139.78 (1) A tax is imposed upon the use or storage by consumers of tobacco products in this state at the rate, for tobacco products, not including moist snuff, of 71 percent of the cost of the tobacco products and, for moist snuff, at the rate of 100 percent of the manufacturer's established list price to distributors without diminution by volume or other discounts on domestic products $1.76 per ounce, and at a proportionate rate for any other quantity or fractional part in excess of 1.2 ounces. The tax imposed on a can or package of moist snuff that weighs less than 1.2 ounces shall be equal to the amount of the tax imposed on a can or package that weighs 1.2 ounces. The tax imposed under this subsection on cigars shall not exceed an amount equal to 50 cents for each cigar. The tax does not apply if the tax imposed by s. 139.76 (1) on the tobacco products has been paid or if the tobacco products are exempt from the tobacco products tax under s. 139.76 (2).
32,2638 Section 2638. 145.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.01 (4) Department. "Department" means the department of commerce safety and professional services.
32,2639 Section 2639. 145.02 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.02 (4) (a) The department shall prescribe rules as to the qualifications, examination and licensing of master and journeyman plumbers and restricted plumber licensees, for the licensing of utility contractors, for the registration of plumbing apprentices and pipe layers and for the registration and training of registered learners. The plumbers council, created under s. 15.157 (6) 15.407 (16), shall advise the department in formulating the rules.
32,2640 Section 2640. 145.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.17 (2) The department shall prescribe rules as to the qualifications, examination and licensing of journeymen automatic fire sprinkler system fitters and automatic fire sprinkler contractors and for the registration and training of automatic fire sprinkler system apprentices. The automatic fire sprinkler system contractors and journeymen council, created under s. 15.157 (9) 15.407 (17), shall advise the department in formulating the rules.
32,2641 Section 2641. 145.20 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.20 (5) (c) The department of natural resources may suspend or revoke a license issued under s. 281.48 or a certificate issued under s. 281.17 (3) to the operator of a septage servicing vehicle if the department of natural resources finds that the licensee or operator falsified information on inspection forms. The department of commerce safety and professional services may suspend or revoke the license of a plumber licensed under this chapter if the department finds that the plumber falsified information on inspection forms.
32,2642 Section 2642. 145.245 (12m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.245 (12m) (e) The department of commerce safety and professional services and the department of administration may enter into a financial assistance agreement with a governmental unit that applies for a loan under this subsection and meets the eligibility requirements for a loan, including the requirements under par. (d).
32,2643 Section 2643. 145.245 (12m) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.245 (12m) (f) The department of administration, in consultation with the department of commerce safety and professional services, may establish those terms and conditions of a financial assistance agreement that relate to its financial management, including what type of municipal obligation is required for the repayment of the financial assistance. In setting the terms and conditions, the department of administration may consider factors that the department of administration finds are relevant, including the type of obligation evidencing the loan, the pledge of security for the obligation and the applicant's creditworthiness.
32,2644 Section 2644. 145.245 (12m) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.245 (12m) (g) The department of administration shall make and disburse a loan to an applicant that has entered into a financial assistance agreement under par. (e). The department of administration, in consultation with the department of commerce safety and professional services, shall establish procedures for disbursing loans.
32,2645 Section 2645. 145.245 (12m) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
145.245 (12m) (h) If a governmental unit fails to make a principal repayment after its due date, the department of administration shall place on file a certified statement of all amounts due under this subsection. After consulting the department of commerce safety and professional services, the department of administration may collect all amounts due by deducting those amounts from any state payments due the governmental unit or may add a special charge to the amount of taxes apportioned to and levied upon the county under s. 70.60. If the department of administration collects amounts due, it shall remit those amounts to the fund to which they are due and notify the department of commerce safety and professional services of that action.
32,2646 Section 2646. 146.085 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.085 (3) Enforcement. The department, the department of commerce safety and professional services, and the public service commission shall enforce this section within their respective jurisdictions.
32,2646t Section 2646t. 146.38 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes, as created by 2011 Wisconsin Act 2, is amended to read:
146.38 (1) (b) 2. A facility, association, or business entity, as specified in s. 146.81 (1) (i) to (q) and including a residential care apartment complex, as defined in s. 50.01 (1d).
32,2647 Section 2647. 146.40 (4r) (em) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (em) If the department receives a report under par. (a) or (am) and determines that an individual who is the subject of the report holds a credential that is related to the individual's employment at, or contract with, the entity, the department shall refer the report to the department of regulation and licensing safety and professional services.
32,2648L Section 2648L. 146.66 of the statutes is created to read:
146.66 Low-income dental clinics . (1) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (dk), in each fiscal year, the department shall award grants to no fewer than 9 nonprofit dental clinics that meet the eligibility requirements under sub. (2) and are located in this state.
(2) To be eligible for a grant under sub. (1), a nonprofit dental clinic must satisfy all of the following requirements:
(a) The clinic does not receive federal funds under 42 USC 254b.
(b) The clinic's primary purpose is to provide dental care to low-income patients, which may include any of the following individuals:
1. Recipients of medical assistance, as defined in s. 49.43 (8).
2. Low-income individuals who do not qualify for medical assistance, as defined in s. 49.43 (8).
3. Individuals under the age of 18.
4. Individuals over the age of 65.
5. Individuals with disabilities.
(3) The department shall seek federal funding to support the operations of dental clinics that receive grants under sub. (1) and shall request that the federal department of health and human services encourage collaborative arrangements between private dentists and health centers that receive federal funds under 42 USC 254b.
32,2648q Section 2648q. 146.82 (2) (a) 22. of the statutes is created to read:
146.82 (2) (a) 22. By a person specified in subd. 21. to a correctional officer of the department of corrections who has custody of or is responsible for the supervision of a prisoner, to a person designated by a jailer to have custodial authority over a prisoner, or to a law enforcement officer or other person who is responsible for transferring a prisoner to or from a prison or jail, if the patient health care record indicates that the prisoner has a communicable disease and disclosure of that information is necessary for the health and safety of the prisoner or of other prisoners, of the person whom the information is disclosed, or of any employee of the prison or jail.
32,2649x Section 2649x. 146.83 (1d) of the statutes is renumbered 146.83 (1c) and amended to read:
146.83 (1c) Except as provided in s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), any patient or person authorized by the patient may, upon submitting a statement of informed consent, inspect the health care records of a health care provider pertaining to that patient. Except as provided in sub. (1g), the health care provider shall make the records available for inspection by the patient or person authorized by the patient during regular business hours, after the health care provider receives notice from the patient or person authorized by the patient. A health care provider may not charge a fee for inspection under this subsection at any time during regular business hours, upon reasonable notice.
32,2653 Section 2653. 146.83 (1f) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2654 Section 2654. 146.83 (1f) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2655 Section 2655. 146.83 (1f) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2656 Section 2656. 146.83 (1f) (d) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 146.83 (1f) (am) and amended to read:
146.83 (1f) (am) If a patient or person authorized by the patient requests copies of the patient's health care records under this subsection section for use in appealing a denial of social security disability insurance, under 42 USC 401 to 433, or supplemental security income, under 42 USC 1381 to 1385, the health care provider may charge the patient or person authorized by the patient no more than the amount that the federal social security administration reimburses the department for copies of patient health care records.
32,2657 Section 2657. 146.83 (1f) (d) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 146.83 (1f) (cm) and amended to read:
146.83 (1f) (cm) Except as provided in sub. (1g), a health care provider may not charge a patient or a person authorized by the patient more than 25 percent of the applicable fee under sub. (3f) for providing one set of copies of a patient's health care records under this subsection section if the patient is eligible for medical assistance, as defined in s. 49.43 (8). A health care provider may require that a patient or person authorized by the patient provide proof that the patient is eligible for medical assistance before providing copies under this subdivision without paragraph at a reduced charge. A health care provider may charge the fees 100 percent of the applicable fee under par. (c) sub. (3f) for providing a 2nd or additional set of copies of patient health care records for a patient who is eligible for medical assistance.
32,2658x Section 2658x. 146.83 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.83 (1g) The time limit for making records available for inspection under sub. (1d), the time limits for providing copies of records under sub. (1f) (a) and (b), and the requirement under sub. (1f) (d) 2. (cm) to provide one set of copies of records without at a reduced charge if the patient is eligible for medical assistance do does not apply if the health care provider is the department or the department of corrections.
32,2659x Section 2659x. 146.83 (1h) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2659y Section 2659y. 146.83 (1h) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2659z Section 2659z. 146.83 (1h) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 146.83 (1f) (bm).
32,2660 Section 2660. 146.83 (1k) of the statutes is repealed.
32,2661 Section 2661. 146.83 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 146.83 (1m) (a).
32,2662 Section 2662. 146.83 (1m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
146.83 (1m) (b) The health care provider under par. (a) may be charged reasonable costs for the provision of the patient's health care records.
32,2663m Section 2663m. 146.83 (3f) of the statutes is created to read:
146.83 (3f) (a) Except as provided in sub. (1f) or s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), if a person requests copies of a patient's health care records, provides informed consent, and pays the applicable fees under par. (b), the health care provider shall provide the person making the request copies of the requested records.
(b) Except as provided in sub. (1f), a health care provider may charge no more than the total of all of the following that apply for providing the copies requested under par. (a):
1. For paper copies: $1 per page for the first 25 pages; 75 cents per page for pages 26 to 50; 50 cents per page for pages 51 to 100; and 30 cents per page for pages 101 and above.
2. For microfiche or microfilm copies, $1.50 per page.
3. For a print of an X-ray, $10 per image.
4. If the requester is not the patient or a person authorized by the patient, for certification of copies, a single $8 charge.
5. If the requester is not the patient or a person authorized by the patient, a single retrieval fee of $20 for all copies requested.
6. Actual shipping costs and any applicable taxes.
(c) 1. In this paragraph, "consumer price index" means the average of the consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the bureau of labor statistics of the U.S. department of labor.
2. On each July 1, beginning on July 1, 2012, the department shall adjust the dollar amounts specified under par. (b) by the percentage difference between the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on December 31 of the preceding year and the consumer price index for the 12-month period ending on December 31 of the year before the preceding year. The department shall notify the legislative reference bureau of the adjusted amounts and the legislative reference bureau shall publish the adjusted amounts in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
32,2664 Section 2664. 146.84 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.84 (2) (a) 1. Requests or obtains confidential information under s. 146.82 or 146.83 (1d), (1f), or (1h) (1c) or (3f) under false pretenses.
32,2664b Section 2664b. 146.89 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.89 (1) (d) 2. A private school, as defined in s. 115.001 (3r), that participates in the choice program under s. 118.60 or the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program under s. 119.23.
32,2664d Section 2664d. 146.89 (1) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.89 (1) (g) 3. A private school, as defined in s. 115.001 (3r), that participates in the choice program under s. 118.60 or the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program under s. 119.23.
32,2664f Section 2664f. 146.89 (3) (b) 9. of the statutes is created to read:
146.89 (3) (b) 9. Any outpatient surgery that is permitted under the volunteer health care provider's license under sub. (1) (r) 1. and for which the provider has the necessary training, experience, equipment, and facilities.
32,2664h Section 2664h. 146.89 (3r) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.89 (3r) (b) 1. Except as specified in par. (c), the health care services specified in sub. (3) (b) 1. to 5. and 7., other than referrals to reproductive health care specialists, and in sub. (3) (b) 8. and 9.
32,2664j Section 2664j. 146.89 (3r) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.89 (3r) (c) 2. Surgery, except as provided in par. (b) 2. and 5. and sub. (3) (b) 9.
32,2665 Section 2665. 150.31 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
150.31 (5m) The department shall decrease the statewide bed limit specified in sub. (1) to account for any reduction in the approved bed capacity of a skilled nursing facility operated by the department of veterans affairs under s. 45.50 (1), as specified in s. 45.50 (10).
32,2666 Section 2666. 150.84 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
150.84 (3) "Health care provider" means any person licensed, registered, permitted or certified by the department or by the department of regulation and licensing safety and professional services to provide health care services in this state.
32,2667 Section 2667. 153.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
153.60 (1) The department shall, by the first October 1 after the commencement of each fiscal year, estimate the total amount of expenditures under this subchapter for the department for that fiscal year for data collection, database development and maintenance, generation of data files and standard reports, orientation and training provided under s. 153.05 (9) (a) and contracting with the data organization under s. 153.05 (2r). The department shall assess the estimated total amount for that fiscal year, less the estimated total amount to be received for purposes of administration of this subchapter under s. 20.435 (1) (hi) during the fiscal year and the unencumbered balance of the amount received for purposes of administration of this subchapter under s. 20.435 (1) (hi) from the prior fiscal year, to health care providers, other than hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, who are in a class of health care providers from whom the department collects data under this subchapter in a manner specified by the department by rule. The department shall work together with the department of regulation and licensing safety and professional services to develop a mechanism for collecting assessments from health care providers other than hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. No health care provider that is not a facility may be assessed under this subsection an amount that exceeds $75 per fiscal year. All payments of assessments shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (hg).
32,2668 Section 2668. 157.061 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
157.061 (5) "Department" means the department of regulation and licensing safety and professional services.
32,2669 Section 2669. 157.11 (9m) of the statutes is amended to read:
157.11 (9m) Action by district attorney. If any money or property is not turned over when required by this section, or default occurs under a bond, the district attorney, upon the request of the department of regulation and licensing safety and professional services, shall bring action to recover.
32,2670 Section 2670. 157.12 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
157.12 (1) Definition. Notwithstanding s. 157.061 (5), in this section, "department" means the department of commerce safety and professional services.