Retention of counsel by members of the Assembly or Senate cannot be approved if a signed agreement or oath of confidentiality is required -  AJR124
School bullying: DPI model policy to include bullying by electronic means, requires records to be kept and annual report posted on the district's Web site, and responses to bullying off school grounds; penalties for posting harassing, threatening, intimidating, obscene, lewd, or profane electronic messages where others can view it created; JRCCP report  - SB427
Searches by law enforcement officer of the property or residence of a person on parole, probation, or extended supervision permitted if there is reason to suspect criminal activity  - SB545
State aid and revenue limit authority increased for the 2012-13 school year for school districts with employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement through the 2012-13 school year -  SB257
State aid to certain school districts to assist in paying debt service on certain bond issues; DPI duty - SB251
Supreme Court justices and appeals court judges appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Senate, judicial selection committee provision: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR42
UI extended benefits: fourth method of determining Wisconsin ``on" indicator -  SB143
U.W. Whitewater football team, the Warhawks, commended on its fourth NCAA Division III Championship in five years  - AJR91
U.W. Whitewater football team, the Warhawks, commended on the NCAA Division III Championship  - SJR3
U.W. Whitewater Warhawks commended on the National Wheelchair Basketball Association Championship  - AJR25
Vote on bills during first 21 days after introduction prohibited unless members of the house vote to suspend the waiting period - SB193
Vulnerable highway user: penalty enhancements for traffic violations resulting in bodily harm, great bodily harm, or death; definition provisions; JRCCP report  - SB431
Wisconsin Seed Fund Authority created and directed to establish the ``business seed fund", report required  - AB733
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Cullen:
Senate Bills: 16, 17, 40, 53, 78, 96, 99, 123, 157, 162, 174, 211, 233, 244, 247, 248, 272, 273, 279, 282, 337, 338, 365, 369, 375, 394, 436, 446, 481, 495, 511, 527, 538
Senate Joint Resolutions: 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 18, 22, 24, 27, 35, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 60, 67, 70
Senate Resolutions: 19
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 9, 10, 28, 97, 132, 133, 145, 150, 167, 226, 230, 300, 314, 338, 345, 348, 349, 354, 355, 361, 368, 401, 429, 437, 454, 465, 473, 488, 500, 566, 577, 591, 616, 621, 639, 665, 666, 672, 697
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 1, 2, 7, 22, 30, 32, 33, 36, 44, 45, 65, 74, 102, 104, 107, 108, 111, 113, 114, 126
S8 Darling, Sen. Alberta (8th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Alcohol beverages knowingly provided to 18, 19, or 20 year old on a licensed premise: penalties created if the underage person suffers great bodily harm or death; JRCCP report  - AB420
Alzheimer's disease or related dementia: CBRF, nursing home, or adult family home promoting itself as providing specialized programming or unit required to produce a document describing the services; fee and penalty provisions  - AB568
American Stroke Awareness Month proclaimed May 2011 -  AJR38
American Stroke Awareness Month proclaimed May 2011 -  SJR29
Amino acid-based elemental formula for use by certain children with a milk allergy: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB210
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DSPS; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - AB487
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DSPS; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - SB383
Angel investment tax credit program revisions re qualified new business venture certification and limitation on credits claimed; angel investment or early stage seed tax credit does not have to be paid back if investment is held for less than 3 years and is worthless -  SB463
Attorney fees: factors a court must consider in determining reasonableness -  SE1SB12
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer: intent to cause bodily harm removed as an element to qualify as a felony; JRCCP report -  AB212
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: October proclaimed as -  SJR46
Business expansion within a municipality: property tax credit created, conditions set -  SB60
Capital gains tax: changes made by 2009 WisAct 28 reversed and tax phased out; JSCTE appendix report  - SB10
Charter School Authorizing Board created and charter school provisions revised re virtual charter school cap on pupils, health insurance and WRS participation for employees, teacher license, and contracts; CESA may establish an independent charter school; DPI duties; general school aid modified  - AB51
Charter School Authorizing Board created and charter school provisions revised re virtual charter school cap on pupils, health insurance and WRS participation for employees, teacher license, and contracts; CESA may establish an independent charter school; DPI duties; general school aid modified  - SB22
Child sex offenses: mandatory minimum sentence required for specified offenses, exception if offender was under 18 years old - AB209
City-owned property used for school purposes: Milwaukee Common Council may sell or lease unused or underused property, proceeds deposited in school operations fund  - AB37
City-owned property used for school purposes: Milwaukee Common Council may sell or lease unused or underused property, proceeds deposited in school operations fund  - SB20
``Clay Matthews AIDS Walk Wisconsin Day" declared October 1, 2011 -  SJR37
Comptroller, office of: elective office created for counties with population over 750,000; duties specified  - SB259
Concussion and head injuries in youth athletic activities: DPI and WIAA to develop guidelines, distribution requirements; definitions, civil liability immunity, and volunteer health care provider provisions -  SB243
Concussion and head injury guidelines for youth athletic activities: DPI and WIAA directed to develop  - AB259
Condominium owner not required to provide a real estate condition report when selling under certain conditions  - AB560
Condominium owner not required to provide a real estate condition report when selling under certain conditions  - SB539
County library tax exemption for city, town, village, or school district under set conditions -  AB543
County library tax exemption for city, town, village, or school district under set conditions -  SB531
Duty disability benefit for protective occupation participants under WRS: DETF may require annual medical examination; JSCRS appendix report -  AB588
Electronic records of the juvenile court may be transferred to a law enforcement agency; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions  - AB240
Electronic records of the juvenile court may be transferred to a law enforcement agency; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions  - SB173
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - AB122
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - SB86
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: employers may refuse to employ or terminate employment of a person convicted of a felony and has not been pardoned; state fair employment law is a matter of statewide concern and local governments are prohibited from adopting provisions prohibiting activities allowed under that law  - AB286
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: employers may refuse to employ or terminate employment of a person convicted of a felony and has not been pardoned; state fair employment law is a matter of statewide concern and local governments are prohibited from adopting provisions prohibiting activities allowed under that law  - SB207
Extended-range electric vehicles sales and use tax exemption; property tax exemption for charging station for electric vehicles; property, sales, and use tax exemptions for machinery and certain property used in qualified research in manufacturing, silviculture, or biotechnology; vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program (I/M program) sunsetted; DOT payments to WEDC to promote extended-range electric vehicles primarily in nonattainment areas, audited financial statement required; JSCTE appendix report - AB278
Family and medical leave changed to conform to federal law; DWD duties -  SB8
Franke, Harry: life and public service -  SJR70
Franke, Harry: life and public service to the state and the Milwaukee community commended -  AJR127
Going armed with a concealed and dangerous weapon and ineligible to possess a firearm re certain background check made a felony; knowingly purchasing a firearm for a person prohibited from possessing a firearm made a felony; JRCCP report; contingent upon enactment of bill creating concealed carry license - AB190
Going armed with a concealed and dangerous weapon and ineligible to possess a firearm re certain background check made a felony; knowingly purchasing a firearm for a person prohibited from possessing a firearm made a felony; JRCCP report; contingent upon enactment of bill creating concealed carry license - SB131
Green data center: income and franchise tax credits created - AB61
Green data center: income and franchise tax credits created - SB31
Habitual parking violator: county or municipal ordinance for the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal of vehicle permitted; conditions and fee provisions  - SB521
Health insurance policies prohibited from requiring a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy than injected or intravenous chemotherapy  - AB151
Health insurance policies prohibited from requiring a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy than injected or intravenous chemotherapy  - SB101
Health savings account: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  JR1AB2
Health savings account: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  JR1SB2
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created  - AB534
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created  - SB426
Jobs tax credit: refund date modified -  SB5
Kellner, Mr. and Mrs. Ted: recipients of the Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service commended  - SJR33
Lubar, Marianne and Sheldon and family: recipients of the Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship commended  - SJR32
Milwaukee County treasurer appointed by the county executive: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR63
MPCP and parental choice program for eligible school districts: revisions re verification of income eligibility, approved accrediting and preaccrediting organizations, a school's retention of a disqualified person, fees and tuition, and certificates of occupancy -  SB234
MPS prohibited from placing residency requirements on its teachers -  AB44
MPS prohibited from placing residency requirements on its teachers -  SB34
Municipal employer may enter into one memorandum of understanding with employee collective bargaining unit to reduce compensation or fringe benefit costs; not a modification for 2011 WisAct 10 purposes; sunset provision  - AB319
Municipal employer may enter into one memorandum of understanding with employee collective bargaining unit to reduce compensation or fringe benefit costs; not a modification for 2011 WisAct 10 purposes; sunset provision  - SB264
Obstructing a law enforcement officer by providing false information or evidence: convicted person may be assessed costs of the investigation -  AB263
Office of treasurer in a populous county renamed comptroller and elective office of comptroller created, additional duties specified -  AB329
Open Enrollment Program: time line for filing and processing applications changed -  SB2
OWI penalties for first and second offenses revised, BAC provision; JRCCP report -  AB207
OWI penalties for first and second offenses revised, BAC provision; JRCCP report -  SB152
OWI penalties for third or greater offense revised, JRCCP report  - AB208
OWI penalties for third or greater offense revised, JRCCP report  - SB154
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor may deliver drugs to faculty member of private or public institution of higher education if used for lawful research, teaching, or testing - AB245
Prescription drug manufacturer or distributor may deliver drugs to faculty member of private or public institution of higher education if used for lawful research, teaching, or testing - SB180
Public education law revisions re pupil expulsion, teacher evaluations, SAGE contracts, special education services, pupil transportation costs, school libraries, MPS teaching days, law enforcement records re conduct of a pupil, credits for sports re WIAA, and tax levy -  SB95
Read to Lead Development Council created; assessing reading readiness of kindergarteners; knowledge of reading development and instruction required for certain initial teacher licenses; teacher education programs to report on number of graduates and performance of recent graduates used to evaluate the programs; educator effectiveness evaluation system and equivalency process developed; remedial reading services for certain pupils; DPI duties -  SB461