22. Include Certain Emergency Medical Service Providers in the
2011 Wisconsin Act 10 Collective Bargaining Exemptions
Section 2406d
This section defines public safety employees for the purpose of employee compensation and collective bargaining changes under 2011 Wisconsin Act 10. An emergency medical service provider for the emergency medical services departments in Door and Waushara Counties is included in the definition of public safety employee. Under Act 10, current public safety employees retain the ability to bargain for wages, hours and conditions of employment, including the ability to bargain for employer payment of employee-required retirement and health insurance contributions.
I am partially vetoing this section to delete the reference to Door and Waushara counties because I object to limiting this eligibility to emergency medical service providers in two counties. With this veto, all emergency medical service providers will be covered by this provision, consistent with emergency medical services providers that are considered firefighter personnel for purposes of collective bargaining changes under Act 10.
23. Modify Pay Provisions for City of Milwaukee Discharged or Suspended Police Officers
Sections 1715h and 1715k
These sections require that any member of a police force in a first class city (currently only the city of Milwaukee) may not be discharged or suspended without pay or benefits until a decision regarding the discharge or suspension has been made by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners or the time for filing an appeal has passed, unless felony or class A or B misdemeanor charges are also pending.
A424 While I understand the concerns that this provision seeks to address, I object to this provision because I believe that changes to the current law provision should be dealt with through separate legislation in order to gather input from all affected parties regarding the process. My veto of these sections will return pay treatment of discharged or suspended officers in the city of Milwaukee to current law, which prohibits withholding pay and benefits for officers who have been suspended but permits the city to discharge a police officer without pay during the appeals process.
24. Required Minimum Annual Contributions by Local Governmental Units
to a Retirement System
Section 1725e
This section requires local governmental units to pay employer contributions into the retirement system in which their employees are participating in an amount at least equal to all the employee-required contributions under that retirement system, no later than December 31 of each year.
I am vetoing this section because it may have the unintended consequence of creating an unfunded liability as the employer-required share will generally exceed the employee share due to employer contribution requirements for protective occupational classes. It may also result in overfunding if the retirement system is fully funded and payments are being made, when savings could be returned to taxpayers or used for other services. In addition, it may encourage employers to delay making payments into the system until the end of the calendar year, which creates the potential for a situation that negatively affects the system's cash flow.
25. Wisconsin Retirement System Vesting Requirements
Sections 1156k and 1156t
These sections modify the vesting requirements for state and local employees hired on or after the effective date of the bill. Under the provision, employees who separate from service with fewer than five years of creditable service in the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and who are eligible for an annuity may only receive a partial annuity under a formula or money purchase benefit. The partial benefit is based on a percentage of credited employer contribution available to the employee and is based on the years of service. Under current law, employees are vested immediately, and the annuity upon retirement is based on a formula benefit calculated on years of service or a money purchase benefit which includes all employee and employer contributions.
I object to this provision as it is administratively difficult and expensive to implement, with little cost savings to the WRS. Because the annuity that would be calculated for employees with fewer than five years of service is relatively modest, those employees are already likely to take their accumulated employee contributions with them upon separation from WRS service.
I am partially vetoing these sections in order to require employees to have five years of service prior to being eligible for either a formula or money purchase annuity benefit by digit vetoing the annuity amount for those with less than five years of creditable service to zero. This provision, as modified by the partial veto, is similar to the vesting waiting period in 25 other states and the WRS vesting provisions that existed until 1998. It will also improve retention by encouraging employees participating in the WRS to work for a WRS-participating employer at least five years.
26. Study of Group Insurance Board Health Insurance Options
Section 9143 (2q) (a) 3.
This provision requires the director of the Office of State Employment Relations and the Department of Employee Trust Funds secretary to study the feasibility of certain health insurance options, including the implementation of a program beginning January 1, 2012, to provide an on-line marketplace for the purchase of prescription drugs. This program would act as a supplement to the existing pharmacy benefit management program provided by the Group Insurance Board plans. The entire study is required to be completed by October 31, 2011.
I am partially vetoing this provision to delete the requirement that the program, if implemented, be offered beginning on January 1, 2012, because it is overly burdensome. The Group Insurance Board is in the process of completing its contract negotiations for the calendar 2012 insurance plan year and would not be able to modify the plans after the study due date.
27. Payment of Employee-Required Contributions - Initial Applicability
Section 9315 (2q)
This provision establishes the initial applicability of modifications to the statutes dealing with employee-required contributions.
At the request of the Legislative Reference Bureau, I am partially vetoing the initial applicability treatment of certain provisions that were already addressed in 2011 Wisconsin Act 10. This veto will retain the initial applicability treatment of only those provisions that were revised in enrolled 2011 Wisconsin Assembly Bill 40 (the 2011-13 biennial budget).
28. Statements of Economic Interest
Section 357m
This provision modifies current law regarding access to statements of economic interest prepared by certain public officials and employees. Under the provision, persons wishing to examine a statement of economic interest must appear in person at the Government Accountability Board. Current law does not specify how the Government Accountability Board provides access to the records, other than requiring an individual wishing to inspect the records to provide his or her full name and address. Current practice allows for electronic access to the statements.
A425 I am vetoing this provision because it limits access to statements of economic interest to in-person review. This violates the principles of transparency and open government that are fundamental to public oversight and a key tenet of my administration.
29. Family Care Cost-Effectiveness Study
Section 9121 (3g)
This section requires the Department of Health Services secretary to study the cost-effectiveness of the Family Care program, the Family Care Partnership, the IRIS self-directed care program and the program for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE). The study will compare the cost-effectiveness of each program to each of the other programs and is due to the Joint Committee on Finance by March 1, 2012.
I am partially vetoing this section to remove the requirement that the report be submitted by March 1, 2012, because the department is already required to prepare this information as a response to the 2011 Legislative Audit Bureau study of the Family Care program. The findings of that review are due to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee on August 31, 2012, and to submit a partial analysis in March would be premature.
30. Medicaid Family Planning Waiver Services
Sections 1439n, 1439w, 1439x, 1441b and 9421 (7)
This provision requires the Department of Health Services to request and implement a federal waiver to provide family planning services under Medicaid to women between the ages of 15 and 44 whose family income does not exceed 200 percent of the federal poverty level. The waiver must require parental notification of services provided to females under 18 years old and must specify that the determination of eligibility for minors is based on the income of a parent or guardian.
I am vetoing sections 1439w, 1439x and 9421 (7) and partially vetoing sections 1439n and 1441b because I object to the inflexibility of the language. This veto is not intended to end the program but to instead provide the department greater latitude to determine the appropriate ages and income levels for coverage of family planning services under Medicaid. The veto retains the provisions that require parental notification of family planning services provided to females under 18 years old and specify that eligibility for minors be based on family income and not individual income.
31. Study on the Purchase of Generic Drugs for Medical Assistance
Section 9121 (11i)
This provision requires the Department of Health Services to conduct a study to determine if a competitive bidding process for the purchase of generic drug equivalents provided through the Medical Assistance program would generate cost savings to the program. The study is due to the Joint Committee on Finance no later than December 31, 2011.
I am partially vetoing the provision to remove the requirement that the report be submitted by December 31, 2011, because I believe the department should have flexibility to review all aspects of this option and applying an arbitrary due date removes this flexibility.
32. Bail Bond Surety Licensing
Sections 373 [as it relates to s. 20.165 (1) (gk)], 496m, 3205p, 3205r, 3212m, 3541g, 3541r and 9140 (5c)
These sections require the Department of Safety and Professional Services to regulate and license bail bond surety agents and corporations and to collect annual licensing fees of $1,000 per agent or corporation, under requirements promulgated in administrative rule. Surety agents and corporations would be compensated 10 percent of the bond set.
I am vetoing this provision because it does not provide sufficient time to properly evaluate the proposal and to plan for appropriate regulation of this industry prior to the date of implementation. I agree with the intent of the provision to reduce local government administrative costs and ensure defendants show up for court dates. However, although the commercial bail bonds industry works well in many other states, there must be sufficient notice and planning to ensure that counties, courts and regulatory agencies are able to appropriately implement this provision to avoid implementation problems and misuse of the system. Considering this provision as separate legislation will provide time for adequate review and planning to ensure the successful implementation of a commercial bail bonds system in Wisconsin.
33. Unclassified Bureau Director Position Authority
Section 2760
This section reduces the number of unclassified bureau director positions allocated at the Department of Safety and Professional Services from not more than five to not more than two positions.
A426 I am partially vetoing this section because I object to reducing the current number of unclassified bureau directors in the department. While the veto will permit the department to have up to five unclassified bureau director positions, I am directing the department to maintain the current staffing of three unclassified bureau directors and to remain within their current position authorization level.
34. Chippewa Falls Veterans Home Cost-Benefit Analysis
Sections 234 and 9101 (2u)
These sections require the Department of Administration to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on the initial contract for the operation and staffing of the Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls and to submit the results to the Joint Committee on Finance by February 1, 2012, or before the Department of Veterans Affairs enters into a contract for the operation of the home. Further, the Department of Veterans Affairs is exempted from the current law requirement to conduct a cost-benefit analysis meeting the same criteria prior to entering into the contract.
I am vetoing section 234 because I object to exempting the Department of Veterans Affairs from the requirement to conduct a cost-benefit analysis prior to contracting for the operation of the home. Further, I am partially vetoing section 9101 (2u) requiring the Department of Administration to conduct a similar cost-benefit analysis because this requirement is unnecessary and duplicative of the Department of Veterans Affairs analysis.
35. Veterans Trust Fund Information
Section 9153 (2j)
This section requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to submit as part of its 2013-15 biennial budget request to the Department of Administration an estimate of the amount of revenues that will be deposited into the veterans trust fund during that biennium and that the total recommendation for appropriation from the trust fund is not greater than the amount to be deposited into the fund.
I am partially vetoing this section to remove the requirement that the total recommendation for appropriation from the fund is not more than available revenue because it is overly limiting on the department. It is widely understood that the veterans trust fund is facing financial uncertainty and to place such restrictions on the department does not work toward the goal of finding reliable revenue streams while maintaining services for Wisconsin's veteran population.
36. Military Funeral Honors Funding – Technical Veto
Sections 9253 (1j) and 9453 (1j)
This provision provides $68,900 GPR funding in the second year of the 2009-11 biennium to reimburse veterans service organizations that provide military funeral honors for veterans in this state.
I am vetoing this provision at the request of the Legislative Reference Bureau because funding for this purpose has already been addressed in 2011 Wisconsin Act 27.
37. Disclosure of Expenditures on Internet Web Site
Section 215m
This section requires the Department of Administration to disclose expenditures relating to state agency operations, state contracts and state grants on a searchable Internet Web site beginning July 1, 2013. Once the system is implemented, it requires agencies to submit expenditure information to the department within 60 days, and grant and contract information within 10 days. It also allows an agency to request an exemption from the requirement through the Joint Committee on Finance if the agency is upgrading its computer operations.
I am partially vetoing this section to remove specific dates and deadlines because the department must have flexibility in meeting the goal of this requirement. I am also vetoing the provision allowing agencies to request an exemption from the requirement because it is important that the reporting is complete and consistent for all agencies. I am very supportive of transparency in government and am in complete agreement with the goals of this requirement. When I was Milwaukee County Executive, our administration worked with the State of Missouri to develop a public portal for access to expenditure data. I will direct the Department of Administration secretary to work with states, such as Missouri, to expand the expenditure information available to the public through a searchable Internet Web site. I will further direct the department to immediately report monthly expenditures by state agency, funding source and appropriation through a publicly accessible Web site.
38. Base Budget Review
Sections 218d and 218e
This provision requires one-third of state agencies in each biennium to report an accounting of all expenditures by categories established by the Department of Administration for the prior three fiscal years and the last quarter of the prior three fiscal years. Reports would be due by September 15 and would be included in the agency budget submissions and incorporated in the compiled budget report due November 20 of each even-numbered year.
I am vetoing this provision in its entirety because it is unnecessary. I support the goal of increased transparency and accountability of state government through reporting. This requirement will be met through other reporting requirements in the bill and my directive to the department to immediately report monthly expenditures by state agency, funding source and appropriation through a publicly accessible Web site.
A427 39. Report on Surplus Positions
Section 218h
This section requires the Department of Administration secretary to report quarterly to the Joint Committee on Finance: (a) the base number of existing surplus positions in each agency, (b) the number of surplus positions each agency has created, and (c) the amounts spent on surplus positions.
I am vetoing this section because it is duplicative of information already provided and that will be available through the Web site the department will create under other provisions in the bill. Currently, the department reports quarterly on surplus position creations and deletions. With the creation of the Web site for information on state agency expenditures, contracts and grants, actual expenditures, including salary and fringe benefits paid to state employees, will be available on a real time basis. Any additional information regarding surplus positions can be provided on an ad hoc basis, but providing it quarterly is unnecessary.
40. Procurement Bid Threshold
Sections 246g, 248g, 9301 (3f), and 9452 (1d) [as it relates to ss. 16.75 (1) (b) and (b) 2. and (2m) (b) and (b) 2. and 9301 (3f)]
These sections increase the dollar threshold requiring bids or competitive sealed proposals for procurements made by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System or the University of Wisconsin-Madison to $50,000, effective July 1, 2013.
I am partially vetoing these sections to remove the language specific to the University of Wisconsin and the delayed effective date because I object to limiting this higher threshold to the University of Wisconsin System and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and delaying the effective date of this change. My budget recommendations to the Legislature in March included this change in the bid threshold for all agencies. With this veto, my original intent to provide all state agencies with the flexibility for more efficient and cost-effective procurement of goods and services will be met immediately.
41. Build and Lease Back Program
Section 9101 (5q)
This provision directs the Department of Administration to explore the feasibility of instituting a program for private construction of buildings for the purpose of leasing those buildings to the state. The study results would be submitted to the Joint Committee on Finance by December 1, 2011.