2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
November 23, 2011 - Introduced by Representative D. Cullen, cosponsored by
Senator Risser. Referred to Committee on Judiciary and Ethics.
AB391,1,5 1An Act to create subchapter I (title) of chapter 806 [precedes 806.01],
2subchapter II (title) of chapter 806 [precedes 806.30], subchapter III (title) of
3chapter 806 [precedes 806.50], 806.50, 806.51, 806.52, 806.53, 806.54, 806.55,
4806.56, 806.57 and 806.58 of the statutes; relating to: creating the Uniform
5Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill adopts the 2005 Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments
Recognition Act adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws. The bill requires the courts of this state to recognize a judgment of a
court outside of the United States that grants or denies the recovery of a sum of
money. Under the bill, to receive recognition by this state's courts, the foreign
country's judgment must be final, conclusive, and enforceable. The bill excludes
foreign country money judgments that are for taxes, for forfeitures or fines, or for
support, maintenance, or a property division in connection with a domestic relations
Under the bill, this state's circuit courts are prohibited from recognizing a
foreign country money judgment that was rendered by a judicial system that does
not provide procedures compatible with the due process of law or that did not have
jurisdiction over the defendant or the subject matter. The bill prohibits a circuit court
from refusing to recognize the judgment for lack of personal jurisdiction for a number
of reasons, including if the defendant was personally served with process in the

foreign country, the defendant voluntarily appeared in the foreign court, the
defendant had agreed to submit to the jurisdiction of the foreign court, the defendant
was domiciled in the country where the foreign judgment was rendered, or the
defendant was a business that was organized under the laws of, or had its principal
place of business in, that foreign country.
The bill allows the circuit courts to refuse to recognize a foreign country money
judgment for a number of reasons, including if the defendant did not receive
sufficient timely notice of the proceedings, if the judgment was obtained by fraud, if
the claim for relief that resulted in the judgment is repugnant to the public policy of
this state, if the judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment, or
if the circumstances of the rendering of the judgment raise substantial doubt about
the integrity of the foreign court that rendered the judgment.
The bill requires the circuit court, if it determines that the foreign country
money judgment deserves recognition, to give the judgment full faith and credit in
this state, and to enforce that judgment in the same manner as a judgment rendered
by a court in this state.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB391, s. 1 1Section 1. Subchapter I (title) of chapter 806 [precedes 806.01] of the statutes
2is created to read:
AB391,2,33 Chapter 806
AB391,2,54 subchapter I
5 Judgment; general
AB391, s. 2 6Section 2. Subchapter II (title) of chapter 806 [precedes 806.30] of the statutes
7is created to read:
AB391,2,88 Chapter 806
AB391,2,119 Subchapter ii
10 judgment; Uniform
11 foreign money claims
AB391, s. 3 12Section 3. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 806 [precedes 806.50] of the
13statutes is created to read:
1Chapter 806
AB391,3,42 Subchapter III
3 judgment; Uniform foreign country
4 money judgments recognition
AB391, s. 4 5Section 4. 806.50 of the statutes is created to read:
AB391,3,6 6806.50 Definitions. (1) In this subchapter:
AB391,3,77 (a) "Foreign country" means a government other than one of the following:
AB391,3,88 1. The U.S. government.
AB391,3,109 2. The government of a state, district, commonwealth, territory, or insular
10possession of the United States.
AB391,3,1311 3. Any other government with regard to which the decision in this state as to
12whether to recognize the judgment of that government's courts is initially subject to
13a determination under article IV, section 1, of the U.S. Constitution.
AB391,3,1514 (b) "Foreign country judgment" means a judgment of a court of a foreign
AB391, s. 5 16Section 5. 806.51 of the statutes is created to read:
AB391,3,19 17806.51 Application. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), this subchapter
18applies to a foreign country judgment to the extent that the foreign country judgment
19meets all of the following criteria:
AB391,3,2020 (a) Grants or denies recovery of a sum of money.
AB391,3,2221 (b) Under the law of the foreign country where the foreign country judgment
22is rendered, is final, conclusive, and enforceable.
AB391,3,25 23(2) This subchapter does not apply to a foreign country judgment, even if the
24foreign country judgment grants or denies recovery of a sum of money, to the extent
25that the foreign country judgment is one of the following:
1(a) A judgment for taxes.
AB391,4,22 (b) A judgment of a forfeiture, fine, or other penalty.
AB391,4,43 (c) A judgment for support, maintenance, property division, or other judgment
4rendered in connection with domestic relations.
AB391, s. 6 5Section 6. 806.52 of the statutes is created to read:
AB391,4,8 6806.52 Standards for recognition of a foreign country judgment. (1)
7Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), a circuit court shall recognize a foreign
8country judgment.
AB391,4,10 9(2) A circuit court may not recognize a foreign country judgment if any of the
10following applies:
AB391,4,1311 (a) The foreign country judgment was rendered under a judicial system that
12does not provide impartial tribunals or procedures compatible with the requirements
13of due process of law.
AB391,4,1514 (b) The foreign court that rendered the foreign country judgment did not have
15personal jurisdiction over the defendant in the proceeding.
AB391,4,1716 (c) The foreign court that rendered the foreign country judgment did not have
17jurisdiction over the subject matter.
AB391,4,19 18(3) A circuit court need not recognize a foreign country judgment if any of the
19following applies:
AB391,4,2220 (a) The defendant in the proceeding in the foreign court that rendered the
21foreign country judgment did not receive notice of the proceeding in sufficient time
22to enable the defendant to defend.
AB391,4,2423 (b) The foreign country judgment was obtained by fraud that deprived the
24losing party of an adequate opportunity to present its case.
1(c) The foreign country judgment or the claim for relief on which the foreign
2country judgment is based is repugnant to the public policy of this state or of the
3United States.
AB391,5,54 (d) The foreign country judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive
AB391,5,86 (e) The proceeding in the foreign court that rendered the foreign country
7judgment was contrary to an agreement between the parties under which the dispute
8in question was to be determined otherwise than by proceedings in that foreign court.
AB391,5,119 (f) In the case of jurisdiction based only on personal service, the foreign court
10that rendered the foreign country judgment was a seriously inconvenient forum for
11the trial of the action.
AB391,5,1412 (g) The foreign country judgment was rendered in circumstances that raise
13substantial doubt about the integrity of the foreign court that rendered the foreign
14country judgment with respect to the foreign country judgment.
AB391,5,1615 (h) The specific proceeding in the foreign court leading to the foreign country
16judgment was not compatible with the requirements of due process of law.
AB391,5,19 17(4) The party resisting recognition of the foreign country judgment has the
18burden of establishing that one of the grounds for nonrecognition of that foreign
19country judgment under sub. (2) or (3) exist.