Assembly Joint Resolutions: 2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 22, 45, 61, 65, 68, 73, 76, 104, 108, 109, 110, 117, 133
Assembly Resolutions: 3, 15
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 19, 26, 57, 69, 72, 90, 93, 96, 117, 129, 130, 172, 226, 230, 263, 411, 472, 488, 514
Senate Joint Resolutions: 12, 27, 46, 50, 56, 58, 71
A31 Nass, Rep. Stephen L. (31st A.Dist.; Rep.)
Campaign finance reports: deletes principal place of employment of each contributor requirement  - SB292
EAB purposes, authority, and responsibilities modified and regulation of schools by EAB revised - AB427
Individual income tax personal exemption for certain older taxpayers: amount increased; JSCTE appendix report  - SB302
Kachel, David: life and public service to the Whitewater community commended -  AJR16
Occupational license eligibility revised when operating privilege is suspended or revoked in certain cases  - SB158
Payday loan licensee interest rate limited; ``licensed lender" class of creditors expanded and interest rate limited, exceptions provided -  AB150
Pension income from a qualified retirement plan under the Internal Revenue Code or an IRA in certain cases: amount of exempt income revised; federal adjusted gross income provision; JSCTE appendix report -  AB52
Prevailing wage law: changes made by 2009 WisAct 28 altered or eliminated re certain publicly funded private construction projects, threshold for applicability to public works projects, inspection and submission of payroll records re DWD, and violation remedies; other revisions re enactment of statewide concern, ``prevailing wage rate" defined, exemptions for small municipalities and residential properties, incidental work outside a worker's usual trade, and application to work the local government is not required to compensate for and certain truck drivers and subjourneypersons -  AB183
Purchasing or leasing a motor vehicle prohibited if operating privileges are suspended or revoked due to OWI violation, occupational license provision; JRCCP report  - SB379
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: school district resident right to object eliminated; State Superintendent authority to determine discrimination eliminated and issued orders are voided; court to dismiss any decision or order with prejudice - AB26
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated - AB36
RTA: authority to create eliminated and Dane County RTA, Chippewa Valley RTA, Chequamegon Bay RTA, and Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA) dissolved; Southeast Wisconsin transit capital assistance program eliminated - SB25
Telecommunications services to the general public or a public or private entity: U.W. System participation restrictions delayed - AB473
Town incorporated as a city or village: organizing the first election of officers changed from circuit court clerk to county clerk requirement -  AB506
U.W. System faculty and staff: WERC may not assign to collective bargaining units under SELRA - AB29
U.W. Whitewater football team, the Warhawks, commended on its fourth NCAA Division III Championship in five years  - AJR91
U.W. Whitewater Warhawks commended on the National Wheelchair Basketball Association Championship  - AJR25
WRS revisions re separation from covered employment for annuity, hours an employee must work to become a participating employee, and annuitant or disability annuitant returning to work for a covered employer; JSCRS appendix report  - AB352
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Nass:
Assembly Bills: 1, 4, 7, 14, 18, 34, 44, 45, 51, 57, 64, 69, 85, 122, 126, 128, 135, 153, 154, 156, 163, 172, 188, 214, 233, 247, 251, 262, 286, 295, 311, 318, 322, 337, 397, 426, 441, 448, 530, 531, 555
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 22, 34, 45, 61, 65, 68, 73, 76, 98, 104, 106, 108, 110, 133
Assembly Resolutions: 3, 15
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 13, 15, 22, 24, 29, 34, 37, 54, 79, 86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 99, 106, 117, 124, 136, 172, 177, 182, 186, 207, 218, 226, 230, 237, 239, 299, 375, 488, 549, 563
Senate Joint Resolutions: 3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 27, 28, 46, 50, 56, 57, 71
A96 Nerison, Rep. Lee (96th A.Dist.; Rep.)
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - AB602
Agricultural enterprise areas: DATCP allowed to use emergency rule-making procedures to designate  - SB497
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan  - SE1AB20
Agricultural production loan guarantees administered by WHEDA: revisions re amount and term of loan  - SE1SB20
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -  AB606
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -  SB496
``Co-op Month": October 2011 declared as -  AJR69
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  AB128
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended -  AB5
DATCP's pest abatement authority not limited to agricultural lands -  AB605
DATCP's pest abatement authority not limited to agricultural lands -  SB498
Election communications: orally identifying person paying for television communication required; knowingly making false statements about a candidate prohibited and circuit court and penalty provisions -  AB723
Electronically prerecorded message to telephone number in the nonsolicitation directory prohibited, exceptions provided; DATCP duties and rules revised including eliminating biennial notification -  AB111
NRB membership: one member required to have an agricultural background and three required to have held a hunting, fishing, or trapping license; active duty in the military provision - AB104
Securities registration exemption for cooperatives modified -  AB228
Syttende Mai Weekend proclaimed May 18-20, 2012 -  AJR120
``Syttende Mai Weekend" proclaimed May 13-15, 2011 -  AJR23
U.S. Army Wounded Warrior Program: DNR to issue one Class A bear hunting license to per season  - AB202
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Nerison:
Assembly Bills: 2, 4, 48, 106, 126, 156, 157, 183, 189, 200, 216, 220, 251, 274, 287, 294, 357, 426, 527, 584, 666
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 22, 31, 45, 61, 65, 68, 73, 76, 104, 108, 110, 133
Assembly Resolutions: 3, 15
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 7, 9, 89, 90, 93, 97, 105, 117, 135, 155, 164, 186, 200, 214, 260, 365, 428, 488, 490, 527, 549
Senate Joint Resolutions: 12, 23, 27, 35, 46, 50, 56, 71
A89 Nygren, Rep. John A. (89th A.Dist.; Rep.)
American Heart Month recognized February 2011; Wear Red Day recognized February 4, 2011 - AJR7
American Heart Month recognized February 2011; Wear Red Day recognized February 4, 2011 - SJR6
Class ``B" and ``Class B" permits for tribal applicants: repealing 2009 WisAct 28 provisions requiring DOR to issue; previously issued permits are void -  AB95
Drainage board appointments revised -  AB528
Drainage board appointments revised -  SB435
Electric public utility to offer temporary discounted rates to qualifying industrial customers: PSC to approve if it will promote economic development -  AB145
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions - AB553
Financial record matching program: DHS to operate for MA applicants and recipients for whom asset verification is required for MA eligibility; confidentiality and penalty provisions - SB474
Gower, John: life and public service -  AJR107
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision  - AB554
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision  - SB487
Health insurance mandate legislation: revisions to social and financial impact reports by OCI - AB692
Inadmissibility of a statement of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action or administrative hearing -  AB147
Inmates with contagious diseases: disclosure to correctional officer who has custodial authority permitted  - AB157
Inmates with contagious diseases: disclosure to correctional officer who has custodial authority permitted  - SB105
Motor carrier transportation contracts: certain liability provisions prohibited -  AB50
Motor carrier transportation contracts: certain liability provisions prohibited -  SB41
Motor vehicle insurance revisions re proof of financial responsibility, medical payments coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorists, and permissible policy provisions  - AB4
Motor vehicle insurance revisions re proof of financial responsibility, medical payments coverage, uninsured and underinsured motorists, and permissible policy provisions  - SB7
Portable electronics insurance: criteria for selling and offering established -  AB541
Portable electronics insurance: criteria for selling and offering established -  SB429
Residential contractors prohibited from promising to pay or rebate property insurance deductible re specified repairs or replacements; consumer may cancel a contract for repairs or replacement if it is paid by insurance and all or part of the claim is not covered, written notice required; unfair trade practice and penalty provisions -  AB654
Schneider, Donald ``Don": life, leadership in the trucking industry, and charitable works commended upon his death  - AJR97
Service contracts enforced by OCI: regulations created; definition, exemption, and penalty provisions  - AB571
Service contracts enforced by OCI: regulations created; definition, exemption, and penalty provisions  - SB492
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and rule making considerations for small businesses revised; state agency administrative law considerations for small businesses; small business regulatory coordinators and Office of Regulatory Assistance duties -  AB70
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and rule making considerations for small businesses revised; state agency administrative law considerations for small businesses; small business regulatory coordinators and Office of Regulatory Assistance duties -  SB47
Special distinguishing registration plates displaying the words ``In God We Trust" authorized; fees and DVA provisions  - AB372
Special Olympics Wisconsin, Inc.: individual income tax checkoff created -  AB75
Special Olympics Wisconsin, Inc.: individual income tax checkoff created -  SB48
Workplace wellness programs offered by employers: income and franchise tax credits created; definition and DOR provisions -  AB220