbitration factor re municipal employees, including school districts: adding funding limitation, authority, or source [S.Sub.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1]  - AB75
Attorney positions in the executive branch eliminated by 2005 WisAct 25 as affected by 2007 WisAct 5: date extended; DOA Secretary to eliminate certain number of FTE positions [Sec. 3408, 9457 (1)] -  AB75
Binding interest arbitration under MERA: factors considered revised re municipal employees and school district employees - AB441
Binding interest arbitration under MERA: factors considered revised re municipal employees and school district employees - SB385
Building maintenance positions in executive branch state agencies: transfer to DOA [Sec. 571, 9101 (7); original bill only] - AB75
CCAP Web page: Director of State Courts to maintain one database for the general public and a separate database for judges; certain court, state, and local government agency employees; law enforcement agencies; lawyers; accredited journalists; and licensed debt collectors; penalty for using CCAP information to deny a person employment, housing, or other public accommodation -  AB663
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and FTE provisions  - AB785
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and FTE provisions [S.Amdt.1: FTE positions deleted, appropriation provision added]  - SB533
Employees in state agencies: DOA Secretary may reassign for purposes of efficiency and effectiveness in state operations [Sec. 92; original bill only] -  AB75
Employer monitoring of employee electronic mail: prohibitions created; DWD to hear discrimination or discharge complaints - AB30
Employer monitoring of employee electronic mail: prohibitions created; DWD to hear discrimination or discharge complaints - AB64
Federal Employment Eligibility Verification Program: exception to lowest bidder requirement for state purchasing or construction contracts for employers who do not use; state and local governments required to verify new hires and all employees - AB888
Federal Employment Eligibility Verification Program: exception to lowest bidder requirement for state purchasing or construction contracts for employers who do not use; state and local governments required to verify new hires and all employees - SB610
Final offer limits under MERA re compensation and fringe benefits submitted to WERC -  AB450
FTE positions vacant more than 12 months eliminated; agencies' expenditure level reduced [Sec. 88, 90; original bill only] - AB75
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  - AB105
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  - SB46
Health care benefits for retirees of local governmental units: cost must be fully funded on an actuarial basis  - AB907
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - SB430
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)]  - AB75
Human resources positions in executive branch agencies (other than U.W. Regents) transferred to OSER; funding source revised; DOA and OSER authority to abolish FTE positions and transfer employees [Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8); original bill only] -  AB75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; FTE positions increased [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 598k, 2741e, 3392b, 3398r, t, 3400g-n, 9338 (1j), 9438 (1j)] - AB75
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  AB395
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  SB263
John Doe proceedings: procedures revised; DA authority and judicial discretion over scope of examination; protections and benefits extended to state officer or employee  - AB78
John Doe proceedings: procedures revised; DA authority and judicial discretion over scope of examination; protections and benefits extended to state officer or employee [A.Amdt.2: reimbursing attorney fees and costs expanded, special prosecutor provisions] -  SB51
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position [A.Amdt.1: DPI duty added; A.Amdt.2: dairy products added] - AB746
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report - AB194
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report - SB161
Mixed martial arts fighting contests (amateur and professional): DRL authorized to regulate [S.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, fee and bond provisions added, boxing contest regulations revised, DRL administrative rules and FTE positions; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB290
Preparation time during school day made a mandatory subject of collective bargaining under MERA in school districts  - AB95
Preparation time during school day made a mandatory subject of collective bargaining under MERA in school districts  - SB67
Protective occupation participant status extended to county employees at jails and juvenile detention facilities and state employees at correctional institutions, juvenile correctional facilities, mental health institutes, and certain secure mental health facilities; collective bargaining, MERA, and SELRA provisions; JSCRS appendix report - AB634
Sheriff or undersheriff authorized to depute a DMA security officer for certain purposes with approval of the Adjutant General; state employee status provisions [A.Amdt.2: ``providing protection" changed to "conducting routine external security checks"] -  AB128
State agency budget requests to include contract labor information [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 76L, 82L]  - AB75
State and local governments prohibited from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ancestry, or national origin in the operation of public employment, education, or contracting: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR71
WRS participating employers covered by MERA: payment of employee required contributions revised; JSCRS appendix report -  AB337
public employee _ group insurancePublic employee — Group insurance, see also Insurance — State
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  AB15
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  SB3
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required; definitions and minimum coverage provisions [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 3138i, 3197r, w, 9326 (8L)] - AB75
Chemotherapy, oral and injected: medical benefit coverage and equal copayment required -  AB974
Colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; conditions and OCI and DHS duties -  AB217
Colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; conditions and OCI and DHS duties -  SB163
Contraceptives and related services: coverage by disability insurance policies required [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 801t, 1463w, 2251w, 2297q, 2453tm, u, 3138g, 3198d, 9326 (9f), 9426 (3f)] -  AB75
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; registry provision; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Family"] -  AB75
GIB contracting for consulting services authorized [Sec. 593, 781-783; original bill only] -  AB75
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured on request provisions - AB512
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured on request provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, annual and pre- and postpartum depression screenings removed, equal coverage requirement exceptions added]  - SB362
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - SB430
Health care providers and insurers required to disclose to consumer upon request information re median billed charge for certain health services and specified charge information for the most frequent presenting conditions; DHS duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, hospital provisions modified; A.Amdt.2: public information reported to a health care information organization provision added]  - AB614
Health care providers and insurers required to disclose to consumer upon request information re median billed charge for certain health services and specified charge information for the most frequent presenting conditions; DHS duties  - SB418
Health insurance policy coverage of dependents: requirements expanded to include children under 27 years of age under set conditions, including full-time student status and National Guard or reserves service -  AB118
Health insurance policy coverage of dependents: requirements expanded to include children under 27 years of age under set conditions, including full-time student status and National Guard or reserves service -  SB70
Insurance coverage of services provided by licensed mental health professionals: laws modified; provisions re grievance resolution, patient rights, and treatment records [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1424g, 1427r, 1431d, 1443f-k, 2995p, 3137r, 3197r-t, 9326 (9q), (10q)] -  AB75
Orthotic or prosthetic devices and services: health care plans required to cover if prescribed by a physician as medically necessary -  AB331
Preexisting condition exclusion time period when changing group health benefit plans modified; independent review of individual or group health benefit plans to include recission of a policy or certificate and preexisting condition exclusion denial -  AB108
Preexisting condition exclusion time period when changing group health benefit plans modified; independent review of individual or group health benefit plans to include recission of a policy or certificate and preexisting condition exclusion denial -  SB72
QEO for school district professional employees created; DPI, DOA, LFB, and JCF duties; group health care benefits provider provision -  AB919