4. Describe any known adverse environmental impacts that are likely to be
caused by bulk sampling and how those impacts will be avoided or minimized to the
extent practicable.
The bill requires DNR, within 14 days of receipt of a bulk sampling plan, to
identify in writing any kind of approval that DNR issues that is needed to conduct
the proposed bulk sampling, such as a wastewater discharge permit or a wetland
water quality certification, and any waivers, exemptions, or exceptions to those
approvals that may be available.
The bill requires a person who has submitted a bulk sampling plan to submit
all applications for approvals and for waivers, exemptions, or exceptions to approvals
for the bulk sampling at one time.
The bill specifies deadlines for DNR to act on approvals needed to conduct bulk
sampling that would not otherwise apply to those types of approvals. When a person

who files a bulk sampling plan applies for an approval or a waiver, exemption, or
exception to an approval, the application is considered to be complete on the 30th day
after DNR receives the application, unless before that day DNR informs the person
that the application is not complete. Once an application is considered to be
complete, DNR must act within 30 days on an application for a waiver, exemption,
or exception to an approval, for a determination that an activity is below the
threshold that requires an approval, or for a determination of eligibility for coverage
under a general permit or a registration permit. For other approvals, DNR must act
within 60 days after the application is considered to be complete, except that if it is
not possible for DNR to act on approval for an individual permit, such as a
wastewater discharge permit, for which federal law requires an opportunity for
public comment or the ability to request a hearing before issuance of the permit
within 60 days, it must act within 180 days.
Under current law, if a proposed state agency action, such as the issuance of a
permit, authorization, or exception, will affect any site that is significant in the
history, prehistory, architecture, archaeology, or culture of this state (historic
property), the state agency must notify the director of the State Historical Society
(SHS) or his or her designee (state historic preservation officer). If the state historic
preservation officer determines that the proposed agency action will have an adverse
effect on a historic property that is listed on the national or state register of historic
places, the Wisconsin inventory of historic places, or SHS's list of locally designated
historic places, that officer may require negotiations with the state agency to reduce
that adverse effect.
The bill requires a bulk sampling plan to include: 1) a description of any
adverse effects that the bulk sampling might have on any historic property or on any
scenic or recreational areas; and 2) plans to avoid or minimize those adverse effects
to the extent practicable. The bill also provides that if DNR determines that an
applicant has taken measures to minimize the adverse effects of proposed bulk
sampling on a historic property, DNR is not required to notify the state historic
preservation officer, and the state historic preservation officer may not require
negotiations to reduce that adverse effect. If that adverse effect cannot practicably
be minimized, any negotiations between DNR and the state historic preservation
officer must be completed within 60 days.
DNR is not required to prepare an environmental impact statement for
proposed bulk sampling. Also, the bill requires DNR to act on any required
construction site erosion control or storm water management approval, even if DNR
has authorized a local program to issue approvals for construction site erosion
control or stormwater management.
Under current law, a person who gives notice of intent to apply for a metallic
mining permit must pay a fee established by DNR by rule designed to cover the costs
incurred by DNR in connection with the proposed mining during the year following
receipt of the proposed notice. The person must also pay fees for any approvals other
than the mining permit that are needed to conduct the mining. The law requires
DNR to annually compare the fees paid by an applicant with the costs incurred by

DNR in connection with the proposed mining. If the costs incurred by DNR exceed
the fees paid, the person must pay a fee equal to the difference.
Under this bill, an applicant is required to pay a mining permit application fee,
but is not required to pay an application or filing fee for any other approval, except
for an application fee for an approval for a water diversion for which review by the
other parties to the Great Lakes Water Resources Compact is required. The bill
requires DNR to assess a mining permit application fee equal to its costs for
evaluating a mining project or $2,000,000, whichever is less. An applicant must pay
$100,000 with the bulk sampling plan or, if no bulk sampling plan is filed, with the
notice of intent to file a mining permit application and then must make $250,000
payments when DNR shows that the previous payments have been fully allocated
against actual costs.
Current law imposes fees on the disposal of solid waste that are called tonnage
fees or tipping fees. Under the bill, the operator of a mining waste site must pay the
groundwater fee, the environmental repair fee, and the waste facility siting board fee
but is not subject to the recycling fee.
Net proceeds occupation tax
Under current law, the state imposes a net proceeds occupation tax on the
mining of metallic minerals in this state. The tax is based, generally, on a percentage
of net income from the sale of ore or minerals after certain mining processes have
been applied to the ore or minerals.
Under current law, the revenue collected from the net proceeds occupation tax
is deposited into the investment and local impact fund. The fund is managed by the
local impact fund board. The revenue is then, generally, distributed to the counties
and municipalities in which metallic minerals are being mined.
Under the bill, 60 percent of the revenue collected from the net proceeds
occupation tax on extracting ferrous metallic minerals in this state is deposited into
the investment and local impact fund and 40 percent of the revenue is deposited into
the general fund.
Shoreland and floodplain zoning
Current law prohibits locating a solid waste facility in an area that is covered
by a shoreland or floodplain zoning ordinance unless the facility is authorized under
a permit issued by DNR. This bill requires DNR to specify in the permit the
authorized location, height, or size of the facility that may be located in the area. This
bill also specifies that DNR may not prohibit a waste site, structure, building, fill, or
other development or construction activity (activity) to be located in an area that
would otherwise be prohibited under a shoreland or floodplain zoning ordinance if
the activity is authorized by DNR as part of a mining operation covered by an iron
mining permit.
Current law provides that a structure, building, fill, or development (structure)
that is placed or maintained in a floodplain in violation of a floodplain zoning
ordinance is a public nuisance and provides that any person placing or maintaining
the structure may be subject to a fine. The bill specifies that these provisions do not

apply to a structure placed or maintained as part of a mining operation covered by
an iron mining permit issued by DNR.
Local impact committees
Current law authorizes a local or tribal government likely to be substantially
affected by proposed metallic mining to establish a local impact committee for
purposes that include facilitating communications with the mining company,
reviewing and commenting on reclamation plans, and negotiating an agreement
between the local or tribal government and the mining company. The law requires
the mining company to appoint a person to be the liaison with the local impact
committee and requires the mining company to make reasonable efforts to design
and carry out mining operations in harmony with community development
objectives. Under some circumstances, a local impact committee may receive
funding from the investment and local impact fund board.
This bill provides for local impact committees for proposed iron mines in a
manner similar to the manner in which those committees are established under
current law.
Rights and conditions relating to mining contracts and leases
Current law establishes certain rights and imposes certain conditions with
respect to contracts or leases that authorize a person to dig for ores and minerals,
including the conditions under which a miner may retain ore and minerals
discovered on the land, a miner's obligation to keep and to provide certain records
concerning mine operations, and the consequences to a miner who conceals or
disposes of any ores or minerals for the purpose of defrauding a lessor. Current law
also establishes a maximum term for exploration mining leases with regard to
minerals that contain metals.
This bill limits these current law provisions to mining activities relating to
nonferrous metallic mining.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB488, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.370 (2) (gh) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,23,62 20.370 (2) (gh) Mining — Nonferrous metallic mining regulation and
The amounts in the schedule for the administration, regulation and
4enforcement of nonferrous metallic mining exploration, prospecting, mining and
5mine reclamation activities under ch. 293. All moneys received under ch. 293 shall
6be credited to this appropriation.
SB488, s. 2
1Section 2. 20.370 (2) (gi) of the statutes is created to read:
SB488,24,42 20.370 (2) (gi) Ferrous metallic mining operations. All moneys received under
3subch. III of ch. 295 for the department of natural resource's operations related to
4ferrous metallic exploration and mining.
SB488, s. 3 5Section 3. 20.455 (1) (gh) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,24,96 20.455 (1) (gh) Investigation and prosecution. Moneys received under ss. 23.22
7(9) (c), 49.49 (6), 100.263, 133.16, 281.98 (2), 283.91 (5), 289.96 (3) (b), 291.97 (3),
8292.99 (2), 293.87 (4) (b), 295.19 (3) (b) 2., 295.79 (4) (b), and 299.97 (2), for the
9expenses of investigation and prosecution of violations, including attorney fees.
SB488, s. 4 10Section 4. 20.566 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,24,1311 20.566 (7) (e) Investment and local impact fund supplement. The amounts in
12the schedule to supplement par. (v) for the purposes of ss. 70.395, 293.33 (4) and,
13293.65 (5) (a), and 295.443.
SB488, s. 5 14Section 5. 20.566 (7) (v) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,24,1815 20.566 (7) (v) Investment and local impact fund. From the investment and local
16impact fund, all moneys received under s. 70.395 (1e) and (2) (dc) and (dg), less the
17moneys appropriated under s. 20.370 (2) (gr), to be disbursed under ss. 70.395 (2) (d)
18to (g), 293.33 (4) and, 293.65 (5) (a) , and 295.443.
SB488, s. 6 19Section 6. 25.46 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,24,2220 25.46 (7) The fees imposed under s. 289.67 (1) for environmental management,
21except that for each ton of waste, of the fees imposed under s. 289.67 (1) (cp) or (cv),
22$3.20 for each ton of waste is for nonpoint source water pollution abatement.
SB488, s. 7 23Section 7. 29.604 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,24,2524 29.604 (4) Prohibition. (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (6r) and (7m) or as
25permitted by departmental rule or permit:
SB488, s. 8
1Section 8. 29.604 (4) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,25,62 29.604 (4) (c) (intro.) No person may do any of the following to any wild plant
3of an endangered or threatened species that is on public property or on property that
4he or she does not own or lease, except in the course of forestry or agricultural
5practices or, in the construction, operation, or maintenance of a utility facility, or as
6part of bulk sampling activities under s. 295.45
SB488, s. 9 7Section 9. 29.604 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB488,25,148 29.604 (7m) Bulk sampling activities. A person may take, transport, or
9possess a wild animal on the department's endangered and threatened species list
10without a permit under this section if the person avoids and minimizes adverse
11impacts to the wild animal to the extent practicable, if the taking, transporting, or
12possession does not result in wounding or killing the wild animal, and if the person
13takes, transports, or possesses the wild animal for the purpose of bulk sampling
14activities under s. 295.45.
SB488, s. 10 15Section 10. 30.025 (1e) (title) and (a) of the statutes are repealed.
SB488, s. 11 16Section 11. 30.025 (1e) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.025 (4m) (b) and
17amended to read:
SB488,25,2018 30.025 (4m) (b) This section subsection does not apply to a proposal to construct
19a utility facility if the only permit that the utility facility is required to obtain from
20the department is a storm water discharge permit under s. 283.33 (1) (a).
SB488, s. 12 21Section 12. 30.025 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,26,422 30.025 (1m) Preapplication process. (intro.) Before filing an a combined
23application under this section for permits under sub. (1s) with the department in lieu
24of separate applications
, a person proposing to construct a utility facility shall notify
25the department of the intention to file an a combined application under sub. (1s).

1After receiving such notice, the department shall confer with the person, in
2cooperation with the commission, to make a preliminary assessment of the project's
3scope, to make an analysis of alternatives, to identify potential interested persons,
4and to ensure that the person making the proposal is aware of all of the following:
SB488, s. 13 5Section 13. 30.025 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,26,96 30.025 (1m) (c) The timing of information submissions that the person will be
7required to provide in order to enable the department to participate in commission
8review procedures and to process the combined application for permits in a timely
SB488, s. 14 10Section 14. 30.025 (1s) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,26,2011 30.025 (1s) (a) Any person proposing to construct a utility facility to which this
12section applies shall
may, in lieu of separate application for permits, submit one
13combined application for permits together with any additional information required
14by the department. The combined application for permits shall be filed with the
15department at the same time that an application for a certificate is filed with the
16commission under s. 196.49 or in a manner consistent with s. 196.491 (3) and shall
17include the detailed information that the department requires to determine whether
18an a combined application for permits is complete and to carry out its obligations
19under sub. (4). The department may require supplemental information to be
20furnished thereafter.
SB488, s. 15 21Section 15. 30.025 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,27,622 30.025 (2) Hearing. Once the applicant meets the requirements of sub. (1s) (a),
23the department may schedule the matter for a public hearing. Notice of the hearing
24shall be given to the applicant and shall be published as a class 1 notice under ch.
25985. The department may give such further notice as it deems proper, and shall give

1notice to persons requesting same. One copy of the combined application for permits
2shall be available for public inspection at the office of the department, at least one
3copy in the regional office of the department, and at least one copy at the main public
4library, of the area affected. Notwithstanding s. 227.42, the hearing shall be an
5informational hearing and may not be treated as a contested case hearing nor
6converted to a contested case hearing.
SB488, s. 16 7Section 16. 30.025 (2g) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,27,148 30.025 (2g) (b) (intro.) The department shall participate in commission
9investigations or proceedings under s. 196.49 or 196.491 (3) with regard to any
10proposed utility facility that is subject to this section for which a combined
11application for permits is filed under sub. (1s)
. In order to ensure that the
12commission's decision is consistent with the department's responsibilities, the
13department shall provide the commission with information that is relevant to only
14the following:
SB488, s. 17 15Section 17. 30.025 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,27,2116 30.025 (4) Permit conditions. The permit may be issued, or the authority to
17proceed under a permit may be granted, upon stated conditions deemed necessary
18to assure compliance with the criteria designated under sub. (3). The department
19shall grant or deny the combined application for a permit permits for the utility
20facility within 30 days of the date on which the commission issues its decision under
21s. 196.49 or 196.491 (3).
SB488, s. 18 22Section 18. 30.025 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB488,28,423 30.025 (4m) Procedure for a single permit application. (a) A person
24proposing to construct a utility facility for which not more than one permit is required
25may submit an application for that single permit with the department in the same

1manner as a combined application for permits may be submitted under sub. (1s). If
2the applicant elects to submit the application in the same manner as a combined
3application for permits, the procedures under this section that apply to a combined
4application for permits shall apply to that application for a single permit.
SB488, s. 19 5Section 19. 30.12 (3m) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,28,86 30.12 (3m) (c) (intro.) The department shall issue an individual permit to a
7riparian owner for a structure or a deposit pursuant to an application under par. (a)
8if the department finds that all of the following apply requirements are met:
SB488, s. 20 9Section 20. 30.123 (8) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 30.123 (8) (c) (intro.)
10and amended to read:
SB488,28,1311 30.123 (8) (c) (intro.) The department shall issue an individual permit
12pursuant to an application under par. (a) if the department finds that the all of the
13following requirements are met:
SB488,28,14 141. The bridge or culvert will not materially obstruct navigation,.
SB488,28,16 152. The bridge or culvert will not materially reduce the effective flood flow
16capacity of a stream, and.
SB488,28,17 173. The bridge or culvert will not be detrimental to the public interest.
SB488, s. 21 18Section 21. 30.133 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,28,2419 30.133 (2) This section does not apply to riparian land located within the
20boundary of any hydroelectric project licensed or exempted by the federal
21government, if the conveyance is authorized under any license, rule or order issued
22by the federal agency having jurisdiction over the project. This section does not apply
23to riparian land that is associated with an approval required for bulk sampling or
24mining that is required under subch. III of ch. 295.
SB488, s. 22 25Section 22. 30.19 (4) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.19 (4) (c) (intro.) The department shall issue an individual permit pursuant
2to an application under par. (a) if the department finds that all of the following apply
3requirements are met:
SB488, s. 23 4Section 23. 30.195 (2) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,29,75 30.195 (2) (c) (intro.) The department shall issue an individual permit applied
6for under this section to a riparian owner if the department determines that all of the
7following apply requirements are met:
SB488, s. 24 8Section 24. 31.23 (3) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB488,29,119 31.23 (3) (e) This subsection does not apply to a bridge that is constructed,
10maintained, or operated in association with mining or bulk sampling that is subject
11to subch. III of ch. 295.
SB488, s. 25 12Section 25. 44.40 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,29,1413 44.40 (5) This section does not apply as provided in s. 295.45 (6) or to any state
14agency action which is subject to 16 USC 461 to 470mm.
SB488, s. 26 15Section 26. 70.375 (1) (as) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,29,1816 70.375 (1) (as) "Mine" means an excavation in or at the earth's surface made
17to extract metalliferous minerals for which a permit has been issued under s. 293.49
18or 295.58.
SB488, s. 27 19Section 27. 70.375 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,30,220 70.375 (1) (bm) "Mining-related purposes" means activities which are directly
21in response to the application for a mining permit under s. 293.37 or 295.47; directly
22in response to construction, operation, curtailment of operation or cessation of
23operation of a metalliferous mine site; or directly in response to conditions at a
24metalliferous mine site which is not in operation. "Mining-related purposes" also
25includes activities which anticipate the economic and social consequences of the

1cessation of mining. "Mining-related purposes" also includes the purposes under s.
270.395 (2) (g).
SB488, s. 28 3Section 28. 70.38 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,30,74 70.38 (2) Combined reporting. If the same person extracts metalliferous
5minerals from different sites in this state, the net proceeds for each site for which a
6permit has been issued under s. 293.49 or 295.58 shall be reported separately for the
7purposes of computing the amount of the tax under s. 70.375 (5).
SB488, s. 29 8Section 29. 70.395 (1e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,30,169 70.395 (1e) Distribution. Fifteen days after the collection of the tax under ss.
1070.38 to 70.39, the department of administration, upon certification of the
11department of revenue, shall transfer the amount collected in respect to mines not
12in operation on November 28, 1981, to the investment and local impact fund, except
13that the department of administration shall transfer 60 percent of the amount
14collected from each person extracting ferrous metallic minerals to the investment
15and local impact fund and the department of revenue shall deposit 40 percent of the
16amount collected from any such person into the general fund