2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
February 16, 2012 - Introduced by Representatives Krusick, Stone, Marklein,
Rivard, Spanbauer
and Thiesfeldt, cosponsored by Senators Carpenter and
Darling. Referred to Committee on Urban and Local Affairs.
AB569,1,3 1An Act to create 349.132 of the statutes; relating to: the immobilization or
2removal, impoundment, and disposal of motor vehicles for multiple nonmoving
3traffic violations.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, an authority that issues citations (tickets) for nonmoving
traffic (parking) violations may enforce parking violations in several ways. A person
issued a parking ticket may pay the ticket by mail as the parking ticket provides and,
if the person does so, the parking ticket is not filed with or transmitted to court. The
person may also appear in court to contest the parking ticket. If the person does not
pay the parking ticket or make a timely appearance in court, the authority that
issued the ticket may issue a summons to the person and follow a procedure to
request that the Department of Transportation (DOT) suspend the person's vehicle
registration or, in lieu of this procedure, follow a procedure for the issuance of a
warrant for the person and for the person's arrest or deposit of money or a driver's
license to secure the person's appearance in court.
Also under current law, any city, village, or town (municipality) or any county
may enact an ordinance prohibiting unregistered motor vehicles on highways and
providing for the immobilization, removal (towing), impoundment, and disposal of
these vehicles.
This bill creates an alternative method for the enforcement of multiple parking
violations. The bill allows a municipality or county to enact an ordinance providing
for the immobilization with an immobilization device (typically a "car boot") or

towing, impoundment, and disposal of vehicles owned by habitual parking violators.
The ordinance must be limited to those vehicles for which all of the following apply:
1. The municipality or county has issued tickets to the owner of the motor
vehicle for three or more parking violations that, at the time of the vehicle's
immobilization or towing, occurred more than 28 days previously and for which the
owner has neither paid the ticket nor scheduled an appearance in court in response
to the unpaid ticket.
2. The municipality or county has mailed to the last-known address of the
owner at least one notice that provides, for each parking ticket, certain information,
including the manner in which each parking ticket may be paid or contested. The
notice must also inform the owner that the owner's vehicles may be immobilized or
towed and impounded if, within 28 days after the owner has received three or more
citations and at the time the vehicle is immobilized or towed, the owner has not either
paid the ticket or scheduled an appearance in court in response to the ticket for each
unpaid ticket issued more than 28 days previously. The notice may be combined with
any other notice provided by the municipality or county to the vehicle owner.
The ordinance authorizes any parking enforcer to have a vehicle to which the
ordinance applies immobilized on, or towed and impounded from, or both, any
portion of a highway or publicly owned or leased parking facility, regardless of
whether the vehicle is legally or illegally parked. Upon immobilization or towing of
the vehicle, the parking enforcer must follow certain procedures for notification of
law enforcement and the vehicle owner, which are the same procedures applicable
to immobilization or towing of an unregistered vehicle. The ordinance must require
that, if the vehicle is immobilized, the parking enforcer, or a third-party contractor
performing immobilization services, place in a highly visible location on the vehicle
a written notice that warns the driver that the immobilization device has been placed
on the vehicle, that either provides specified information related to the applicable
unpaid parking tickets or provides a telephone number through which this
information is available 24 hours a day, and that states the amount of any fee for
removal of the immobilization device. The bill includes restrictions on the issuance
of parking tickets for the vehicle after it is immobilized if it is immobilized in a
time-limited, legal parking space.
Under the bill, the owner of a motor vehicle that is immobilized or towed and
impounded may secure release of the motor vehicle by paying any fee for the removal
of the immobilization device or any charges associated with the towing and
impounding of the vehicle, respectively, and paying all forfeitures for the unpaid
parking tickets outstanding more than 28 days or scheduling an appearance in court
in response to these unpaid parking tickets, or a combination of making the
payments or scheduling the appearances. The bill also provides a procedure guiding
the impoundment and, if the requirements for release of the vehicle are not timely
satisfied, disposal of vehicles that are towed and impounded, which procedures are
the same as those applicable to the towing and impoundment of unregistered
vehicles. Any motor vehicle immobilized or impounded must remain immobilized or
impounded until lawfully claimed or disposed of. The owner of any motor vehicle
immobilized or towed and impounded is responsible for all charges associated with

immobilizing, removing, impounding, and disposing of the motor vehicle. Charges
not recovered from the sale of the motor vehicle may be recovered in a civil action by
the municipality or county against the owner.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB569, s. 1 1Section 1. 349.132 of the statutes is created to read:
AB569,3,3 2349.132 Authority to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of
3motor vehicles for nonmoving traffic violations.
(1) In this section:
AB569,3,74 (a) "Habitual parking violator" means a person who has received, more than
528 days previously, 3 or more citations for nonmoving traffic violations that remain
6unpaid and for which the person has not scheduled an appearance in court in
7response to the citations.
AB569,3,88 (b) "Immobilization device" has the meaning given in s. 341.65 (1) (a).
AB569,3,99 (c) "Nonmoving traffic violation" has the meaning given in s. 345.28 (1) (c).
AB569,3,1010 (d) "Owner" has the meaning given in s. 341.65 (1) (am).
AB569,3,1211 (e) "Parking enforcer" means a traffic officer or any other person who enforces
12nonmoving traffic violations and who is employed by a municipality or county.
AB569,3,16 13(2) The governing body of any municipality or county may by ordinance provide
14for the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal of vehicles owned by
15habitual parking violators as provided in this section. Any ordinance under this
16section shall do all of the following:
AB569,3,1817 (a) Limit application of the ordinance to those motor vehicles for which all of
18the following apply:
11. The municipality or county has cited the owner of the motor vehicle for 3 or
2more nonmoving traffic violations that, at the time of the vehicle's immobilization or
3removal, occurred more than 28 days previously and for which the owner has neither
4paid the forfeiture nor scheduled an appearance in court in response to each of these
AB569,4,106 2. a. The municipality or county has mailed to the last-known address of the
7owner at least one notice that specifies, for each citation counted under subd. 1., the
8date on which the citation was issued, the license number of the vehicle involved, the
9place where the citation may be paid, the amount of the forfeiture, and the means
10by which the citation may be contested.
AB569,4,1711 b. The notice under subd. 2. a. shall also inform the owner that any motor
12vehicle owned by him or her may be immobilized with an immobilization device or
13removed and impounded if, within 28 days after the owner has received 3 or more
14citations and at the time the vehicle is immobilized or removed and impounded, the
15owner has not either paid the forfeiture or scheduled an appearance in court in
16response to each citation issued more than 28 days previously for which the forfeiture
17has not been paid.
AB569,4,1918 c. The notice under this subdivision may be combined with any other notice
19provided by the municipality or county to the owner.
AB569,5,220 (b) Authorize any parking enforcer who discovers any motor vehicle to which
21par. (a) applies that is legally or illegally parked on any portion of a highway or
22publicly owned or leased parking facility within the corporate limits of the
23municipality or county to cause the motor vehicle to be immobilized with an
24immobilization device or removed to a suitable place of impoundment or both. Upon

1immobilization or removal of the motor vehicle, the parking enforcer shall follow the
2notification procedure specified in s. 341.65 (2) (b).
AB569,5,53 (c) Specify whether the municipality or county may contract with a 3rd party
4for the performance of services related to immobilization or removal of motor
5vehicles, which services shall be rendered only at the request of a parking enforcer.
AB569,5,76 (d) Provide for a reasonable removal fee, if any, that will be charged to remove
7an immobilization device placed on a vehicle under this section.
AB569,5,108 (e) Provide for the recovery of reasonable towing or storage charges associated
9with the removal or impoundment of a vehicle, and of reasonable charges associated
10with disposal of a vehicle, under this section.
AB569,5,1411 (f) Require that, if the motor vehicle is immobilized, the parking enforcer or a
123rd-party contractor place in a highly visible location and in a reasonably secure
13manner on the vehicle, at the time of immobilization, a written notice that does all
14of the following:
AB569,5,1615 1. Warns any driver of the vehicle that the immobilization device has been
16placed on the vehicle.
AB569,5,2017 2. Specifies, for each citation counted under par. (a) 1., the license number of
18the vehicle involved, the place where the citation may be paid, and the means by
19which the citation may be contested, or provides a telephone number at which an
20individual is available to provide this information 24 hours a day.
AB569,5,2221 3. States the amount of the removal fee under par. (d), if any, that is in addition
22to any amount required to be paid as specified in the notice under par. (a) 2. a.
AB569,6,323 (g) If the motor vehicle is immobilized in a time-limited, legal parking space,
24prohibit the municipality or county from issuing, after the vehicle's immobilization,
25any citation for a nonmoving traffic violation for the vehicle within the first 4 hours

1after the vehicle is immobilized and during any hours in which the municipal court
2or clerk's office of the circuit court that would be contacted to arrange an appearance
3for purposes of sub. (3) (b) is not open for regular business.
AB569,6,114 (h) If the motor vehicle is immobilized, require the municipality or county, or
5a 3rd-party contractor, to remove, or provide sufficient information to allow the
6vehicle owner to remove, the immobilization device without undue delay, not to
7exceed 3 hours, after receiving notice that the person has satisfied the requirements
8for release of the motor vehicle under sub. (3) (b). The ordinance shall also provide
9a procedure for the municipality, county, or 3rd-party contractor to promptly receive
10notice when a person has satisfied the requirements for release of a motor vehicle
11under sub. (3) (b).
AB569,6,14 12(3) (a) Any motor vehicle immobilized or impounded as provided in sub. (2)
13shall remain immobilized or impounded until lawfully claimed or disposed of as
14provided in this subsection and sub. (5).
AB569,6,1615 (b) The owner of a motor vehicle that is immobilized under sub. (2) may secure
16release of the motor vehicle by doing all of the following:
AB569,6,1717 1. Paying any removal fee specified in sub. (2) (d).
AB569,6,2118 2. Paying all forfeitures specified in each notice under sub. (2) (a) 2. a. for, or
19scheduling an appearance in court in response to, or a combination of paying
20forfeitures and scheduling appearances with respect to, all citations counted under
21sub. (2) (a) 1.
AB569,6,2322 (c) The owner of a motor vehicle that is removed and impounded under sub. (2)
23may secure release of the motor vehicle by doing all of the following:
AB569,6,2424 1. Paying any charges specified in sub. (2) (e).
12. Paying all forfeitures specified in each notice under sub. (2) (a) 2. a. for, or
2scheduling an appearance in court in response to, or a combination of paying
3forfeitures and scheduling appearances with respect to, all citations counted under
4sub. (2) (a) 1.
AB569,7,165 (d) If an owner secures release of a motor vehicle under par. (b) or (c) by
6scheduling an appearance in court and thereafter fails to appear or fails to comply
7with any court order with respect to any citation counted under sub. (2) (a) 1. for
8which the forfeiture has not been fully paid, including failure to satisfy in full any
9court-ordered payment plan or other agreement approved by the court, the court
10may order a law enforcement officer, or an authorized employee or contractor of the
11municipality or county, to immobilize the motor vehicle involved in the nonmoving
12traffic violations or the municipality or county may cause the motor vehicle to be
13immobilized or removed and impounded as provided under sub. (2). If the court
14orders the motor vehicle immobilized, upon compliance with the court order, the
15court shall order a law enforcement officer, or an authorized employee or contractor
16of the municipality or county, to remove the immobilization device.
AB569,7,2217 (e) Notwithstanding par. (a), if any motor vehicle immobilized or impounded
18is an unregistered motor vehicle for purposes of s. 341.65 or an abandoned motor
19vehicle for purposes of s. 342.40, the municipality or county may take any action
20authorized under s. 341.65 or 342.40. Any vehicle immobilized under this section for
21longer than the period specified in s. 342.40 (1m) shall be considered abandoned for
22purposes of s. 342.40.
AB569,8,2 23(4) The owner of any motor vehicle immobilized or removed and impounded as
24provided under this section is responsible for all charges associated with
25immobilizing, removing, impounding, and disposing of the motor vehicle, as provided

1under sub. (2) (d) and (e). Charges not recovered from the sale of the motor vehicle
2may be recovered in a civil action by the municipality or county against the owner.
AB569,8,11 3(5) The procedures and provisions of s. 341.65 (2) (f) to (h) shall apply with
4respect to the impoundment and disposal of motor vehicles authorized to be removed,
5impounded, and disposed of under this section to the same extent as these provisions
6apply to the impoundment and disposal of unregistered motor vehicles that are
7removed under authority of s. 341.65, except that reclamation of the motor vehicle
8by the owner requires compliance with sub. (3) rather than s. 341.65 (2) (e). The
9provisions of s. 349.13 (5) (b) shall apply with respect to vehicles removed or stored
10under this section to the same extent as these provisions apply with respect to
11vehicles removed or stored under authority of s. 349.13.
AB569,8,16 12(6) Any ordinance enacted under this section permitting immobilization of a
13motor vehicle may prohibit any person from removing, disconnecting, tampering
14with, or otherwise circumventing the operation of an immobilization device installed
15under this section except upon release of the motor vehicle to the owner or to make
16necessary repairs to a malfunctioning immobilization device.