2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
March 15, 2012 - Introduced by Representative Krusick. Referred to Committee
on Education.
AB748,2,2 1An Act to renumber and amend 118.60 (7) (e) and 119.23 (7) (e) 1.; to amend
2115.28 (7) (b), 118.19 (1), 118.225 (intro.), 118.225 (3), 118.60 (7) (am) 1., 118.60
3(10) (d), 119.23 (7) (am) 1. and 119.23 (10) (d); to repeal and recreate 119.23
4(7) (f); and to create 115.28 (27), 118.30 (1m) (c), 118.30 (1r) (c), 118.30 (4m),
5118.60 (6m) (b) 5., 118.60 (6m) (e) and (f), 118.60 (6p), 118.60 (7) (b) 8., 9., 10.,
611. and 14., 118.60 (7) (e) 1. a. to f., 118.60 (7) (e) 2., 118.60 (10) (am) 4., 118.60
7(11) (c) and (d), 118.60 (12), 119.16 (15), 119.23 (6m) (b) 5., 119.23 (6m) (e) and
8(f), 119.23 (6p), 119.23 (7) (b) 8., 9., 10., 11. and 14., 119.23 (7) (e) 1. a. to f., 119.23
9(7) (e) 1m., 119.23 (10) (am) 4., 119.23 (11) (c) and (d) and 119.23 (12) of the
10statutes; relating to: reporting of student testing results in public schools and
11in private schools participating in a parental choice program, a school

1assessment guide, licensure of teachers in private schools participating in a
2parental choice program, and evaluation of teachers and principals.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes a number of changes in the laws governing public schools,
including charter schools, and private schools participating in a parental choice
program (PCP). Under the PCP, a pupil who resides in the city of Milwaukee or in
an eligible school district (the Racine Unified School District) may attend a private
school (PCP school) at state expense under certain conditions. The changes under
the bill include the following:
Teacher and principal evaluations
Under current law, a school board may use value-added analyses of scores on
standardized examinations required to be administered to pupils under state and
federal law to evaluate the pupils' teachers if the school board has developed a
teacher evaluation plan with several specified elements. This bill permits school
boards to use value-added analyses of scores on both standardized examinations and
pupil assessments to evaluate not just teachers but also principals. The bill also
requires PCP schools to annually evaluate the effectiveness of each teacher
employed by the PCP school on the basis of pupil scores, standardized examinations,
and pupil assessments.
School assessment guide
The bill directs the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to develop a guide
for parents to use in assessing public and private schools, including charter schools.
The guide must include a variety of information, including information on how to
evaluate the academic performance of pupils enrolled in a school, a school's academic
opportunities, and a school's expenditures per enrolled pupil. The guide must be
developed in consultation with specified public and private educational
organizations. DPI must then post the guide on its Web site and make copies
available to schools upon request.
Teacher licensure
Under current law, a person is not required to be licensed to teach in any private
school. Beginning in the 2012-13 school year, this bill requires each PCP school to
ensure that every teacher, principal, administrator, and professional staff member
holds a license or permit to teach issued by DPI.
Cost report for Milwaukee Public Schools
The bill requires Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) to report annually to the
legislature the costs it incurred in the previous school year in connection with the
PCP, including transportation costs and costs of providing special education to pupils
attending PCP schools.
Disclosure requirements
The bill requires each PCP school to provide, annually to DPI and upon request
to any person, all of the following:

1. Rates of graduation, truancy, attendance, suspension, and expulsion in the
previous school year.
2. The PCP school's requirements for promotion from grade to grade and for
3. The number of pupils with disabilities enrolled in the previous school year.
4. The services provided by the PCP school to pupils with disabilities.
5. The PCP school's safety plan.
6. The PCP school's attrition rate for teachers in the previous school year, as
compared to the statewide attrition rate and the attrition rate of the eligible school
district or of the MPS, as appropriate, in the previous school year.
7. The PCP school's budget for the ensuing fiscal year and a five-year budget
The bill directs DPI to prepare a report card for each PCP school and post the
report cards on DPI's Internet site. Each PCP school must post its report card on its
Internet site.
Disclosure of results of tests, assessments, and standardized examinations
Under current law, each PCP school must provide to DPI (and, upon request,
to any pupil who attends or who is applying to attend the PCP school) pupil scores
on certain standardized examinations for each of the previous five school years. To
the extent permitted by federal law and ensuring confidentiality of records,
beginning in the 2012-13 school year, the bill requires each PCP school to report
scores for any assessments and examinations administered to pupils attending the
PCP school, and to make the information available in several formats and at a
specified level of detail associated with each format. The formats include posting
scores on the Internet Web site of the PCP school or the organization that oversees
the PCP school; forwarding electronic copies to DPI to post on its Internet Web site;
providing written copies to the parents and guardians of pupils attending the PCP
school; making copies available in a binder at the front desk of the PCP school; and
posting the mean average class growth assessments on a poster on the wall of the
PCP school.
Beginning in the 2012-13 school year, the bill also requires a school board and
the operator of a charter school to report the scores from standardized examinations
required to be administered to pupils at the same level of detail and, with some
exceptions, in the same formats required of PCP schools. School boards are not
required to provide copies of the scores in a binder at the front desk of the school.
Exclusion of private schools from a PCP for fraudulent representations
Under current law, DPI may bar a private school from participating in a PCP
if DPI determines that the school has violated certain prohibitions. For example, a
PCP school that fails to submit an independent financial audit of the school that has
been conducted by a certified public accountant may be barred from participating in
a PCP. Current law also prohibits a person, with the intent to sell a product or service
to the public or induce the public to enter into a contract, from making any assertion
or statement that is untrue, deceptive, or misleading in its advertising or other
representations made to the public. The bill authorizes DPI to prohibit a private

school from participating in a PCP in the following school year if the private school
has violated this prohibition.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB748, s. 1 1Section 1. 115.28 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748,4,122 115.28 (7) (b) Subject to the same rules and laws concerning qualifications of
3applicants and granting and revocation of licenses or certificates under par. (a), the
4state superintendent shall grant certificates and licenses to teachers in private
5schools and tribal schools, except that teaching experience requirements for such
6certificates and licenses may be fulfilled by teaching experience in public, private,
7or tribal schools. An applicant is not eligible for a license or certificate unless the
8state superintendent finds that the private school or tribal school in which the
9applicant taught offered an adequate educational program during the period of the
10applicant's teaching therein. Private Except as provided in ss. 118.60 (7) (b) 9. and
11119.23 (7) (b) 9., private
schools are not obligated to employ only licensed or certified
AB748, s. 2 13Section 2. 115.28 (27) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748,5,514 115.28 (27) School assessment guide. Develop a guide for parents to use in
15assessing public and private schools, including charter schools. The guide shall
16include information on how to evaluate the academic performance of pupils enrolled
17in a school, a school's academic opportunities, a school's expenditures per enrolled
18pupil, the education and experience levels of teachers, and the opportunities for
19parental involvement in a school and classroom, and may include additional
20information. In developing the guide, the department shall consult with the

1Wisconsin Association of School Boards, the Wisconsin Association of School District
2Administrators, the Wisconsin Charter Schools Association, the Wisconsin Council
3of Religious and Independent Schools, the Wisconsin Education Association Council,
4and School Choice Wisconsin, Inc. The department shall post the guide on its
5Internet site and make copies of the guide available to schools upon request.
AB748, s. 3 6Section 3. 118.19 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748,5,127 118.19 (1) Except as provided in s. 118.40 (8) (b) 2., any person seeking to teach
8in a public school, including a charter school, or; in a school or institution operated
9by a county or the state; or, beginning in the 2012-13 school year and except as
10provided in ss. 118.60 (7) (b) 9. b. and 119.23 (7) (b) 9. b., in a private school
11participating in the program under s. 118.60 or 119.23
shall first procure a license
12or permit from the department.
AB748, s. 4 13Section 4. 118.225 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2011 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB748,5,19 15118.225 Teacher and principal evaluations. (intro.) A school board may
16use value-added analyses of scores on pupil assessments and the examinations
17administered to pupils under s. 118.30 and 20 USC 6311 (b) (3) to evaluate teachers
18and principals if the school board has developed a teacher and principal evaluation
19plan that includes all of the following:
AB748, s. 5 20Section 5. 118.225 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB748,5,2221 118.225 (3) The rationale for using examination results to evaluate teachers
22and principals.
AB748, s. 6 23Section 6. 118.30 (1m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748,5,2524 118.30 (1m) (c) To the extent permitted under 20 USC 1232g and 43 CFR part
2599, beginning in the 2012-13 school year, do all of the following:
11. a. Except as provided in subd. 1. b., report the scores from any examinations
2required to be administered under this subsection or sub. (6) or (7) for the 5 preceding
3school years on the school district's Internet site as soon as the information becomes
4available and no later than 30 days after receiving scores from the testing company.
5Scores under this subdivision shall be reported by grade and class and shall include
6the total number of questions, the number and percentage of questions each pupil
7answered correctly, the number of questions each pupil answered incorrectly, the
8mean percentile for the class, the mean average percentile distributions, the mean
9average scores, and the mean percentage distributions for the examination as a
10whole and for each of the following topics and subtopics: reading, including
11determining meaning, understanding texts, analyzing texts, and evaluating and
12extending texts; mathematics, including processing number operations, geometry,
13measurement, statistics and probability, and algebraic relationships; science; social
14studies; and any other topic or subtopic included in the examination.
AB748,6,1815 b. A school district is not required to report the information under subd. 1. a.
16if the number of pupils in a category is insufficient to yield statistically reliable
17information or the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an
18individual pupil.
AB748,6,2019 2. Provide the department with an electronic copy of the information described
20in subd. 1.
AB748,6,2421 3. Provide the parent or guardian of each pupil enrolled in the school district
22with a paper copy of the information described in subd. 1. The information shall be
23printed in at least 12-point type and provided as soon as it becomes available and
24no later than 30 days after receiving scores from the testing company.
14. In each school in the school district, prominently display the Measures of
2Academic Progress growth assessments and the growth assessments for any other
3nationally recognized assessments administered during the school year to pupils
4attending the school on the wall of the school within 30 days of receiving scores from
5the assessment company. The display under this subdivision shall provide mean
6average class growth for each grade and class in the school to which the assessments
7were administered in the school year in each of the following subjects:
AB748,7,88 a. Reading.
AB748,7,99 b. Language arts.
AB748,7,1010 c. Math.
AB748,7,1111 d. Science.
AB748,7,1212 e. Social studies.
AB748, s. 7 13Section 7. 118.30 (1r) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB748,7,1514 118.30 (1r) (c) To the extent permitted under 20 USC 1232g and 43 CFR part
1599, beginning in the 2012-13 school year, do all of the following:
AB748,8,416 1. a. Except as provided in subd. 1. b., report the scores from any examinations
17required to be administered under this subsection or sub. (6) for the 5 preceding
18school years on the school's Internet site as soon as the information becomes
19available and no later than 30 days after receiving scores from the testing company.
20Scores under this subdivision shall be reported by grade and class and shall include
21the total number of questions, the number and percentage of questions each pupil
22answered correctly, the number of questions each pupil answered incorrectly, the
23mean percentile for the class, the mean average percentile distributions, the mean
24average scores, and the mean percentage distributions for the examination as a
25whole and for each of the following topics and subtopics: reading, including

1determining meaning, understanding texts, analyzing texts, and evaluating and
2extending texts; mathematics, including processing number operations, geometry,
3measurement, statistics and probability, and algebraic relationships; science; social
4studies; and any other topic or subtopic included in the examination.
AB748,8,85 b. The operator of a charter school is not required to report the information
6under subd. 1. a. if the number of pupils in a category is insufficient to yield
7statistically reliable information or the results would reveal personally identifiable
8information about an individual pupil.
AB748,8,109 2. Provide the department with an electronic copy of the information described
10in subd. 1.
AB748,8,1411 3. Provide the parent or guardian of each pupil enrolled in the charter school
12with a paper copy of the information described in subd. 1. The information shall be
13printed in at least 12-point type and provided as soon as it becomes available and
14no later than 30 days after receiving scores from the testing company.
AB748,8,2115 4. Prominently display the Measures of Academic Progress growth
16assessments and the growth assessments for any other nationally recognized
17assessments administered during the school year to pupils attending the charter
18school on the wall of the school within 30 days of receiving scores from the assessment
19company. The display under this subdivision shall provide mean average class
20growth for each grade and class in the school to which the assessments were
21administered in the school year in each of the following subjects:
AB748,8,2222 a. Reading.
AB748,8,2323 b. Language arts.
AB748,8,2424 c. Math.
AB748,8,2525 d. Science.
1e. Social studies.
AB748, s. 8 2Section 8. 118.30 (4m) of the statutes is created to read: