Senate Bill 475
Relating to: audits and reports of state savings banks and state savings and loan associations.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 475 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
475 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 475 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
475 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 557
Relating to: audits and reports of state savings banks and state savings and loan associations.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 557 be laid on the table. Granted.
Senate Bill 497
Relating to: designation, modification, and termination of agricultural enterprise areas.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 497 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
497 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 497 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
497 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 602
Relating to: designation, modification, and termination of agricultural enterprise areas.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 602 be laid on the table. Granted.
Senate Bill 378
Relating to: surplus lines insurance, insurance security fund, automobile insurance, and granting rule-making authority.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 378 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
378 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 378 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
378 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 604
Relating to: surplus lines insurance, insurance security fund, automobile insurance, and granting rule-making authority.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 604 be laid on the table. Granted.
Senate Bill 496
Relating to: brucellosis testing of milk, cream, and cattle and restrictions on moving or sale of American bison and other animal species.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 496 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
496 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 496 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
496 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 606
Relating to: brucellosis testing of milk, cream, and cattle and restrictions on moving or sale of American bison and other animal species.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that Assembly Bill 606 be laid on the table. Granted.
Assembly Bill 518
Relating to: designation of highways as scenic byways.
The question was: Assembly Bill 518 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
518 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Senate Bill 174
Relating to: closing the parental choice program for eligible school districts to additional school districts.
The question was: Senate Bill 174 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
Motion carried.
Representatives Hintz, Bernard Schaber, Staskunas, Pope-Roberts, Hebl, Sinicki, Seidel, Mason, Vruwink, Molepske Jr., Pasch, Billings, Turner, Bewley, C. Taylor, Roys, Doyle, Jorgensen, Pocan, Richards, Berceau, Clark and Milroy asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "Aye" on the previous question. Granted.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
174 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 608
Relating to: appointments to the Council on Highway Safety.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 608 be adopted?
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 608 be ordered engrossed and read a third time?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
608 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Assembly Bill 608 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed?
Motion carried.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
608 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Assembly Bill 609
Relating to: road closure barriers.