By Representatives Fields, C. Taylor, A. Ott and Endsley; cosponsored by Senators Schultz and King.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 591
Relating to: political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperative associations, and labor organizations and the scope of regulated activity and reporting of certain activity under the campaign finance law.
By Representatives Bernard Schaber, Pope-Roberts, Roys, Clark, Turner, Pasch, Berceau and Hebl; cosponsored by Senators Erpenbach, T. Cullen, Hansen, Holperin, Lassa, Wirch, Harsdorf, Risser, Carpenter, C. Larson and Ellis.
To committee on Election and Campaign Reform .
Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: financial assistance to towns for certain dam safety projects.
By Representative Kleefisch ; cosponsored by Senator S. Fitzgerald.
To committee on Rural Economic Development and Rural Affairs.
Assembly Bill 593
Relating to: crimes against animals.
By Representatives Milroy, Ripp, Wynn, Barca, Berceau, Bewley, Clark, Doyle, Fields, Grigsby, Hulsey, Jorgensen, Marklein, Pasch, Petryk, Pope-Roberts, Roys, Seidel, Sinicki, Spanbauer, Staskunas, Steineke, C. Taylor, Tranel, Van Roy, Zamarripa and Zepnick; cosponsored by Senators Jauch, Carpenter, Risser and King.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections .
Assembly Bill 594
Relating to: vehicles registered as historic military vehicles.
By Representatives Jacque, Kestell, Nygren and Wynn; cosponsored by Senators Lasee, Schultz and Olsen.
To committee on Transportation.
Assembly Bill 595
Relating to: a permit exemption for the placement of a pier containing a floating toilet facility in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.
By Representatives Knudson, Spanbauer and T. Larson; cosponsored by Senators Harsdorf, Galloway and Taylor.
To committee on Natural Resources .
Assembly Bill 596
Relating to: certain incandescent light bulbs manufactured and sold in this state.
By Representatives Krug, August, Brooks, Craig, Jacque, LeMahieu, Marklein, Stroebel, Thiesfeldt, Pridemore and Kooyenga; cosponsored by Senator Grothman .
To committee on Energy and Utilities .
Assembly Bill 597
Relating to: certain shoreland zoning standards and ordinances that regulate the repair and expansion of nonconforming structures.
By Representatives Tiffany, Murtha, Litjens, Rivard, Jacque and Steineke.
To committee on Natural Resources .
Assembly Bill 598
Relating to: eligibility under Wisconsin Shares for a child care subsidy, for payment for child care services, and for certification as a family child care provider.
By Representatives Kerkman, Jacque, Kestell, Krug, Rivard, Spanbauer and Wynn; cosponsored by Senators Cowles and Taylor.
To committee on Children and Families .
Assembly Bill 599
Relating to: case planning for a child placed in out-of-home care, including concurrent permanency goals, trial reunifications, and planned permanent living arrangements for such a child.
By Representatives Kerkman, Grigsby, Loudenbeck and Spanbauer.
To committee on Children and Families .
Committee Reports
The committee on Children and Families reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 12
Relating to: the restoration of information from an original birth certificate after adoption.
Assembly Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Pridemore, Krug, Kestell, Williams, Thiesfeldt, Berceau and Seidel.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Amendment 2 adoption:
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Pridemore, Krug, Kestell, Williams, Thiesfeldt, Berceau and Seidel.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Pridemore, Krug, Kestell, Williams, Thiesfeldt, Berceau and Seidel.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Donald Pridemore
Committee on Children and Families
A819 The committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 488
Relating to: establishing an assistant district attorney pay progression plan.
Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Bies, Jacque, Kestell, Brooks, Krug, Thiesfeldt, Kessler, Turner and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
Passage as amended:
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Bies, Jacque, Kestell, Brooks, Krug, Thiesfeldt, Kessler, Turner and Hebl.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 509
Relating to: the admissibility of hearsay evidence at a preliminary examination.
Ayes: 5 - Representatives Bies, Jacque, Brooks, Krug and Thiesfeldt.
Noes: 4 - Representatives Kestell, Kessler, Turner and Hebl.
To committee on Rules.
Garey Bies
Committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections
The committee on Energy and Utilities reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 526
Relating to: loans and repayment assistance by a political subdivision for energy and water improvements to premises and collection of the debt by special charge.
Ayes: 10 - Representatives Honadel, Klenke, Petersen, Tauchen, T. Larson, Severson, Weininger, Zepnick, Staskunas and Hulsey.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Mark Honadel
Committee on Energy and Utilities
The committee on Tourism, Recreation and State Properties reports and recommends: