(1) Nomination papers may be circulated no sooner than
June 1 April 15 8preceding the general election and may be filed no later than 5 p.m. on
the 2nd
9Tuesday of July June 1 preceding the
September partisan primary, except as
10authorized in this subsection. If an incumbent fails to file nomination papers and
11a declaration of candidacy by 5 p.m. on
the 2nd Tuesday of July June 1 preceding the
12September partisan primary, all candidates for the office held by the incumbent,
13other than the incumbent, may file nomination papers no later than 72 hours after
14the latest time prescribed in this subsection. No extension of the time for filing
15nomination papers applies if the incumbent files written notification with the filing
16officer or agency with whom nomination papers are filed for the office which the
17incumbent holds, no later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Friday preceding the latest time
18prescribed in this subsection for filing nomination papers, that the incumbent is not
19a candidate for reelection to his or her office, and the incumbent does not file
20nomination papers for that office within the time prescribed in this subsection. Only
21those candidates for whom nomination papers containing the necessary signatures
22acquired within the allotted time and filed before the deadline may have their names
23appear on the official
September partisan primary ballot.
(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the person who receives the greatest
2number of votes for an office on a party ballot at any partisan primary, regardless of
3whether the person's name appears on the ballot, shall be the party's candidate for
4the office, and the person's name shall so appear on the official ballot at the next
5election. All independent candidates shall appear on the general election ballot
6regardless of the number of votes received by such candidates at the
7partisan primary.
(7) Nominees chosen at a national convention and under s. 8.18 (2) by each
10party entitled to a
September partisan primary ballot shall be the party's candidates
11for president, vice president and presidential electors. The state or national
12chairperson of each such party shall certify the names of the party's nominees for
13president and vice president to the board no later than 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday
14in September preceding a presidential election. Each name shall be in one of the
15formats authorized in s. 7.08 (2) (a).
(1) (b) Each political party shall elect one committeeman or
18committeewoman from each election district. In this section, each village, each town
19and each city is an "election district"; except that in cities having a population of more
20than 7,500 which are divided into aldermanic districts, each aldermanic district is
21an "election district"; and in cities having a population of more than 7,500 which are
22not divided into aldermanic districts and villages or towns having a population of
23more than 7,500, each ward or group of combined wards under s. 5.15 (6) (b)
24constituting a polling place on
June May 1 of the year in which committeemen or
25committeewomen are elected is an "election district". To be eligible to serve as its
1committeeman or committeewoman, an individual shall be, at the time of filing
2nomination papers or at the time of appointment under this section, a resident of the
3election district which he or she is chosen to represent and shall be at least 18 years
4of age.
(4) The term of office of each committeeman or committeewoman shall end
7on the date of the meeting held under sub. (5) (b) following each
September partisan 8primary.
(5) (b) A combined meeting of the county committee and members in good
11standing of the party in the county shall be held no sooner than 15 days after the
12September partisan primary and no later than April 1 of the following year. At this
13meeting, the party committeemen or committeewomen and the county committee
14offices of chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and treasurer shall be filled by
15election by the incumbent committeemen, committeewomen and other party
16members present and voting, each of whom is entitled to one vote. At this meeting,
17the county committee shall elect the members of the congressional district committee
18as provided in sub. (6) (b), (c) and (d). The secretary of the county committee shall
19give at least 7 days' written notice of the meeting to party and committee members.
20Individuals elected as county committee officers or as congressional district
21committee members may be, but are not required to be, committeemen or
22committeewomen. They are required to be party members in good standing. The
23terms of committeemen and committeewomen, county committee officers and
24congressional district committee members begin during the meeting immediately
25upon completion and verification of the voting for each office.
(3) Every political party entitled, under s. 5.62, to have its candidates on
September partisan primary and general election ballots has exclusive right to
4the use of the name designating it at any election involving political parties. The
5board shall not certify nor the county clerk print the name of any person whose
6nomination papers indicate a party name comprising a combination of existing party
7names, qualifying words, phrases, prefixes or suffixes in connection with any
8existing party name.
(8) (a) Nomination papers for independent candidates for any office to be
11voted upon at a general election or
September partisan primary and general election,
12except president, vice president and presidential elector, may be circulated no sooner
June 1 April 15 preceding the election and may be filed no later than 5 p.m. on
14the 2nd Tuesday of July June 1 preceding the
September partisan primary, except
15as authorized in this paragraph. If an incumbent fails to file nomination papers and
16a declaration of candidacy by 5 p.m. on
the 2nd Tuesday of July June 1 preceding the
17September partisan primary, all candidates for the office held by the incumbent,
18other than the incumbent, may file nomination papers no later than 72 hours after
19the latest time prescribed in this paragraph. No extension of the time for filing
20nomination papers applies if the incumbent files written notification with the filing
21officer or agency with whom nomination papers are filed for the office which the
22incumbent holds, no later than 5 p.m. on the 2nd Friday preceding the latest time
23prescribed in this paragraph for filing nomination papers, that the incumbent is not
24a candidate for reelection to his or her office, and the incumbent does not file
25nomination papers for that office within the time prescribed in this paragraph.
(8) (am) Nomination papers for independent candidates for president and
3vice president, and the presidential electors designated to represent them, may be
4circulated no sooner than
August July 1 and may be filed not later than 5 p.m. on the
5first Tuesday in
September August preceding a presidential election.
(9) Persons nominated by nomination papers without a recognized
8political party designation shall be placed on the official ballot at the general election
9and at any partisan election to the right or below the recognized political party
10candidates in their own column or row designated "Independent". At the
11partisan primary, persons nominated for state office by nomination papers without
12a recognized political party designation shall be placed on a separate ballot or, if a
13consolidated paper ballot under s. 5.655 (2), an electronic voting system or voting
14machines are used, in a column or row designated "Independent". If the candidate's
15name already appears under a recognized political party it may not be listed on the
16independent ballot, column or row.
188.37 Filing of referenda petitions or questions. Unless otherwise required
19by law, all proposed constitutional amendments and any other measure or question
20that is to be submitted to a vote of the people, or any petitions requesting that a
21measure or question be submitted to a vote of the people, if applicable, shall be filed
22with the official or agency responsible for preparing the ballots for the election no
23later than
42 70 days prior to the election at which the amendment, measure or
24question will appear on the ballot. No later than the end of the next business day
25after a proposed measure is filed with a school district clerk under this section, the
1clerk shall file a copy of the measure or question with the clerk of each county having
2territory within the school district.
48.50 Special elections. (intro.) Unless otherwise provided, this section
5applies to filling vacancies in the U.S. senate and house of representatives, executive
6state offices except the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and district attorney,
7judicial and legislative state offices, county, city, village, and town offices, and the
8offices of municipal judge and member of the board of school directors in school
9districts organized under ch. 119. State legislative offices may be filled in
10anticipation of the occurrence of a vacancy whenever authorized in sub. (4) (e). No
11special election may be held after February 1 preceding the spring election unless it
12is held on the same day as the spring election, nor after
September August 1
13preceding the general election unless it is held on the same day as the general
14election, until the day after that election. If the special election is held on the day
15of the general election, the primary for the special election, if any, shall be held on
16the day of the
September partisan primary. If the special election is held on the day
17of the spring election, the primary for the special election, if any, shall be held on the
18day of the spring primary.
(1) (d) When the election concerns a national
or state office office or a
21special election for state office is held concurrently with the general election, the
22board shall transmit to each county clerk a certified list of all persons for whom
23nomination papers have been filed in its office at least 62 days before the special
24primary, and in other cases the board shall transmit
the list to each county clerk at
25least 22 days before the special primary
, a certified list of all persons for whom
1nomination papers have been filed in its office. If no primary is required, the list shall
2be transmitted at least 42 days prior to the day of the
special election
unless the
3special election concerns a national office or is held concurrently with the general
4election, in which case the list shall be transmitted at least 62 days prior to the day
5of the special election. Immediately upon receipt of the certified list, the county clerk
6shall prepare his or her ballots. For a county special election, the county clerk shall
7certify the candidates and prepare the ballots. If there is a primary, the county clerk
8shall publish one type B notice in a newspaper under ch. 10. When a primary is held,
9as soon as possible after the primary, the county clerk shall certify the candidates and
10prepare the ballots for the following special election. The clerk shall publish one type
11B notice in a newspaper under ch. 10 for the election.
(2) Date of special election. (a) The date for the special election shall
14be not less than 62 nor more than 77 days from the date of the order except when the
15special election is held to fill a vacancy in a national office or the special election is
16held on the day of the general election or spring election. If a special election is held
17concurrently with the spring
or general election, the special election may be ordered
18not earlier than 92 days prior to the spring primary
or September primary,
19respectively, and not later than 49 days prior to that primary.
If a special election
20is held concurrently with the general election or a special election is held to fill a
21national office, the special election may be ordered not earlier than 122 days prior
22to the partisan primary or special primary, respectively, and not later than 92 days
23prior to that primary.
(b) If a primary is required, the primary shall be on the day 4 weeks before the
25day of the special election except when the special election is held on the same day
1as the general election the special primary shall be held on the same day as the
2September partisan primary or if the special election is held concurrently with the
3spring election, the primary shall be held concurrently with the spring primary, and
4except when the special election is held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in
5November of an odd-numbered year, the primary shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday
September August in that year.
(3) (a) Nomination papers may be circulated no sooner than the day the
9order for the special election is filed and shall be filed not later than 5 p.m. 28 days
10before the day that the special primary will or would be held, if required, except when
11a special election is held concurrently with the spring election or general election, the
12deadline for filing nomination papers shall be specified in the order and the date shall
13be no earlier than the date provided in s. 8.10 (2) (a) or 8.15 (1), respectively, and no
14later than 35 days prior to the date of the spring
primary or
September no later than
15June 1 preceding the partisan primary. Nomination papers may be filed in the
16manner specified in s. 8.10, 8.15, or 8.20. Each candidate shall file a declaration of
17candidacy in the manner provided in s. 8.21 no later than the latest time provided
18in the order for filing nomination papers. If a candidate for state or local office has
19not filed a registration statement under s. 11.05 at the time he or she files nomination
20papers, the candidate shall file the statement with the papers. A candidate for state
21office shall also file a statement of economic interests with the board no later than
22the end of the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination papers specified
23in the order.
(3) (b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions for
2September primaries the partisan primary under s. 8.15 are applicable to all
3partisan primaries held under this section, and the provisions for spring primaries
4under s. 8.10 are applicable to all nonpartisan primaries held under this section. In
5a special partisan primary or election, the order of the parties on the ballot shall be
6the same as provided under s. 5.62 (1) or 5.64 (1) (b). Independent candidates for
7state office at a special partisan election shall not appear on the primary ballot. No
8primary is required for a nonpartisan election in which not more than 2 candidates
9for an office appear on the ballot or for a partisan election in which not more than one
10candidate for an office appears on the ballot of each recognized political party. In
11every special election except a special election for nonpartisan state office where no
12candidate is certified to appear on the ballot, a space for write-in votes shall be
13provided on the ballot, regardless of whether a special primary is held.
(3) (c) Notwithstanding ss. 5.37 (4), 5.91 (6) and 6.80 (2) (f), whenever a
16special partisan primary is held concurrently with the presidential preference
17primary, an elector may choose the party column or ballot in which the elector will
18cast his or her vote separately for each of the 2 primaries. Whenever 2 or more special
19partisan primaries or one or more special partisan primaries and a
20partisan primary are held concurrently, the procedure prescribed in ss. 5.37 (4), 5.91
21(6) and 6.80 (2) (f) applies.
(4) (b) A vacancy in the office of U.S. senator or representative in congress
24occurring prior to the 2nd Tuesday in
May April in the year of the general election
25shall be filled at a special primary and election. A vacancy in that office occurring
1between the 2nd Tuesday in
May April and the 2nd Tuesday in
July May in the year
2of the general election shall be filled at the
September partisan primary and general
(4) (fm) A permanent vacancy in the office of municipal judge may be filled
6by temporary appointment of the municipal governing body, or, if the judge is elected
7under s. 755.01 (4), jointly by the governing bodies of all municipalities served by the
8judge. The office shall then be permanently filled by special election, which shall be
9held concurrently with the next spring election following the occurrence of the
10vacancy, except that a vacancy occurring during the period after December 1 and on
11or before the date of the spring election shall be filled at the 2nd succeeding spring
12election, and except that the governing body of a city or village or, if the judge is
13elected under s. 755.01 (4), the governing bodies of the participating cities or villages
14may, if the vacancy occurs before
June May 1 in the year preceding expiration of the
15term of office, order a special election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday
16in November following the date of the order. A person so elected shall serve for the
17residue of the unexpired term.
(1) (a) 1. Any candidate voted for at any election or any elector who voted
20upon any referendum question at any election may petition for a recount. The
21petitioner shall file a verified petition or petitions with the proper clerk or body under
22par. (ar) not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass and not later than 5
23p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the municipal or
24county board of canvassers determining the election for that office or on that
25referendum question prior to issuance of any amended return under s.
6.221 7.515
1(6) (b) or, if more than one board of canvassers makes the determination, not later
2than 5 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the last board
3of canvassers which makes a determination prior to issuance of any amended return
4under s.
6.221 7.515 (6) (b). If the chairperson of the board or chairperson's designee
5makes the determination for the office or the referendum question, the petitioner
6shall file the petition not earlier than the last meeting day of the last county board
7of canvassers to make a statement in the election or referendum and not later than
85 p.m. on the 3rd business day following the day on which the government
9accountability board receives the last statement from a county board of canvassers
10for the election or referendum.
(1) (ag) 1. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading candidate
13and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative and
14negative votes cast upon any referendum question is less than 10 if 1,000 or less votes
15are cast or not more than 0.5% of the total votes cast for the office or on the question
16if more than 1,000 votes are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s.
176.221 7.515 (6) (b), the petitioner is not required to pay a fee.
SB116-SSA1, s. 89
89. 9.01 (1) (ag) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (ag) 1m. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading
20candidate and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative
21and negative votes cast upon any referendum question is at least 10 if 1,000 or less
22votes are cast or is more than 0.5% but not more than 2% if more than 1,000 votes
23are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s.
6.221 7.515 (6) (b), the
24petitioner shall pay a fee of $5 for each ward for which the petition requests a ballot
1recount, or $5 for each municipality for which the petition requests a recount where
2no wards exist.
(1) (ag) 2. If the difference between the votes cast for the leading candidate
5and those cast for the petitioner or the difference between the affirmative and
6negative votes cast upon any referendum question is more than 2% if more than
71,000 votes are cast prior to issuance of any amended return under s.
6.221 7.515 (6)
8(b), the petitioner shall pay a fee equal to the actual cost of performing the recount
9in each ward for which the petition requests a recount, or in each municipality for
10which the petition request a recount where no wards exist.
SB116-SSA1, s. 91
91. 9.01 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (b) (intro.) The proper board of canvassers shall reconvene no earlier
13than 9 a.m. on the day following delivery of notice to all candidates under sub. (2) and
14no later than 9 a.m. on the day following the last day for filing of a petition, or if the
15original canvass is subject to correction under s.
6.221 7.515 (6) (b), immediately after
16issuance of the amended statement and determination in the original canvass,
17whichever is later. The board of canvassers shall then proceed to recount the ballots
18in the wards or municipalities specified and to review the allegations of fact
19contained in the petition or petitions. The recount shall proceed for each ward or
20municipality as follows:
(2) (d) Type D—The type D notice shall state the hours the polls will be
23open and the polling places to be utilized at the election or shall include a concise
24statement of how polling place information may be obtained. In cities over 500,000
25population, the board of election commissioners shall determine the form of the
1notice. In other municipalities and special purpose districts, the clerk of the
2municipality or special purpose district shall give the polling place information in the
3manner the governing body of the municipality or special purpose district decides
4will most effectively inform the electors. The type D notice shall be published by the
5municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of each municipality once on the
6day before each spring primary and election, each special national, state, county or
7municipal election at which the electors of that municipality are entitled to vote and
September partisan primary and general election. The clerk of each special
9purpose district which calls a special election shall publish a type D notice on the day
10before the election, and the day before the special primary, if any, except as
11authorized in s. 8.55 (3).
(2) (e) Type E—The type E notice shall state the qualifications for
14absentee voting, the procedures for obtaining an absentee ballot in the case of
15registered and unregistered voters, the places and the deadlines for application and
16return of application, including any alternate site under s. 6.855, and the office hours
17during which an elector may cast an absentee ballot in the municipal clerk's office
18or at an alternate site under s. 6.855. The municipal clerk shall publish a type E
19notice on the 4th Tuesday preceding each spring primary and election, on the 4th
20Tuesday preceding each
September partisan primary and general election, on the
214th Tuesday preceding the primary for each special national, state, county or
22municipal election if any, on the 4th Tuesday preceding a special county or municipal
23referendum, and on the 3rd Tuesday preceding each special national, state, county
24or municipal election to fill an office which is not held concurrently with the spring
25or general election. The clerk of each special purpose district which calls a special
1election shall publish a type E notice on the 4th Tuesday preceding the primary for
2the special election, if any, on the 4th Tuesday preceding a special referendum, and
3on the 3rd Tuesday preceding a special election for an office which is not held
4concurrently with the spring or general election except as authorized in s. 8.55 (3).
(3) (b) 2m. At the
partisan primary, the elector shall select the
7party ballot of his or her choice or the ballot containing the names of the independent
8candidates for state office, and make a cross (
7) next to or depress the lever or button
9next to the candidate's name for each office for whom the elector intends to vote or
10insert or write in the name of the elector's choice for a party candidate, if any. In order
11to qualify for participation in the Wisconsin election campaign fund, a candidate for
12state office at the
September partisan primary, other than a candidate for district
13attorney, must receive at least 6% of all votes cast on all ballots for the office for which
14he or she is a candidate, in addition to other requirements.
(1) (f) On or before the 2nd Tuesday in
May April preceding a
17partisan primary and general election the board shall send a type A notice to each
18county clerk.
(1) (h) As soon as possible after the deadline for determining ballot
21arrangement for the
September partisan primary on
the 3rd Tuesday in July June
2210, the board shall send a type B notice to each county clerk certifying the list of
23candidates for the
September partisan primary.
(1) (i) As soon as possible after the state canvass, but no later than the
24th Tuesday in
September August, the board shall send a type B notice certifying the
3list of candidates and type A and C notices certifying each question for any
4referendum to each county clerk for the general election and a certified list of
5candidates under s. 11.50 to the state treasurer pursuant to s. 7.08 (2) (c).
(2) (gm) On the last Tuesday in
May April the county clerk shall send
8notice of the coming
September partisan primary and general election to each
9municipal clerk.
(2) (h) On the last Tuesday in
May April preceding a
September partisan 12primary and general election, the county clerk shall publish a type A notice based on
13the notice received from the board for all national and state offices to be filled at the
14election by any electors voting in the county and incorporating county offices.
(2) (j) On the Monday preceding the
September partisan primary the
17county clerk shall publish a type B notice.
(3) (cm) On the 4th Tuesday preceding the
September partisan primary
20and general election, when held, the municipal clerk shall publish a type E notice.
21If there are municipal referenda, the municipal clerk shall publish a type A notice
22of the referenda at the same time.
(12) (a) 1. "Election period" means the period between December 1 and
25the date of the spring election, the period between
June May 1 and the day of the
1general election in any even-numbered year or the period between the first day for
2circulation of nomination papers and the day of a special election for any state office.
(17) (d) In the case of any candidate at the spring primary or election or
September partisan primary or general election, the "campaign" of the candidate
6ends on June 30 or December 31 following the date on which the election or primary
7is held in which the candidate is elected or defeated, or the date on which the
8candidate receives sufficient contributions to retire any obligations incurred in
9connection with that contest, whichever is later. In the case of any candidate at a
10special primary or election, the "campaign" of the candidate ends on the last day of
11the month following the month in which the primary or election is held in which the
12candidate is elected or defeated, or the date on which the candidate receives
13sufficient contributions to retire any obligations incurred in connection with that
14contest, whichever is later.
(3m) Unopposed candidates; exception. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and
17(2), if all candidates for state senator or representative to the assembly in a
18legislative district who are certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) to appear on the
19partisan primary ballot of all parties recognized under s. 5.62 (1) (b) or (2) have no
20opponent who is certified to appear on the same primary ballot, or if no primary is
21required for all candidates of parties recognized under s. 5.62 (1) (b) or (2) for state
22senator or representative to the assembly in a legislative district who are certified
23under s. 8.50 (1) (d) to appear on a special partisan election ballot, then the separate
24limitation specified in sub. (1) for disbursements during the primary and election
25period does not apply to candidates for that office in that primary and election, and
1the candidates are bound only by the total limitations specified for the primary and
(7) (a) For purposes of this section, the "campaign" of a candidate extends
5from July 1 preceding the date on which the spring primary or election occurs or
6January 1 preceding the date on which the
partisan primary or general
7election occurs for the office which the candidate seeks, or from the date of the
8candidate's public announcement, whichever is earlier, through the last day of the
9month following the month in which the election or primary is held.
(1) (a) 1. With respect to a spring or general election, any individual who
12is certified under s. 7.08 (2) (a) as a candidate in the spring election for state
13superintendent, or an individual who receives at least 6% of the vote cast for all
14candidates on all ballots for any state office, except district attorney, for which the
15individual is a candidate at the
September partisan primary and who is certified
16under s. 7.08 (2) (a) as a candidate for that office in the general election, or an
17individual who has been lawfully appointed and certified to replace either such
18individual on the ballot at the spring or general election; and who has qualified for
19a grant under sub. (2).
(2) (b) 4. The financial reports filed by or on behalf of the candidate as
22of the date of the spring or
September partisan primary, or the date that the special
23primary is or would be held, if required, indicate that his or her statement filed with
24the application under par. (a) is true; and
(2) (b) 5. The financial reports filed by or on behalf of the candidate as
2of the date of the spring or
September partisan primary, or the date that the special
3primary is or would be held, if required, indicate that the candidate has received at
4least the amount provided in this subdivision, from contributions of money, other
5than loans, made by individuals, which have been received during the period ending
6on the date of the spring primary and July 1 preceding such date in the case of
7candidates at the spring election, or the date of the
September partisan primary and
8January 1 preceding such date in the case of candidates at the general election, or
9the date that a special primary will or would be held, if required, and 90 days
10preceding such date or the date a special election is ordered, whichever is earlier, in
11the case of special election candidates, which contributions are in the aggregate
12amount of $100 or less, and which are fully identified and itemized as to the exact
13source thereof. A contribution received from a conduit which is identified by the
14conduit as originating from an individual shall be considered a contribution made by
15the individual. Only the first $100 of an aggregate contribution of more than $100
16may be counted toward the required percentage. For a candidate at the spring or
17general election for an office identified in s. 11.26 (1) (a) or a candidate at a special
18election, the required amount to qualify for a grant is 5 percent of the candidate's
19authorized disbursement limitation under s. 11.31. For any other candidate at the
20general election, the required amount to qualify for a grant is 10 percent of the
21candidate's authorized disbursement limitation under s. 11.31.
(2) (c) If a candidate has not filed financial reports as of the date of the
24spring primary,
September partisan primary, special primary, or date that the
25special primary would be held, if required, which indicate that he or she has met the
1qualification under par. (b) 5., the candidate may file a special report with the board.
2Such report shall be filed not later than the 7th day after the primary, or 7th day after
3the date the primary would be held, if required, and shall include such
4supplementary information as to sources of contributions which may be necessary
5to complete the candidate's qualification. The special report shall cover the period
6from the day after the last date covered on the candidate's most recent report, or from
7the date on which the first contribution was received or the first disbursement was
8made, whichever is earlier, if the candidate has not previously filed a report, to the
9date of such report. All information included on the special report shall also be
10included in the candidate's next report under s. 11.20.
(2) (f) The board shall inform each candidate in writing of the approval
13or disapproval of the candidate's application, as promptly as possible after the date
14of the spring primary,
September partisan primary, special primary, or date that the
15primary would be held, if required. With respect to a candidate at a special election
16who applies for a postelection grant under sub. (1) (a) 2., the board shall inform the
17candidate in writing of the conditional approval or disapproval of the candidate's
18application at the same time.
(2) (i) Notwithstanding par. (g), if an eligible candidate at the spring
21election or a special nonpartisan election who accepts a grant is opposed by one or
22more candidates in the election, or if an eligible candidate at the general election or
23a special partisan election who accepts a grant is opposed by one or more candidates
24in the election who receive at least 6 percent of the vote cast for all candidates for the
25same office on all ballots at the
September partisan primary or a special partisan
1primary if a primary was held, and in either case if any such opponent of the eligible
2candidate does not accept a grant under this section in whole or in part, the eligible
3candidate is not bound by the pledge made in his or her application to adhere to the
4contribution limitations prescribed in s. 11.26 and the disbursement limitation
5prescribed under s. 11.31, unless each such opponent files an affidavit of voluntary
6compliance under s. 11.31 (2m).