Wednesday, September 7, 2011
One-Hundredth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 97 offered by Representative Ripp.
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 243
Relating to: sexual assault of a student by a member of a school staff and providing a penalty.
Representatives Sinicki, Berceau, Bernard Schaber and Turner.
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 244
Relating to: restricting eligibility for the homestead tax credit.
Representatives Thiesfeldt, Kapenga, Strachota, Craig, Kooyenga and LeMahieu; cosponsored by Senators Lasee and Galloway.
To committee on Housing.
Assembly Bill 245
Relating to: procurement of prescription drugs by a faculty member at an institution of higher education for the purpose of lawful research, teaching, or testing.
Representatives J. Ott, Stone, Strachota, Spanbauer, Brooks, Pridemore, A. Ott and Kooyenga; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Kedzie and Grothman.
To committee on Colleges and Universities
Assembly Bill 246
Relating to: resisting officer while armed with or threatening to use a dangerous weapon.
Representatives Krug, Jacque, Bernard Schaber, Brooks, Endsley, Kerkman, Ripp, Spanbauer and Zepnick.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections
Assembly Bill 247
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions.
Representatives Loudenbeck, Roys, Steineke, Nass, Petrowski, A. Ott, Pocan, Danou, Wynn, Brooks, Milroy, Strachota, Nygren, Kerkman, Jacque, Spanbauer, Krug, T. Larson, Kleefisch, Kaufert, Van Roy, Ballweg and C. Taylor; cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Carpenter, Kedzie and Harsdorf.
To committee on Public Health and Public Safety
Assembly Bill 248
Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles transporting overheight loads of hay or straw.
Representatives Petrowski, Ripp and Spanbauer; cosponsored by Senators Harsdorf and Galloway.
To committee on Transportation.
The committee on Health reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 147
Relating to: inadmissibility of a statement of apology or condolence by a health care provider.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Stone, Severson, Kaufert, Van Roy, Strachota, Petersen and Litjens.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Richards, Pasch and Pocan.
To committee on Rules.
Jeff Stone
Committee on Health
The committee on Transportation reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 80
Relating to: operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license or after suspension or revocation of an operating privilege and providing penalties.
Ayes: 15 - Representatives Petrowski, Farrow, A. Ott, Stone, Van Roy, Honadel, Ripp, Endsley, Knilans, Steinbrink, Vruwink, Bernard Schaber, Jorgensen, Bewley and Doyle.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Jerry Petrowski
Committee on Transportation
Speaker's Communications
September 7, 2011