AB329, s. 86 4Section 86. 59.61 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,105 59.61 (3) (b) Every such depository shall on the first business day of each
6month, and more often when required, file with the clerk a statement of the amount
7of county money deposited with it during the preceding month, and the treasurer or
shall at the same time file with such clerk a statement showing the
9amount of moneys received and disbursed by the treasurer or comptroller during the
10previous month.
AB329, s. 87 11Section 87. 59.61 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,1512 59.61 (3) (c) The board may fix the amount of money which may be retained by
13the treasurer or comptroller but in no case shall the sum exceed $3,000; provided,
14that in all counties having a population of 200,000 or more inhabitants, the treasurer
15or comptroller may retain such sum as may be fixed by the board.
AB329, s. 88 16Section 88. 59.61 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,2017 59.61 (3) (d) Such treasurer or comptroller and clerk, whenever the cash
18balance does not amount to the sum authorized by the board to be retained, may
19increase it to such amount by their check on the county depository or depositories in
20favor of such treasurer or comptroller.
AB329, s. 89 21Section 89. 59.63 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,40,25 2259.63 Treasurer's or comptroller's disbursement of revenue. The
23treasurer or comptroller may make disbursements of property tax revenues and of
24credits under s. 79.10 according to the proportions that are reported under ss. 60.33
25(10m), 61.25 (10) and 62.09 (11) (j).
AB329, s. 90
1Section 90. 59.64 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,72 59.64 (1) (e) Fees for statements and certificates. Every circuit or supplemental
3court commissioner shall receive from the treasurer or comptroller $1 per page for
4making statements and returns required by par. (c) and $1 for making each
5certificate required by par. (d). All such statements and certificates shall be
6transmitted to the clerk by certified mail and for transmitting the statements and
7certificates the circuit or supplemental court commissioner shall receive $1.
AB329, s. 91 8Section 91. 59.64 (1) (g) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,169 59.64 (1) (g) 1. The clerk of the respective court, the register of probate, or the
10medical examiner as the case may be shall issue to the person an order directing the
11treasurer or comptroller to make payment of the fee. The order shall state the name
12of the person to whom payable, the time served, the number of miles traveled by the
13person, and the amount of compensation to which the person is entitled, together
14with the title of the action in which the person served, the capacity in which the
15person served and the date or dates of service, or in case of transcript fees, the title
16of the action and the dates on which the testimony for the transcript was taken.
AB329, s. 92 17Section 92. 59.64 (1) (g) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,41,2218 59.64 (1) (g) 3. Upon presentation of the certificate or order properly signed and
19endorsed, the treasurer or comptroller shall pay to the holder, upon surrender of the
20certificate or order, the amount set forth in the certificate or order, and the order or
21certificate shall in all other respects be handled by the treasurer or comptroller in
22the same manner as all other county orders drawn upon him or her are handled.
AB329, s. 93 23Section 93. 59.64 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,42,1324 59.64 (2) Special counties; classification of claims. In counties with a
25population of more than 300,000, the county auditor shall classify all such claims

1according to the budgetary funds provided for in s. 59.60, against which they are
2chargeable, before such claims are laid before such board. The county auditor shall
3then submit with the claims chargeable against each fund, a statement of the balance
4in such fund against which no county orders have been issued. If such balance in any
5fund is less than the total of the claims chargeable against such fund, the auditor
6shall call the attention of the board to that fact, and such board shall not issue county
7orders in excess of such balance without previously appropriating to such fund an
8additional sum at least sufficient to cover such orders. If any claims are for a purpose
9for which no specific appropriation has been made in the budget, such claims shall
10be considered as chargeable against the contingent fund. When the county auditor
11countersigns any order on the treasurer or comptroller for the payment of a claim
12allowed the auditor shall charge such order against the fund appropriated for that
AB329, s. 94 14Section 94. 59.64 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,43,615 59.64 (4) (a) Issuance; limitations. When any claim is allowed by a board, either
16in whole or in part, the board shall direct an order to be drawn upon the treasurer
17or comptroller in favor of the claimant for the amount so allowed, but no order except
18for the per diem and mileage of the members of the board may be drawn in favor of
19any claimant within 5 days after the allowance of his or her claim. Any person whose
20claim has been allowed in part may receive the order drawn for the part so allowed
21without prejudice to his or her right to appeal as to the part disallowed. No board
22may issue a greater amount of orders, scrip and certificates of indebtedness than the
23amount of the county taxes levied in the county for that year. The board may
24authorize the issuance of orders, scrip or certificates of indebtedness at a rate of
25interest specified thereon, but not to exceed 6% per year; except that the orders, scrip

1and certificates of indebtedness shall bear no interest if paid and payable within one
2month from date of issuance, and shall bear no interest after date of publication of
3redemption notice as provided in this paragraph. The treasurer or comptroller may
4publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, that the county will redeem certain
5outstanding orders, scrip or certificates, which notice shall specify the particular
6orders, scrip or certificates, or series thereof, then redeemable.
AB329, s. 95 7Section 95. 59.64 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,43,178 59.64 (4) (c) Special counties; countersigned by auditor. In all counties with a
9population of 300,000 or more all orders and warrants drawn upon or against county
10funds shall be countersigned by the county auditor; and the treasurer or comptroller
11of the county shall make no payments of county funds for any purpose unless the
12order, warrant, certificate, direction or authority given the treasurer or comptroller
13for the payment is countersigned by the county auditor. This provision requiring the
14countersigning by the auditor shall apply to all laws and statutes, special and
15general, relative to the payment of county funds by the treasurer or comptroller
16except certificates or orders issued for the payment of juror, witness, interpreter,
17attorney, guardian ad litem and transcript fees.
AB329, s. 96 18Section 96. 59.64 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,44,419 59.64 (4) (d) Examination of. The board at its annual session, or more often
20if it considers it necessary, shall carefully examine the county orders returned paid
21by the treasurer or comptroller by comparing each order with the record of orders in
22the clerk's office, and cause to be entered in the record opposite to the entry of each
23order issued the date when the order was canceled. The board shall also make a
24complete list of the orders so canceled, specifying the number, date, amount, and
25person to whom the same is made payable, except in counties having a population

1of more than 500,000 750,000, the name of the person to whom the same is made
2payable may be omitted, which statement shall be entered at length on the journal
3of the board; and immediately after the above requirements are complied with the
4orders so canceled shall be destroyed in the presence of the board.
AB329, s. 97 5Section 97. 59.66 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,44,186 59.66 (1) Disposition of unclaimed funds by court clerks. (a) On or before
7January 10 of every odd-numbered year the circuit court clerk shall file with the
8treasurer or comptroller of his or her county a written report under oath of all
9moneys, securities or funds in his or her hands or under his or her possession or
10control where, for a period of 4 years or more, no order was made, or no step or
11proceeding had or taken in the case, action, or proceeding in, by or through which the
12moneys, securities or funds may have been deposited or left with the clerk or his or
13her predecessors in office, and where no valid claim was made upon or for any such
14moneys, securities or funds for a period of 4 years or more, and where the owner or
15ownership of the moneys, securities or funds is unknown, or undetermined, and the
16clerk or his or her successor in office shall hold the moneys, securities or funds,
17together with all interest or profits, until one year after the making of the report
18unless sooner demanded by and turned over to the legal owners thereof.
AB329,44,2319 (b) One year after the filing of the report the clerk of any circuit court holding
20or having in his or her possession any such moneys, securities or funds shall turn
21them over to the treasurer or comptroller, unless sooner demanded by and turned
22over to the legal owners thereof under order of the court in which the case, action or
23proceeding was pending.
AB329,45,724 (c) On or before March 1 of the same year the treasurer or comptroller shall
25publish in the county, as a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, the fact that he or she has

1unclaimed moneys, securities or funds in his or her possession for disposition. If no
2legal claim is made for the moneys, securities or funds within 90 days after the last
3publication above provided for, then the treasurer or comptroller shall deposit the
4moneys, securities or funds, together with all interest and profits thereon, in the
5general fund of the county treasury, and no action may thereafter be maintained by
6any person, firm or corporation against the county or the treasurer or comptroller for
7the moneys, securities or funds.
AB329, s. 98 8Section 98. 59.66 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,29 59.66 (2) (a) 1. On or before January 10 of every odd-numbered year, each
10officer of a municipality and county, and each clerk of every court of record, shall file
11with the treasurer or comptroller of that person's county a written report under oath
12giving the names and the last-known addresses of all persons for whom any such
13officer or clerk holds money or security, and which has not been claimed for at least
14one year, and showing the amount of the money or the nature of the security in detail.
15A duplicate report shall also be mailed to the department of financial institutions.
16Upon receiving the reports the treasurer or comptroller shall cause to be published
17a class 3 notice, under ch. 985, on or before February 1 of the same year, which
18contains the names and last-known addresses of the owners of the unclaimed money
19or security that has a value of at least $10, and shall state that unless the owners call
20for and prove their ownership of the money or security, within 6 months from the time
21of the completed publication, the treasurer or comptroller will take possession or
22control of the money or security. At the end of the 6 months from the time of the
23completed publication, the treasurer or comptroller shall also take possession or
24control of all money or security of persons for whom an officer of a municipality and
25county, and each clerk of every court of record, holds money or security, and which

1has not been claimed for at least one year, if the money or security has a value of less
2than $10.
AB329, s. 99 3Section 99. 59.66 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,84 59.66 (2) (a) 2. In counties with a population of 500,000 750,000 or more, the
5treasurer comptroller shall distribute to as many community-based newspapers as
6possible, that are published in the county, a copy of the notice that is described in
7subd. 1. The treasurer comptroller shall distribute these copies of notices at the same
8time that he or she causes the notices to be published.
AB329, s. 100 9Section 100. 59.66 (2) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,1610 59.66 (2) (am) Any money or security of which the treasurer or comptroller has
11taken possession or control under par. (a) 1. and has had in his or her possession or
12control for more than one year shall, to the extent possible, be deposited in the
13county's general revenue fund. Money or security that is deposited under this
14paragraph may remain in the county's general revenue fund or may be used by the
15county until the money or security is paid or delivered to its owner, or becomes the
16property of the county, under par. (b).
AB329, s. 101 17Section 101. 59.66 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,46,2518 59.66 (2) (b) If within 10 years from the time any such money or security is
19delivered to the treasurer or comptroller the owner of the money or security proves
20to the satisfaction of the treasurer or comptroller the owner's right to the possession
21of the money or security, it shall be paid or delivered to the owner. If no such proof
22is made, then at the end of the 10-year period the money or property shall become
23the property of the county. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to deprive
24the owner of any such property of the owner's right to proceed by court action for the
25recovery of such money or security from the treasurer or comptroller.
AB329, s. 102
1Section 102. 59.66 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,48,52 59.66 (3) Disposition of unclaimed personal property other than money or
3securities held by county institutions, coroners, medical examiners, or sheriffs.

4All personal property other than money or securities of a deceased person who at the
5time of his or her death is a patient at any county institution or whose body is taken
6in charge by the coroner or medical examiner shall be preserved by the
7superintendent of the institution, the coroner, or the medical examiner for one year
8unless the property is claimed sooner by a person having the legal right to the
9property. Annually on July 1 the superintendent, coroner, or medical examiner shall
10make a verified written report listing all personal property which has remained in
11that person's custody for one year without being claimed and giving all facts as to
12ownership of the property as that person's records contain. The superintendent,
13coroner, or medical examiner shall file the report with the sheriff of the county and
14deliver the property to the sheriff, who shall issue a receipt for the property.
15Thereupon the superintendent, coroner, or medical examiner shall be discharged
16from further liability for the property, title to which shall then vest in the county. Any
17property which is left at the county jail for a period of one year after the prisoner has
18been discharged, transferred, or committed and any property, found or stolen, which
19comes into the hands of the sheriff and in any case remains unclaimed for a period
20of one year, shall be sold as prescribed in this subsection. The sheriff shall, on or
21before August 1 annually, post a notice in 3 public places in the county, briefly
22describing the property and stating that the sheriff will sell the property at public
23auction on a certain date and at a specified physical location or Internet site, which
24auction shall be held accordingly. Any of the property which is not disposed of at the
25auction shall be sold for the best price obtainable, and if the property cannot be

1disposed of by sale, shall be destroyed in the presence of the sheriff. The sheriff shall,
2on or before September 1 annually, remit the proceeds of the auction or general sale
3to the treasurer or comptroller and shall file a verified report of the sheriff's action
4in connection therewith. The proceeds shall become a part of the general fund of the
AB329, s. 103 6Section 103. 59.70 (16) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,48,157 59.70 (16) (a) 2. The board of appraisers shall consist of 3 members, one who
8is appointed by the terminating county, one by the commission and one by the other
92 members of the appraisal board. If the 2 appraisers cannot agree on the
10appointment of the 3rd appraiser within 30 days, the commission may appoint the
113rd appraiser. The commission shall pay to the treasurer or comptroller of the
12terminating county an amount equal to that county's share in the net assets of the
13commission, proportionate to the county's financial contribution to the mosquito
14control district. The terminating county shall remain liable for its allocated share
15of the contractual obligations of the mosquito control district.
AB329, s. 104 16Section 104. 59.70 (17) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,48,2317 59.70 (17) (b) When such an emergency exists the committee may draw on the
18contingent fund, if available, an amount not to exceed $5,000 which shall be
19disbursed upon certification of the committee for the purposes specified in par. (a) as
20they relate to worm or insect pests; the treasurer or comptroller shall pay the
21amounts so certified. No disbursement shall be made by the committee unless the
22owner of the premises affected has requested the committee to take steps to suppress
23or control the pests or when steps have been undertaken by another authority.
AB329, s. 105 24Section 105. 59.72 (3m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
159.72 (3m) (a) (intro.) If the board has established a land information office
2under sub. (3), the board shall have a land information council consisting of not less
3than 8 members. The council shall consist of the register of deeds, the treasurer or
, and, if one has been appointed, the real property lister or their designees
5and the following members appointed by the board for terms prescribed by the board:
AB329, s. 106 6Section 106. 59.78 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,49,21 759.78 Special counties; classification of claims. In counties containing a
8population of more than three hundred thousand, the county auditor shall classify
9all such claims according to the budgetary funds provided for in s. 59.84, against
10which they are chargeable, before such claims are laid before such board. The county
11auditor shall then submit with the claims chargeable against each fund, a statement
12of the balance in such fund against which no county orders have been issued. If such
13balance in any fund is less than the total of the claims chargeable against such fund,
14the auditor shall call the attention of the board to that fact, and such board shall not
15issue county orders in excess of such balance without previously appropriating to
16such fund an additional sum at least sufficient to cover such orders. If any claims
17or claim shall be for a purpose for which no specific appropriation has been made in
18the budget, such claim or claims shall be considered as chargeable against the
19contingent fund. When the county auditor countersigns any order on the county
20treasurer or comptroller for the payment of a claim allowed the auditor shall charge
21such order against the fund appropriated for that purpose.
AB329, s. 107 22Section 107. 59.81 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,50,6 2359.81 Cash flow, Milwaukee. In counties having a population of 500,000
24750,000 or more, the treasurer comptroller may be designated as the custodian for
25all cash received in an escrow, trust, bailment or safekeeping capacity by any other

1department of the county. This section is not applicable to the clerk of circuit court
2or any other depository specifically designated by a court of law or by a donor or other
3bailor even if the other depository retains control over such funds and the ultimate
4disposition. The treasurer comptroller may commingle this cash with general
5revenue cash and subject these funds to a common investment policy. Any interest
6earned on such investment reverts to the general fund of the county.
AB329, s. 108 7Section 108. 59.85 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,50,98 59.85 (1) (d) "County" means any county having a population of 500,000
9750,000 or more.
AB329, s. 109 10Section 109. 59.85 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,50,2211 59.85 (7) (a) All appropriation bonds shall be registered by the county clerk or
12county treasurer comptroller of the county issuing the appropriation bonds, or such
13other officers or agents, including fiscal agents, as the board may determine. After
14registration, no transfer of an appropriation bond is valid unless made by the
15registered owner's duly authorized attorney, on the records of the county and
16similarly noted on the appropriation bond. The county may treat the registered
17owner as the owner of the appropriation bond for all purposes. Payments of principal
18and interest shall be by electronic funds transfer, check, share draft, or other draft
19to the registered owner at the owner's address as it appears on the register, unless
20the board has otherwise provided. Information in the register is not available for
21inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1). The board may make any other provision
22respecting registration as it considers necessary or desirable.
AB329, s. 110 23Section 110. 59.85 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,51,1124 59.85 (7) (b) The board may appoint one or more trustees or fiscal agents for
25each issue of appropriation bonds. The county treasurer comptroller may be

1designated as the trustee and the sole fiscal agent or as cofiscal agent for any issue
2of appropriation bonds. Every other fiscal agent shall be an incorporated bank or
3trust company authorized by the laws of the United States or of the state in which
4it is located to conduct banking or trust company business. There may be deposited
5with a trustee, in a special account, moneys to be used only for the purposes expressly
6provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of appropriation bonds or an
7agreement between the county and the trustee. The board may make other
8provisions respecting trustees and fiscal agents as the board considers necessary or
9desirable and may enter into contracts with any trustee or fiscal agent containing
10such terms, including compensation, and conditions in regard to the trustee or fiscal
11agent as the board considers necessary or desirable.
AB329, s. 111 12Section 111. 59.85 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,51,1713 59.85 (7) (d) Unless otherwise directed by the board, every appropriation bond
14paid or otherwise retired shall be marked "canceled" and delivered to the county
comptroller, or to such other fiscal agent as applicable with respect to the
16appropriation bond, who shall destroy them and deliver a certificate to that effect to
17the county clerk.
AB329, s. 112 18Section 112. 61.25 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,51,2219 61.25 (8) To make and deliver to the village treasurer a tax roll and to make
20and transmit to the county treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255, on
21forms provided by the department of revenue, a statement showing the total amount
22of all taxes levied in the village.
AB329, s. 113 23Section 113. 61.25 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,52,224 61.25 (10) To notify the treasurer, or the comptroller under s. 59.255, of the
25county in which the village is located, by February 20, of the proportion of property

1tax revenue and of the credits under s. 79.10 that is to be disbursed by the taxation
2district treasurer to each taxing jurisdiction located in the village.
AB329, s. 114 3Section 114. 63.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,52,84 63.01 (4) Each member of the commission shall receive such salary as the
5county board shall determine, which shall not be less than $200 for service performed
6in any one year. Such compensation shall be paid by the county treasurer or the
7county comptroller under s. 59.255
on the certificate of the director of personnel,
8countersigned by the county auditor, if any.
AB329, s. 115 9Section 115. 63.03 (2) (jm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB329,52,1010 63.03 (2) (jm) Deputy county comptroller under s. 59.255 (2).
AB329, s. 116 11Section 116. 66.0114 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,53,212 66.0114 (1) (bm) The official receiving the penalties shall remit all moneys
13collected to the treasurer of the city, village, town sanitary district, or public inland
14lake protection and rehabilitation district in whose behalf the sum was paid, except
15that all jail surcharges imposed under ch. 814 shall be remitted to the county
16treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255, within 20 days after their receipt
17by the official. If timely remittance is not made, the treasurer or comptroller may
18collect the payment of the officer by action, in the name of the office, and upon the
19official bond of the officer, with interest at the rate of 12% per year from the date on
20which it was due. In the case of any other costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under
21ch. 814, the treasurer of the city, village, town sanitary district, or public inland lake
22protection and rehabilitation district shall remit to the secretary of administration
23the amount required by law to be paid on the actions entered during the preceding
24month on or before the first day of the next succeeding month. The governing body
25of the city, village, town sanitary district, or public inland lake protection and

1rehabilitation district shall by ordinance designate the official to receive the
2penalties and the terms under which the official qualifies.
AB329, s. 117 3Section 117. 66.0114 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,53,104 66.0114 (3) (c) The entire amount in excess of $150 of any forfeiture imposed
5for the violation of any traffic regulation in conformity with ch. 348 shall be
6transmitted to the county treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 if the
7violation occurred on an interstate highway, a state trunk highway, or a highway
8over which the local highway authority does not have primary maintenance
9responsibility. The county treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 shall
10then make payment to the secretary of administration as provided in s. 59.25 (3) (L).
AB329, s. 118 11Section 118. 66.0235 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act 32,
12is amended to read:
AB329,54,1613 66.0235 (5) Apportionment board. The boards or councils of the local
14governmental units, or committees selected for that purpose, acting together,
15constitute an apportionment board. When a local governmental unit is dissolved
16because all of its territory is transferred the board or council of the local
17governmental unit existing at the time of dissolution shall, for the purpose of this
18section, continue to exist as the governing body of the local governmental unit until
19there has been an apportionment of assets by agreement of the interested local
20governmental units or by an order of the circuit court. After an agreement for
21apportionment of assets has been entered into between the interested local
22governmental units, or an order of the circuit court becomes final, a copy of the
23apportionment agreement, or of the order, certified to by the clerks of the interested
24local governmental units, shall be filed with the department of revenue, the
25department of natural resources, the department of transportation, the state

1superintendent of public instruction, the department of administration, and with
2any other department or agency of the state from which the town may be entitled by
3law to receive funds or certifications or orders relating to the distribution or
4disbursement of funds, with the county treasurer or the county comptroller under s.
, with the treasurer of any local governmental unit, or with any other entity
6from which payment would have become due if the dissolved local governmental unit
7had continued in existence. Subject to ss. 79.006 and 86.303 (4), payments of forest
8crop taxes under s. 77.05, of transportation aids under s. 20.395, of state aids for
9school purposes under ch. 121, payments for managed forest land under subch. VI
10of ch. 77 and all payments due from a department or agency of the state, from a
11county, from a local governmental unit, or from any other entity from which
12payments would have become due if the dissolved local governmental unit had
13continued in existence, shall be paid to the interested local governmental unit as
14provided by the agreement for apportionment of assets or by any order of
15apportionment by the circuit court and the payments have the same force and effect
16as if made to the dissolved local governmental unit.
AB329, s. 119 17Section 119. 66.0309 (14) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,55,518 66.0309 (14) (a) For the purpose of providing funds to meet the expenses of a
19regional planning commission, the commission shall annually on or before October
201 prepare and approve a budget reflecting the cost of its operation and services to the
21local governmental units within the region. The amount of the budget charged to any
22local governmental unit shall be in the proportion of the equalized value for tax
23purposes of the land, buildings, and other improvements on the land of the local
24governmental unit, within the region, to the total equalized value within the region.
25The amount charged to a local governmental unit shall not exceed .003 percent of

1equalized value under its jurisdiction and within the region, unless the governing
2body of the unit expressly approves the amount in excess of that percentage. All tax
3or other revenues raised for a regional planning commission shall be forwarded by
4the treasurer of the local unit or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 to the
5treasurer of the commission on written order of the treasurer of the commission.
AB329, s. 120 6Section 120. 66.0505 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,55,117 66.0505 (3) (a) 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 59.10 (1) (c), (2) (c), (3)
8(f) to (j), 60.32, 61.193, 61.32, or 62.09 (6), an elective officer may send written
9notification to the clerk and treasurer of the political subdivision , or the county
10comptroller under s. 59.255,
on whose governing body he or she serves that he or she
11wishes to refuse to accept the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive.
AB329, s. 121 12Section 121. 66.0505 (3) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,55,1913 66.0505 (3) (a) 4. If a clerk and treasurer or the county comptroller under s.
receive notification as described in subd. 2. or 3., the treasurer or comptroller
15may not pay the elective officer his or her salary during the time period to which the
16notification applies. Upon receipt of such notification, the political subdivision's
17treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 shall not pay the elective officer
18the salary that he or she is otherwise entitled to receive, beginning with the first pay
19period that commences after notification applies.
AB329, s. 122 20Section 122. 66.0505 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,56,221 66.0505 (3) (b) An elective officer, or officer-elect, who sends the written
22notification described under par. (a) may not rescind the notification. If an elective
23officer's notification no longer applies, the political subdivision's treasurer or the
24county comptroller under s. 59.255
shall pay the elective officer any salary that he

1or she is entitled to receive, beginning with the first pay period that commences after
2the expiration of the notification.
AB329, s. 123 3Section 123. 66.0607 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,56,144 66.0607 (1) Except as otherwise provided in subs. (2) to (5) and in s. 66.0608,
5in a county, city, village, town, or school district, all disbursements from the treasury
6shall be made by the treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 upon the
7written order of the county, city, village, town, or school clerk after proper vouchers
8have been filed in the office of the clerk. If the statutes provide for payment by the
9treasurer or comptroller without an order of the clerk, the clerk shall draw and
10deliver to the treasurer or comptroller an order for the payment before or at the time
11that the payment is required to be made by the treasurer or comptroller. This section
12applies to all special and general provisions of the statutes relative to the
13disbursement of money from the county, city, village, town, or school district treasury
14except s. 67.10 (2).
AB329, s. 124 15Section 124. 66.0607 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,57,1616 66.0607 (3) Except as provided in subs. (2), (3m) and (5), disbursements of
17county, city, village, town or school district funds from demand deposits shall be by
18draft or order check and withdrawals from savings or time deposits shall be by
19written transfer order. Written transfer orders may be executed only for the purpose
20of transferring deposits to an authorized deposit of the public depositor in the same
21or another authorized public depository. The transfer shall be made directly by the
22public depository from which the withdrawal is made. No draft or order check issued
23under this subsection may be released to the payee, nor is the draft or order check
24valid, unless signed by the clerk and treasurer or the county comptroller under s.
. No transfer order is valid unless signed by the clerk and the treasurer or the

1county comptroller under s. 59.255
. Unless otherwise directed by ordinance or
2resolution adopted by the governing body, a certified copy of which shall be filed with
3each public depository concerned, the chairperson of the county board, mayor, village
4president, town chairperson or school district president shall countersign all drafts
5or order checks and all transfer orders. The governing body may also, by ordinance
6or resolution, authorize additional signatures. In lieu of the personal signatures of
7the clerk and treasurer or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 and any other
8required signature, the facsimile signature adopted by the person and approved by
9the governing body may be affixed to the draft, order check or transfer order. The
10use of a facsimile signature does not relieve an official from any liability to which the
11official is otherwise subject, including the unauthorized use of the facsimile
12signature. A public depository is fully warranted and protected in making payment
13on any draft or order check or transferring pursuant to a transfer order bearing a
14facsimile signature affixed as provided by this subsection notwithstanding that the
15facsimile signature may have been affixed without the authority of the designated
AB329, s. 125 17Section 125. 66.0607 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,57,2318 66.0607 (3m) A county, city, village, town or school district may process periodic
19payments through the use of money transfer techniques, including direct deposit,
20electronic funds transfer and automated clearinghouse methods. The county,
21municipal or school district treasurer, or the county comptroller under s. 59.255,
22shall keep a record of the date, payee and amount of each disbursement made by a
23money transfer technique.
AB329, s. 126 24Section 126. 66.0711 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
166.0711 (2) Every bid received for any public improvement which is not to be
2paid wholly in cash shall contain a provision that all payments made in cash by the
3local governmental unit as provided by contract or made on special assessments are
4subject to a specified rate of discount. The treasurer of the local governmental unit
5or the county comptroller under s. 59.255 shall issue a receipt for every payment
6made on any special assessment, stating the date and amount of the cash payment,
7the discount and the total credit including the discount on a specified special
8assessment. The treasurer or comptroller shall on the same day deliver a duplicate
9of the receipt to the clerk, who shall credit the specified assessments accordingly. All
10moneys so received shall be paid to the contractor as provided by the contract.
AB329, s. 127 11Section 127. 66.0713 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB329,58,1712 66.0713 (2) (a) If a public improvement has been made and has been accepted
13by the governing body of the local governmental unit, it may issue to the contractor
14for the public improvement a contractor's certificate as to each parcel of land against
15which special assessments have been levied for the unpaid balance of the amount
16chargeable to the parcel, describing each parcel. The certificate shall be
17substantially in the following form:
AB329,58,1818 $.... No. ....
AB329,58,1919 (name of local governmental unit)
AB329,58,20 20Contractor's certificate