DNR walk-in service centers: staffing and funding revisions [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9137 (6q)] - AB75
Hospitality business advertising outside the state: income and franchise tax credit created -  AB867
Intoxicated use of an ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat: laws revised; snowmobile trail use sticker fee increased; JRCCP report -  AB841
Powersports vehicle manufacturers and distributors, including franchisors: provisions governing relationship between created; definition, forfeiture, and civil action provisions; DATCP authority specified -  AB439
Powersports vehicle manufacturers and distributors, including franchisors: provisions governing relationship between created; definition, forfeiture, and civil action provisions; DATCP authority specified -  SB302
Sales tax paid on specified motorized items when purchased new: income and franchise tax credits created  - AB965
Snowmobile club (nonprofit): personal property tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, trail groomers specified and ATV clubs added]  - SB215
Trespass on property of another prohibited re ATV, snowmobiles, and other off-road vehicles [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, changed to prohibiting ATV and snowmobile use on public property posted as closed to those vehicles; S.Amdt.1: consent to use certain off-highway vehicles on private or public property provisions and definition created]  - SB264
Utility terrain vehicle (UTV): pilot program established; definition, DNR, DOT, and ATV provisions  - SB448
Wild mammal or bird: felony penalties created for intentionally or recklessly harming by pursuing or harassing with a motorboat, motor vehicle, or recreational vehicle; DNR authority to revoke or suspend certain registrations and trail pass or sticker; JRCCP report -  AB377
Bags provided by retailers limited to bags made of compostable plastic or recyclable paper or intended for multiple uses - AB170
Effective recycling program re variances granted to responsible units [Sec. 2651, 2652; original bill only]  - AB75
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfills and incineration prohibited -  AB278
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfills and incineration prohibited [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.1: relief for manufacturers from shortfall fee; A.Amdt.3: modifies some dates, annual shortfall fee in 2010 deleted, target recycling weight for 2010 set, DNR to report on recycling and disposal of electronic waste generated in schools; A.Amdt.4: household provisions expanded to include public schools; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.4: MPCP added]  - SB107
Hazardous waste environmental repair fee increased; wastes recovered for recycling and reuse excluded [Sec. 2659-2662, 9137 (2)] -  AB75
Mercury-added lamps: manufacturers required to register with DNR and submit a recycling plan; retailer and landfill provisions -  SB629
Petroleum inspection fund transfers to the general, recycling and renewable energy, environmental, and transportation funds [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9210 (1f)-(2f), (3q)]  - AB75
Recycling and renewable energy fund repayments to fund additional grants and loans [Sec. 205]  - AB75
Recycling and renewable fund revenues and grants for local recycling programs [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9137 (4c)]  - AB75
Recycling financial assistance: certain grant programs eliminated [Sec. 270, 273, 278, 279, 2649, 2650, 2653-2655; original bill only] -  AB75
Renewable energy grant and loan program lapse to general fund [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 9210 (3f), 9237 (9f)]  - AB75
Tipping fees (environmental repair and recycling) increased; certain bonding funding source changed [Sec. 183, 186, 280-284, 640, 641, 678, 2657, 2658, 9337 (1), 9437 (3); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, deletes 641, 9437 (3)] - AB75
Wildlife damage claim: maximum payment reduced; funds transferred from recycling and renewable energy fund [Sec. 698-700, 9237 (9), 9337 (3); Enrolled AB-75: funding revision, 9237 (10u)] -  AB75
Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative funding from recycling and renewable energy fund [Sec. 262; Enrolled AB-75: funding for Wisconsin Institute of Sustainable Technology and Innovation Entrepreneurship Institute, 9154 (3g), (3q)]  - AB75
Wrightstown, Town of: grant for purchase of recycling bins [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 278t, 9137 (1q)]  - AB75
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR63
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR42
Legislative and congressional redistricting plans: LRB to develop standards and draw redistricting plans for legislative approval -  AB872
Municipal ward, supervisory district, aldermanic district, and certain school district election district plans: legislative review revisions -  AB145
Redistricting: demographic and political standards defined and criteria established for drawing legislative districts; Superintendent of Public Instruction to certify certain voting mean percentages to the legislature. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR29
Capital expenditure by technical college district board for buildings: referendum requirement revision re student housing payments -  AB509
Capital expenditure by technical college district board for buildings: referendum requirement revision re student housing payments -  SB378
Motor vehicle fuel tax rate annual adjustment restored: advisory referendum call -  SJR9
MPS governance revised re powers and duties of the mayor, board of school directors, and superintendent of schools; city attorney, contracts, and budget committee provisions; binding referendum required; State Superintendent grant  - AB615
MPS governance revised re powers and duties of the mayor, board of school directors, and superintendent of schools; city attorney, contracts, and budget committee provisions; binding referendum required; State Superintendent grant  - SB405
MPS governance revised re powers and duties of the mayor, board of school directors, and superintendent of schools; city attorney, contracts, and budget committee provisions; binding referendum required; State Superintendent grant  - DE9 AB2
Premier resort area: Village of Stockholm allowed to become, referendum provision -  AB957
Premier resort area: Village of Stockholm allowed to become, referendum provision -  SB526
Regional (Dane County, Southeast, and Fox Valley) transit authorities created; administration, limited liability, and insurance provisions; procedure for municipalities to join; Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee RTA terminated, rental care fee modified; report required [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  - AB75
Threshold for registration and reporting increased for persons or groups seeking to influence referendum results  - AB645
Threshold for registration and reporting increased for persons or groups seeking to influence referendum results  - SB417
Refugee assistance services transferred from DWD to DCF [Sec. 522, 9156 (1)] -  AB75
regional planningRegional planning
Comm.Dept grants to businesses for outsourcing work to rural municipalities, to corporations for employing a grant writer to apply for certain federal small business grants, and for creating an economic model database for use by regional economic development entities -  AB641
Comm.Dept grants to businesses for outsourcing work to rural municipalities, to corporations for employing a grant writer to apply for certain federal small business grants, and for creating an economic model database for use by regional economic development entities [S.Amdt.1 to S.Sub.Amdt.1: rural outsourcing grant provisions modified]  - SB409
Gaming economic diversification program reduction re grants to Oneida Small Business Inc., Project 2000, and Northwest Regional Planning Commission repealed [Sec. 214, 3030, 3031; Enrolled AB-75: further reductions, grant to Oneida Seven Generations Corporation from funds not disbursed from certain grants, matching funds required, 9110 (16i)]  - AB75
Greenhouse gas emissions from surface transportation: DOT, consulting with other agencies, to establish statewide goals to reduce; DOT and metropolitan planning organizations to incorporate goals into long-range plans and transportation improvement programs, quadrennial reports required  - AB649
Greenhouse gas emissions from surface transportation: DOT, consulting with other agencies, to establish statewide goals to reduce; DOT and metropolitan planning organizations to incorporate goals into long-range plans and transportation improvement programs, quadrennial reports required  - SB450
Groundwater management areas and groundwater attention areas established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties; environmental review of high capacity wells; Comm.Dept to establish graywater and rainwater system standards; PSC to issue order encouraging water conservation - AB844
Groundwater management areas and groundwater attention areas established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties; environmental review of high capacity wells; Comm.Dept to establish graywater and rainwater system standards; PSC to issue order encouraging water conservation - SB620
Interim regional transit authority (IRTA) created; revisions to the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA)  - AB723
Interim regional transit authority (IRTA) created; revisions to the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA)  - SB511
Milwaukee Transit Authority created; funding provisions; required to share annual and long-term plans with SERTA [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 778, 779, 1449m, 1478v, 1487t, 1516, 1622, 1817p, 1849, 1856f-i, 1932, 2223m, 2969, 3139, 9443 (14r)] -  AB75
Regional (Dane County, Southeast, and Fox Cities) transit authorities created; administration, limited liability, and insurance provisions; procedure for municipalities to join; Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee RTA terminated, rental car fee modified; report required [Sec. 601, 631, 632, 722, 724, 727, 778, 779, 1445-1449, 1466, 1488, 1496, 1516, 1622, 1849, 1856, 1858-1872, 1891, 1929-1931, 2968-2970, 3139, 9150 (1), 9450 (3)] -  AB75
Regional (Dane County, Southeast, and Fox Valley) transit authorities created; administration, limited liability, and insurance provisions; procedure for municipalities to join; Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee RTA terminated, rental care fee modified; report required [Sec. 601, 631, 632, 722, 724, 727, 778, 779, 1445-1449, 1466, 1488, 1496, 1516, 1622, 1849, 1856, 1858-1872, 1891, 1929-1931, 2968-2970, 3139, 9150 (1), 9443 (14e), 9450 (3); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, Fox Valley RTA deleted, Chippewa Valley RTA and Chequamegon RTA created, referenda requirements, 1446m, 1856d, e, 1858b, 1860d, 1861d, 1862d, 1863d, 1864b-m, 1865d, 1871d-f, 2223m, 9443 (14e); deletes 1446-1448]  - AB75
RTAs created by political subdivisions permitted, municipal insurance mutuals provision -  AB282
RTAs created by political subdivisions permitted, municipal insurance mutuals provision -  SB205
Shared revenue: additional municipal aid payments based on population in proportion to population of region it is in and the population of all municipalities; creates eight regions  - AB833
Shared revenue: additional municipal aid payments based on population in proportion to population of region it is in and the population of all municipalities; creates eight regions  - SB532
Southeast Wisconsin Transit Capital Assistance Program created [Sec. 5, 306, 649, 1932, 2478; Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, major transit capital improvement projects enumerated (Dane County and KRM commuter rail and any project re Milwaukee Downtown Transit Connector Study), 1928m-t, 1937m; deletes 306] -  AB75
Southeastern RTA (SERTA) created; duties re federal transit funding and long-term plans; KRM commuter rail and stops at certain locations; vehicle rental fee provision [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 601m, 632, 1446m, 1449m, 1478v, 1516, 1539m, 1622, 1701m, 1829, 1849, 1890m-1891t, 1928c, m, 1930, 1932, 2223m, 9150 (5q)] -  AB75
register of deedsRegister of deeds, see also Notary public
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens - AB821
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens - SB587
Commission lien by real estate broker revisions -  AB873
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; registry provision; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Family"] -  AB75
Platting requirements modified - AB906
Platting requirements modified [S.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB626
Recording documents with the register of deeds: revisions re formatting, mineral interests, electronic documents, and fee for providing a certificate to DFI - AB292
Recording documents with the register of deeds: revisions re formatting, mineral interests, electronic documents, and fee for providing a certificate to DFI - SB206
Register of deeds fees for recording and filing instruments revised, redaction of SSN and electronic format provisions; land information council required if a county board created a land information office -  AB727
Register of deeds fees for recording and filing instruments revised, redaction of SSN and electronic format provisions; land information council required if a county board created a land information office [S.Amdt.1: ``redaction" replaced with ``make SSN not viewable on the Internet"]  - SB507
Registration of certificate of discharge with the registrar of deeds: expanded to include documents the county veterans service officer deems necessary; dependent's access allowed only if the veteran is deceased -  AB522
registered nurse _rn_Registered nurse (RN), see Nurses
regulation and licensing, department ofRegulation and Licensing, Department of, see also Medical Examining Board; Trades and occupations; specific occupation
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DRL; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - AB671
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DRL; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - SB535
Autism benefit services under MA provided to all eligible individuals, funding provision; DHS to distribute information on autism therapies; Autism Paraprofessional Board and licensing requirements created; health care provider required to provide referral if diagnosing a patient with a condition that requires further treatment, exceptions noted - AB141