``Ronald W. Reagan Day": February 6th designated as [Sec. 3567g] -  Act 32
home health careHome health care, see Medical service
homestead creditHomestead credit
Homestead tax credit indexing for inflation provisions repealed [Sec. 2124-2128] -  Act 32
honesty testing deviceHonesty testing device, see Lie detector
Ambulatory surgical center assessment: refund or recoup amounts or payments for which the federal government does not pay its share, DHS duties -  Act 191
Coinsurance payment for Medicare Part A service limited, deductibles and inpatient hospital services provisions [Sec. 1453m-q, 1455, 1456, 1459p-t] -  Act 32
Essential access city hospital: supplemental MA payments modified [Sec. 1433d, f] -  Act 32
Patient health care records: DHS to set fees a health care provider may charge for copies [Sec. 2649x-2664, 3509, 9321 (4)]  -  Act 32
Rural hospital loan guarantee program transferred from Comm.Dept to DOA [Sec. 2785-2787, 9110 (8)]  -  Act 32
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases  -  Act 2
U.W. Board of Regents' use of broadband services and its relationship with Wisconsin's Research and Education Network (WiscNet): LAB audit required; third-party entity and service to hospitals provisions [Sec. 335m, 970b, d, 1015x, 9152 (2c)] [1015x — partial veto] -  Act 32
hotel and motelHotel and motel, see also Room tax
Bed and breakfast definition modified and applicability of one- and two-family dwelling construction and inspection rules -  Act 78
hours of laborHours of labor
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age [Sec. 2390b, zk-zp] -  Act 32
houseboatHouseboat, see Boat
Bed and breakfast definition modified and applicability of one- and two-family dwelling construction and inspection rules -  Act 78
Condominium sales: disclosure of documents, recission of contract of sale, and information on real estate condition report revisions -  Act 203
Construction of one- and two-family dwellings: rules promulgation that would increase costs provisions, DSPS and JCRAR duties [Sec. 2738k, 2739c-L, 9310 (1i)]  -  Act 32
DRL name changed to Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) and some Comm.Dept functions transferred; certain unfair trade practice rules transferred from DATCP; administration of laws re erosion control at commercial building construction sites transferred from DNR; technical assistance for American Indian economic development; manufactured housing rehabilitation and recycling program transferred from Comm.Dept; DOA provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  Act 32
Foreclosure on abandoned properties: redemption period, court procedures, and notice of sale printed in a newspaper modified -  Act 136
Housing assistance programs transferred from Comm.Dept to DOA; DSPS provisions [Sec. 19m-25, 435m-446m, 738m, 856, 1648, 1664, 2227-2229, 2238, 2433, 2713, 2730e-s, 2738m, 2821-2823, 2827, 2895k, 3268-3274m, 3450m-3462m, 3474, 3475, 3540, 9110 (1)]  -  Act 32
Landlord-tenant relations: laws revised re disposal of tenant's personal property, security deposit, standardized check-in sheet, disclosure of uncorrected building code violations, repair or maintenance requests, voiding a rental agreement, damages for tenant's failure to vacate, and eviction for nonpayment of rent; local governments prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance placing a moratorium on evictions  -  Act 143
Lift or hoist in a residential dwelling for individual use: conveyance permit revisions [Sec. 2378m, 2389g-r]  -  Act 32
Modular and manufactured homes sold in this state but used outside this state: sales and use tax exemptions [Sec. 2179, 9441 (3)] -  Act 32
Modular home permit issued for more than one section on a carrier permitted if they are for the same house; exception to indivisible load requirement -  Act 57
Time-share estates: judicial and nonjudicial (or administrative) foreclosure provisions -  Act 102
housing _ rentHousing — Rent, see Landlord and tenant
housing and economic development authority, wisconsinHousing and Economic Development Authority, Wisconsin
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan  -  Act 80
Property tax deferral loan program in WHEDA: participants expanded to include veterans [Sec. 2832g, r]  -  Act 32
Public affairs network loan guarantee program created in WHEDA re broadcasting proceedings of the Legislature; income tax exemption [Sec. 1755d, 1896d, 2015d, 2840m, 2846c-r] -  Act 32
Small business development loan guarantee program revisions -  Act 79
WHEDA economic development activities revised, WEDC provision -  Act 214
WHEDA surplus: transfer to general fund [Sec. 9224 (1f)] -  Act 32
hybrid_electric vehicleHybrid-electric vehicle, see Motor vehicle
hydroelectric powerHydroelectric power, see Electric utility
hygiene laboratoryHygiene laboratory
Congenital disorder testing of infants: DHS to set fee by rule [Sec. 2877, 9121 (9), 9321 (3), 9421 (5)]  -  Act 32
i - I -
ice age trailIce Age Trail, see Recreation
identification cardsIdentification cards
Carrying a concealed weapon licensing provisions created, background check and training required; other provisions re electric weapons, transporting unloaded firearms and unstrung bow or crossbow, disorderly conduct, photo ID cards for former law enforcement officers, prohibited places and sign specifications, and out-of-state licensees and reciprocity; exemption from emergency rules and penalty provisions; DOJ duties and report required -  Act 35
ID card, driver's license, and operator's license with ``H" endorsement: renewal notice by electronic means [Sec. 3165-3167, 3177, 3178, 3181, 3182, 9448 (2)]  -  Act 32
Identification requirement for voting in elections created, ``proof of identification" and noncompliant REAL ID provisions; use of corroborating electors to verify residence discontinued; DOT ID card fee may be waived and obtaining a card without a photo for religious reasons; special voting deputies to certain adult family homes and residential care apartment complexes permitted; GAB public informational campaign; signature requirement re voting in person; durational residency requirement increased; straight party ticket eliminated; deadline for late registration and absentee voting in person changed; GAB special registration deputies discontinued; voter registration information and list revisions; proof of residence modified re university, college, and technical college student IDs -  Act 23
REAL ID noncompliant driver's license or ID card process created; religious belief photo exception [Sec. 3144, 3145, 3147-3152, 3153-3164, 3172-3176, 3179, 3180, 9448 (4)]  -  Act 32
September primary date changed and renamed ``Partisan Primary"; absentee ballot changes and military and overseas electors provisions; fee exception for duplicate DOT issued ID for voting purposes -  Act 75
Special ID card issued by DOT re parking privileges for persons with disabilities: penalties for misuse revised  -  Act 98
immunizationImmunization, see Vaccination
implied consent or alcohol concentrationImplied consent or alcohol concentration, see also Drunken driving
Administrative suspension of motor vehicle operating privileges: attending review hearing by telephone, video conference, or other remote communication mechanism permitted; review of arresting officer's record and written arguments also permitted; holding hearing in the county the offense took place not required under these options -  Act 242
Blood test fee: person in court on an OWI-related offense assessed costs associated with certain tests, alternative test exception [Sec. 3490g, r, 3552m, 9309 (1d)]  -  Act 32
Military instruction counts toward initial training requirement re application for credential issued by DSPS, a board under DSPS, or other specified credential; demonstration provision  -  Act 120
imprisonmentImprisonment, see Prison
income maintenanceIncome maintenance, see Public welfare
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  Act 131
Health savings account: adopting Internal Revenue Code provisions for state income and franchise tax purposes  -  Act 1
Income tax deferral for long-term Wisconsin capital assets provisions created; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1764, 2863] -  Act 32
School board and public library board permitted to transfer certain donations to charitable organizations exempt from federal income tax or community foundation under set conditions  -  Act 163
income tax _ creditIncome tax — Credit, see also Homestead credit
Angel investment tax credit program revisions re qualified new business venture certification; angel investment or early stage seed tax credit does not have to be paid back if investment is held for less than 3 years and is worthless  -  Act 213
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended -  Act 15
Dairy cooperative member may claim the dairy manufacturing facility investment credit in the taxable year after the expenditure is made; credits shall be added to claimant's income under set conditions -  Act 237
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit changed from annual to continuing [Sec. 772] -  Act 32
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit: transferred to DATCP and dairy cooperatives allowed to claim [Sec. 772d, 1822d, 1826d, 1959d, 1963d, 2071d, 2075d, 3369, 9341 (1)] -  Act 32
Early stage seed or angel investment income and franchise tax credit holding period [Sec. 1864, 1873, 2003, 2114]  -  Act 32
EITC: percentage of federal credit that may be claimed changed [Sec. 1883, 1884] -  Act 32
Film production services tax credit application fee revised -  Act 67
Film production tax credit administration transferred from Comm.Dept to Tour.Dept [Sec. 1874-1877, 2004-2007, 2115-2118, 3368] -  Act 32
Health savings account: adopting Internal Revenue Code provisions for state income and franchise tax purposes  -  Act 1
Internal Revenue Code: recent changes adopted re tax credit bonds, Roth IRAs, annuity contracts, and long-term care annuities [Sec. 1752n-1753d, 1889p-1891d, 1896n-1897d, 2012n-2013d, 2013n-2014d] -  Act 32
Jobs tax credit changed from annual to continuing appropriation [Sec. 771, 9441 (1)] -  Act 32
Jobs tax credit: maximum allocation increased -  Act 88
Qualified production activities credit created re manufacturing property and agricultural property [Sec. 1755g, 1881n, 1887d, 1889n, 1896f, 2011d, 2012d, 2013f, 2015e, 2122d, 2123d, 2184n] -  Act 32
Qualified production activities credit: technical changes -  Act 232