Governor's budget message deadline extended [SJR-15] - JR-2
Gower, John: life and public service [AJR-107] - JR-15
Hephner, Gervase A.: life and public service [AJR-61] - JR-10
Hidalgo, (1LT) Daren Miguel: life and military service commended [SJR-51] - JR-26
Hilgenberg, Steve: life and public service [AJR-22] - JR-6
Johnson, Axel Albert: life and public service to the Door County community commended [AJR-14] - JR-7
Joint rules revised, new rules created [Joint rules 2, 3 (title), (1)(a), (c), 7 (intro.), (1), (3), (4)(b), (c), 11 (2) (intro.), 12 (2) (intro.), (a), (f), 13, 14 (3), 21, 22, 23 (2), (3), (4), 27, 31 (1)(intro.), (d), (4), 32 (1)(b), (e), (f), (j), 33 (1), 34, 41 (3)(b), 43, 44 (2), 45 (1)(a), 48 (title), (1), (2), (4), 51 (intro.), (2), (4), 51m, 52 (intro.), (1)(c), (e), (5) (intro.), (a), (b), 53 (1), (2)(a), 54 (1), (2), (2m)(a), 55 (1), 57 (2) (intro.), (a), 59, 60 (2), 62 (1), 64 (1)(a), (2), 73 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), 74, 75, 76 (1), 77 (3), (4), (7), (8), (9), 78, 79 (intro.), (1), (4), (6), 81 (1), (2)(b), (3) (intro.), (b), (4), 81m (2) (intro.), (b), 82 (intro.), (1), (1m)(g), (2)(a), (b), 83 (1), (2), (3), (4)(a), (5), 84 (intro.), (4), 87 (intro.), (3) (intro.), (a), (b), (c), 96, 98 (3), 99 (intro.), (3), (4), (5), (14), (16), (27m), (28), (36), (38), (40), (50), (50m), (54), (58), (59), (63), (66), (71), (75), (82), (83), (89)] [SJR-2]
Kachel, David: life and public service to the Whitewater community commended [SJR-17] - JR-28
Klink, Raymond: life and public service of retired Waukesha County Sheriff commended upon his death [AJR-43]
- JR-11
Lucey, Jean: life and public service of the wife of Governor Patrick Lucey commended [AJR-102] - JR-17
McCormick, John E.: life and public service of former state legislator and Milwaukee Circuit Court judge [AJR-30]
- JR-13
Nikolay, Frank L.: life and public service [AJR-113] - JR-14
Otte, Carl: life and public service [SJR-18] - JR-3
Peterson, Richard: life, public service, and military service commended [AJR-68] - JR-9
Renner, Darin Arthur: life and public service of LFB fiscal analyst commended upon his death [AJR-105]
- JR-16
Roberts, Virgil D.: life and public service [AJR-44] - JR-21
Ross, (CPL) Justin David: life and military service commended [SJR-54] - JR-24
Wheeler, Dick: life and dedicated service commended upon his death; Room 235SW to be known as the Dick Wheeler Capitol Press Room [SJR-50] - JR-27
Evans, Judge Terence T.: life and public service commended [AJR-60] - JR-19
Sexual assault of a child by the child's day care provider: penalty enhancement permitted; JRCCP report
Act 82
Judicial Compensation Commission created; Governor, Director of State Courts, and JCOER duties; sunset provision [Sec. 9155 (1j)] [vetoed] -
Judicial Compensation Commission created; Governor, Director of State Courts, and JCOER duties; sunset provision [Sec. 9155 (1j)] [vetoed] -
Municipal wards, county supervisory districts, and aldermanic districts: laws revised re redistricting; incorporation of census corrections permitted; three-judge panel to hear challenges to apportionment of congressional and legislative districts -
Act 39
Judicial Compensation Commission created; Governor, Director of State Courts, and JCOER duties; sunset provision [Sec. 9155 (1j)] [vetoed] -
Interest rate on judgments in civil actions revised -
Act 69
Unsatisfied judgment for damages re motor vehicle accident: suspension of operating privileges and vehicle registration revised -
Act 112
Judicial Council: transfer of funds from Director of State Courts and State Law Library [Sec. 768g, 3475g]
Act 32
TID number 12 in City of New Lisbon: DOR certification and 12 percent limit findings [Sec. 1740i]
Act 32
Appropriation transfer from certain DOJ fund re federal resource acquisition activities, AG duty [Sec. 336, 694, 721] -
Act 32
Carrying a concealed weapon licensing provisions created, background check and training required; other provisions re electric weapons, transporting unloaded firearms and unstrung bow or crossbow, disorderly conduct, photo ID cards for former law enforcement officers, prohibited places and sign specifications, and out-of-state licensees and reciprocity; exemption from emergency rules and penalty provisions; DOJ duties and report required -
Act 35
Criminal history search fee modified [Sec. 2683-2685] -
Act 32
Gaming law enforcement bureau established in DOJ by the AG: requirement eliminated [Sec. 685, 693, 2682]
Act 32
Minnesota and Wisconsin interchange of employees and services: liability and legal representation provisions re a civil lawsuit [Sec. 2681, 3500, 3504] -
Act 32
Sexual assault victim services: crime victim and witness surcharge moneys to administer the grant program [Sec. 695] -
Act 32
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report
Act 271
Alternatives to prosecuting and incarcerating offenders who abuse alcohol or other drugs: counties required to match portion of OJA grants [Sec. 330] -
Act 32
CASA grant repealed [Sec. 327] -
Act 32
Justice information surcharge revenue structure revised; OJA funding re statistics on civil legal services to indigent persons eliminated; child advocacy center grants, justice information sharing program appropriation, drug offender surcharge fund deficit plan and Milwaukee County grant provisions [Sec. 206, 328, 329, 330e-331, 335, 625, 717-719, 728, 729, 731, 734, 735m-738, 768, 3477, 9101 (4j), 9301 (3j)] [717 — partial veto; 737, 738, 9101 (4j) — vetoed]
Act 32
Public safety interoperable communication system: OJA may charge fees to non-state agencies for use of [Sec. 332, 333, 730, 733] -
Act 32
Traffic stop information collection and analysis requirements, law enforcement training programs, and reports: 2009 WisAct 28 provisions repealed -
Act 29
Youth diversion program grants to certain counties reduced [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 32
CASA grant repealed [Sec. 327] -
Act 32
Child placed in out-of-home care revisions re permanency plans, concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements
Act 181
Electronic juvenile court records re Children's Code or Juvenile Justice Code proceedings made available to law enforcement, juvenile court, municipal court, court of criminal jurisdiction, and certain prosecutors, attorneys, and guardians ad litem; restrictions on information re physical and mental health and sensitive personal matters; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions
Act 270
Juvenile placement at a detention facility, jail, or non-secure custody designated by the court revisions; AODA treatment provision [Sec. 3517g, r, 3526g-gk]
Act 32
School district's use of a pupil's law enforcement and juvenile court records for athletic code disciplinary actions re 2011 WisAct 105 expanded; reductions in cost of compensation or fringe benefits to Milwaukee school districts without modifying existing collective bargaining agreements re 2011 WisAct 10 and 2011 WisAct 32 -
Act 165
Youth aids funding [Sec. 634, 1282, 1288, 2999, 3006-3014] -
Act 32
Parent with legal custody of a child: power of attorney to temporarily delegate certain powers to another person permitted; provisions for organizations that facilitate designations including criminal history search and child abuse reporting; foster home license exemption, Indian child, and juvenile court jurisdiction provisions; DCF rule requirements -
Act 87
Child sex offenses: court may impose lesser sentence than required or place person on probation if person is no more than 48 months older than the victim -
Act 272
Youth aids funding [Sec. 634, 1282, 1288, 2999, 3006-3014] -
Act 32
Community youth and family aids: daily cost assessment to counties for juvenile corrections, group home, and foster care services for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 3000, 3001, 3003-3005] -
Act 32
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction
Act 83
Juvenile correctional facilities: Southern Oaks Girls School and Ethan Allen School removed from certain telecommunications access, Copper Lake School added; group transportation for Corr.Dept employees to Ethan Allen School deleted [Sec. 337, 804] -
Act 32
Juvenile correctional services appropriation account deficit: transfers from juvenile residential aftercare services and juvenile corrective sanctions services appropriation accounts permitted [Sec. 631-633, 3002] -
Act 32
Juvenile correctional services appropriation deficit [Sec. 3002m] -
Act 32
Juvenile correctional services: Corr.Dept report required [Sec. 9111 (2q)] -
Act 32
Juvenile placement at a detention facility, jail, or non-secure custody designated by the court revisions; AODA treatment provision [Sec. 3517g, r, 3526g-gk]
Act 32
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center: GPR and PR transfers from Corr.Dept to DHS set for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 1273] -
Act 32
Penalty surcharge receipts: certain unencumbered balances transferred to re officer training [Sec. 523, 540, 626, 627, 686-692, 696, 722, 732, 735, 751] -
Act 32
Youth aids funding [Sec. 634, 1282, 1288, 2999, 3006-3014] -
Act 32
Life and public service to the Whitewater community commended [SJR-17] - JR-28
RTAs eliminated; dissolution and winding down of existing RTAs [Sec. 751g, h, 772g, r, 922e-v, 1139m, 1679d-t, 1720b, 1727m, 1729g, r, 1745m, 1747r, 1754r, 1894r, 1895r, 2014r, 2177m, 2180m, 2183d-r, 2187d-n, 2237e-o, 3182g, r, 3471m, 3567m, 9148 (3u), 9448 (6u)] -
Act 32
TID in Village of Pleasant Prairie: calculation of the 12 percent test changed -
Act 40
Youth diversion program grants to certain counties reduced [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 32