(1) (a) 1. Any member of the legislature who has signified, by affidavit
5filed with the department of administration, the necessity of establishing a
6temporary residence at the state capital for the period of any regular or special
1legislative session shall be entitled to an allowance for expenses incurred for food and
2lodging for each day that he or she is in Madison on legislative business, but not
3including any Saturday or Sunday unless the legislator is in actual attendance on
4such day at a session of the legislature or a meeting of a standing committee of which
5the legislator is a member. The amount of the allowance for each biennial session
6shall be 90% of the per diem rate for travel for federal government business within
7the city of Madison, as established by the federal general services administration.
8For the purpose of determining the amount of the allowance, the director of the office
9of state employment relations shall certify to the chief clerk of each house the federal
10per diem rate in effect on December 1, or the first business day thereafter if December
111 is not a business day, in each even-numbered year. Each legislator shall file an
12affidavit with the chief clerk of his or her house certifying the specific dollar amount
13within the authorized allowance the member wishes to receive. Such affidavit, when
14filed, shall remain in effect for the biennial session.
A legislator may not claim a per
15diem allowance for more than 50 days in a year.