2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
July 7, 2011 - Introduced by Representatives Hulsey, Sinicki, Young, Roys,
Ringhand, Bernard Schaber, Pocan, Clark, Fields, Berceau, Hintz,
Pope-Roberts and
Barca, cosponsored by Senators S. Coggs, Risser and
Wirch. Referred to Committee on Homeland Security and State Affairs.
1An Act to create 4.006 of the statutes;
relating to: preparation of legislative
2and congressional districting plans by the Legislative Reference Bureau and
3the Government Accountability Board.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
The Wisconsin Constitution requires the legislature to redistrict legislative
districts according to the number of inhabitants at its next session following each
decennial federal census. The legislature also reapportions congressional districts
pursuant to federal law.
This bill creates a new procedure for the preparation of legislative and
congressional redistricting plans. The bill requires the Legislative Reference
Bureau (LRB) and the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to jointly develop
standards for legislative and congressional districts based on population
requirements under the Wisconsin Constitution and the U.S. Constitution and
requirements under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. One of the standards must
be electoral competitiveness of the districts. The bill then directs the LRB and the
GAB to draw redistricting plans for submission to the legislature for approval in
accordance with the standards. Under the bill, no later than January 1 of the second
year following the decennial federal census, the LRB and the GAB must deliver to
the majority leader of the senate and speaker of the assembly identical bills
embodying a plan of legislative and congressional districting.
The bill requires either the assembly or the senate to expeditiously introduce
and bring a bill to a vote not less than seven days after the date of introduction. The
vote must be under a procedure or rule permitting no amendments, except those of
a purely corrective nature. If a bill is approved by the first house in which it is
considered, the bill must expeditiously be brought to a vote in the second house under
a similar procedure or rule.
If neither of the bills delivered by the LRB and the GAB is approved by the
assembly and the senate, the LRB and the GAB must then prepare identical bills
embodying a second plan of legislative and congressional redistricting. The LRB and
the GAB must deliver the bill to the majority leader of the senate and the speaker
of the assembly no later than 21 days after the date of the vote by which the senate
or assembly failed to approve the first bill. This second bill must be expeditiously
introduced and brought to a vote not less than seven days after the date of
introduction, in the same manner as prescribed for the initial bill.
If the second bill is not approved by the assembly and the senate, the same
procedure applies for the preparation of a third plan by the LRB and the GAB and
legislative consideration of a third plan. The bill does not provide any procedure for
the preparation and submission of a fourth plan by the LRB and the GAB. It is
important to note that the procedure established under the bill for legislative
consideration of any legislative or congressional districting plan is a rule of
proceeding under the Wisconsin Constitution and, as such, would not be legally
enforceable in a court of law if the assembly or senate failed to follow the procedure.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB198, s. 1
1. 4.006 of the statutes is created to read:
24.006 Redistricting procedure. (1) The legislative reference bureau and
3the government accountability board shall develop standards for legislative and
4congressional districts based on population requirements under the Wisconsin
5Constitution and the U.S. Constitution and requirements under section 2 of the
6Voting Rights Act. One of the standards must be the electoral competitiveness of the
8(2) Not later than January 1 of the 2nd year following the decennial federal
9census, the legislative reference bureau and the government accountability board
10shall jointly deliver to the majority leader of the senate and speaker of the assembly
1identical bills creating plans of legislative and congressional redistricting, prepared
2in accordance with standards developed by the legislative reference bureau and the
3government accountability board under sub. (1). Either the assembly or the senate
4shall expeditiously introduce and bring a bill to a vote not less than 7 days after the
5date of introduction. The vote shall be under a procedure or rule permitting no
6amendments except those of a purely corrective nature. If a bill is approved by the
7first house in which it is considered, the bill shall expeditiously be brought to a vote
8in the 2nd house under a similar procedure or rule.
9(3) If neither of the bills delivered by the legislative reference bureau and the
10government accountability board under sub. (2) is approved by both the assembly
11and the senate, the legislative reference bureau and the government accountability
12board shall prepare identical bills embodying a 2nd plan of legislative and
13congressional redistricting. The legislative reference bureau and the government
14accountability board shall deliver the bills to the majority leader of the senate and
15the speaker of the assembly no later than 21 days after the date of the vote by which
16the senate or the assembly failed to approve the bill submitted under sub. (2). Any
17bill delivered by the legislative reference bureau and the government accountability
18board under this subsection shall be expeditiously introduced and brought to a vote
19not less than 7 days after the date of introduction, in the same manner as prescribed
20for the bill required under sub. (2).
21(4) If neither of the bills delivered by the legislative reference bureau and the
22government accountability board under sub. (3) is approved by both the assembly
23and the senate, the same procedure as prescribed by sub. (2) shall be followed for the
24preparation and legislative consideration of a 3rd plan.