2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
June 21, 2011 - Introduced by Senators Lasee and Galloway, cosponsored by
Representatives Steineke, Rivard, Bies, Brooks, Craig, Endsley, Jacque,
Kaufert, Krug, Petryk, Pridemore, Tiffany, Tranel
and Weininger. Referred
to Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.
SB133,1,7 1An Act to renumber and amend 30.208 (2); to amend 30.18 (4) (a), 30.208 (3)
2(a), 30.208 (3) (b), 30.208 (3) (c), 30.208 (3) (e), 30.208 (4) (a), 30.208 (5) (a)
3(intro.), 30.208 (5) (b) (intro.), 30.208 (5) (b) 4., 30.208 (5) (b) 5., 30.209 (2) (a),
430.209 (2) (b), 30.209 (2) (c) and 30.209 (2) (d) (intro.); and to create 30.208 (2)
5(d), 30.208 (3) (f), 30.208 (4m) and 30.209 (2) (e) of the statutes; relating to:
6procedures for applications and hearings relating to permits and contracts for
7structures, deposits, and other activities in or near navigable waters.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, an individual permit or contract from the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) is required to place a structure or deposit in, or withdraw
water from, a navigable water or to conduct a certain activity in or near a navigable
water unless the structure, deposit or activity is exempt or is authorized by a general
In issuing a permit or approving a contract, DNR reviews the application,
determines whether it is complete, and notifies the applicant within 30 days after
receiving the application whether the application is complete (30-day review
period). If the application is incomplete, the applicant may supplement the
application, but DNR may not demand items of information that are not specified in
the notice as a condition for determining whether the application is complete, with

limited exceptions. Current law imposes no time limits on this process for
determining whether an application is complete other than the 30-day review
Once DNR determines the application is complete, current law imposes time
limits on the notice and public hearing procedures that apply to the application.
Within 15 days, DNR must provide notice to the public that the application is
complete (application notice). If the applicant has requested a public hearing as part
of the application, a notice of public hearing shall be included in the application
If the application notice does not contain a notice of public hearing, any person
may request a public hearing, or DNR may decide on its own to hold a public hearing
if DNR determines that there is a significant public interest in holding a hearing.
The public hearing request must be submitted by the interested person, or DNR's
decision to hold a public hearing must occur, within 30 days after DNR provides the
application notice. Within 15 days after the public hearing request is submitted by
an interested person or DNR makes its decision, DNR must give notice of the public
hearing (separate notice of hearing). DNR must hold the hearing within 30 days
after the notice of public hearing is either issued as part of the application notice or
as an independent separate notice of hearing.
Also, DNR must provide a period to receive public comments. This period last
for 30 days after the date on which DNR provides notice to the public that the
application is complete or for ten days after the date that a public hearing ends, if
one is held. Within 30 days after the public hearing is held or, if no public hearing
is held, within 30 days of the 30-day comment period, DNR must render a decision,
issuing the individual permit or contract.
Under the bill, the time limits for giving application notice and notice of public
hearing are not totally dependent on the date that the application is determined by
DNR to be complete. If, upon reviewing the application, DNR determines that the
application is complete and that no additional information is needed, DNR shall
inform the applicant of that fact within the 30-day review period. The date on which
this notice is sent triggers the time limits for the public hearing process and for
receiving public comments.
If DNR determines that the application is not complete, it may make only one
request for additional information during the 30-day review period. There is no time
limit on the applicant for providing the additional information but once it is
submitted, DNR must notify the applicant within ten days as to whether the
application is complete. Even if the application is not complete, the date on which
this second notice is sent triggers the time limits for the public hearing process and
for receiving public comments. Under the bill, the term used for such a date that
triggers the time limits is a "date of closure." DNR may ask for information to
supplement the one-time request for information, but such a request may not affect
the date of closure.
The bill shortens some of the time limits under the public hearing and comment
process. The 30-day time period for an interested party to request a public hearing
or for DNR to make a decision on its own to hold a public hearing is shortened from

30 days to 10 days and the 30-day time period for the rendering a decision is
shortened from 30 days to 20 days.
Under the bill, if DNR fails to comply with 30-day and ten-day time limits
relating to determining whether an application is complete, the date of closure shall
be the last day of the 30-day or ten-day time period. If DNR fails to comply with the
time limits relating to the public hearing and comment process, the application for
the permit or contract shall be considered to have been approved.
Under rules promulgated by DNR, in an administrative hearing in which an
applicant is contesting DNR's decision regarding a permit or contract, the applicant
has the burden of proof. Under the bill, DNR has the burden of proof if the applicant
is the person who requested the hearing. If the applicant is not the petitioner, the
petitioner has the burden of proof.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB133, s. 1 1Section 1. 30.18 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,3,102 30.18 (4) (a) Upon receipt of a complete application, the department shall
3follow the notice and hearing procedures under s. 30.208 (3) to (5)
The notice and
4hearing provisions of s. 30.208 (3) to (5) shall apply to an application under sub. (3)
5In addition to providing notice as required under s. 30.208 (3) to (5), the department
6shall mail a copy of the notice to every person upon whose land any part of the canal
7or any other structure will be located, to the clerk of the next town downstream, to
8the clerk of any village or city in which the lake or stream is located and which is
9adjacent to any municipality in which the withdrawal will take place and to each
10person specified in s. 281.35 (5) (b) or (6) (f), if applicable.
SB133, s. 2 11Section 2. 30.208 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 30.208 (2) (a) and amended
12to read:
SB133,4,813 30.208 (2) (a) Review; no additional information required. In issuing
14individual permits or entering contracts under this subchapter, the department shall

1initially determine whether a complete application for the permit or contract has
2been submitted and, no later than
review an application, and within 30 days after
3the application is submitted, the department shall determine that either the
4application is complete or that additional information is needed. If the department
5determines that the application is complete, the department shall
notify the
6applicant in writing about the initial determination of completeness of that fact
7within the 30-day period, and the date on which the notice under this paragraph is
8sent shall be considered the date of closure for purposes of sub. (3) (a)
SB133,4,20 9(b) Additional information requested. If the department determines that the
10application is incomplete, the department shall notify the applicant in writing and
11may make only one request for additional information during the 30-day period
12specified in par. (a). Within 10 days after receiving the additional information from
13the applicant, the department shall notify the applicant in writing as to whether the
14application is complete. The date on which the 2nd notice under this paragraph is
15sent shall be set as the date of closure for purposes of sub. (3) (a). The department
16may request additional information from the applicant to supplement the
17application, but the department may not request items of information that are
18outside the scope of the original request unless the applicant and the department
19both agree. A request for any such additional information may not affect the date
20of closure.
SB133,5,7 21(c) Specificity of notice; limits on information. Any notice stating that an
22application has been determined to be incomplete or any other request for
23information that is sent under par. (b)
shall state the reason for the determination
24or request and the specific items of information necessary to make the application
25complete. An applicant may supplement and resubmit an application that the

1department has determined to be incomplete. There is no limit on the number of
2times that an applicant may resubmit an application that the department has
3determined to be incomplete under this section. The department may not demand
4items of information that are not specified in the notice as a condition for determining
5whether the application is complete unless both the department and the applicant
6agree or unless the applicant makes material additions or alterations to the activity
7or project for which the application has been submitted
that are still needed.
SB133,5,10 8(e) Refund of fees. The rules promulgated under s. 299.05 apply only to
9applications for individual permits or contracts under this subchapter that the
10department has determined to be complete.
SB133, s. 3 11Section 3. 30.208 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB133,5,1512 30.208 (2) (d) Failure to meet time limits. If the department fails to meet the
1330-day time limit under par. (a) or 10-day time limit under par. (b), the application
14shall be considered to have a date of closure that is the last day of that 30-day or
1510-day time period for purposes of sub. (3) (a).
SB133, s. 4 16Section 4. 30.208 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,5,2417 30.208 (3) (a) Upon determination by the department under sub. (2), that an
18application submitted under sub. (1) is complete
Within 15 days after the date of
19closure, as determined under sub. (2) (a) or (b)
, the department shall provide notice
20of complete pending application to interested and potentially interested members of
21the public, as determined by the department. The department shall provide the
22notice within 15 days after the determination that the application is complete.
If the
23applicant has requested a public hearing as part of the submitted application, a
24notice of public hearing shall be part of the notice of complete pending application.
SB133, s. 5 25Section 5. 30.208 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.208 (3) (b) If the notice of complete pending application does not contain a
2notice of public hearing, any person may request a public hearing in writing or the
3department may decide to hold a public hearing without a request being submitted
4if the department determines that there is a significant public interest in holding a
SB133, s. 6 6Section 6. 30.208 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,6,127 30.208 (3) (c) A request for a public hearing under par. (b) must be submitted
8to the department or the department's decision to hold a public hearing must occur
9within 30 10 days after the department completes providing provides the notice of
10complete pending application. The department shall provide notice of public hearing
11within 15 days after the request for public hearing is submitted or the department
12makes its determination decision to hold a public hearing.
SB133, s. 7 13Section 7. 30.208 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,6,1814 30.208 (3) (e) Within 30 20 days after the public hearing is held completed or,
15if no public hearing is held, within 30 days of the 30-day comment period under sub.
16(4) (a), the department shall render a decision, issuing, denying, or modifying the
17permit or approving or disapproving the contract that is the subject of the application
18submitted under sub. (1).
SB133, s. 8 19Section 8. 30.208 (3) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB133,6,2320 30.208 (3) (f) If the department fails to comply with the time periods in this
21subsection or sub. (4), a decision issuing the permit, modifying the permit in the
22manner requested by the applicant for the permit, or approving the contract shall be
23considered to be rendered.
SB133, s. 9 24Section 9. 30.208 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.208 (4) (a) The department shall provide a period for public comment after
2the department has provided a notice of complete pending application under sub. (3)
3(a), during which time any person may submit written comments with respect to the
4application for the permit or contract. The department shall retain all of the written
5comments submitted during this period and shall consider all of the comments in the
6formulation of the final decision on the application. The period for public comment
7shall end on the 30th day following the date on which the department completes
8providing the notice of complete pending application, except as provided in par. (b).
SB133, s. 10 9Section 10. 30.208 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB133,7,1510 30.208 (4m) Denials. If a decision is issued by the department under this
11section that denies a permit or a modification of a permit or disapproves a contract,
12the notice of denial or disapproval shall set forth the specific reasons as to how the
13applicable provisions of this subchapter were not met. The notice of denial or
14disapproval may not be based on a determination that the application for the permit
15or contract was incomplete.
SB133, s. 11 16Section 11. 30.208 (5) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,7,2017 30.208 (5) (a) (intro.) The department shall, by rule, establish procedures for
18providing notices of complete pending applications and notices of public hearings to
19be provided under sub. (3), and notices of administrative hearings to be provided
20under s. 30.209 (1m). The procedures shall require all of the following:
SB133, s. 12 21Section 12. 30.208 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,7,2522 30.208 (5) (b) (intro.) The department shall, by rule, prescribe the form and
23content of notices of complete pending applications and notices of public hearings to
24be provided under sub. (3), and notices of administrative hearings to be provided
25under s. 30.209 (1m). Each notice shall include all of the following information:
SB133, s. 13
1Section 13. 30.208 (5) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,8,42 30.208 (5) (b) 4. For a notice of complete pending application and a notice of
3public hearing under sub. (3), a statement of the tentative determination to issue,
4modify, or deny a permit for the activity or project described in the application.
SB133, s. 14 5Section 14. 30.208 (5) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,8,96 30.208 (5) (b) 5. For a notice of complete pending application and a notice of
7public hearing under sub. (3), a brief description of the procedures for the
8formulation of final determinations, including a description of the comment period
9required under sub. (4).
SB133, s. 15 10Section 15. 30.209 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,8,1211 30.209 (2) (a) An administrative hearing under this subsection section shall be
12treated as a contested case under ch. 227.
SB133, s. 16 13Section 16. 30.209 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB133,8,2114 30.209 (2) (b) If a stay under sub. (1m) (c) is in effect, the hearing examiner
15shall, within 30 days after receipt of the referral under sub. (1m) (g), determine
16whether continuation of the stay is necessary to prevent significant adverse impacts
17or irreversible harm to the environment pending completion of the administrative
18hearing. The hearing examiner shall make the determination based on the request
19under sub. (1m) (c), any response from the applicant under sub. (1m) (e), and any
20testimony at a public hearing or any public comments. The determination shall be
21made without a hearing.