Friday, October 28, 2011
One-Hundredth Regular Session
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 323 offered by Representative Krug.
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 343
Relating to: grants to technical college districts to reduce unemployment; creating a new individual income tax upper bracket; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
Representatives Mason, Grigsby, Pocan, Zamarripa, Roys, Clark, Milroy, Bewley, Turner, Steinbrink, Toles, Vruwink, Zepnick, E. Coggs, Fields, Ringhand, Berceau, Hebl, Young, Kessler, Hulsey and Jorgensen; cosponsored by Senators C. Larson, Carpenter, S. Coggs, Erpenbach, Hansen, Holperin, Risser and Wirch.
To joint committee on Finance.
Assembly Bill 344
Relating to: employment discrimination based on employment status.
Representatives Zamarripa, Grigsby, Berceau, Staskunas, Marklein, Pasch, Roys, Sinicki, E. Coggs, Young, C. Taylor, Bewley, Turner, Fields, Hulsey, Toles, Ringhand, Pope-Roberts and Molepske Jr; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Lassa, S. Coggs, Taylor and C. Larson.
To committee on Labor and Workforce Development
Assembly Bill 345
Relating to: arbitration agreements used by long-term care facilities, civil and criminal actions against health care providers and long-term care providers, use in civil and criminal actions and confidentiality of incident and occurrence reports, use as evidence of records given to a regulatory agency, use in criminal actions of records of reviews and evaluations of health care providers, limits on noneconomic damages, limits on punitive damages, and providing a penalty.
Representatives Richards, Staskunas, Roys, Hulsey, Hebl, D. Cullen, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Clark, E. Coggs, Danou, Fields, Grigsby, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Pasch, Pocan, Ringhand, Sinicki, C. Taylor, Zamarripa, Zepnick and Pope-Roberts; cosponsored by Senators C. Larson, Risser, Erpenbach, Carpenter, S. Coggs, T. Cullen, Hansen, Holperin and Taylor.
To committee on Aging and Long-Term Care
Assembly Bill 346
Relating to: the licensing requirement for animal control facilities.
Representatives Wynn, Knilans, Craig, Petryk, Pridemore, Rivard, Ballweg and Spanbauer; cosponsored by Senator Galloway
To committee on Consumer Protection and Personal Privacy.
Assembly Bill 347
Relating to: transfer policy in the state civil service system.
Representatives Wynn and Knilans.
To committee on Homeland Security and State Affairs
From: Robert J. Marchant, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Passed and asks concurrence in:
Senate Bill 45
Senate Bill 86
Senate Bill 89
Senate Bill 117
Senate Bill 127
Senate Bill 136
Senate Bill 153
Senate Bill 159
Senate Bill 185
Senate Bill 204
Senate Bill 208
Senate Bill 241
Senate Bill 242
Senate Bill 45
Relating to: administration of medication to pupils.
Olsen and Harsdorf; cosponsored by Representatives Kestell, Kooyenga, Ziegelbauer, Thiesfeldt, Petersen, Spanbauer, Marklein, Brooks, Strachota, Kaufert, LeMahieu and Jacque.
To calendar.
Senate Bill 86
Relating to: permitting an educational agency to refuse to employ or to terminate from employment an unpardoned felon.
Darling, Schultz, Galloway, Leibham, Lazich and Wanggaard; cosponsored by Representatives Thiesfeldt, Petrowski, Kestell, Ziegelbauer, Jacque, Spanbauer, Endsley, A. Ott, Nygren, Bernier, Kerkman, Steineke, Brooks, Mursau, Kleefisch, LeMahieu, Kramer, Nass, Williams, Bies, Tauchen, Stone, Petersen, Pridemore and Vos.