AB329,30,179 (i) Make annually, on the 3rd Monday of March, a certified statement, and
10forward the statement to each municipal clerk in the county, showing the amount of
11money paid from the county treasury during the year next preceding to each
12municipal treasurer in the county. The statement shall specify the date of each
13payment, the amount thereof and the account upon which the payment was made.
14It shall be unlawful for any comptroller to pay to the treasurer of any town any money
15in the hands of the comptroller belonging to the town from the 3rd Monday of March
16until 10 days after the annual town meeting except upon the written order of the
17town board.
AB329,30,2218 (j) Retain 10 percent for fees in receiving and paying into the state treasury all
19money received by the comptroller for the state for fines and forfeitures, except that
2050 percent of the state forfeitures and fines under chs. 341 to 347, 349, and 351 shall
21be retained as fees, and retain the other fees for receiving and paying money into the
22state treasury that are prescribed by law.
AB329,30,2523 (k) Forward 40 percent of the state forfeitures and fines under ch. 348 to the
24secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1)
1(L) Forward all money received under s. 66.0114 (3) (c) to the secretary of
2administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (ig).
AB329,31,43 (m) Forward 50 percent of the fees received under s. 351.07 (1g) to the secretary
4of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (im).
AB329,31,75 (n) Make and deliver to any person, for a fee that is set by the board under s.
619.35 (3), a certified copy or transcript of any book, record, account, file or paper in
7his or her office or any certificate which by law is declared to be evidence.
AB329,31,98 (o) On the first day of each month pay into the county treasury the fees received
9by the comptroller.
AB329,31,1410 (p) Pay to the secretary of administration on his or her order the state
11percentage of fees received from the clerk of the circuit court under s. 59.40 (2) (m)
12and if any such moneys remain in his or her hands when he or she is required to pay
13the state percentage of fees, pay such moneys therewith to the secretary of
AB329,31,1515 (q) Perform all other duties required of the comptroller by law.
AB329,31,2116 (rm) If the comptroller's county receives national forest income, distribute the
17income to the towns in the county in which national forest lands are situated, with
18each town to receive such proportion of the income as the area of national forest lands
19in the town bears to the area of the national forest lands in the entire county. Fifty
20percent of the amount received by any town shall be expended by the town
21exclusively for the benefit of roads therein.
AB329,31,2322 (s) Exercise any investment authority delegated to the comptroller by the board
23under s. 59.62.
AB329,31,2524 (t) Notify municipalities of payments made under ss. 74.29 and 79.10 in respect
25to property tax levies originally certified to the municipality for collection.
1(tc) Each month, at the board's first meeting, the comptroller shall report to the
2board and the county executive, in writing, the condition of the county's outstanding
3contracts and of each of the county's funds and the claims payable from the funds.
4The comptroller shall also file with the the county executive and the board each year
5on or before October 1 a certified and detailed statement of the receipts and
6disbursements on account of each fund of the county during the preceding fiscal year,
7specifying the source of each receipt and the object of each disbursement, and also
8an estimate of the receipts and disbursements for the current fiscal year.
AB329,32,119 (te) The comptroller shall countersign all contracts with the county if the
10necessary funds have been provided to pay the liability that may be incurred under
11the contract. No contract is valid until so countersigned.
AB329,32,1512 (tg) Whenever requested to do so by the county executive or board, the
13comptroller shall provide an independent fiscal analysis of any matter affecting the
14county, and shall provide the county executive and board with a fiscal note for all
15proposed legislation.
AB329,32,1816 (ti) Annually, the comptroller shall prepare a written 5-year financial
17condition forecast for the county, which shall be distributed to the county executive
18and the board.
AB329,32,2319 (tk) The comptroller shall perform all audit functions related to county
20government. The comptroller shall also have the duties and all the powers conferred
21upon the clerk as auditor under s. 59.47 (1), and shall perform any additional duties
22and shall have any additional powers as are imposed and conferred upon him or her
23from time to time by resolution adopted by the board.
AB329,32,2424 (tL) The comptroller shall administer and oversee all shared services contracts.
AB329, s. 68 25Section 68. 59.29 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
159.29 (1) (b) Whenever a person convicted of, or charged with, any felony, the
2punishment for which is not less than 5 years' imprisonment, shall escape, or
3whenever any such felony shall be committed by any unknown person or persons the
4sheriff of the county from which such escape was made or in which such felony was
5committed may, with the consent of the chairperson of the board of such county when
6such board is not in session, and with the consent of the board when it is in session,
7offer such reward for the apprehension and delivery of such escaped person, or the
8apprehension or conviction of the perpetrator of such felony as the sheriff considers
9necessary, not exceeding $1,000 in any one case; but no such reward or any part
10thereof shall be paid to any such sheriff, undersheriff or any deputy. The right to any
11such reward shall be determined finally by such sheriff; and if more than one person
12claims the reward the sheriff shall determine what portion, if any, the claimants are
13entitled to, and shall certify the determination to the treasurer or comptroller, and
14such certificate shall be the treasurer's or comptroller's authority for paying the sum
15so certified.
AB329, s. 69 16Section 69. 59.32 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,33,1917 59.32 (1) Sheriff; fees. The sheriff shall collect the fees prescribed in s. 814.70,
18unless a higher fee is applicable under s. 814.705 (1) (a) or (2), and remit them to the
19treasurer or comptroller as provided in s. 59.22 (1) (b).
AB329, s. 70 20Section 70. 59.38 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,34,1221 59.38 (1) Medical examiner, assistants; salaries; fees; report. The medical
22examiner and medical examiner's assistants authorized by the board shall be paid
23semimonthly out of the county treasury of the proper county, for the performance of
24all their official duties and in lieu of all other compensation, salaries to be fixed by
25the board. The medical examiner and medical examiner's assistants shall collect for

1all services performed, except in cases where the county is solely liable, all fees that
2coroners are by law entitled to receive, and shall keep accurate books of account in
3which shall be entered from day to day the items of services rendered, the titles of
4the proceedings in which and the names of the persons for whom rendered, and the
5fees charged and received, and shall, at the end of every 3 months, render to the board
6and to the treasurer or comptroller an accurate report or statement, verified by his
7or her oath, of all fees and income collected by them or for them during the 3 months;
8and at the same time they shall pay to the treasurer or comptroller all fees and
9incomes collected by them, or which they were entitled by law to charge or receive,
10not paid to the treasurer or comptroller. The medical examiner or a medical
11examiner's assistant shall act as coroner in another county when requested to do so
12under s. 59.34 (2) (b).
AB329, s. 71 13Section 71. 59.38 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,34,2114 59.38 (3) Medical examiner's bond. Before entering upon the duties of office,
15the medical examiner of the county shall deliver to the clerk a bond, subscribed by
162 or more sufficient sureties, in such penal sum as the board determines, conditioned
17for the faithful performance of all official duties as set forth in this chapter and ch.
18979 and that he or she will faithfully account for and pay to the treasurer or
of the county all moneys which may come to him or her belonging to the
20county, and which by virtue of this chapter and ch. 979 the medical examiner is
21required to account for and pay as aforesaid.
AB329, s. 72 22Section 72. 59.40 (2) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,35,423 59.40 (2) (m) Pay monthly to the treasurer or comptroller for the use of the state
24the state's percentage of the costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814 that
25are required to be paid on each civil action, criminal action, and special proceeding

1filed during the preceding month and pay monthly to the treasurer or comptroller for
2the use of the state the percentage of court imposed fines and forfeitures that are
3required by law to be deposited in the state treasury. The payments shall be made
4by the 15th day of the month following receipt of the payments.
AB329, s. 73 5Section 73. 59.40 (2) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,35,86 59.40 (2) (n) Pay monthly to the treasurer or comptroller the amounts required
7by s. 302.46 (1) for the jail assessment surcharge. The payments shall be made by
8the 15th day of the month following receipt thereof.
AB329, s. 74 9Section 74. 59.42 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is created to read:
AB329,35,1210 59.42 (2) (b) 5. Review and countersign all contracts to verify that the contracts
11comply with all statutes, rules, ordinances, and the county's ethics policy. This
12subdivision applies only in a county with a population of 750,000 or more.
AB329, s. 75 13Section 75. 59.47 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,35,2514 59.47 (1) In every county, except as provided in s. 59.255 (2) (tk), the clerk shall
15act as auditor, unless a separate office of county auditor is created as provided in sub.
16(2), and, when directed by resolution of the board, shall examine the books and
17accounts of any county officer, board, commission, committee, trustees or other
18officer or employee entrusted with the receipt, custody or expenditure of money, or
19by or on whose certificate any funds appropriated by the board are authorized to be
20expended, whether compensated for services by fees or by salary, and all original bills
21and vouchers on which moneys have been paid out and all receipts of moneys
22received by them. The clerk shall have free access to such books, accounts, bills,
23vouchers and receipts as often as may be necessary to perform the duties required
24under this subsection and he or she shall report in writing the results of the
25examinations to the board.
AB329, s. 76
1Section 76. 59.52 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,36,242 59.52 (3) (b) When any book, public record or the record of any city, village or
3town plat in any county office shall, from any cause, become unfit for use in whole
4or in part, the board shall order that the book, record or plat be rebound or
5transcribed. If the order is to rebind such book, record or plat, the rebinding must
6be done under the direction of the officer in charge of the book, record or plat, and in
7that officer's office. If the order is to transcribe such book, record or plat, the officer
8having charge of the same shall provide a suitable book for that purpose; and
9thereupon such officer shall transcribe the same in the book so provided and
10carefully compare the transcript with the originals, and make the same a correct copy
11thereof, and shall attach to the transcript a certificate over that officer's official
12signature that that officer has carefully compared the matter therein contained with,
13and that the same is a correct and literal copy of the book, record or plat from which
14the same was transcribed, naming such book. The certified copy of the book, record
15or plat shall have the same effect in all respects as the original, and the original book,
16record or plat shall be deposited with the treasurer or comptroller and carefully
17preserved, except that in counties having a population of 500,000 750,000 or more
18where a book containing a tract index is rewritten or transcribed the original book
19may be destroyed. The order of the board directing the transcribing of any book,
20record or plat duly certified by the clerk shall, with such certificate, be recorded in
21each copy of the book, record or plat transcribed. The fee of the officer for such service
22shall be fixed by the board, not exceeding 10 cents per folio, or if such books or any
23part thereof consist of printed forms, not to exceed 5 cents per folio for such books or
24records, to be paid by the county.
AB329, s. 77 25Section 77. 59.52 (4) (a) 12. of the statutes is amended to read:
159.52 (4) (a) 12. The clerk's copies of all receipts that are issued by the treasurer
2or comptroller, 4 years or until after being competently audited, whichever is earlier.
AB329, s. 78 3Section 78. 59.52 (4) (a) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,37,44 59.52 (4) (a) 15. All other receipts of the treasurer or comptroller, after 7 years.
AB329, s. 79 5Section 79. 59.53 (17) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,37,176 59.53 (17) (b) The disbursement of an appropriation made under this
7subsection shall be under the supervision of the chairperson of the board, the clerk,
8and the treasurer or comptroller, and in all cases after such an appropriation has
9been made, there shall be filed with the clerk a sworn statement by the treasurer of
10the immigration society for whose benefit the appropriation was made, showing that
11the amount of the appropriation has been used by the association for the purpose of
12inducing immigration to the county making the appropriation and to adjoining
13counties, and itemized bills for the expenditure of a sum equal to the appropriation
14duly verified shall accompany the statement of the treasurer. Upon the approval of
15the statement and the itemized bills, by the county officers above named, the money
16so appropriated shall be paid by the proper officers of the county making the same
17into the treasury of the immigration association.
AB329, s. 80 18Section 80. 59.56 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,38,219 59.56 (3) (d) Finance. For the partial maintenance of the work of the university
20extension program, including cooperative extension programs as provided for in an
21act of congress approved May 8, 1914 (38 Stat. 372) and all acts supplementary
22thereto, the board may appropriate moneys as requested by the committee on
23agriculture and extension education to provide the county's share in such work. The
24money appropriated by the board shall be disbursed by the treasurer or comptroller

1upon orders of the clerk pursuant to the actions of the committee on agriculture and
2extension education and as adopted by the board.
AB329, s. 81 3Section 81. 59.56 (14) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,38,114 59.56 (14) (d) The board may vote an amount which it considers sufficient to
5aid in the purchase of, or to make improvements upon the fairgrounds for any
6organized agricultural society, or to aid any organized agricultural society or any
7incorporated poultry association in any of its public exhibitions held or to be held; and
8any amount so voted shall be paid upon demand by the treasurer or comptroller to
9the treasurer of such organized agricultural society, who shall keep an accurate
10record of the expenditure thereof by such society, and file a verified copy of such
11record with the clerk within one year after the receipt of such amount.
AB329, s. 82 12Section 82. 59.57 (2) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,38,2113 59.57 (2) (e) 2. The articles of incorporation shall be signed and acknowledged
14by persons designated by the board or where counties join in the formation of the
15agency by the boards of those counties and shall include at least 3 of the following
16from each county: the county executive, if there is one; the chairperson of the board;
17the chairperson of the board finance committee, if there is one; the county
18corporation counsel and the county auditor, or treasurer or comptroller, in counties
19having no county auditor, and only those persons so signing and acknowledging the
20articles of incorporation shall for the purposes of ch. 181 be the incorporators of the
AB329, s. 83 22Section 83. 59.57 (2) (e) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,39,823 59.57 (2) (e) 5. The articles of incorporation shall provide for 2 classes of
24directors, each class to consist of such number as is provided in the bylaws. The
25county executive, if there is one, the chairperson of the board, the chairperson of the

1board finance committee, if there is one, the county corporation counsel and the
2county auditor, or treasurer or comptroller, in counties having no county auditor,
3shall be members of the board of directors by virtue of their office and as
4representatives of the county in which they hold the office and the board of each
5county shall have the right to designate such additional county directors as the
6bylaws authorize. The county directors shall at all times constitute not less than a
7majority of the total authorized number of directors. Public directors shall be
8appointed by the board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board.
AB329, s. 84 9Section 84. 59.61 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,39,1110 59.61 (1) (a) Give such receipts therefor and file such duplicates thereof with
11the clerk and treasurer or comptroller, as the board directs.
AB329, s. 85 12Section 85. 59.61 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,313 59.61 (3) (a) Whenever a board has designated a county depository under sub.
14(2), the treasurer or comptroller shall deposit therein as soon as received all funds
15that come to the treasurer's or comptroller's hands in that capacity in excess of the
16sum the treasurer or comptroller is authorized by the board to retain. Any sum on
17deposit shall be considered to be in the county treasury, and the treasurer or
shall not be liable for any loss thereon resulting from the failure or
19default of such depository. The board, a committee of the board designated by it or
20the treasurer acting under s. 59.25 (3) (s), or the comptroller acting under s. 59.255
21(3) (s),
may invest any funds that come into the county treasurer's or comptroller's
22hands in excess of the sum the treasurer or comptroller is authorized by the board
23to retain for immediate use in the name of the county in the local government
24pooled-investment fund, in interest-bearing bonds of the United States or of any
25county or municipality in the state or in any other investment authorized by statute.

1The board, committee or, the county treasurer acting under s. 59.25 (3) (s), or the
2comptroller acting under s. 59.255 (3) (s)
may sell such securities when considered
AB329, s. 86 4Section 86. 59.61 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,105 59.61 (3) (b) Every such depository shall on the first business day of each
6month, and more often when required, file with the clerk a statement of the amount
7of county money deposited with it during the preceding month, and the treasurer or
shall at the same time file with such clerk a statement showing the
9amount of moneys received and disbursed by the treasurer or comptroller during the
10previous month.
AB329, s. 87 11Section 87. 59.61 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,1512 59.61 (3) (c) The board may fix the amount of money which may be retained by
13the treasurer or comptroller but in no case shall the sum exceed $3,000; provided,
14that in all counties having a population of 200,000 or more inhabitants, the treasurer
15or comptroller may retain such sum as may be fixed by the board.
AB329, s. 88 16Section 88. 59.61 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,2017 59.61 (3) (d) Such treasurer or comptroller and clerk, whenever the cash
18balance does not amount to the sum authorized by the board to be retained, may
19increase it to such amount by their check on the county depository or depositories in
20favor of such treasurer or comptroller.
AB329, s. 89 21Section 89. 59.63 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,25 2259.63 Treasurer's or comptroller's disbursement of revenue. The
23treasurer or comptroller may make disbursements of property tax revenues and of
24credits under s. 79.10 according to the proportions that are reported under ss. 60.33
25(10m), 61.25 (10) and 62.09 (11) (j).
AB329, s. 90
1Section 90. 59.64 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,72 59.64 (1) (e) Fees for statements and certificates. Every circuit or supplemental
3court commissioner shall receive from the treasurer or comptroller $1 per page for
4making statements and returns required by par. (c) and $1 for making each
5certificate required by par. (d). All such statements and certificates shall be
6transmitted to the clerk by certified mail and for transmitting the statements and
7certificates the circuit or supplemental court commissioner shall receive $1.
AB329, s. 91 8Section 91. 59.64 (1) (g) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,169 59.64 (1) (g) 1. The clerk of the respective court, the register of probate, or the
10medical examiner as the case may be shall issue to the person an order directing the
11treasurer or comptroller to make payment of the fee. The order shall state the name
12of the person to whom payable, the time served, the number of miles traveled by the
13person, and the amount of compensation to which the person is entitled, together
14with the title of the action in which the person served, the capacity in which the
15person served and the date or dates of service, or in case of transcript fees, the title
16of the action and the dates on which the testimony for the transcript was taken.
AB329, s. 92 17Section 92. 59.64 (1) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,2218 59.64 (1) (g) 3. Upon presentation of the certificate or order properly signed and
19endorsed, the treasurer or comptroller shall pay to the holder, upon surrender of the
20certificate or order, the amount set forth in the certificate or order, and the order or
21certificate shall in all other respects be handled by the treasurer or comptroller in
22the same manner as all other county orders drawn upon him or her are handled.
AB329, s. 93 23Section 93. 59.64 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,42,1324 59.64 (2) Special counties; classification of claims. In counties with a
25population of more than 300,000, the county auditor shall classify all such claims

1according to the budgetary funds provided for in s. 59.60, against which they are
2chargeable, before such claims are laid before such board. The county auditor shall
3then submit with the claims chargeable against each fund, a statement of the balance
4in such fund against which no county orders have been issued. If such balance in any
5fund is less than the total of the claims chargeable against such fund, the auditor
6shall call the attention of the board to that fact, and such board shall not issue county
7orders in excess of such balance without previously appropriating to such fund an
8additional sum at least sufficient to cover such orders. If any claims are for a purpose
9for which no specific appropriation has been made in the budget, such claims shall
10be considered as chargeable against the contingent fund. When the county auditor
11countersigns any order on the treasurer or comptroller for the payment of a claim
12allowed the auditor shall charge such order against the fund appropriated for that
AB329, s. 94 14Section 94. 59.64 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,43,615 59.64 (4) (a) Issuance; limitations. When any claim is allowed by a board, either
16in whole or in part, the board shall direct an order to be drawn upon the treasurer
17or comptroller in favor of the claimant for the amount so allowed, but no order except
18for the per diem and mileage of the members of the board may be drawn in favor of
19any claimant within 5 days after the allowance of his or her claim. Any person whose
20claim has been allowed in part may receive the order drawn for the part so allowed
21without prejudice to his or her right to appeal as to the part disallowed. No board
22may issue a greater amount of orders, scrip and certificates of indebtedness than the
23amount of the county taxes levied in the county for that year. The board may
24authorize the issuance of orders, scrip or certificates of indebtedness at a rate of
25interest specified thereon, but not to exceed 6% per year; except that the orders, scrip

1and certificates of indebtedness shall bear no interest if paid and payable within one
2month from date of issuance, and shall bear no interest after date of publication of
3redemption notice as provided in this paragraph. The treasurer or comptroller may
4publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, that the county will redeem certain
5outstanding orders, scrip or certificates, which notice shall specify the particular
6orders, scrip or certificates, or series thereof, then redeemable.
AB329, s. 95 7Section 95. 59.64 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,43,178 59.64 (4) (c) Special counties; countersigned by auditor. In all counties with a
9population of 300,000 or more all orders and warrants drawn upon or against county
10funds shall be countersigned by the county auditor; and the treasurer or comptroller
11of the county shall make no payments of county funds for any purpose unless the
12order, warrant, certificate, direction or authority given the treasurer or comptroller
13for the payment is countersigned by the county auditor. This provision requiring the
14countersigning by the auditor shall apply to all laws and statutes, special and
15general, relative to the payment of county funds by the treasurer or comptroller
16except certificates or orders issued for the payment of juror, witness, interpreter,
17attorney, guardian ad litem and transcript fees.
AB329, s. 96 18Section 96. 59.64 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,44,419 59.64 (4) (d) Examination of. The board at its annual session, or more often
20if it considers it necessary, shall carefully examine the county orders returned paid
21by the treasurer or comptroller by comparing each order with the record of orders in
22the clerk's office, and cause to be entered in the record opposite to the entry of each
23order issued the date when the order was canceled. The board shall also make a
24complete list of the orders so canceled, specifying the number, date, amount, and
25person to whom the same is made payable, except in counties having a population

1of more than 500,000 750,000, the name of the person to whom the same is made
2payable may be omitted, which statement shall be entered at length on the journal
3of the board; and immediately after the above requirements are complied with the
4orders so canceled shall be destroyed in the presence of the board.
AB329, s. 97 5Section 97. 59.66 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,44,186 59.66 (1) Disposition of unclaimed funds by court clerks. (a) On or before
7January 10 of every odd-numbered year the circuit court clerk shall file with the
8treasurer or comptroller of his or her county a written report under oath of all
9moneys, securities or funds in his or her hands or under his or her possession or
10control where, for a period of 4 years or more, no order was made, or no step or
11proceeding had or taken in the case, action, or proceeding in, by or through which the
12moneys, securities or funds may have been deposited or left with the clerk or his or
13her predecessors in office, and where no valid claim was made upon or for any such
14moneys, securities or funds for a period of 4 years or more, and where the owner or
15ownership of the moneys, securities or funds is unknown, or undetermined, and the
16clerk or his or her successor in office shall hold the moneys, securities or funds,
17together with all interest or profits, until one year after the making of the report
18unless sooner demanded by and turned over to the legal owners thereof.
AB329,44,2319 (b) One year after the filing of the report the clerk of any circuit court holding
20or having in his or her possession any such moneys, securities or funds shall turn
21them over to the treasurer or comptroller, unless sooner demanded by and turned
22over to the legal owners thereof under order of the court in which the case, action or
23proceeding was pending.
AB329,45,724 (c) On or before March 1 of the same year the treasurer or comptroller shall
25publish in the county, as a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, the fact that he or she has

1unclaimed moneys, securities or funds in his or her possession for disposition. If no
2legal claim is made for the moneys, securities or funds within 90 days after the last
3publication above provided for, then the treasurer or comptroller shall deposit the
4moneys, securities or funds, together with all interest and profits thereon, in the
5general fund of the county treasury, and no action may thereafter be maintained by
6any person, firm or corporation against the county or the treasurer or comptroller for
7the moneys, securities or funds.
AB329, s. 98 8Section 98. 59.66 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,29 59.66 (2) (a) 1. On or before January 10 of every odd-numbered year, each
10officer of a municipality and county, and each clerk of every court of record, shall file
11with the treasurer or comptroller of that person's county a written report under oath
12giving the names and the last-known addresses of all persons for whom any such
13officer or clerk holds money or security, and which has not been claimed for at least
14one year, and showing the amount of the money or the nature of the security in detail.
15A duplicate report shall also be mailed to the department of financial institutions.
16Upon receiving the reports the treasurer or comptroller shall cause to be published
17a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, on or before February 1 of the same year, which
18contains the names and last-known addresses of the owners of the unclaimed money
19or security that has a value of at least $10, and shall state that unless the owners call
20for and prove their ownership of the money or security, within 6 months from the time
21of the completed publication, the treasurer or comptroller will take possession or
22control of the money or security. At the end of the 6 months from the time of the
23completed publication, the treasurer or comptroller shall also take possession or
24control of all money or security of persons for whom an officer of a municipality and
25county, and each clerk of every court of record, holds money or security, and which

1has not been claimed for at least one year, if the money or security has a value of less
2than $10.
AB329, s. 99 3Section 99. 59.66 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,84 59.66 (2) (a) 2. In counties with a population of 500,000 750,000 or more, the
5treasurer comptroller shall distribute to as many community-based newspapers as
6possible, that are published in the county, a copy of the notice that is described in
7subd. 1. The treasurer comptroller shall distribute these copies of notices at the same
8time that he or she causes the notices to be published.
AB329, s. 100 9Section 100. 59.66 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,1610 59.66 (2) (am) Any money or security of which the treasurer or comptroller has
11taken possession or control under par. (a) 1. and has had in his or her possession or
12control for more than one year shall, to the extent possible, be deposited in the
13county's general revenue fund. Money or security that is deposited under this
14paragraph may remain in the county's general revenue fund or may be used by the
15county until the money or security is paid or delivered to its owner, or becomes the
16property of the county, under par. (b).
AB329, s. 101 17Section 101. 59.66 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,2518 59.66 (2) (b) If within 10 years from the time any such money or security is
19delivered to the treasurer or comptroller the owner of the money or security proves
20to the satisfaction of the treasurer or comptroller the owner's right to the possession
21of the money or security, it shall be paid or delivered to the owner. If no such proof
22is made, then at the end of the 10-year period the money or property shall become
23the property of the county. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to deprive
24the owner of any such property of the owner's right to proceed by court action for the
25recovery of such money or security from the treasurer or comptroller.