Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Resolution 19, relating to conduct in the assembly visitor gallery.
Penny Bernard Schaber
State Representative
57th Assembly District
December 1, 2011
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 101, relating to requiring a municipal judge to be a licensed Wisconsin attorney.
Lena taylor
State Senator
4th Senate District
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To Whom It May Concern:
Acts, Joint Resolutions and Resolutions deposited in this office have been numbered and published as follows:
Jt. Res. Number Enrolled Number Publication Date
Assembly Joint Res. 689Not Published
Assembly Joint Res. 6110Not Published
Assembly Joint Res. 4311Not Published
Douglas La Follette
Secretary of State
A705 Referral of Agency Reports
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
November 30, 2011
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by s. 20.002 (11)(f), Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3) , Wisconsin Statutes) and confIrms that the Department of Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative cash balances during the month of October 2011.
On October 1,2011, the Workers Compensation Fund cash balance closed at a negative $414 thousand. The cash balance remained negative through October 31,2011, when it reached a negative $491 thousand (its intra-month low) .
The Workers Compensation Fund shortfall was due to the difference in the timing of revenues and expenditures, was not in excess of the statutory interfund borrowing limitations and did not exceed the balances of the funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority, and as a result, the funds requiring the use of the authority will effectively bear the interest cost.
Mike Huebsch
Referred to committee on Ways and Means and joint committee on Finance.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Transportation
November 30, 2011
To the Honorable, the Legislature:
I am pleased to submit the 2009-2011 Biennial Report for the Department of Transportation. The Department was successful in accomplishing many of its performance goals established for the previous biennium. Looking forward, our objectives for the next two years will emphasize maintaining strong partnerships and growing Wisconsin's economy.
In 2011 the Department celebrated the 100th anniversary of a Wisconsin transportation agency. It is through a long history of working with other state, federal, and local agencies that we have been able to support and improve Wisconsin's transportation network. During the 2009-11 biennium, the Department focused on a number of projects to meet the changing and growing travel needs of Wisconsin. Reconstruction of the 1-94 North-South freeway in Milwaukee began in 2009. This project will improve safety and help ease congestion by modernizing this transportation artery. Construction work on US 41 to expand traffic lanes and improve interchanges also began, representing a significant step forward for Wisconsin and its economy as this corridor connects over half of the state's population, manufacturing facilities, and businesses. Soon, the Department will begin work on the Zoo Interchange reconstruction project. These important projects help to ensure a safer and more efficient transportation system.
Wisconsin's ability to remain competitive depends on the efficient transport of people and goods. Investing in transportation infrastructure will help foster Wisconsin's economic recovery. Transportation projects encourage economic growth by creating job and business opportunities in addition to improving the quality of life for the people who live, work, and travel on the system.
Your comments and inquiries regarding this report are welcome. Transportation impacts everyone and the Department is committed to providing safe and efficient transportation services to meet the needs of Wisconsin and its communities.
Mark Gottlieb, P.E.
Referred to committee on Transportation.