SB488,182,14 12(4) Subchapter VI of ch. 289 does not apply to mining waste disposed of in a
13mining waste site covered by a mining permit, except that an operator shall pay the
14fees specified in ss. 289.63 (4), 289.64 (3), and 289.67 (1) (d).
SB488,182,18 15295.75 Effect of other laws. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), if there is a
16conflict between a provision in this subchapter and a provision in ch. 23, 29, 30, 160,
17169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under one of those chapters,
18the provision in this subchapter controls.
SB488,182,20 19(2) (a) If there is a conflict between a provision in this subchapter and a
20provision in s. 281.343, the provision in s. 281.343 controls.
SB488,182,2221 (b) If there is a conflict between a provision in this subchapter and a provision
22in s. 281.346, the provision in s. 281.346 controls, except as provided in s. 295.57 (9).
SB488,182,25 23295.77 Review. (1) Notwithstanding s. 227.42, no person is entitled to a
24contested case hearing on a decision by the department under this subchapter or on
25a decision by the department relating to the issuance of an approval.
1(2) Judicial review of a decision described in sub. (1) is the exclusive method
2for challenging the decision. The court shall base review of a decision described in
3sub. (1) on the administrative record before the department. The scope of the review
4is that specified in s. 227.57. No judicial review is available before the department
5issues the final decision on an approval.
SB488,183,9 6295.78 Mining and reclamation; orders. (1) (a) If the department finds a
7violation of law or any unapproved deviation from the mining plan, reclamation plan,
8or mining waste site feasibility study and plan of operation at a mining site under
9a mining permit, the department shall do one of the following:
SB488,183,1210 1. Issue an order requiring the operator to comply with the law, mining plan,
11reclamation plan, or mining waste site feasibility study and plan of operation within
12a specified time.
SB488,183,1413 2. Require the alleged violator to appear before the department for a hearing
14and answer the department's charges.
SB488,183,1515 3. Request the department of justice to initiate action under s. 295.79.
SB488,183,1916 (b) Any order issued under par. (a) 1. following a hearing takes effect
17immediately. Any other order takes effect 10 days after the date the order is served,
18unless the person named in the order requests in writing a hearing before the
19department within the 10-day period.
SB488,183,2320 (c) If no hearing on an order issued under par. (a) 1. was held and if the
21department receives a request for a hearing within 10 days after the date the order
22is served, the department shall provide due notice and hold a hearing. If after the
23hearing the department finds that no violation has occurred, it shall rescind its order.
SB488,184,324 (d) If an operator fails to comply with an order issued under par. (a) 1. within
25the time for compliance specified in the order, the department shall suspend the

1mining permit until the operator fully complies with the order, except that if the
2operator seeks review of the order under s. 295.77, mining may continue until the
3final disposition of the action, except as provided under sub. (4).
SB488,184,64 (e) The department shall inform the department of justice of a suspension
5under par. (d) within 14 days. After receiving notice of a suspension, the department
6of justice may commence an action under s. 295.79.
SB488,184,16 7(2) If reclamation of a mining site is not proceeding in accordance with the
8reclamation plan and the operator has not begun to rectify deficiencies within the
9time specified in an order, or if the reclamation is not properly completed in
10conformance with the reclamation plan within one year after completion or
11abandonment of mining on any portion of the mining site, unless because of acts of
12God, such as adverse weather affecting grading, planting, and growing conditions,
13the department, with the staff, equipment, and material under its control, or by
14contract with others, shall take the actions that are necessary for the reclamation of
15mined areas. The operator is liable for the cost to the state of reclamation conducted
16under this subsection.
SB488,184,22 17(3) The department shall cancel all other mining permits held by an operator
18who refuses to reclaim a mining site in compliance with the reclamation plan after
19the completion of mining or after the cancellation of a mining permit. The
20department may not issue any mining permit for that mining site or any other
21mining site in this state to an operator who refused to reclaim the mining site in
22compliance with the reclamation plan.
SB488,185,3 23(4) At any time that the department determines that the continuance of mining
24constitutes an immediate and substantial threat to public health and safety or the
25environment, the department may request the department of justice to institute an

1action in circuit court of the county in which the mine is located for a restraining
2order or injunction or other appropriate remedy to stop mining until the immediate
3and substantial threat is eliminated.
SB488,185,5 4(5) Section 281.346 (7m) does not apply to a water withdrawal associated with
5a mining operation for which a mining permit has been issued.
SB488,185,9 6295.79 Enforcement; penalties. (1) The department of justice shall enforce
7this subchapter and any order issued under this subchapter. The circuit court of the
8county where the violation occurred has jurisdiction to enforce this subchapter or any
9orders issued under this subchapter, by injunction or other appropriate relief.
SB488,185,13 10(2) (a) Any person who authorizes or engages in mining without a mining
11permit and written authorization to mine under s. 295.59 (3) shall forfeit all profits
12obtained from those illegal activities and not more than $5,000 for each day during
13which the mine was in operation.
SB488,185,1514 (b) A person to whom par. (a) applies is also liable to the department for the full
15cost of reclaiming the affected area of land and any damages caused by the mining.
SB488,185,1916 (c) If the violator of par. (a) is a corporation, limited liability company,
17partnership, or association, any officer, director, member, manager, or partner who
18knowingly authorizes, supervises, or contracts for mining is also subject to the
19penalties in this subsection.
SB488,186,2 20(3) Any person who makes or causes to be made in an application or report
21required by this subchapter a statement known to the person to be false or
22misleading in any material respect or who refuses to submit information required by
23a mining permit or by this subchapter may be fined not less than $1,000 nor more
24than $5,000. If the false or misleading statement is material to the issuance of the
25mining permit and the mining permit would not have been issued had the false or

1misleading statement not been made, the court may revoke the mining permit. If any
2violation under this subsection is repeated the court may revoke the mining permit.
SB488,186,8 3(4) (a) Any person who commits a violation of this subchapter or any permit or
4order issued under this subchapter, except for the violations enumerated in subs. (2)
5or (3), shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $5,000 for each violation. Each
6day of continued violation is a separate offense, except that no forfeiture may be
7imposed during the time that continued mining is authorized under s. 295.63 (3).
8While an order is suspended, stayed, or enjoined, this penalty does not accrue.
SB488,186,149 (b) In addition to the penalties provided under par. (a), the court may award
10the department of justice the reasonable and necessary expenses of the investigation
11and prosecution of the violation, including attorney fees. The department of justice
12shall deposit in the state treasury for deposit into the general fund all moneys that
13the court awards to the department or the state under this paragraph. These moneys
14shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.455 (1) (gh).
SB488,186,16 15(5) Any person having an interest that is or may be adversely affected may
16intervene as a matter of right, in any enforcement action brought under this section.
SB488, s. 84 17Section 84. 299.85 (7) (a) 2. and 4. of the statutes are amended to read:
SB488,187,618 299.85 (7) (a) 2. Notwithstanding minimum or maximum forfeitures specified
19in ss. 29.314 (7), 29.334 (2), 29.604 (5) (a), 29.611 (11), 29.889 (10) (c) 2., 29.969,
2029.971 (1) (a), (1m) (a), (3), (3m), (11g) (b), (11m) (b), and (11r) (b), 30.298 (1), (2), and
21(3), 30.49 (1) (a) and (c), 31.23 (2), 281.75 (19), 281.98 (1), 281.99 (2) (a) 1., 283.91 (2),
22285.41 (7), 285.57 (5), 285.59 (8), 285.87 (1), 287.95 (1), (2) (b), and (3) (b), 287.97,
23289.96 (2) and (3) (a), 291.97 (1), 292.99 (1) and (1m), 293.81, 293.87 (3) and (4) (a),
24295.19 (3) (a) and (b) 1., 295.37 (2), 295.79 (2), (3), and (4), 299.15 (4), 299.51 (5),
25299.53 (4) (c) 1., 299.62 (3) (a) and (c), and 299.97 (1), if a regulated entity that

1qualifies under sub. (2) for participation in the Environmental Compliance Audit
2Program corrects violations that it discloses in a report that meets the requirements
3of sub. (3) within 90 days after the department receives the report that meets the
4requirements of sub. (3), the regulated entity may not be required to forfeit more than
5$500 for each violation, regardless of the number of days during which the violation
SB488,187,187 4. Notwithstanding minimum or maximum forfeitures specified in ss. 29.314
8(7), 29.334 (2), 29.604 (5) (a), 29.611 (11), 29.889 (10) (c) 2., 29.969, 29.971 (1) (a), (1m)
9(a), (3), (3m), (11g) (b), (11m) (b), and (11r) (b), 30.298 (1), (2), and (3), 30.49 (1) (a) and
10(c), 31.23 (2), 281.75 (19), 281.98 (1), 281.99 (2) (a) 1., 283.91 (2), 285.41 (7), 285.57
11(5), 285.59 (8), 285.87 (1), 287.95 (1), (2) (b), and (3) (b), 287.97, 289.96 (2) and (3) (a),
12291.97 (1), 292.99 (1) and (1m), 293.81, 293.87 (3) and (4) (a), 295.19 (3) (a) and (b)
131., 295.37 (2), 295.79 (2), (3), and (4), 299.15 (4), 299.51 (5), 299.53 (4) (c) 1., 299.62
14(3) (a) and (c), and 299.97 (1), if the department approves a compliance schedule
15under sub. (6) and the regulated entity corrects the violations according to the
16compliance schedule, the regulated entity may not be required to forfeit more than
17$500 for each violation, regardless of the number of days during which the violation
SB488, s. 85 19Section 85. 299.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,188,11 20299.95 Enforcement; duty of department of justice; expenses. The
21attorney general shall enforce chs. 281 to 285 and 289 to 295 and this chapter, except
22ss. 285.57, 285.59, and 299.64, and all rules, special orders, licenses, plan approvals,
23permits, and water quality certifications of the department, except those
24promulgated or issued under ss. 285.57, 285.59, and 299.64 and except as provided
25in ss. 285.86 and 299.85 (7) (am). The Except as provided in s. 295.79 (1), the circuit

1court for Dane county or for any other county where a violation occurred in whole or
2in part has jurisdiction to enforce chs. 281 to 285 and 289 to 295 or this chapter or
3the rule, special order, license, plan approval, permit, or certification by injunctional
4and other relief appropriate for enforcement. For purposes of this proceeding where
5chs. 281 to 285 and 289 to 295 or this chapter or the rule, special order, license, plan
6approval, permit or certification prohibits in whole or in part any pollution, a
7violation is considered a public nuisance. The department of natural resources may
8enter into agreements with the department of justice to assist with the
9administration of chs. 281 to 285 and 289 to 295 and this chapter. Any funds paid
10to the department of justice under these agreements shall be credited to the
11appropriation account under s. 20.455 (1) (k).
SB488, s. 86 12Section 86. 323.60 (1) (gm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB488,188,1413 323.60 (1) (gm) "Minerals" mean unbeneficiated metallic ore but does not
14include mineral aggregates such as stone, sand, and gravel.
SB488, s. 87 15Section 87. 323.60 (5) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,188,2516 323.60 (5) (d) 3. All facilities with 10 or more employees in major group
17classifications 10 to 13 in the standard industrial classification manual, 1987
18edition, published by the U.S. office of management and budget, at which a toxic
19chemical is used at or above an applicable threshold quantity, except that compliance
20with the toxic chemical release form requirements under this subdivision is not
21required for the placement of a toxic chemical in a storage or disposal site or facility
22that is located at a facility with a permit under ch. 293 or a mining permit under
23subch. III of ch. 295
if the toxic chemical consists of or is contained in merchantable
24by-products, as defined in s. 293.01 (7) or 295.41 (25), minerals as defined in s. 293.01
, or refuse, as defined in s. 293.01 (25) or 295.41 (41).
SB488, s. 88
1Section 88. 710.02 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB488,189,32 710.02 (2) (d) An exploration mining lease as defined in s. 107.001 (1) and land
3used for mining and associated activities under chs. 293 and 295.
SB488, s. 89 4Section 89. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB488,189,55 (1) Rules.
SB488,189,156 (a) The department of natural resources shall submit in proposed form rules
7revising chapters NR 130, 131, 132, and 182, Wisconsin Administrative Code, that
8are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph and revising any other rules
9promulgated under section 293.13 (1) (a) of the statutes that are in effect on the
10effective date of this paragraph to the legislative council staff under section 227.15
11(1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 5th month beginning after the
12effective date of this paragraph. The proposed revised rules shall clarify that
13chapters NR 130, 131, 132, and 182, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and any other
14rules promulgated under section 293.13 (1) (a) of the statutes do not apply to ferrous
15metallic mining.
SB488,190,216 (b) The department of natural resources shall submit in proposed form rules
17revising chapters NR 500 to 555 and 600 to 679, Wisconsin Administrative Code, that
18are in effect on the effective date of this paragraph and revising any other rules
19promulgated under sections 289.05 and 289.06 (1) of the statutes that are in effect
20on the effective date of this paragraph to the legislative council staff under section
21227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 5th month beginning after
22the effective date of this paragraph. The department shall revise the rules in
23chapters NR 500 to 555 and 600 to 679, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and any
24other rules promulgated under sections 289.05 and 289.06 (1) of the statutes so that

1they are consistent with subchapter III of chapter 295, of the statutes, as created by
2this act.
SB488,190,93 (c) The department of natural resources shall submit, to the legislative council
4staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes, no later than the first day of the 5th
5month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph, in proposed form rules
6revising any rules of the department that are in effect on the effective date of this
7paragraph, in addition to the rules under paragraphs (a ) and (b), that provide
8exemptions for nonferrous mining or associated activities to provide the same
9exemptions for ferrous mining and associated activities.
SB488,190,1210 (d) Notwithstanding section 227.137 (2) of the statutes, the department of
11natural resources is not required to prepare an economic impact report for the
12revised rules required under paragraphs (a ) to (c).
SB488,190,1313 (End)